
Sleep is golden.

"Okay, okay. Calm down." I said as I tried to regain my balance. Those mushrooms, while large and buoyant, are still soft, just like mushrooms are supposed to be.

Not the soft you'd expect, though. I tried cutting the mushroom but to no succsess, but the mushrooms were still very flexible, so if I were to carelessly jum on tom of one, it would sink for a few seconds, which is more than enough time to die in the acid. Luckily, I have the support of the manipulators, so even if the mushroom below me does collapse, I can grab onto a namipulator and float above the acid, though that comes with it's own dangers.

Bubbles of gas constatntly pop out from the liquid like geysers, and I would get knocked down if I get hit by one of those geysers, so this area really is quite dangerous. One more thing is that even though I can "fly", I still woudn't be able to get higher than three meters in the air, because anywhere above that is poisonous gas.

"Well, all the danger aside, this place does look pretty stunning, I have to admit." Epecially the acidic green, which illuminates the lower half of the room, leaving the upper half dark.

I have no idea how large the room is, but the mushrooms seem to lead me in a general direction, so I will just carefully jump from one mushroom to the other, while also watching out for the streams of poisonous steam - the geisers.

I leapt from one mushroom to the other, and then I noticed something a little worrying.

"Are they.. getting smaller. Argh, that's such a headache." I said with a dissatisfied voice.

"Ah, whatever, I beat the Cerberus himself, so how hard could this be?" I said and jumped to the next mushroom.

One after the other, they kept getting smaller and smaller, plus they could hold a lot less weight when their size decreased, making it even harder to stabilize myself. If I didn't have the manipulators' help here, I would have fallen down a few times already.

I wish the geysers were a little lower, but they always get the same heigh, three meters. That's exactly as low as the gas cloud is, so I have absolutely no way to fly around safely. I'll just keep going for the time being, and once they get too small I'll think of a new solution.


With each new mushroom, things get harder and harder but at least it's consistent. Consistency is not always great though, because now I'm basically stuck on a single mushroom, and the enxt one is not even as wide as my body, so even while I'm above it there is a chance to get shot by a gayser.

As far as new solutions go, I think I found a decent one.

"Okay.. This should be fine for the time being, right?" I took the cerberus' hide from my inventory and cut it out to be a circular shape the size of my palm.

I put it on top of a manipulaotr and made it float above the acid until a gayser errupted, and, to my luck, the hide was fine. In fact, there wasn't even a sligh burn on the surface, so that means that the cerberus had insanely good magic resistance.

I took the largest intact piece of hide I had with me, and trimmed it to make it a large square, about four meters wide. After all, the beast was huge and this was his back. I cut each corner of the square in half and tied each corner around one manipulator.

After that, I made the manipulators dunk the hide in acid to clean it, and it came out completely fresh, but some acid stayed on. Now, the final step was to wash it with some water (high level blood) and let it dry.


Three hours of waiting later, and my personal magic carpet is ready to take off. I crawled onto it and made the daggers fly up. The fur became very soft after this cleaning procedure, so I decidede to take some acid in my inventory for later use. Also, after reaching level one hundred, which I have already done, I can slow down the time inside my inventory by 100%, meaning that I can store food and water forever, along with anything else.

I can even store a bomb which is abou to blow up, and I'd just have to take it out sometime later.

"Ahh, what a nice bed I have. Welp, good night." I stretched and layed down. This was one of the comfiest beds I've ever slept on, plus it's portable and nearly indestructable.

I made my "bed" fly in the direction in which the mushrooms are headed, and took a nap. It's become a sort of habbit, you know, sleeping whenever I need to wait.

I think that's just because waiting is something I do so often, and that's the most productive way to do nothing. Okay, it sounds a lot worse when I put it like that, but you get the point.

Oh, you're wondering who I am always speaking with? Well of course, it's myself. I'd lose my mind if I spent so much time with no one to talk to, so I just explain my thoughts to myslelf, either in my head or out loud.

Also, it helps to lay my thoughts out, so that I know what I'm doing more clearly.

Anyways, now that I've had a good sleep, why am I not moving?

"Hm, well that was easy." I said as I saw the elevator door. I pressed the button, and, as usual, the door opened and I walked in. "Walked" is a relative term, since I can only properly walk with one foot and I haven't found a good replacement, but a manipulator does the job for now.

The other three manipulators retreated into my inventory, along with the fur. Alrighty, I'm full of energy and I still haven't tested out my new powers yet, so it's about time I actually beat something up, for real this time.

A chill, relaxing chapter. Well, it wouldn't have been this relaxing if River didn't come up with this idea though.

Anyway, as always - I hope you enjoyed.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts