this existed back in the day
I haven't personally held or even seen [manipulators] before, but those weapons don't have any trait in particular.
In other words, they will have the abilities which I imagined them with the first time I pick them up. That step is called formation. If I were to imagine my manipulators to be a staff that can cast spells instead of me, then that's what it will be. The his seems somewhat overpowered, and I'm not gonna lie to you - it really is.
Of course, just like any other weapon, they have their own limitations. Firstly, after the formation is done, it's impossible to change the weapon again. It's like a one-way ticket.
The second limiting factor is that the amount of power or the strength of the ability that the weapon isn't unlimited. Manipulators are fueled by mana, and the way mana is supplied is also decided during formation.
For example, if you have a large manapool you can make it use your mana to activate it's ability, but if you don't want the weapon to use your own, then there is a huge variety of external sources to get mana from.
The most common one of them is to use mana from the atmosphere, as that allows your own mana remain unaffected and removes the need to use mana potions or other methods.
Of course, the amount of mana in the atmosphere isn't as high as the mana in potions or your own mana, so that will be a big limiting factor.
Those weapons are also considered to be indestructible, but that's not quite right. It is true that they have some insane durability and they don't get worn out in fights no matter through how many fights you go through, but there is a way to break them.
You have to destroy the weapon into millions of pieces in a single attack, because the truth behind the "indestructibility" is just instant regeneration. The only way to prevent the regeneration from working is by shattering the weapons into 1000000 or more individual pieces.
So, I think it's fair to say that they're "durable".
I've waited out the time and received my manipulators, but the manipulators were inside a case. The dwarf told me not to open the case until I'm out in an open field far away from everything, for reasons unspecified. On the way to an open field, I examined the case, and I gotta say, it looks prety good. It's back and has golden engraving aound it. At the front is what looks like like a lock.
"That's pretty wierd, isn't it?" The drarf didn't give me a key or anything, so how am I supposed to open it? Unless that is somhow related to going out into the open field, which could very well be true. Well, I guess I'll find out when I leave the forest.
So, what's the best way to open the manipulators and test them out right away? Well, I think the answer is pretty obvious - in a place filled with monster.
A dungeon won't work, since dungeons take three months to restore, and only then new monster and loot will appear. I think it's some sort of a balance system for this world, to prevent villages from leeching onto a single dungeon for all of their materals.
It's a shame, really, but my opinion doesn't matter.
After a bit of though, I made up my mind.
A lot of isekai mangas and novels I've read had a pretty interesting solution to deal with "trash". By trash I mean heroes, who are either considered too dangerous to be kept alive, or are summoned to this world with useless abilities. A healer would often be considered as one of them, but some mangas do the opposite - they say healers are the best.
So, if you are a hero and you do something bad, like going against the princess, you will be considered as "trash" for sure. So, what would you do if you had a load of trash in your room? That's right, you would thow it into a bin. And what happens after the trash is in your bin? You take the trash out, and it gets thrown into the dump.
The dump - that's exactly where I'm heading. It's a place notoriously know for it's low survival rates. How low, you ask? Haha, well.
It's zero. Zero percent survival rate. Not a single person has yet managed to escape from form the "dump" before, and some of the people who were sent there were the world's strongest fighters.
Of course, that also means that the level of the monsters down there is astronomically high.
You basically have to have some kind of cheat, like percentage based damage or abnormal status effects that work against anything. Knowing that, my chancer for survival in the dump would be zero.. under normal circumstances.
But more on that later.
"First things first, I need to come back home." I want to meet Lime and Tutor, and tell them that I'll be going away for another long while.
As for the food, I have a supply of wyvern meat that will last for a few months, so all I need to buy is salt and pepper. Of course, I also have to drink, but since water weighs too much I won't be able to take a lot with me. I have a solution for that, though.
"I just have to drink the monster's blood." Yep. Simple, isn't it?
It's something I found out about quite recently, actually. The higher the level of a monster, the more it resemples pure water. I honestly have no idea why that's the case, but it's not like I have to know. A fact remains a fact.
"Alrighty scroll, I gave you two days to charge - let's go to the city where I was summoned to. Well, I dont know the name of it, but I'm sure you can figure it out." After seeing the light so many times now, it doesn't seem so blinding anymore, in fact, I'd say that I've grown to like it.
And so, the award for the most overused word of the chapter goes to.. *drum roll*.. the one and only [manipulator].
~Hope you enjoyed the chapter.