
Third Great War (Warcraft fanfic)

Legends told of the Third Great War that ravaged the lands. The war that made all mortal lives flee to Kalimdor The war that brought the living against the undead and demons. The war that brought together Humans, Orcs, and Elves in a fight for survival __________________________________________ Please support me at Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Sleepyweepy1

Sleepyweepy · วิดีโอเกม
27 Chs

Chapter 21

The Elf nodded, said "Yes, I noticed them as well beginning to group from under the trees. I do not know where they all came from, but they have much strength in numbers. Suddenly they just pulled together, right before my very own eyes"

"Sergeant, how many would you estimate there are?" Arthas inquired.

"Many thousands milord, more coming every moment" the panting footman said.

"And they are moving along the King's Road you say?"

Once again the guard nodded, now bent over clutching his knees.

"Sergeant, find yourself a horse from one of the villagers from the south, or stables if any still remain here, and get word back to Lordegarde. I request the presence of the nearest stationed Alliance army south of Andorhol by tomorrow if at all possible, and if you see any forces along the way tell them to report here as well, under the command of the Crown Prince of Lordaeron. Make sure they tell my father that an army of undead is moving about the countryside, and there may be more" Arthas commanded.

The sergeant acknowledged, saluted and went off to find a horse and spread the word.

In a flash of light, Jaina appeared, the magic's of Kirin Tor teleportation doing good yet again.

"Arthas, I was researching the poisoned grain, and it seems that the grain itself is tainted with a magical disease that involves necromantic powers, killing the victim, and making them rise hours later-"

"There's time for research and explanation later, Jaina. We're moving north immediately. You can discuss your findings with Sir Faim'las here" Arthas gestured towards the elf, who had continued to stand as if stone throughout the entire conversation.

"The undead are moving, whether raised from this town or another, and are grouping together. They appear to be striking at the northern towns, gathering more dead for their force"

The contingent regrouped as quickly as possible, and prepared to give chase to the undead, and meet up with whatever Alliance forces were available at the given moment.

As the group moved up the road, the main granary warehouse came into vision, the same reeking death filling the ground below it and the tall grass.

Before the house however were several men dressed in black, boxes bearing the agricultural seal on them. One stood above the others however, and wore a crude goat skull over his head to hide most of his face. Arthas could have sworn he had seen a smile coming from under the skull.

The black robed wizard glanced at his allies, and gestured for them to flee.

"I see you've discovered our little Plague, my young friends" the wizard spoke to them, holding his hand parallel to the ground. Soon enough, his hand had begun to glow a eerily green. Suddenly, the ground cracked open, and several more skeletons, brown with dirt and age, rose out of the ground, and charged at Alliance soldiers.

"I'm sorry I can't stay and chat, but, duty calls. Your land's time has come. If you wish to discover more, seek me out at Andorhol, but do be warned, your curiosity will be the death of you"

In an instant, the black robed wizard was gone, in a flash of blinding white light, much like Jaina's Kirin Tor blink abilities. The wizard's minions charged, all filled with the same sickly green or bluish tint seemingly emanating from within their ribcage.

The last thing Arthas saw before one of the skeletal figures jumped on him was one of his footmen being torn to shreds by the superhuman strength of the necromantically charged undead.

Swinging the Might of Menethil around his head, he crushed the decrepit skull of the skeletal being as it rushed toward him, decapitating it. The blue glow diminished as the creature fell to the floor with a clatter.

It didn't take long to clean up the attack; a few ravenous skeletons, nothing more. After burning the grain warehouse, Arthas sought out Jaina, speaking to her

"Who do you think that man in black was?"

"Obviously a mage of sort. I believe he would call himself a necromancer, one that deals with the dark arts of the dead. It's a safe bet to say he has some great part in the raising of these undead in Lordaeron over the past few weeks" she replied, shaking her head at the sight of the burning warehouse.

"Then its to Andorhol we shall go. We'll meet up with whatever forces we can find there, and put an end to this madman's rampage though my country" Arthas said with vehemence.

"Be careful young Prince. There is much more at work than a single necromancer and his lackeys" the enigmatic elf, Cyrus, spoke up, eyes filled with the wisdom of years.

"I'll do what I have to do to save my people elf" Arthas snapped back, turning to face the King's Road which led north, to Andorhol, where the gathering armies of the undead seemed to be focusing.


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