
Third Gen Tales

It's a fresh new start for the Third Generation of Kids Next Door. Learning the value of friendship, fighting dangerous villains, and having fun adventures, they train to better their selves as they continue their parents' legacy! This is a series of one-shots and short stories that introduce and follow the adventures of the Third Gen KND. These one-shots can be enjoyed without extensive knowledge of the Gameverse lore. Most of the one-shots are episodic and have no strict order, but it's recommended you read the introduction chapters first. Almost every chapter or arc focuses on a new crossover and a KND sector interacting with them. (NOTE: newly added chapters may be rearranged before other ones, depending what I think the order of reading should be.)

Gamen_Watch · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

 Operation: OCEANA, Part 7: Shark’s Lullaby

We sadly don't explore much of this next level as we should, we just get really into the drama.


Sector L spent a nice night in Magiconch Academy before Mindy rode them back to the Snapper Head in a carriage. "I guess this is where you get off." Mindy said. "I had fun working with you guys!"

"You could come with us." Erin offered.

"Thanks, but I've got exams to study for. And I can't fight, anyway. But here." Mindy placed a large, pink clam in Erin's arms, the girl stumbling a bit to hold it. "You can have this magic mirror in case you guys wanna call. I'll be happy to answer any magic questions Madeleine might have." Mindy swam beside the young Mermage in question. "Do your best out there! Your spells will get better with practice." Madeleine nodded! "And enjoy your new fins."

The operatives made sail back into open waters. "Ready, Madeleine?" Nora asked. The child excitedly kicked off her sandals and guzzled her bottle of potion. She dove into the water hatch fluently… and she didn't need to hold her breath. The operatives dove after her, beaming as her legs magically glowed and fused. They morphed into a pink-gold tailfin. Madeleine did a loop before flipping it out, swimming circles around her friends. Massimo took out a fake pufferfish ball and kicked it to her. Madeleine batted it with her tail, Nora swimming to kick it to Erin. It bonked her head as her body spun vertically, dizzy. Erin bent a bubble over the ball and passed it to Lulu, who kicked it to Mack's gut, the boy grunting. Mack kicked it to Massimo, and the loop began anew… until Zoidberg wanted to join in and stick the ball on his claw. "I caught it! Does that mean I won?" The ball deflated. "Awwwww…"

The swimmers had a race ahead of the Snapper. Erin and Mack didn't really join, knowing they weren't cut for it. Nora was still the fastest, but Madeleine stayed ahead of Lulu and Massimo. The friends were joyed at how much fun she had!

The kids returned inside as Mack set up a Mackbot for the mermaid. Looking over Mindy's spellbook, she first hit it with a Fire Spell, only igniting a light flame that went out after a few seconds. She followed with an Ice Spell that made a light coating of frost form over the robot. "Not quite as strong without the magic bubbles though." Nora said.

Madeleine bowed her head sadly. "Hey, cut her a break." Mack smiled proudly. "Even the best mages couldn't affect my creations that easy."

"No, but the best mages could turn your hand into a hammer." Erin said. "Like Veronica once did. Huhu!"

"Yeah, well doesn't change the fact she's a horned-mouth imp."

Madeleine giggled silently. "…!" She pointed excitedly. The kids turned to see she was directing at the window… or, more accurately, the large pink goldfish with a heart pattern and gold crown. "Wow, what a pretty fish!" Nora beamed.

"Could it be… the Goldfish Princess?" Jinbe asked.

"A Goldfish Princess?!" Lulu exclaimed. "Wow! She must be pretty important, huh?"

"She hails from a land of half-sentient goldfish. However, she's also an advertiser for the Takoyaki 8."

"Oh! That's the restaurant I was thinking of before!" The froggy hopped.

The Goldfish Princess swam elsewhere. "If you kids are hungry, we could follow it." Jinbe said.

"Yeah, let's try it!" Erin agreed.

The Takoyaki 8 was a red and pink vessel with octo tentacles on the sides, one animated as it waved the customers over. The crew of eight swam out and into the Bubble Dome on the deck. "Howdy, kids!" greeted a green-haired mermaid waitress. She wore a black top with a yellow star and "CR" on its corners and had the pink tailfin of a kissing gourami. "My name's Camie, I'll be… SIR JINBE?!" Her face and mouth turned rectangular from shock and her tongue wriggled out.

"You'll be a sea-monkey's aunt?" Mack joked.

"'Afternoon, Camie." Jinbe smiled. "Just here to serve the kids some lunch."

"B-But, you… that's…" Camie seemed to point at Erin with concealed shock. "Uh…HATCHAN! W-We have some… special guests."

"What?!" A pink octopus Fishman ran out. "What's wrong, Ca…mie?" His movement slowed upon processing the group.

"?!" Sector L fell back in terror. "YOU!" Mack pointed. "You were one of Arlong's cronies!"

"CHYAH!" Nora didn't hold back kicking him up his pursed jaw.

"WAIT!" Camie held the girl back. "Don't hurt him!"

"Sorry, ma'am, but this man's a dangerous pirate! He attacked our beach!"

"I-I didn't hurt anybody!" Hatchan yelled, rubbing his mouth. "At least… not that much. Look at these swords." He withdrew his six blades. "The edges are rounded. They're not made to cut."

Erin approached and rubbed a finger on one. "…It's true. Now that I think about it, those people you attacked weren't really that injured. They just had scrapes, like something thin brushed and bruised them."

"Yes! Look, eh…why don't I prepare your food first, you're here to eat. I'll try to explain afterward."

No sooner than when the takoyaki met their tongues were they awash in euphoria. "What a magnanimous flavor!" Zoidberg swooned. "It's almost as good as… ANCHOVIES! SLU-SLU-SLURP!" He wolfed his entire plate down. "I must have more!"

"Fra, this stuff's so good, the frickin' Marzipan Pirates would send their fleet if they caught a whiff!" Massimo praised.

"Thanks." Hatchan blushed. "Takoyaki's always been my passion. I use a special sauce that comes from giant Mushroom Octopi."

"You have a marvelous gift." Jinbe smiled. "A gift that brings smiles to faces. So, why don't you just stay with it?"

"You know I can't just leave them, Jinbe. We've been friends since high school… and Arlong would only turn worse if even one of us left him."

"But you don't hate humans in the same vein."

"I don't… and that's why I want to restrain them whenever I can. But after joining Captain Hody, and making these drugs… that's becoming less and less possible."

"Why does Arlong hate humans?" Erin asked.

"I couldn't say how it exactly started. He grew up in a bad neighborhood, the kind that liked to boast about eating humans. But we were on vacation from school one week… Arlong suddenly proposed we swim up and 'hit' a port town. We didn't plan to hurt anybody; he just wanted to 'See how the pumans party and go pee on THEIR land!' We playfully harassed a few people, but were just a couple innocent gangsters… but you could tell those people were afraid of us. So, police came and tried to arrest us, and that led to a fight. We had the upper hand in muscle, but one of them started earthbending… and he killed Arlong's girlfriend."

The kids gasped in horror.

"Yeah… boulder right to the back of the brain. Then we; or, I should say, Arlong and the others attacked them in a rage. Eventually, GUN came. They took Arlong while the rest of us got away. It took a while, but GUN eventually handed Arlong to the Sea Knights. Our mentor, Sir Tiger persuaded them."

"That's awful… I'm sorry." Erin said.

"It's not Arlong's fault that he's on this road… but at the same time, it is. Honestly, I hope you guys can stop him, but… I can't bring myself to do it."

"It would help if we knew what Arlong was doing now. Or better yet, Captain Hody. His stronghold is in the capital, correct?"

"Yes, down in the Fishman District. Every day, they're trying to improve the drugs and make them invincible. But I don't know where Arlong is now. I told them I was going back to my restaurant for a few days and they never called."

"We were actually on our way to Siren City." Camie said.

"So were we, in fact." Jinbe replied.

"We were?" Nora asked.

"It's the next Great City, after all. The town of songs and music. And it's just as likely the pirates have an operation planned there."

"Yes…" Hatchan bowed shamefully.

"Well, we might as well go together." Erin suggested, hoping to break the tension. "It sounds like a fun place!"

"It is!" Camie beamed. "You know, I actually wanna work there as a designer. My teacher even-"

"'EY, Camie, what's takin' so long up here?!" An orange starfish with sunglasses and a rastacap jumped out. "Cut the chatter so we can… be on our way…"

Sector L glared at him. They recognized Pappagu from when he sung Oceana's national anthem for Arlong's crew. "Ah…" He backed up into his small door and slammed it.

"Our thanks for the meal." Jinbe said. "We'll see you in Siren City soon."

Soon, they arrived at Siren City! Where the seaweed was green and the mermaids are pretty! The buildings looked like giant horns, glistening gold harps, and large snail shells that flashed between neon colors. "How can anyone stand living here?" Mack asked.

"The suburbs miles outside the city." Jinbe answered.

"This place is AWESOME!" Nora ran forward and did a twirl. "Erin, let's go find a karaoke bar! We'll be an amateur musical sensation!"

"I'm a little less than amateur."

"This looks like a good spot to set up shop." Camie said, parking their ship over an open spot between some buildings. "I just hope the singers' throats aren't too sore to eat!"

"If that were true, they would've starved already." Hatchan passively replied. "I just hope none of the pirates recognize me."

"Just relax, it'll be fine."

"Hey, Sector SG's supposed to be in this town, right?" Erin asked. "Maybe they already beat all the pirates for us."

"Might as well look for them, anyway." Mack said. "And I'd hazard a guess they're in a popular part of town if they're making magazines." He held up the one in question.

"That looks like the Hatching Pearl; a stage for young stars. It'll be in the northeast quadrant of town." Jinbe answered.

"Then let's ask around there!" The friends excitedly raced off.

Jinbe took a step after them, but stepped on a newspaper. He picked it up. VIP Visiting Siren?! Rumors say that a special VIP from outside Oceana is visiting the city. A private carriage was said to be meeting with an alien ship, and a top suite in the Krusty Towers hotel was cleared for…

It must've been coincidence that a carriage drove by, pulled by golden seahorses. Out of the corner of his eye, Jinbe saw a man with charming blonde hair and a purple coat. And as the carriage proceeded up the street, the knight saw three thugs lean out from an alley. One held up a shellphone and called. "OY!" Jinbe growled. "Just what are you up to?!" (Play "Jellyfish Jam" by A_A_RonHD!)


Stage 5: Siren City

Mission: Meet up with Sector SG!

Sector L first needed to bash open a clam, which sang out bubbles with notes! The friends happily rode them to a rooftop, where they were ambushed by five Bass Bandits; only fitting the bass-wielding fish would be here. The kids each picked a pirate and beat it to a pulp. They traveled over a long clarinet sticking from the building; anchovies would peep out of its holes, following the rhythm and spitting Water Bullets. They were easy for Nora to catch and flick back. There was a switch at the end of the clarinet, where Lulu would have to leap high and Ground Pound it. The clarinet released a Song Road with giant notes. The kids rode Erin's Bubble Board along the road, limited only to the strings and dodging between the notes. They landed on another roof, at the base of a stairway of fishbone piano keys.

"Wait, look!" Nora pointed at one of the TVs. "Sector SG are getting onstage now!"

"Nice tails!" Erin smiled. "Hmmm…" She tried to look the direction of the Hatching Pearl. "I wish we could see it from here."

"Let's go up where that guy is." Mack pointed up the piano stairs. There was a Pop-eyed Goldfishman wearing a blue shirt, staring through some kind of… "I-Is that a sniper rifle?!"

Erin gasped. "IS HE AIMING AT THE STAGE?!"

"?!" The Fishman faced them with a start. He tried to shoot them, but they ducked down. "I'll stop him!" Massimo jumped up the fishbone stairs; the pirate would blow through a clarinet, sending shockwaves that caused most of the keys to flip down. Only single ones would stay stable, so Massimo used them for footholds before he was close enough to shoot his spear, stabbing the Fishman, Gyaro in the stomach. Massimo reeled himself up to kick and beat him unconscious.

As the others joined him, they got a call from Jinbe. "Kids! I just interrogated some pirates. There are three snipers stationed on roofs in that area! They're targeting the girls on the Hatching Pearl!"

"We already got the first one!" Lulu answered. "I hope there-ribbit's still time to stop the others!" They could jump down to a highway where a Mergoth sent out her Snail Familiar. She cast a Sonorus Spell on her snail, so it would "MEOOOOOOW" strong shockwaves. The kids hid behind a parked boatmobile, and Madeleine pointed at a spell in her book. Understanding, Nora carried Madeleine toward the snail, ducking behind boats whenever the snail bellowed. Once at the familiar, Madeleine cast the Quietus Spell on it. Nora hurried over and kicked the Mergoth senseless.

They found another Singing Clam, but this one was red and wouldn't open from their thwacks. It felt a little hot, so Madeleine cast a Fire Spell. The clam opened and spat fireworks that released tiny notes instead of sparks. Massimo, Mack, and Lulu used their grapple techniques to latch them and fly across town, evading Pooferfish that would suddenly spawn in the way. When the fireworks popped, they landed on another roof. "Hey, I think I see another sniper!" Erin pointed to a further building. There was a small red octopus holding a rifle; the barrel of the rifle was in the process of inflating, likely building force for the shot.

A long, narrow flute seemed to connect their rooftops. "Pinball, don't fail me now!" Mack rolled his Shockpin into the flute. Bottom holes would open and blow music, so Mack had to wait for them to close before proceeding. The flute let out to an open, winding part of the track, leading to a series of vertical updraft flutes. Mack directed the pinball over the updrafts and landed in the hole of another flute tunnel. Segments of this tunnel rotated, Mack avoiding the holes when they passed the bottom, but it could exit out behind the octo sniper, Ikalgo. Mack electrified Ikalgo, causing him to preemptively shoot and hit the "string" of a harp building.

"I wonder if I could shoot that far." Erin said, blowing up a Torpedo Bubble. She released and bent it far forward, keeping its speed steady until the torpedo burst and KO'ed the shock-stunned octopus.

"Way to downplay my victory, Erin." Mack joked.

"Hey, he could've dodged if you didn't hold him in place!"

"Oooooo, look down there!" Lulu excitedly pointed down at a crisp, clear pond with lilipads and swamp flora. Tadpoles were bobbing in and out of the pond with the rhythm.

"Oh, that's Tadpole Pond!" Massimo recognized. "I heard this was modeled after the same pond from Mushroom World."

"It looks fun!" Lulu hopped. "Let's try it!" She hopped her way over the tadpoles, but when she missed a jump, the tadpoles swarmed and forcibly carried her to the start. The friends shared a giggle, and they all took turns jumping the tadpoles. Though, fortunately, Madeleine had been given a Bubble Belt, which could inflate a floatie for her to "swim" in the air like the other mermaids inside the domes. They found a blue Singing Clam that Madeleine could hit with an Ice Spell. The clam blew its breath over the pond and froze it, the tadpoles falling asleep underneath. Nora had to carry Lulu when she became tired as well. The kids skied along the ice, following another river from the pond. They were startled when Opera Lampreys popped from the ice, singing angelic melodies before latching onto the passing prey. Their vortex of teeth caused the team great pain, so they were hurriedly ripped off and pummeled by bending. Mack rolled his Shock Bowl over the later parts of the river, tricking the Lampreys into popping out so he could zap them.

At the end of the river, a Water Cannon was available to shoot them along the strings of a harp building. They strummed the strings before landing on a platform, and the sounds caused tadpoles to swim up on bubble floaties. The ops had to jump them like stairs before they returned back down, going backwards along the harp strings and reaching a foothold. Lulu then Homing Kicked targets up the next part of the strings, causing the tadpoles to rise higher and for the group to keep jumping. At the next foothold, Mack used his G.R.A.P.P.L.U.H. to hook points and swing higher up, pulling Erin with and throwing her as she used Bubble Steps to make the last stretch toward a ledge. She kicked on a Bubble Cannon as it shot and strummed the notes, making the tadpoles rise higher.

Her friends caught up as they could then travel up string-like stairs that wrapped around the upper part of the strings. They reached the roof of the harp building and found a Fishman, puckering his thin lips into a long straw. "Ikalgo and Gyaro should've taken their shots by now, mw~" He kissed. "Something must've happened."

"STOP!" He whipped around at Erin's shout. She gasped! "You were another one of Arlong's guys!"

"Oh…the Sea Princess." Chew glared. "This is unwelcome, mw~ but we expected you here. At least we can move ahead of schedule." He spat large Water Balls, Nora grabbing and chucking them back. The Adabatian dashed and dealt a Water Kick, Chew ducking and spitting at her standing leg to knock her down. But when the others came to her aid, Chew reconsidered his options. "Or maybe not. Perhaps I'd better relocate." He turned and dove off the harp—Lulu shot her tongue down to grab him, sticking herself to the side of the roof. "Mw! Release me!" Chew spat more bullets, Lulu nearly dodging before one hit her foot. The froggy took the fall, still keeping hold of Chew.


"I'll deal with him-bit! You gotta tell Sector SG about this!"

"I'll give her some help!" Massimo jumped after her. "There's a pool right down there, don't worry!"

"Yeah, never thought we'd have to worry about fall damage underwater." Mack gulped.

"I guess he's right." Erin said. She looked over the harp's roof and saw, "There's another cannon! Looks like it'll shoot us right to the stage!" They slid down onto the cannon's balcony and allowed the bubbles to shoot them across town.

"Y'know, seeing those things makes me think I need to upgrade." Mack smirked, feeling inspiration. (End song.)

Hatchan and Camie had served seven customers since opening. They left with satisfied smiles, delighting the octopus and mermaid. But it didn't lift the weight on Hatchan's heart. "Why the long face, Hachi?"

"?!" Startled, he met the sneering grin of a saw-nosed Fishman. "A-Arlong?! What… Ahem, I didn't know you'd be here."

"I didn't wanna interrupt your side-job." Arlong leaned his arm on the stand counter. "Mind if I have a few? For the boys and all."

"Uh…sure." Sharing a worried glance with Camie, the cook began to prepare more servings.

"I can't tell who's worse." Arlong turned and propped his back against the counter. "Those puman children dressing up as mermaids… or the stage-runners permitting it. This city's in definite need of a cleansing."

"But those kids aren't hurting anyone, Arlong. They-"

"They attacked our BOYS, Hachi!" Arlong spun around in a rage. "Those land-sirens thrashed Macro and got him locked up! You oughta come help us bust him out."


Arlong sniffed. "…Why do I smell bubble soap?"

"Uh, oh dear." Camie blushed. "Is the dispenser leaking? Silly me."

Arlong narrowed his glare. The scent of bubbles was… familiar. "Was the princess here?"

"Not that I know. Though, I suppose there's a chance she could come here."

"Indeed. But we got another problem, too. You hear about the VIP that-"

"AAAAH!" Their attention whipped up at the town TV. Sector SG were suddenly flattened when Sector L came crashing in large bubbles.

"Shahahaha…" Arlong smirked. "Well, she's here now."

"Yeah… well, here's your food." Hatchan handed him a plate of takoyaki.

Arlong tipped the plate over and crushed them on the ground. "We aren't tasting what's been in the princess's mouth." The sawshark stomped in the stage's direction. "You've been goin' soft on us, Hachi. Don't think we haven't noticed. But you better toughen up… or you'll be servin' yourself."

"WHERE DID YOU GUYS COME FROM?!" screamed Serena Beatles, Sector SG's violet-haired leader.

"The sky." Mack joked. "…I mean, we're from the surface, and that's quite literally Oceana's sky."

"Wow, I never thought of it like that!" screamed Kirika; she wore a green- and white-striped tailfin with a yellow skirt.

"That's not important!" yelled Shirabe, wearing a dark-pink tailfin. "Why'd you have to nearly break our necks?!"

"I-It was spur of the moment." Erin answered. "We were stopping snipers from shooting you."

"There were snipers?!" Serena gasped.

"Yeah. Can we go backstage or something?"

"Yeah, sure." Kirika fidgeted in her tailfin. "I wanna change into a new one, anyway, it's kinda chaffing my left thigh!"

Fortunately, the singers had bikini bottoms under their tailfins, but Sector L still felt odd about them being only half-dressed. "Say, why aren't you guys in bathing suits, anyway?"

"'Cause we… need to carry equipment and stuff and it's hard to go on missions in just underwear." Mack answered.

"But that's one of the fundamentals of merfolk culture!" Serena argued. "To let your bodies and fins feel the flow of the water!" She did a twirl.

"That was all you two's idea." Shirabe eye-rolled, the only one wearing a black one-piece. "But can we focus on the snipers that were apparently aiming at us?!"

"As far as we know, there were only three of them, but we can't be too sure. There might definitely be more pirates in the city."

"Kids, it's Jinbe." Their shellphones rang. "I saw you've… 'regrouped' with your allies. Either that or broke their necks."

"You can say that again." Shirabe remarked.

"Aren't you two cyborgs, anyway?" Mack asked.

"We are not, we're-"

"But I think you should head to the Krusty Towers hotel next. There's a VIP staying there and I think the pirates might be targeting them."

"A VIP?" Erin repeated. "You guys know anything about that?"

"Not really." Serena shook. "But we know where it is. Shirabe can cart us there!"

"Oh, you change into a cart now?" asked Mack.

"I pull a carriage, idiot! And I'm NOT happy with it!" She shot a frustrated glare at Kirika.

The blonde jumped on her shoulders. "Giddy-up, Horserabe!"

Krusty Towers

A crustacean waiter brought in a plate of five Pretty Patties. There was a statue of a famous squid musician, standing on a small fountain and playing a nice tune from its makeshift clarinet. The blonde VIP tied a bib around himself and chose a white patty. "Mmm…" The pure taste and white color reminded him of someone special. "You must try some, Bronya. They're so heavenly, you'd think you're in Skypia."

A young girl with silver hair in twisty pigtails, wearing loose yellow, white, and black armor, picked up a blue patty and took a bite. "Bronya finds this delicious." She spoke in a robotic tone and Russian accent.

"Eugene's cooks make the most excellent seafood. I wonder if he'd let me borrow a few."

"Shall we go inquire him?"

"Later. We're here to study this town's best singers, of course." He picked up a magazine. "Hm?" He raised a brow at SG's cover. "Haha. I didn't think those two would be here." A head of black hair and small sharp eyes rose from the fountain. "They probably don't expect me either. We should invite them-"

A Sharkman splashed out of the fountain, his spiked weapon swinging at the man, but it was blocked by an invisible force. He was surprised as a robot materialized, hooking itself to Bronya. "Enemy detected. What are your orders, Overseer?"

"Should've known that brat wasn't just some maid!" Kisame sneered, bending water from the fountain to strike the robot.

"Eliminate him." The Overseer replied patiently. "This isn't the first issue we've had with assassins, is it?"

"Aye, but it just might be your last!" Kisame flooded the chamber and summoned two sharks.

"WOOHOOOO!" Mack cheered, riding a carriage pulled by Shirabe's pigtail wheels. "This is way better than a seahorse-drawn carriage!"

"Then I should charge you extra!" Shirabe yelled.

Krusty Towers resembled multi-stacked treasure chests, the borders lined with fake gold and gardens of colored sea flowers that glistened like jewels. Fitting to the environment, there were Song Clams around them as well. The operatives met with Jinbe and Zoidberg on the pavilion, worried as several merfolk swam out in a panic. "Ma'am!" Jinbe stopped one. "What's happening?"

"There's a ton of noise and crashing on one of the upper floors! The staff told us to evacuate!"

"Do you know who's staying-"

A gunshot startled them to attention, the mermaid fleeing in fear. Jinbe's gaze narrowed on the man responsible. "Arlong…"

The sawshark approached forebodingly, joined by Kuroobi the Ray Fishman, a yellow macropharynx, and an arowana Fishman named Tansui. "I knew you'd play the princess's escort, Jinbe. All this talk we hear of those operatives beating our crewmen… it was all you, wasn't it?"

"That yellow guy was the leader of the pirates who were raiding before!" Serena pointed. "I guess they broke him out of prison. His name's Macro."

"I battled when necessary," Jinbe answered, "but I did nothing to stand in these children's way."

"Peh. You seem to have more scars than the last time I saw ya. I hope a puman didn't do it."

"Why should that matter?"

"It matters because that's the only type of opponent you would bend to! That's the kind of traitorous trash you are!"

"Arlong, this has gone far enough. Your men tried to hurt these innocent girls, and now you're making a hit on a VIP from Coruscant!"

"Coruscant?" Serena repeated.

"Pumans like him think they can waltz into our land and take what they want. He's there living in luxury, plotting which singer to abduct and market for whatever record deals he has planned. We need to remind him that his kind isn't so powerful in this kingdom."

"Not if we have anything to say about it." Jinbe took a few, firm steps forward.

"Shahaha." Arlong smirked. Did Jinbe think he would back down from his threat alone? "You didn't think we would have a plan for you? Looks like the western district needs some help."

"?!" There were loud crashes and tremors in the distance. They could vaguely make out two giants, one obese and one muscular. The fat one picked up a horn building, blowing into it as his body deflated, the soundwaves quaking and collapsing the insides of buildings. "So, will you deal with us and send those kids to deal with those beasts?" Arlong asked. "They look a little too small for the task… but it's not like they'd fair better with us. Shahahahaha!"

"I could roll us to those things pretty quickly." Shirabe offered. "What should we…" she was curious as Erin walked forward, "do?"

"Hn?" Arlong's smile creased. "You got some nerve approaching me, girl."

"Um…what do you really want?"

"What?" Arlong was dumbfounded by the query. "What do I want? I want to make you pumans PAY is what I want!"

"Do you hate them because they did something to hurt you?"

"That's none of your business, brat."

"Yeah, Erin," Mack whispered, "if I know anything about bullies, it's not to bring up sensitive subjects."

"I just wanted to say… I'm sorry for what they did. And I wish I could make you feel better."

"That's perfect. Then get down and prostrate before me."

Such a despicable proposal made Nora grit her teeth. "But that's it, isn't it?" Erin continued. "You won't feel better. You don't even… feel the way you should."

"I don't what?!"

"You just want an excuse to hate us, don't you? You don't want to mourn or try to change things or think about why it happened… you just wanted a reason. You're just a bully who wants a reason to hurt people. I…I can't stand listening to you!"

"THEN LISTEN TO THIS!" Arlong ripped out his jaws and threw them. Erin blocked them with a foam shield.

"Boss, why're we listening to this shrimp?" Kuroobi cracked his knuckles. "Let's crush her to pieces."

"JUST TRY IT!" Nora lashed a Water Kick, Kuroobi blocking, but the Adabatian dashed and shoved the ray for several yards. Tansui chased her and shot water with Fishman Karate chops, but one of his swings was grabbed by Zoidberg's claw.

"Pardon me, Mr. Korok, but this environment doesn't contain the proper nutrients for your species."

"Who're you calling a Korok?!"

"Fine, I'm not a botanist, that doesn't mean my advice doesn't matter." Zoidberg jabbed Tansui's stomach with his other claw.

"Jinbe, you can go fight those monsters." Erin said. "I…I don't wanna hide from this bully."

"Hmm…" Jinbe smiled. "You'll do good, Erin."

"Hurry up!" Shirabe extracted her wheels once more, gesturing Jinbe to get on the carriage. "Man, you're heavy…" She rolled forth as fast as she could.

"HEY, MACRO!" Mack slapped the macropharynx with his Mech Gloves, running up the road opposite from Nora. "How about a taste of Mackro, huh?!"

"Nobody copies my name!" Macro chased him.

"Madeleine, go with these two and help the hotel." Erin ordered. "I see more pirates moving in."

"You sure you don't need help?" Serena asked.

"It's alright. I…I think I can do this."

"That's not exactly assuring, but… I get it. Good luck, Erin." She, Madeleine, and Kirika raced toward the hotel.

"All by yourself? Who do you think I am?" Arlong growled. "To think I had these drugs ready to use on Jinbe… but I'm not gonna waste them on a pathetic, bubble blowing baby!" He ripped out two more sets of teeth, using them as knuckles. "I'll make you PAY for thinking you know ANYTHING ABOUT ME!!" (Play "Captain Slag's Theme" from Ratchet: Tools of Destruction!)


Boss fight: Arlong

The swings of Arlong's Tooth Fists were countered by Erin's Foam Fists. The furious Fishman ripped through the gentle bubbles despite Erin's enhancements, then going for a chomp at her head, but Erin ducked and dodged between his legs. "Pah." Arlong scooped a handful of water from the moist ground. "A little water!" He threw the water with the force of a bullet, scratching Erin's hip.


"Shahaha! You know why that's my favorite trick? 'Cause even a little water is fatal to you pumans!" He threw some jaws at her feet, prompting her to jump, then lunging to bite her, but Erin willed a bubble down by her other foot, using it as a prop to kick away. She ran from the pursuing shark, dropping some soap on the ground and holding it with her bending. She turned, and just as Arlong's foot met the soap, she flicked her hand up, the soap zipping up-right as Arlong slipped and fell. Erin threw a Sakura Bomb, damaging Arlong with the burst and strengthening the bubbles to bind him in place. She proceeded to bash Arlong's head with Sponge Gloves before the shark ripped free of the sakura tree.

Arlong threw several rows of teeth, munching the ground as they homed on Erin. "Not thith again!" Arlong yelled, growing a set of flat, buckteeth. "NOTHE DRILL!" He charged before kicking off the ground and spinning at Erin nose-first. She raised a Foam Palm to block Arlong's drill, but the shark was confident he could tear through it. Except Erin had another surprise for him: she hid one of Arlong's jaws in the palm. She clasped the giant hand, forcing the jaws to bite their owner's nose. "SHAAAAAW!" As he desperately ripped them off, Erin bombarded his eyes with bubbles. He thrashed about trying to grab her, leaving him vulnerable to be tripped by her inspired "a little soap" technique. Erin bashed his head with a Sponge Chop combo.

Arlong swat Erin away and stood, ripping out his buckteeth to grow more fangs. "OI, TAKE!" Arlong yelled up at a rooftop crewmate. "Give me some cannon fodder!"

"Aye, Captain!" answered a Carp Fishman. He shot a cannonball directly at Arlong, who chomped it directly in his teeth. He crunched and chewed it before spitting a bullet volley of the fragments. Erin blew bubbles to catch some of the shards, but others cut her fragile skin. Arlong caught another ball and spat more shards, but when Erin bubbled enough of this next round, she willed the bubbles to float and spin around Arlong before sticking them against him. She threw a Cauldron Bomb at the sawshark, bursting as the bubbly cauldron appeared upside-down, comically trapping his upper half. Only his nose stuck through, Arlong's growling muffled as he tried to charge at Erin. Again, this was easy bait for her to trip him with 'a little soap.' "Maybe it's time to start soothing you." Erin mustered her Soothing Touch through the bubbles, softening the sawshark's resolve. It worked for a few seconds, but this technique caused the bubbles' strength to weaken, allowing Arlong to rip free when he had the stamina again.

"Alright, you really asked for it, brat! TAKE! MY SWORD!"

Take picked up Kiribachi, a long pole with several black, triangular segments. Take threw it to Arlong's grasp, the sawshark swinging violently and sending airwaves of the same shape. Erin rode a Bubble Board backwards, curving to evade while blasting Bubble Torpedoes. "WHOA!" Unfortunately, Erin slipped off her own board during a hasty curve. Arlong dashed, Erin quickly aiming her B.U.B.B.L.E.R., but Arlong slashed and smashed the weapon to pieces. "NO! AAH!" Arlong kicked the side of her head, Erin falling to her side. "!" Her heart almost stopped when Arlong chopped Kiribachi right on top of her, trapping her between its segments.

"ERIN!!" Her precious friend in danger, Nora rushed to help—Kuroobi firmly thrusted her in the back with his pointed elbow.

"A coward's wound." Kuroobi smirked. "Your Adabatian instincts betrayed you. Back-Foot Jawbreaker!" He jumped and STOMPED Nora in the back.

"You only lasted this long 'cause you're a coward." Leaving Erin trapped, Arlong went to pick up her discarded bubble bottle from her weapon's debris. "Running 'cause you could barely take a hit." He stomped over and yanked Erin's head up by the ponytail. "You probably can't even swallow your own soap!" He forced the suds down her throat.

"Gulp, guck, COUGH, CORK! Kueh…" Erin paled from sickness, her mouth beginning to foam from the throat.

"That's why REAL mermen use REAL water! Shahaha! I was half-tempted to just rip your head off right there, but it's more fun to watch you foam to death. Choking on your own bathtime bubbles!"

"That's enough, Arlong!"

"…" His smile falling, Arlong turned spitefully to his six-armed comrade.

Serena, Kirika, and Madeleine fought their way through a dozen drug-crazed pirates while climbing Krusty Towers. They never expected to find a silver-haired girl and her robot thrown out and battered on the top floor. "Good Lord, what happened to her?!" Serena exclaimed.

"That's…!" Kirika lit up in familiarity. The girls hurried into the door that was blown open. There were several more laying guards with eaten body parts, and a menacing Sharkman holding his weapon around the VIP. The spiked weapon was growling with a mouth of sharp teeth, yet the man's demeanor was calm.

"Not another step, girls. Or Samehada makes a meal of this man." Kisame threatened.

Kirika and Serena gasped. "President Otto?!" the former spoke first.

"Apologies for dropping in like this, Kirika." Otto said. "Would you do me a favor and tend to Bronya for me?"

"W…What're you doing here? I-I mean, what about you?!"

"Don't worry. These hoodlums can't do anything to me."

"We'll see what the captain says about that. Now, stay put, girls, we'll just take the window."

The girls hesitated to move as Kisame nudged Otto to the window. "…?" He glanced down as the inside of his coat glowed a gold-pink. There was a gentle, childish singing. "What's this thing doing?" He reached his free hand in and pulled up a shell necklace, its light brimming in and out with the girl's song.

"?!" Madeleine gasped. As Kisame broke the window open and jumped out, the mermaid reached out in longing.

"Arlong, don't you see what you're doing?" Hatchan asked. "You're threatening a child. A child who did nothing but defend herself and the people around her. Look at yourself… No, look at everyone else! There are kids here, Arlong! Do you want them to see this?!"

Arlong looked around. Other merfolk were watching, keeping their distance in horror. The merkids and Fishkids were scared stiff watching. "Well, this is perfect, Hachi." He smirked. "They ALL get to see the princess in her SORRY STATE!"

"That girl's a princess?" a Fishboy asked.

"She's… THE princess?!" a mergirl gasped.

"And I won't let," Arlong stomped down on Kiribachi, "a soft-skinned traitor like YOU step in the way of my example!"

"This isn't what Gorc would've wanted you to become, and especially not Master Tiger!"

"Gorc would've wanted revenge on ALL of them! And Tiger was never my master, he dug his own grave!"

"Get off her, Arlong, or I swear I'll take that sword and-"

"Arlong!" They looked as Kisame jumped from the hotel, holding Otto's arm and his Samehada around his torso. "I've secured the target. Better decide your next move fast."

"That's the… VIP?" Hatchan asked.

"STOP!" Kirika yelled from the window. "That's the president of Otto Entertainment, Otto Apocalypse! If you hurt him, you'll be in big trouble!"

"He's…" Nora thought she misheard for a second, wrapping Kuroobi's arms in two Water Legs before flipping him on his head. "Wait, isn't he one of the Corporate Presidents For Children's Entertainment?!"

"Otto Apocalypse?" Mack repeated, clapping a drug-powered Macro's cheeks between his Mech Gloves. "WOW, if that name doesn't scream 'I'm a future villain," I dunno what does!"

"Who cares what he is?" Arlong picked up his Kiribachi. "In this world, he's just a puman. But a wealthy puman can still have worth. If you want to live, your company better send us everything they own."

"I'm not letting you thugs lay one fin on my property. My company and projects will prosper… and they'll gladly sacrifice me so it can happen."

"Shaha…well, it's like I always say." Arlong approached Otto, raising his sword skyward. "If you can't pay the cash, then you're out with the trash." And took the swing. "AND FEEL FREE TO QUOTE ME!!" (End song.)


The triangular blades ripped through Hatchan's left shoulder, using his right arms to push Otto and Kisame back. Taking advantage of the shark's shock, Kirika leapt down and swung her scythe at Kisame's neck. As expected, Samehada would prioritize protecting its master instead of hurting the hostage, and Serena would swiftly ski down on a Song Road and pull President Otto away. Kisame bent up a mass of water and summoned sharks inside it, bending a path for them to pursue as Kirika and Serena fought them back.

Quivering in a blend of horror and rage, Arlong raised the blade from Hatchan's shoulder. The octopus fell on his back. "Arlong… you know if you'd injured a man like him… there'd be no going back for us. Fishmen and Oceana alike…" (Play "Mother's Love" from One Piece.)

To his right, Arlong saw an even more disgusting sight: Erin, still foaming and burping bubbles, feebly crawling to Hatchan's shoulder. She bent water over him, glowing as she tried to heal the gash. "Erin… don't waste your power on me. No matter what I did, I'm still… a dirty pirate…"

"No you, urp, weren't… All you wanted was to be there for him. You're a good friend… who makes good, urp, takoyaki…"

"It doesn't matter… I joined them… and hurt humans because I tried to understand how they felt. I thought, eventually, we would move on and it would all be over. But… Arlong, Kuroobi, all of them… they weren't going to change. We're just… monsters holding onto a foregone ideal. Poisoning the people around us… with our hatred." The watching citizens, operatives and pirates as well, couldn't bring their selves to move as tears streamed their faces. "I only took up takoyaki to quell my pain… to give me a reason to be happy… to make children like you smile." Camie and Pappagu longed to get closer, but feared being in the princess's way. "But you… shouldn't taste food made by a monster."

"You're not…urp…cough! Keh!" Erin choked on her own feelings, causing the foam to well up even greater. The bubbles drizzled underneath and around her body.

"Erin… tell Jinbe… tell King Manaphy… I'm sorry for disgracing them. I'm sorry… for not being here… to help you sooner. And… Arlong… I'm sorry… for not telling you… what you needed to hear. For not telling you… to stop…nnn…ugh…"

Though his heart still beat, Hatchan fell asleep. Both from the pain and the rapid healing his body had to undergo. Erin let her hand drop, thinking she'd done the best she could, and resumed trying to cough bubbles out.

"Grrrrr!" A furious Arlong raised Kiribachi again. "Take your hands OFF him, you wretched PUMAN!" He swung—the hilt flew out of his grasp. "Huh?!" He realized his hand was soapy. Some of Erin's bubbles had floated against it. "You're still bending those…?!" (Play "Weight of Life" from XC3!)

Everyone was awestruck as Erin began to glow a whitish aura. The bubbles molded around Erin's legs and became a mermaid's tail, made of dense bubble soap to give it a firm, shiny texture with neon hues. A diadem of the same texture formed on her head and a bubbly trident in her hand. "Uh…I don't know what's happening."

"ERIN, THAT'S SO CUTE!" Nora screamed.

"Erin, I think… you're in some kind of Fury Mode!" Mack exclaimed. "That aura has to be it!"

"A Fury?!" Arlong asked. "With THAT thing?! I'm getting furious just HEARING THAT!" He gnashed his fangs down, but Erin flipped and swam away as his fangs chomped the end of her tail. Arlong gagged from the intense soap concentration, while Erin could blow up a new tail. He rubbed his hand over the wet ground so he could grab Kiribachi. Erin held her trident in front of her; the prongs actually had three hoops, which connected to make two additional gaps inside. With a deep breath, Erin blew a storm of bubbles that Arlong tried to block with Kiribachi, but his hands got soapy again as he dropped the weapon, and Erin would target some at his sandals to make him trip. She threw a Jellyfish Bath Bomb and channeled Soothing Touch through the foam, but Arlong fought out before he could grow too soft.

The sawshark threw a volley of fangs that Erin simply bubbled and let float to the surface, until Arlong grew out his buckteeth again. The princess swam about the air with her trident held out, the motion making bubbles stretch out. She shaped them into a teddybear, pillow, baby shark toy, and sponge, slamming them into the sawshark. She imbued Soothing Touch over the soap coating him, making him drowsy. Arlong shook to his senses and rapidly shook the soap off, leaping for a Nose Drill attack! Erin held out a hand, inflating a hand-shaped bubble from her palm to engulf Arlong's face. Sucking bubbles up your nose left a tingly feeling, Arlong desperately blowing them out afterwards, but was swept up in another wave of bubbles.

"Erin's not the ONLY one who can suit up!" Nora bent some of the nearby wet sand over her legs and arms, along with a helmet that left her face and pigtails out. "I will be her knight in soggy armor! No, wait, I'll be her CHEF!" She turned the helmet into a chef's hat.

"That doesn't make sense!" Kuroobi yelled.

"Yes it does! Because I'm about to serve you a 5-STAR BUTT-WHOOPING!" Nora kicked to Kuroobi's left, the ray bending his arms in defense, but Nora still bent the sand around to kick his head. "Trachea Turnover!" A kick to his hip when she saw an opening. "Clavicle Schnitzel Kickoff!" A punch to his right rib. "Barbeque Rib Buster!" She surfed a small wave around him and kicked his back. "Shish Kebab Back Smash! And NOW…" She wrapped both sandy ankles around his neck, spinning him around. "Leg… o'Wham… Drumstick… SUPREME!" And sent him blasting through a building, where he passed out. "Hah… Want dessert?"

Lulu swallowed up every gush of water Chew spewed at her; even she was surprised how big her own cheeks could swell. The smelt-whiting Fishman would prove he could go even bigger as he swallowed up a large sum of water. His head angled upward before he would try to shoot, but Lulu already jumped in his line of sight. She spat a dense glob of saliva, made bigger by the amount of water in her mouth, and clogged Chew's. He was desperate to spit the water out that his thin, long lips POPPED. "Phew! Boy, that took longer than it should've. …Are you two done, yet?!"

Gyaro had recovered to come aid Chew… but he and Massimo wound up in a staring contest. "He has to blink some time." Massimo twitched. "Can't… look… away!"

"SHAAAAA!" Arlong Nose Drilled his way through the river of foam. "I won't be stopped by this childish ART!" He sank his buckteeth into Erin's face as hard as he could. "YOU'RE NO PRINCESS!"

Erin blew up a wide bubbles from her mouth, pushing his face off. She grabbed another Bath Bomb; one Mack had woven himself from others' composites.

"Hey, Jinbe? When Arlong was saying 'pumans' before… what does that mean?"

"Oh, it's just a portmanteau of human and P.U. to imply that humans stink. It's a childish slur. Don't think much of it."

The bomb exploded into a giant form of Erin, sitting and smiling peaceably as its hands hugged Arlong to its chest. "I guess you do smell pretty good, Arlong." Erin smiled. She channeled Soothing Touch through it, finally drawing the tired shark into slumber. (End song.)

Serena and Kirika were panting on the ground, their bodies riddled with cuts. Samehada licked its lips of the chi it swallowed. "Samemememe!" Kisame laughed. "Music Chi is pretty tasty, isn't it? It fits well with this little trinket."

"Hey! Let go! Give it back to me!"

"Huh?" The glowing necklace never talked before. But Kisame caught a new whiff. He turned, finding Madeleine, gritting her teeth furiously and aiming her wand. "I was wondering where you were. A magic user, eh? But you don't smell very powerful."

"Give back my voice!"

"Your…oh, I see. This is your voice, isn't it?" Kisame raised the necklace, smirking. "You know, fish really seem to like it. Some mermen have a talent commanding certain kinds of fish… but Fishmen can only do it with more aggressive means. I have a kinship with sharks myself, but this trinket… really makes it better. Doesn't it, Samehada?" The sentient sword nuzzled the necklace.

Madeleine angry thought the Fire Spell, burning Kisame's cloak, but he doused it with a little rub of waterbending. She shot a volley of Ice Spells, but Kisame barely shuddered as he smacked her away with a Water Whip. "Pathetic. And speaking of which…" He saw Arlong passing out in Erin's bubbles. But her Fury would wear off, the bubbles dissolving as she lay sick on the ground. Mack, Nora, and Zoidberg hurried to her side. "You didn't just avoid the Gnosis Pills out of pride, Arlong. Deep down, you were afraid for your body. You were too weak deep down."

"Look, Mama!" a Fishboy pointed. "The knights are here!"

The troupe of Sea Knights led by Aladine graced Siren City's sky. Kisame couldn't look upon them long before having to block Shirabe's wheels, Jinbe picking the girls' bodies off the ground. Kisame swiftly leapt to a rooftop. "You may have won this round, Jinbe, but at least I have a consolation prize!" Kisame reached into his robe and revealed a white seagull figurine.

"The Talisman!"

"If you want it, come and get it! I'm sure I can already guess where you're going next. Samememememe!" He leapt his way across the roofs like a ninja.

"Should I try to chase him?!" Shirabe asked.

"It's too reckless." Jinbe answered. "We don't have the energy. Let's check on the others."

"Bleck! Huck!" Erin hacked more suds. "Oooog…" Zoidberg tipped a cup of medicine down her throat.

"Fascinating. Ingesting the soap had an unprecedented reaction to your chi paths. They were already bonded to the Bubble Chi so well that they flared up when the suds directly entered your body. Or not. What am I, a martial arts expert? But I have to advise finding a substitute means. Drinking soap all the time would be very unsafe; this medicine will help ease your stomach, but you'll need rest before it stops hurting."

"Thanks, Zoidberg…burp. I hope I can find a way to turn it on normally."

Inside the hotel, President Otto fixed up Bronya's robot. "Overseer… Bronya… failed."

"Relax, child. Your classmates came to my rescue. We'll get you fixed up in a jiffy."

"President Otto!" He turned to find Shirabe. "You were the VIP! I had no idea! If I knew, I would've stayed and-"

"Now, Shirabe, you're KND operatives now. You can't just prioritize one life over many. But since you're here, help me with Bronya. I have supplies in the closet."

"Hai!" She ran to get them.

Aladine lifted Hatchan by his back and legs. The other knights were carrying Arlong's crew away. "It looks like you stopped the worst of his bleeding. I'll take care of the rest."

"So, Hachi will be okay?" Camie asked.

"Yes. I'll make sure of it."

"Thanks…" Erin smiled.

"I can't believe you became a Bubble Princess and I totally rib-missed it!" Lulu cried.

"I hope you at least took pictures, Macaroni!" Massimo yelled.

"Hey, it's not my fault you got stuck in a staring contest."

"I think my eyelids are jammed now…mmmmmm!" He tried to blink.

"Thanks a lot for the help, Sector SG. Although… aren't you one short? Where's the cowboy?"

"Rango wanted to stay in the Seahorse Prairie." Serena answered. "Though I couldn't tell if he's hard at work fighting pirates or racing the seacowboys."

"What were those monsters you went to fight, Jinbe?" Nora asked.

"Wotans. Wotans are the children of Fishmen and giants from Brobdingnag. They're very rare, but not unheard of. Unfortunately, I could only make them retreat before their drugs began to wear off."

"The pirates will undoubtedly use that Talisman in another drug factory." said Namur, a white shark ray Fishman in a blue and yellow shirt with a ripped red star logo. "Do you have any idea where they might be going, Jinbe?"

"I do. The next Great City, perhaps more famous than the capital itself: Bikini Bottom."

"What?!" Nora gasped. "Isn't that where-"

"Yes." Jinbe narrowed his eyes in annoyance. "The home of the ocean's greatest bane who became the surface's greatest celebrity."

Fishman District

Kisame delivered the report to Captain Hody. Arlong's failure and the princess's success. "Siiiiigh…" The great white shark propped his trident to the floor to push himself up. "If you want something done right… you have to do it yourself."

Otto and Bronya are from Honkai Impact, Kirika and Shirabe from Symphogear, Ikalgo’s from Hunter Hunter, Kisame’s from Naruto.

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