
Third Gen Tales

It's a fresh new start for the Third Generation of Kids Next Door. Learning the value of friendship, fighting dangerous villains, and having fun adventures, they train to better their selves as they continue their parents' legacy! This is a series of one-shots and short stories that introduce and follow the adventures of the Third Gen KND. These one-shots can be enjoyed without extensive knowledge of the Gameverse lore. Most of the one-shots are episodic and have no strict order, but it's recommended you read the introduction chapters first. Almost every chapter or arc focuses on a new crossover and a KND sector interacting with them. (NOTE: newly added chapters may be rearranged before other ones, depending what I think the order of reading should be.)

Gamen_Watch · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
96 Chs

 Emma's Quest, Part 5: Answer Hunter

This chapter calls back characters from the "Hyrule Marathon" chapter. Read that now if you haven't!

 Princess's Resurrection 

Cindy's personal flagship was a sky-blue blimp-like airship depicting an angry sun and upside-down Triforces at the base of the propellers. The portly princess and Kamui shared a table on the domed roof, treated to a dinner made from some of Hyrule's finest. Two guards in golden armor were at the entrance. "I must say, Princess, I knew you were ambitious, but this exceeds even my expectations."

"It's glorious, I know." Cindy sipped a glass of red wine. "I guess I made the right choice electing Garcia in this group… wherever that fool is now. To think the Underworld relies on Light Chi for some of their technology… even though it's toxic to them as oil and chemicals are for us. His girlfriend was quite nice to acquire that bomb. It's just what I need to finally seize the throne. Light Chi is deadly to fearbenders, too, you know."

"Quite so. But are you sure it's okay to trust such matters to the guards here?"

"All the guards on this vessel detest the demons, too, I made sure of it. And they won't let anything spill if they know what's good for them. Mother's ways have grown old. Her fear is outdated as is her rule. It's time for a new Pirate Emperor to take the throne and to have new Commanders by her side. You Demon Slayers will be the first. And over time, we'll find other hunters to join our cause. The dawn of the Cortix Pirates is upon us."

"Marvelous! I'm sure the others will be delighted!"

"Yes, but… I wanted you to be the first to know. There's something different about you. Something the other Slayers don't have. You have… a kind of aura that would best befit my image as the new Queen of Fear. You're the perfect man to help me spread it. So, I'm thinking of making you my Top Commander."

"My, I don't know what to say, Princess!" His beaming expression went unchanged, though his pitch was elevated. "To go from a mere hunter to a princess's top man! I'm so excited I could just…EYAH!"

Kamui's fist flew into the blank center of Cindy's face, the princess crashing against and cracking the dome barrier. The guards lunged to attack him, but they didn't last long before their armor was broken and bodies lain at askew angles. "GRRRRR!" Cindy arose in a rage, a fist-shaped crater in her "nasal" area. "I treat you to dinner and THAT'S how you repay me?!"

"But isn't that what pirates do with their first mate? Have a brother/sisterly punchout on the poop-deck? If anyone asks, we can just say a demon made that bruise! Yahihihihihi!"

"Heh heh heh…" Cindy smirked. "You must think you're quite comfortable, casually punching me. Well, rookie pirate, I think you need some DISCIPLINE!" Cindy grabbed Kamui's neck and smashed him through the table, glass and plates shattering over his frame. Kamui grabbed her arm and swung her into the dome, then Cindy screeched a Scare Scream to briefly stun him. She grabbed a broken wine glass to stab his cheek, Kamui stretching his grin to it and opening his conniving blue eyes. He grabbed his umbrella-gun and riddled her with bullets, but the princess grabbed its arms, raised, and smashed him straight through the ship's roof. As they crashed in the room beneath, guards rushed to seize Kamui. He grabbed two and chucked them at Cindy, who swat them away before shoving a beefy guard in Kamui's direction, the Yato slicing him in half before charging at Cindy.

Shinobu and Ashera jumped to block Kamui, the latter losing her right arm. "What's the meaning of this?!" Shinobu asked, her sword pressed to cut her own hip from Kamui's swing.

"I should ask you." Kamui replied.

"It's a simple squabble on the poop-deck." Cindy answered.

"WOO, I like me a good squabble!" Ashera cheered. "That's worth losing an arm! Can I join in?!"

"What are you two doing here? You better have good news."

"Well, Your Highness, we met an interesting creature." Shinobu answered. "A vampire."

"Did you kill it? Vampires are demons, too."

"We were going to… but it had a special power. It has firebending designed to only hurt demons and spirits."

"Really?" Cindy stroked her chin. "That does sound interesting."

"Unfortunately, retrieving it seemed difficult at the time. A group of kids and a strange paper man were acting as her bodyguards."

"You got stopped by a delivery man?!"

"It wasn't like that! He was a bender of some kind!"

"I'm reaching my patience with interlopers! If you think this vampire is useful, go and get it! How many were there? Do you at least remember what they look like?"

"Y-Yes! I drew pictures of them, in fact." Shinobu pulled out some papers and showed them. "Colored them the best I could."

Cindy had to commend Shinobu's drawing skills… when she felt nice enough. Only the kids' upper halves were drawn, but they looked distinct enough. If they're in a group, it shouldn't be hard to find them. "Jonathan!" She turned to one of the beaten guards on the floor. "Have these pictures copied and sent to all guard bases. These brats will pay for disrupting my… work?" Cindy's eyes widened at the picture of the orange, spiky-haired girl. That hairstyle… even that face. "Wait… no… it can't be…"

"I drew her, TOO!" Ashera whipped out her picture. "See?!"

Emma was depicted with a sun head with scribbly rays, big narrow eyes, nose, and lips. The others glared at the warrior reprovingly. "Go back to art school, Ashera." Cindy ordered.

Cuccoriko Village

"Okay, Emma, there's something that's been on my mind for a while." Ray began. "You said Gourmet Hunters have to eat whatever they kill, right?"


"So, what about all the bugs we unknowingly squish on the ground? Do you check your shoes every so often to lick them off?"

"EW, GROSS, NO! Bugs just aren't part of that code, their remains are just left for smaller scavengers to collect."

"I figured. Had to bring it up though." Ray smirked.

Across the eastern sea from Hyrule's mainland was the Spirit Tracks country, but further west from there lay the Land of Ocarina. It was named for the sacred instrument Princess Zelda once held, so ocarinas were popular here. There was a Gerudo Fortress, a Zora Fountain where the Jabu-Jabu whale rested, the Kokiri Forest… but today, Emma's friends were going to Cuccoriko Village.

Some say this used to be the old Kakariko Village before it was renamed to distinguish it. A pleasant village at the foot of Mount Volvagia, a dormant volcano where a serpent dragon lived, a windmill spinning in the calm breeze, and its namesake Cuccos always roaming loose. "E-yep." Emma chirped, reviewing the clue Kalluto gave them: it was an overview map of Cuccoriko. "But I'm not really sure where to go. Might as well say 'hi' to the chickies!" She bent over the Cucco near the town gate, nuzzling her nose to its beak.

"Just don't let it bite." Don said. Today, he was in charge of carrying Nezuko's casket.

"The map has to have some irregularity." Ray said.

"I know. The only thing I find weird are these white dots, but I don't-"

"DAAAAAAD!" They saw a white-haired boy with a white vest leap down from a roof and up some steps before heading right. "I think the Cuccos made a little MESS!"

"Oh, dear." Gilda said passively.

"Wait a sec…" Emma ran the boy's direction, her friends curious as they followed.

"Dad, one of the Cuccos made a nest in Ms. Marisia's gutter! She just chewed me out about it!" the boy yelled. His vest had a large zipper, he had red eyes, black pants, and messy spiky hair.

"The miracle of birth's a lovely thing, Unzen." His dad was a very portly man, his belly hanging from his open button-up shirt. He had ragged blue shorts and weathered boots. He was slouched on his swaying rocking chair, a long horsetail hanging from his mouth and a sun hat covering his eyes.

"I'm getting sick of having to get all these Cuccos every day! I dunno what your frickin' deal is with these things," Unzen turned to stomp away, "but I'm about ready to cook 'em into-?" He was stopped by the group of strange kids. "You guys want something? HEY!"

"OH!" Emma gasped.

"IT'S YOU!" They whipped a finger at each other.

"It's… him?" Gilda repeated.

"I met him at the Hyrule Marathon last year! Unzen, right?"

"And just what're you doing here?" asked Unzen. "And who's this, your dork club?"

"Oh, and that giant zipper is supposed to be fashionable?" Ray retorted.

"We're just on an adventure." Emma said. She glanced to the Cucco pen near Unzen's dad. "Hehe, so you're a Cucco breeder, huh? Never would've guessed that."

"Probably more of one than this old fart."

"Do you have a golden Cucco?"

"Not really. The rarest we got is a Nightshade Cucco. Hey, since you're here, feel like rounding them up for me?" Unzen sneered.

"Do your own dirty work." Ray said.

"Well, I have time to spare." Emma smiled.

"Of course she does." Don remarked.

"Sweet." Unzen walked away. "Then I'mma get my own rocking chair."

Emma strolled around and picked up each of the adorable clucks. There was one in a box by the stairs, one near the volcano entrance, one behind the windmill, one along the graveyard path, and one by the well. The only irritating thing about it was that Unzen was sniping them from a chair on the Cucco pen's roof. He loaded chewed paper wads into his straw and spat them with annoying speed and precision. When he shot Ayshe's bang, the Zonai angrily spat a venom dart up at him. Though the dart punctured Unzen's cheek, it didn't numb him at all. "Is that all?"

"I see he's well-built…" Ayshe said in frustration.

"He's a KND operative and Sheikah, too." Emma replied.

"Sheikah?" Ray asked. "That's a bit coincidental."

"You have a point…"

"Howdy, pardners." The dad greeted. "Y'all find mah seven little cluckers?"

"Seven? I only counted six." Emma said. "…Wait, the Nightshade Cucco! That's still somewhere!"

"Yip…that little featherbrain only caws at night."

"It's nearly sunset at least." Don said. "Shouldn't be a problem."

"We're getting off track!" Ray shouted. "Let's keep reviewing the map."

"I know, I know…" Emma turned away from the dad and unraveled the map. "Hm…oh! I just noticed these little white paint splotches. They're marked… in the same spots we found the Cuccos."

"Wait… seriously?!" Don gasped. "No way that's a coincidence!"

"Hmm…" Ayshe cast a suspicious glare at Unzen's dad. "Ugh!" Then her eye was sniped by Unzen's spitwad. "THAT'S IT!" She tossed a dagger at his hip, but Unzen caught the blade between his fingers. He then flicked the blade up atop the nearby cliff. "You piece of…!"

"Ahaaaa…" Emma drawled out in realization: a blue paint splotch was marked on the tree near the town gate. She led her friends to it, but there was nothing in the tree or under it. "Nothing here?"

"Maybe there's something underground." Don put his ear to the earth and knocked it.

"The Cucco only caws at night, so we'll just wait until then."

"But those two are definitely onto it." Ray said. "Let's just ask them."

"They probably wouldn't answer. Besides, I like a good puzzle!"

As the group settled at an inn for a few hours, the lazy dad smiled at them.


The fading daylight awakened a single Cucco. Emma was waiting outside until it would sound, tracing its origin to the windmill. There were two holes within the windmill. She jumped to grab the turbine as it was scrolling by and rode it up to the first hole. It had stairs leading to the second hole, and she found a blue-feathered Cucco inside. She picked the bird up and leapt out the hole. Its gliding distance was stronger than the average Cucco, but not as much as the golden. She glid to the top of the tree and set the Cucco on it, as the map indicated. "So, let's see what that does."

The Cucco stepped around for a bit before sticking its talons in holes of their shape. There was a rumbling sound. "What was that?" Gilda wondered.

"That… way!" Nezuko tracked the sound with her strong hearing. With the sun down, she was free to be outside with them. The vampire led them to the Cuccoriko Graveyard, always cloudy with a light rainfall. Gilda could feel the strong spiritual chi as Poes lurked around. However, they seemed particularly scared of Nezuko, so they kept their distance. The largest tombstone was made in memory of an ancient royal family, and the two royal composers were buried next to them. The only grave that was off was one in the front corner: it was moved over revealing a hole. It also had a Cucco engraved in the back of it. Emma shared a determined look with her friends and climbed down. (Play "Krazoa Shrine" from Star Fox Adventures.)

The passage was filled with bones, the group mortified as they trekked over them. "HELLOOOOO?" Emma called, her sudden noise startling her friends. "Mr. Killua? Are you in here?"

"Way to break the tension!" Don whisper-yelled.

"Keep it down, you idiot, we don't know what's waiting for us!" Ray stated.

"I wonder what these bones are?" Ayshe said. "Did this grave initially belong to them… or where there others who found this place?"

"Whatever they are, the souls already left them, it seems." Gilda replied. "People souls don't answer me as well as animal or nature souls."

"It doesn't matter." Emma smiled. "We'll handle whatever this place throws."

Shortly after turning a corner, they found someone: a bald, ghostly, but muscular man hunched on a small chair. The man weakly craned his head up and opened his narrow eyes to the visitors. "This place… is not for the unwise. Turn back… or meet your demise."

"Sorry, but we need to get past here." Emma replied.

"Then a test you must first take… before you make a mistake. You two. Come to me."

Gilda and Don flinched. "U-Us? Gulp…" The friends fearfully approached him. Swiftly, the man wrapped his muscular arms around their heads, muffling their mouths, and whipping out knives that were tipped to their necks.

Ayshe, Nezuko, and Ray reacted with attack poses, while Emma shouted, "NO, PLEASE!" with hands reached for the man.

"In 10 seconds, I will kill these two. You can only pick one to return with you. You cannot save both. Don't even try. Choose your favorite or let both die. Ten…nine…eight…seven…"

Gilda and Don could only shudder, sweat trickling from every opening. They couldn't believe it would suddenly end like this. Save Gilda! Don thought. She's way more useful than I am!

Save Don! He works so hard, he doesn't deserve this!

"Six…five…" But Emma said nothing. She only clenched her teeth, glaring at the man with anger and focus. "Four…three…" Her friends looked to her anxiously. Why wasn't she saying anything? She had to pick now or they were both doomed. "Two…one…" Emma stayed silent and swallowed.

The man flicked the knives up and was swiftly gone beyond the dark tunnel. "HUUUFF!" Gilda and Don drew in a deep breath, dumbstruck they still had necks to hold it. "W-W-We're… still alive…" Gilda stuttered.

"Heh…heheh…so, that's it, Emma?" Don smiled. "You knew he was bluffing."

"I…I wasn't sure."


"I just… I couldn't pick just one of you. You two are my best friends. I wanted you both!"

"Awe, Emma!" Both friends embraced her in a hug.

"But what if he hadn't been bluffing?" Ray asked.

"Then I…I wouldn't be able to go on…"

"Hey, it's alright." Don said. "Heh…that guy really had me though. I wonder what other tricks he has planned?"

They advanced down the corridor, breathing off the tension that had just weighed over them. They reached a door with a Sheikah symbol. It was a temple door that only opened upwards. Emma walked in first—it immediately shut at her back and sealed with bars. "EMMA!" Gilda screamed, the others trying to pry it open.

"GUYS! Nnngh…!" Emma glared forward. The only time a temple door would do this would be to lock you in with a monster.

There was another man waiting there, scrawny and pale with white hair draped over his eyes and wearing a black cloak. "Now… the Test of Fear. Do not look away from reality, my dear."

Vents opened. Red gas started to seep in. "COUGH, COUGH!" Emma choked. As her eyes narrowed on the man, she quivered hearing a tapping sound. A sound like pointy claws. In her peripheral vision… Skulltulas were coming. They were lowing from the ceiling… and she felt small ones climbing her. She raised her left hand. She to squash them. She had to punch them away or they'd bite. "…Wait." Don't look away from reality. That man was the only real thing in this room. She was hallucinating, right? "I see…"

The Skulltulas lunged and wrapped their legs around her. Though she "felt" their weight and they were baring fangs at her, she kept her focus on the man. She didn't react to push them off. They didn't bite her. "EMMA!" She heard Gilda scream. She heard Gilda tearing her nails against the ground as she tried to crawl to her, blood spilling from her torn flesh. "EMMA, THAT MAN AMBUSHED US! H-Help us…HELP!"

Emma heard Gilda's brain get stabbed… but still she didn't look. "I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE COME!" Ray screamed, his neck being twisted. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I TRUSTED-" His head dislodged with a strong CRACK.

"I just…" Don moaned, "wanted to… be useful…" His body was ripped in two.

Emma couldn't look… she wanted to… but she shouldn't… It was all a trick… but still, she was afraid. She'd never been more afraid. The thought of these things happening…

"UUUUEEEEEEEHHHH…" Her friends' mangled corpses tugged at her, desperate to hear words of comfort or release. Though she would love to grant their request, she couldn't give them the time. This man needed her full attention. Then, her friends changed. They grew and morphed into Mutant Titans. They moaned, drooling over the leader who abandoned them.

In the darkness beyond the man, a figure emerged. A portly woman with wavy, orange hair, wriggling like Medusa. That woman… had Emma's face. Grotesque with bloodshot eyes and a ripped nose. It almost distracted her from the man, but she returned focus. Then one of the Titans grabbed her. She wasn't sure which one… but it rose Emma as her head passed between its jaws. And just as the jaws connected… everything vanished. The man stood and slowly walked beyond the dark veil.

Emma heard the door open and her friends run in. "Emma!" Gilda exclaimed. "The door got jammed and… what happened? Your eyes are really red."

"Huh?" Emma blinked and rubbed them. "Hah…that's what happens when you go without blinking."

"You okay?" Don asked.

"Fine. Just… fine."

On the walk to the next room, Emma blinked to restore comfort to her eyes. Though they felt discomfort, the friends would be left wondering what she saw in this room. They then reached a more open room with bookshelf walls, light enough to provide a more comforting atmosphere. There were displays carved into the walls resembling different environments. Around the middle of the room were multiple tables with relics on them. There was a librarian at a desk, a man of average build with a basic gray tunic. He had a graduate's cap over his eyes.

"Welcome to my study." He said politely. "To see if you are knowledgeable, match the relics with their correct environments."

"I see." Emma stroked her chin in thought. This seemed suspiciously different from the first two tests. But might as well get started. First there was a rock that looked like a hunk of meat with a bone going through. This was the Gorons' treasured rock sirloin; she put this on the pedestal before the Death Mountain display. There was a small silver trident with cyan jewels embedded in it. This was a scaled-down version of the Zora's Lightscale Trident. She put this in the display for Zora's Domain. She recognized the small top as the Spinner, an item invented by the Oocca, so Emma put it at the Oocca City display. There was a stone helmet like that of Twilight Princess Midna; she put this with the Shadow Realm display. The Lens of Truth went with the Kakariko display, being a famed Sheikah relic.

Emma put a piece of Eldin Ore at the Mogma Mountain display. She placed the Four Sword replica at the tiny Minish Woods display. The Water Dragon basin went with the Lake Floria display, being the Parella's relic. The Kokiri Sword fittingly went to Kokiri Forest, while the Koroks' display required a golden turd. …Yes. Emma recognized Medli's Harp, a treasured instrument of the Rito, which went to Dragon Roost's display. The Gerudo Desert's relic was a miniature statue of one of the Seven Heroines. The dinosaur fossil went with the display of the Zonai Temple's statue of Reptar. Finally, the small pyramid went with the Zuna Oasis display.

She cleared all the relics from the tables, except… the Hyrule Castle display was still missing its. "Um…is the last relic hidden somewhere?"

"Oh, that's been broken." The librarian answered. "Its pieces scattered everywhere."

"Broken… scattered?" But what would Hyrule Castle, the Hylians, value as its sacred relic. …The answer dawned on her. She reached in her bag and grabbed the golden shards, laying them on the pedestal. The displays magically responded to their relics and a door opened. (End song.)

"Wait, how did that work?" Gilda asked.

"Hm…just what I thought." Emma smiled knowingly as she returned the shards to her bag.

"Congratulations." The librarian said. "You passed the tests."

"Really? That one was so easy! Can't I take an exam on Hyrulean lore instead?"

"She really is a nerd." Don remarked.

"Even if I gave one, I'm sure you'd pass it." replied the librarian. "You're just how I expected."

"Wow, thanks! So, is Unzen down here, too?"


"I mean, you are Unzen's dad, right? You're also the guy from the first two tests."

"What?" Don gasped, Gilda, Ayshe, and Nezuko sharing his surprise. "But their hair and body types… they're all different."

"I don't know how he's doing it," Ray said, "but he has the same eye color, skin, and he's changing the pitch of his own voice."

"So, you saw it, too, huh?" Emma smiled.

"Come on, that's not enough to make them the same person! What about the different clothes?!"

"Didn't you see the previous pairs of clothes hastily taped up on the ceiling?"

"Hahahahahaha!" laughed the man. "You really are just like him!"

"You mean…?"

The librarian left out the opened door. The kids followed him into a large cavern where a waterfall poured and divided above a house. They traveled down a snaky, cliffside stairwell to get down to the house, where Unzen was sitting on the patio and bouncing a ball. In fact, the ball was actually ricocheting around the cave at crazy speed and force—and it hit Ayshe's head once. "AUGH, SERIOUSLY?! Goddess, I'm gonna kill that brat!"

The ball snapped back in Unzen's hand as he stood to meet the group. "I can't believe someone finally figured out Dad's stupid puzzle. At least we won't have to let the Cuccos out, anymore."

"So, you were involved in that clue." Emma said. "You're… Killua Zoldyck."

The librarian faced them. "Life Return!" His body morphed to a taller, broad-shouldered shape with muscled arms, legs, and pronounced chin.

"He can change his body?!" Don gasped.

"Life Return is an advanced art that lets me bend my muscles as I please." Killua explained. "I can go fat, thin, bald, or fully hairy! Shall I demonstrate?"

"PLEASE don't." Unzen cringed.

"Heh heh! But I'd rather my daughter see my real face."

"D…Daughter?" Emma repeated in shock.

Killua knelt to her level, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I'm Gon's husband. I'm… your other father, Emma."

The kids nearly experienced whiplash for how they flinched. "Ah…I… had no idea!" Emma's face brightened. "D…DAD!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Killua raised and threw her up and down repeatedly! "EMMAAAAA!"


Her friends were unsure how to feel… It pleased them that Emma was so happy, but it was hard to believe the journey was practically over. That Emma finally met one of her parents. Even Killua was beyond joyous to finally be with her.

"So, this twerp is seriously my sister?" Unzen asked.

"Who're you calling a twerp? I'm two years older than you!"

"SHUT UP! Do you even know who we are? We're the Zoldycks, the cursed family wanted by the royal army! All because of a stupid 'sister' that my 'other dad' wound up dropping."

"Unzen!" Killua shouted.

"D…Dropping?" Emma asked.

"It's not like that. It's… Come inside first."

The inside of the house was full of photos of Gon, Killua, and their old teammates, fishing rods, skateboards, and other treasures from their adventures. "The Zoldycks almost never made friends outside their family. But Gon…Gon became more than just a friend. He was my light. I couldn't think about being with anyone else."

"That's wonderful…"

"But…" Killua frowned. "You probably guessed, but we needed surrogate mothers to have kids. I had Unzen with a woman named Fie, one of my old classmates. But you… the truth is… you weren't… meant to be 'our' daughter."

He could see the vibrance leave Emma's features, her emerald eyes on the verge of tearing. Her friends felt her pain and wanted to offer sympathy. "What's that supposed to mean?" Ray asked, hoping for more clarity.

"You see, your dad was a Haki Master. He knew all three forms and could enter Haki Fury. That's extremely rare. He wasn't as powerful as King K. Rool, but that's why… someone wanted him. She thought that Gon's strong chi could breed a perfect daughter… so, she forced him to…"

"I was… a… mistake?" Emma saw Unzen casting a cold glare at her from behind Killua.

"No!" Seeing the effect of his words, Killua broke her out of her sadness. "It was only after you were born that he realized how special you were! He wanted you to grow up happy! That's why he dropped you off with his aunt Mito."

"This is…this isn't what I expected at all." Emma put a hand to her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "I don't…"

"I'm sorry." Killua hugged her. "I guess I should've approached this better."

"But what does it have to do with you guys? The Zoldycks? What Unzen said just now…"

"Before that, there's something to give you first." Killua grabbed a small, purple and gold box from a shelf and opened it before Emma's eyes. There was a gold diamond-shaped shard inside.

"The last piece…" Emma picked it up and put all the shards together again. The diamond fit perfectly in the gap on top, making a triangle. "Dad… this is the Triforce, isn't it?"

"Triforce?" Gilda gasped. "That's Hyrule's most sacred treasure!"

"Not just Hyrule." Ayshe said. "It's one of the gods' most powerful relics. Uniting the Triforces of Power, Wisdom, and Courage could grant any wish."

"Yes." Killua affirmed. "That one is the Wisdom. It's meant to be held by someone of a wise and pure heart. The fact that it glows in your grasp means that it was meant for you. That's why your dad organized these trials. But he wanted to test your power and courage as well. Only that would make you truly worthy of holding it."

"Well, that explains that library game, but what about your first two tests? Threatening my friends and…"

"That first one was a test we first took in CND Training. Only a bit more extreme. The correct answer was to not answer. To not choose a favorite to save. A true wise person would pick no favorites."

"It was pretty messed up though. And that second test wasn't much better."

"For that one, I wanted to test the strength of your inner willpower. To see if your mind would bend to deception. You did great."


"And of course, the third test was for your basic Hyrulean knowledge. I thought it would be nice to calm your mind after those first two. I think now… you're truly worthy of that Triforce."

"But why?" Emma gently clutched it in her fingers to pick it up. "Why did Dad want me-" She only picked some of the shards off as it fell apart.

"Huh." Killua reacted in calm surprise. "I guess there's something missing."

"There's still more?!"

"And I think I know what it is." Killua smiled. "Maybe… you need to find another one of the Triforces."

"You're kidding!" Don yelled. "That's, like, a whole 'nother quest!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Killua filled with bright spirits. "Emma, I know this has been a lot to take in… and I'm sorry for making you do so much work. But it gets better from here. Trust me."

"It does?"

"There's… another person you should meet. Another member of your-…our family." Killua handed her another map.

It seemed to be a landmass of a unique triangle-ish shape, its left side thin, but larger on the right. But instead of an "XX," it depicted a "V" at the destination, marked near the right coast. Emma checked it next to her map of Hyrule. She looked between them for several minutes, all the while her friends grew more anxious… and Unzen more frustrated. "Ugh, it's too confusing! There isn't any exact place like this on Hyrule!"

"Hahahahaha!" Killua seemed more humored by the minute. "Then maybe use a different map! Hahahaha!"

"A different map?! What…" Emma noticed there was a globe on a drawer stand. She approached it and realized… it didn't depict Hyrule at all. It was a different planet with a Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Asia, or the USA… "Earth?" She reviewed every corner of the globe until she found a landmass that matched. "…Okay, this is the closest one. Looks like… Virginia?"

"Yes." Killua affirmed. "Go there… and you'll find the Sacred Treasures underneath a great tree."

"The Great Deku Tree?"

"Even greater than that. Of course, before that, it's late. You kids should probably go to bed first."

"Yeah. Then we'll fly to Earth in the morning."

"Yeah, have fun with that." Unzen scoffed, walking out of the house.

"Unzen!" Killua yelled. "I know this is sudden, but-"

"Yeah, I know we've been waiting for her for years! So what?! Why are we playing mind games with her, why don't we tell her who she really is? Why I have to live in a dumb Cucco hut and keep my name a secret? This girl isn't my sister… and Gon isn't my father!"

"UNZEN!" Killua called out as his son zipped his way up the cavern with great speed. "Unzen Myouri Zoldyck, get back here! Where are you going?!"

"None of your business!"

"Ugh! Sorry, Emma, he just needs time."

"It's okay. I don't blame him. But I…I wish I knew what he meant…"

"When you get to the Sacred Tree in Virginia, all of you will learn the truth. Then… you can all face it together."

"Heh…okay. I'm sorry for troubling you guys so much."

"I'll take care of him. Don't worry. Good luck, Emma." Killua left.

Hyrule Moonbase

The KND Moonbase was made of mostly Sheikah Tech. It had a "stem" between a wide base and bulbous top, which depicted the Sheikah Eye within a large window, and the Triforce on top. This was the best place Unzen could retreat to, being the Head Guard. He slept in the guest quarters and woke to a lunch room breakfast, munching his Cucco Eggs and Bullbo Bacon half-heartedly. "Hey, Unzen!" He was approached by Rayji, a Gerudo guard. "Here already? You look beat, man, what's wrong?"

"Stupid family, that's what."

"Boy, don't I hear that. Lemme guess, sister stealing your Sheikboy or something?"

"Go to your post!"

"A'ight, a'ight, sorry to pry!" Rayji raised her hands defensively and ran off.

"Hmph…" Stupid Dad… stupid Emma… expecting him to accept her as a sister… Showering her with love when they barely knew her… She wasn't his family… she wasn't supposed to be… Because of her, he had to live in fear, on guard as a Zoldyck. If only she would…

"Oh, hey, Unzen!" Rayji came back.

"What now?"

"One of our spies snuck into a Boogey base and found these posters!" She splayed the papers on the table. "Doesn't even say what they're wanted for! What do you think's up? Should we try to save these kids?"

"?!" Unzen gasped. They were already wanted? Does that mean… the princess already knows? Unzen swiped the papers in hand and tucked them under his shirt. "Rayji, don't tell anyone about these. I got something to take care of."


The Head Guard raced downstairs to his ship. Yes… this is what I need… to get our family's honor back… or at least mine.

Earth; Cleveland, Virginia

Team Emma called Yamato's division and had them send a personal pirate ship of their own, built with the necessities for space travel. For the first time in what felt like forever, they left Hyrule and took a hyperspace drive before arriving at Earth. They docked at Cleveland Beach before making the journey to town. "Heh, just realized we're cousins." Ray snickered. "Sigh…I got my butt kicked by my cousin."

"That's what big cousins do!" Emma pinched his cheek.

"Hey, aren't we the same age?! When's your birthday, anyway?"

"Aunt Mito said she found me the morning of August 23."

"HAH, my birthday is January 16! I'm the older cousin! And I'm clearly taller than you by 5 cm."

"Yeah, but I got bigger muscles!"

"At least Ray is more warmed up to the idea." Don remarked.

"You think we should've helped look for Unzen, too?" Gilda asked.

"If he's gonna be a baby about it, good riddance." Ayshe said. "He was rude, anyway."

"I'm sure you wouldn't miss him." Don figured. "But I'm worried about him though…"

"Maybe you should've given him the same talk you gave me." Ray inferred. "Then you could've beaten him up, too."

"I could, but… even I'm not sure what to say at this point." Emma said, downtrodden. "And I'm not sure I could've beaten him either. Just… how am I responsible for the Zoldycks' situation?"

"Hmmm…" Ayshe thought she had an idea.

With clouds covering the sky, it was safe enough for Nezuko to join them on the walk. The biggest landmark was naturally the KND treehouse that overlooked the entire neighborhood. "Know this… place!" the vampire rasped. "This… where Earth's best sector… lives!"

"Oh, you mean Sector V, right?" Gilda lit up. "Mom told me a little about them!"

"Yeah… and I have the funniest feeling we've met them before." Emma said.

"We have?" Don asked.

"Hmmm…" And there was something else familiar about this place. Emma wasn't sure why, but she felt very welcome here. This place felt so comforting that it made her smile.

The treehouse felt greater than ever as they stood at its doorstep. It grew from a white house with a red roof. "I read about this, too, actually." Ray said. "On Earth, the treehouses were originally Sacred Trees designed to imprison King Malladus."

"I thought so. Well… 'guess all we can do is knock!" Emma strolled up to the door in a spirited manner and knocked.

"Who is iiiiit?" What sounded like a young boy's voice answered.

"Uhhhh…" While being upfront about the quest worked out before, Emma was a little uncertain in this case. "Sorry to be intrusive. We're on a scavenger hunt." The boy inside pulled over a stepstool to look out the window. "And we were told to look under a great tree." The boy gasped. "Which, I figured… must be this one since I don't see any other trees this big. Heheh."

The boy answered the door; he had black hair, freckles, small green glasses over matching eyes, and wore only blue skinny jeans. "AH!" Emma exclaimed. "I know you!"

"I know you!"

"You're that girl/boy from the race!"

"Your name was Perry, right?"

"Yeah! And you're Emma!"

"Hahahaha!" Both gave a thumbs-up and touched them to each other.

"Wow, you're just seeing all kinds of familiar people now!" Don laughed.

"At least he seems nicer than Unzen." Ayshe said.

"Huh? Unzen's here, too?" Perry asked.

"No, he's… not." Emma winced in guilt. "Um…wait, I thought you lived on Hyrule?"

"I don't, actually." Perry blushed. "Just came to win a sword. …So, who's this odd bunch? Don't tell me you're a KND sector."

"No, but you wouldn't guess by looking." Emma proceeded to introduce her friends. "Though I'm guessing you are."

"More than you think." Perry twitched his brows. "So, wanna come in for some snacks? My parents say I shouldn't let strangers in while they're away… but thankfully, you aren't one! And I have a sword, anyway."

"Well, if it's alright with you." Emma stepped in first, her friends kindly following.

Perry got down bags of chips, pretzels, even Pop-Tarts from the cabinets to serve them. "I rarely have time to eat this stuff, anyway. You wouldn't BELIEVE the week we've had! Heck, the past two weeks!"

"You wouldn't either!" Emma laughed.

"No wonder we caught you in your Sunday clothes." Ray remarked.

"Hey, I deserve to be half-naked and relaxed in my own house. Hm?" Perry saw Nezuko trying to suck the strawberry jam from inside a Pop-Tart. "Um…is she okay?"

"She's a vampire." Emma answered.

"Any meat?" Nezuko asked.

"YEEK!" Perry winced at her fangs. "…Wait, I remember you from Halloween. You hung around Lucas, right?" Nezuko nodded.

"Yeah, she mentioned helping out on Earth on Halloween." Gilda remembered. "So, Perry, does that mean you're with Sector V?"

"No, I just live under them. I'm actually… the Supreme Leader."

"REALLY?!" He was blown out of the room by their combined shout. "You don't look like one at all!" Ray yelled.

"Hahaha…" Perry blushed. "Why not? I'm a kid like anyone else."

"I guess so." Emma blushed, sheepish for her outburst.

"So, what was that about a scavenger hunt?"

"Um…we're sort of looking for these." Emma thought it best to show him to see if it meant anything to Perry. She stacked the Triforce shards in their full shape on the table.

"Ooooooo. Shiny." Perry drawled, mesmerized by its glow.

"Yeah. It's the Triforce."


"You must've seen its picture on Hyrule, right? It's their greatest treasure."

"I…I know what it is."

"Yeah, everyone does!" Don beamed. "Totally! Hahaha…ha…" Gilda cast him a look that asked, 'You didn't know what the Triforce was, did you?'

"No, I mean… I really do. …Why do you have this?"

"I-It's something… Dad left for…" Emma still didn't understand it herself. Not even enough to explain to Perry.

Perry felt her confusion. Something was troubling her. Until he knew what, he was unsure what to say. But if she had this… he wondered… "Hey, want to see something cool?"

"Hm?" Emma lit up slightly.

"Come upstairs. Heh, if me being Supreme Leader blew your throats, I wonder what this will do."

 Princess's Resurrection 

The rooftop diner and floor below it needed some tidying up after Cindy and Kamui's little spout. "Perhaps I acted a little carelessly."

"What, sending Ashera and Shinobu to the emergency room? They'll get over it." Cindy reasoned. "I'm more worried about my sinuses."

"So, there is a nose hidden under there?" Kamui cocked a brow.

"I have very small nostrils. It keeps me from smelling disgusting things like demons. And you're barely clean yourself."

"They say the most unclean people always look spiffiest. What I am, my dear, is brutally honest. I can't say the same for you."

"But of course not." Cindy smiled. "A princess feigns kindness and forgives despicable servants who punch her in the face. And when I show kindness… it makes people indebted to me. It makes them fear me. That's what Mom learned. But you know what?" She seized Kamui's neck and shoved him to the floor, the Yato's eyes slit open as their malice met with Cindy's. "I think I much prefer… old-fashioned fear!"

"Then when do I start feeling scared? Yahihihihi."

"P-Princess…" A mustached guard approached from behind the hunched-over heiress.

"What?!" Cindy twisted her neck back, not taking her hand off Kamui.

"Uh, are you… okay-"

"Quit wasting my time and report, soldier!"

"Th-The children in the wanted posters… someone called about them. He said… he wanted to negotiate."

"Negotiate what?"

"Negotiate the Zoldycks' freedom."

"Huh?! Is he on now?"

"In the communications room, yes."

Cindy and Kamui adjourned there. There was a boy wearing a Mask of Truth on the terminal. "Good evening, Princess. I understand you'd like to get your hands on some renegades."

"What do you know of them?"

"I know where they are… and I know one of them is related to you."

Cindy's own knuckles nearly cracked from how tight she clenched her fist. "Where… are they?"

"I want you to lift the arrest warrants off the Zoldycks. I want to see it in the newspapers by the hour."

"How DARE you try me!"

"It won't be long before they go somewhere else. Lift the arrest warrants… and I'll help you find them again if necessary."

"My, how ambitious." Kamui smiled. "I like this kid, Princess. I think we should take him up on his offer."

"I want a name first, who are you?!"


"And you're in one of my guard bases, right?"


"I'll lift the warrants and you'll give me their location. But you will stay there until I come to get you. You may yet have other information for me."

"I… As you wish, Princess…"

Beneath Perry's House

Perry led the visitors into his secret basement, their mouths pressed in curiosity. There was a casket underneath a shining light, locked by a purple gem. Perry pressed his left hand to the gem: it burst open as a sheathed sword, shiny shield with a blue border, and golden arrows flew out. "HU-!" Emma fell speechless for a second. "THE THREE SACRED TREASURES!"

"REALLY?!" Don screamed.

"You don't know those either-" Gilda said.


"Haaaah!" Nezuko cowered behind Ayshe. A name like 'Sacred Treasure' must be dangerous for vampires.

"The Master Sword!" Emma bent over them. "Mirror Shield! Light Arrows! How do you have these?!"

"'Cause I'm… the next Hero of Time."

"DWUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHT?" Their throats didn't just burst: they evolved into foghorns and blew so powerfully, the treehouse could barely maintain its roots.

"Yyyyyyyyes… except I can't draw it." Perry picked the sheathed up and tried to pull the Master Sword out. "Nnnngh…see?"

Emma saw the glow on Perry's left hand: the Triforce tattooed on its back. "You really are… doesn't that mean you're related to the queen?"

"Queen Mandy? She's my great-aunt. And Cindy's my aunt…hehe. But we never really get involved with them, so don't treat me like a prince or anything."

"Prince…Cindy's… your aunt…" Emma let out her words in a very faint whisper. She stared longingly at Perry's Triforce…

"Another member of your-…our family." Killua said. "You weren't… meant to be 'our' daughter."

"Just… how am I responsible for the Zoldycks' situation?"

Emma looked herself in the Mirror Shield. The Triforce was stamped on it, over her reflection's forehead. She had… orange hair… just like…

"Hey!" Perry gasped as the Triforce shards levitated in the air. Before Emma's eyes, they united. It rotated in the air and released an explosion of light. The others shut their eyes from its radiance, but as the golden rays bounced off her emerald irises, Emma saw through space and time itself.

Year 2036 (Play "Elysium in the Dream" from XC2.)

Sector XX had surrendered to the Boogey Pirates during their initial takeover of Hyrule. Gon Freecss reasoned that avoiding a fight now would avoid needless destruction of the area, that they should wait to fight until the right moment. His instinct told them they would be okay and his teammates trusted it.

But one day, strapped in heavy chains, Gon was approached by the 13-year-old princess. She was short with unkempt orange hair and no nose on her scowling face. Far unlike the princesses of the old legends. "My sources tell me you're the KND's legendary Haki Master. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's right." Gon answered compliantly, showing no fear and having no reason to lie.

"You can activate your Haki now, right? Show me."

"Okay." Gon hardened his entire body, his tinted-green hair flaring like a black and red flame and his eyes sharpening. Cindy felt a heavy air fill the room.

"That's… strong! I can't believe you haven't broken out of here, yet!"

"I like to take my time with things. Besides, I'm grateful to Queen Mandy for letting me work here and train! She doesn't really seem that evil. I'm sure we'll all be fine!"

"How naïve… yet fascinating. I have a proposal for you, Gon. As you know, one day, I will be queen. I will become an Emperor after Mom. It will be my duty to make the Boogey Pirates the strongest there is. Ultimately, that means… I need a strong lineage, too. Gon Freecss… I ask your hand in marriage."

"I can't."

"WHAT?! No, let me rephrase that: when we become old enough, I ask for your hand-"

"No, I got that part, but I still can't."

"But I'm the princess! The princess is asking your hand, what are you, an idiot?!"

"I'm flattered, really, but I don't think you're asking me for the right reason. And even so… there's someone else. Someone who's… even more special to me."

"Grrrrr…fine… Here's my next offer: when the time comes, you must give me a child. If you won't marry me, you can at least give me a child to call my heir. Made from your strong Haki and my fearbending, they'll be the ultimate symbol of fear! The most powerful! Then you can go back to your special someone."

"Gee, that's… I don't know what to say."

"It is quite an honor, isn't it?"

"No, I mean… that's messed up. You can't just have a child with someone for their strong chi. You need to meet someone and fall in love naturally. The same goes for the child, too, you shouldn't just-"

"SHUT IT! Just look at the Kids Next Door. All the best operatives are the children of the former best operatives and it's because of their strong genes! Just like my cousins, the Unos. You've heard of them, right? When does love matter when all that matters is the next generation? Even Mom doesn't want my idiot dad around to muck up our rule over Hyrule. She expects me to rise to her rank someday… and I'll go above and beyond. I'll have an even stronger child."

"Cindy, you don't know what you're talking about. And if that's what your mom really thinks, she's wrong, too."

"Mom also thinks the line between right and wrong is thin. It's subjective. I'll decide if I'm wrong in the end, but for now, I want a child! I mean, when I'm older, I want a child!"

"Well, you're not having one with me. Sorry."

"You will! Or your friends are gonna pay the price!"


"You're friends with that Zoldyck kid, aren't you? I heard some rather bad things about them. Dangerous assassins… possible connections to Ganon's Yiga Clan… I could have them hunted across the entire cosmos if I wanted to! And I'll make your other friends guilty by association."

"Good luck! The Zoldycks are strong, we all are!"

"I'm sure they are. And how many people will die trying to bring them in? When will they have a day of rest? I wonder…"

Gon didn't want to give in to her fear. She was still a child… She didn't know any better… Would her mom even allow this? He didn't want to believe her, but her eyes… they were brimming with a dark resolve. "…What if I said 'yes'? It'd be a long time before I could keep my word."

"Oh, I made sure of that! WIZTON!" A white Wizzrobe floated into the room. "I want you to make an Unbreakable Vow with me."

"Unbreakable Vow?"

"Wizton here will cast a magic link between us. You WILL keep your word or your life is forfeit. Then again, you're the type who would die for your beliefs, aren't you?"

"Hah, yeah!" Gon sparked a smile.

"But not if it meant those you cherish would suffer, right?"

"…" Gon returned a glare… but Cindy's eyes were so clouded that he couldn't see his own reflection in them. "If I make this vow, would you have the power to call it off if you changed your mind?"

"If I find someone better… then I'll think about it."

But what Gon hoped was that she would realize why she was wrong. Until that day comes, there was plenty of time for her to learn. "Okay." Cindy took Gon's free hand as Wizton formed the magical chain between them.

"Let's set a cap for… 13 years. You will give me a child within the coming 13 years. If I change my mind about you, you will be released from this contract."

"I will…"

But she never did change her mind. Even after her mother learned about this ploy, scolded and punished her daughter, it only made Cindy more adamant. Gon waited out those 13 years as long as he could… but the deadline was too near. He couldn't wait less than nine months before it would take place, so he swallowed his pride and granted her wish.

"You're really gonna do this, Gon?"

"I have to, Killua. If I wait any longer, I…we won't be able to be together. I guess I was too naïve to think she would change her mind…"

"That girl? Pssh, you should've seen that from the start. Are you sure you want to?"

"Of course I don't want to, but I have no choice now. I just have to get it over wi-"

"That's not what I meant. Are you sure… you want her to keep it?"


"Come on, Gon… what do you think she's gonna do with that baby? She doesn't want to love it. It's just a tool to her. That was her plan from the start, you know that."

"I-I know! But I…I can't just take it. It's not like… she can be our child. Cindy will never let us. And you know what'll happen…"

"Gon… just so you know… I'm prepared for whatever you decide."

"You… are?"

"Yes. Alluka, Kalluto, and Lexi, too. They're prepared for your decision. Besides… Cindy never promised she wouldn't betray us anyway, right? It wouldn't surprise me. Gon… I know you'll decide."

"…" Killua could read him like a book. They haven't even married, yet. Gon didn't want to marry after this whole mess was over. In reality… it was just beginning.


On the night of August 22, 2049, Gon wanted to at least be there. See the birth of the child he helped conceive. His child. It made Gon wonder about his own dad… The father who chose life as a hunter over his own son. It's what made Gon so interested in hunting to begin with. But Gon never knew his mom either. Did his dad knock up some random woman? Did he have siblings he didn't even know about? Gon would never know.



She livened the room like the sun livens the world. She already had a layer of hair… and some strands stuck out like tiny, budding spikes. "Huff…finally…finally!" Cindy gasped. "Now hurry and wipe it off, and stop its crying!"

"Here. Let me." Gon offered. Gently, he took the child, wiped her with his white adventurer's cape, and consoled her until she quit crying. "…ah…" It was only afterward… that he realized how beautiful she was. She had the sweetest face… with an adorable little nose. She cracked open a pair of pretty emerald eyes. "H…hello there…"

Watching quietly and unseen, Emma cried. Her dad looked… so happy. The fear and regret she saw inside him, for all those years… it was fading away.

"Well, hurry up and give her to me!" Cindy demanded. Gon frowned and returned the baby to her husky arms. "Ahhhh…my beautiful…eh?" The princess cringed in disgust.

"Is something wrong?"

"She…she has a nose. Why does… she have a nose? And her eyes…" Cindy stretched open the baby's eyes.

"Hey, that's not healthy for-"

"What in the… I'm not sensing a trace of fearbending inside her! Her eyes are so… pure."

"That's great. You should be proud of-"

"Ugh, well her Haki better be worth the time I waited for this."

"Cindy…" Every sentence out of her mouth made Gon feel dead inside. "She should already be… worth…"

"I guess she doesn't need fearbending… if I train her for cruelty and torture. Start with skinning a few animals, then she'll beat up every kid in school… She should be the ruler of the school before she starts conquering her own territories, right?"

"That's not… what children…"

"She needs to have the look though. Maybe… we'll cut her nose." Emma felt lost for breath just hearing it. "Then she'll look even scarier than me. And a bad haircut. Yeah, that's a start. Hm…oh, Gon, you can go. You're officially free of our contract."

The magical chains spawned on Gon's arm and shattered. "…" The hunter's fist trembled. He couldn't hold his feelings in, anymore. He raised his fist and… released a burst of Conqueror's Haki, KOing everyone in the castle's medical wing.

"STOP HIIIIIIIIIIM!" He could hear Cindy's cries echo in the stormy night, vanishing through Castle Town's alleys and dashing across Hyrule Field. "He took my baby! STOP HIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM!"

Gon made it all the way to the beach and rode a boat across the sea. Though the waves were rough, they covered his escape from the mainland, the baby tucked firmly in his arm. Slowly, the storm calmed and his boat rested on safe waters. "Sigh…" Gon raised the distraught baby, smiling. "Heh…I guess Killua was right. There, there…" He rubbed her hair. "We'll take you far away. You'll…?" Her belly seemed to glow a golden radiance. Something was forming in front of it. A thick, gold triangle. "What…?!"

"Huh?" Lord Death stared at his hand. "The Triforce… is gone? …Oh…" He smiled as he sensed its location. "I guess… you've finally found your perfect home…"

"It's… the Triforce… no way…" Gon took the relic. Its glow faded in his grasp. "It…It chose… you…" The Triforce that Mandy discarded in her youth… that her daughter never earned… "Hah…" This girl… was chosen for Zelda's legacy. "I…I…" Gon still wanted to take her. He wanted to bring her to Killua… and run away to some other world. Maybe Earth. They had friends there. And family… in fact. But now… Hyrule was choosing her as the next Zelda. What should he do? He couldn't just take her away from this planet. But he didn't want her to be trapped with such a burden. What…

Gon clenched his fist. The Triforce shattered in his grasp. Broken into five shards. He shoved them down his pocket. "No… the choice will be yours. Even if I take you with me, you'll be burdened with our sins. You deserve a happier life. Grow up happy… and decide for yourself if you want to find me. Heh…but I can't make it too easy."

Hyrule mornings were treasured no matter where on the planet-wide kingdom one lived, but on the crisp Windy Sea, it was a blessing to watch the golden glow glitter the surface of the vast blue. Gon's home island cast a shadow as his boat drew close to its shore. His arms rose with the dawn, and with them the newborn in his hands. "Wake up, Emma… We're home."

But Gon didn't bring her to Aunt Mito's right away, Emma observed. First he drew maps on a piece of paper. He then took out another paper with a small photo of himself, drawing three XX's on the back of it. He went to catch the local Mapfish and showed it his own map, then pointed at the "XX" markings. Gon painted the "XX" across it just the same. With that, he dropped the baby and photo at his aunt's door.

"Your Highness!" a guard yelled. "The Zoldyck Estate is completely decimated! There's not a trace of anything! They're all gone! Our only lead is a spacecraft that was said to leave the atmosphere from that area!"

"Grrrrrrr…" The princess's teeth were clenched so strongly, they were cracking. "GOOOOOOOOOOOON!"

"Mother!" Cindy stormed into the queen's throne room like a charging beast. "Why have you censored the newspapers and the guards?! My own baby was taken!"

"SILENCE!" The chamber drowned with Mandy's Fear Chi. "They're long gone by now, you know that. If you spread the word about this, it'll reach out to other worlds. Our relatives will find out… and do you really think they'll help you? Or defend the child you forced him to give you?"

"And just what do you expect me to do?!"

"I expect you to leave them be! I want you to find a husband organically and have a true child to call your own."

"A true child?! Fine… but those Zoldycks and all connected to them will ALWAYS be criminals! They'll never be welcome here! AND NEITHER WILL THAT BRAT!"

"CINDY!" Mandy stretched a nightmarish claw.

"EYUH!" Cindy swiped it away with a claw of her own. "I will be queen someday, Mother, like it or not! I will make the decisions! I'll decide how I have children… and how I'll rule." The princess turned and stormed out, but not before blasting a Scare Scream to destroy one of the pillars.

"Hopefully, she'll think we're all off-world." Killua had rendezvoused with Gon outside of Mushroom Kingdom. "But you know where Alluka, Kalluto, and Lexi are hidden, right?"

"Yep! I talked it over with them just two months before the birth. The pirates will hopefully try to chase us for a while, not knowing Emma or the other Zoldycks are still on Hyrule. And luckily, I don't think Cindy ever learned Lexi was married to Kalluto either. I think I'll bring the Triforce pieces to them. Meanwhile, we'll wait a few years until it feels safe to go back as well."

"And will we… meet up with her?"

"No… she'll come to us. I really… don't know if she will. She might never get interested in adventuring or hunting. Or even become a KND operative. She might never discover that map or the Triforce pieces. Worst case, Cindy will find her… and turn Emma into the monster she wants her to be. But for now, I trust Mito to protect her. If she's really meant to hold that Triforce, fate will bring her to them. I just…I hope she'll be happy."

"Hm…I hope I'll get to meet her one day." Killua said. "Our first… child."

"We need to get married before that happens. I'm sure Maria can arrange something for us."

"Yeah…" They shared a kiss.

"Emma… Hey, Emma!"

Emma blinked and woke to Gilda and Don waving at her face. "Hey, you alright?! You were looking right at that light, can you still see?!"

"What's wrong?" Don asked as tears streamed Emma's face.

"Princess… Cindy's my mom…"

"Cindy… what?" Perry asked.

"The Triforce is gone." Ayshe informed. "Could that mean…?"

They noticed the glow on Emma's right hand. The Triforce was marked on it. "Princess Cindy is my mom… I…I'm Hyrule's… princess…"

Her best friends and Nezuko froze, dumbstruck. Ray was taken aback, yet was only mildly surprised. And Ayshe was satisfied. "W…Wow…" Perry said. "I guess… we're cousins then…" (End song.)

In the sky

Kamui and Princess Cindy flew on the former's personal craft. "Are you sure she'll be here, Princess?"

"There's only one reason they would go to Virginia of all places! She must've learned something, why else would she be here?!"

"You do know what that treehouse is, right?"

"Of course I do! That's why you're going down first. Grab those kids… and bring them to me. And if they don't cooperate, hit them as hard as you need to."

"Even… your own family?"


"Heh…I guess there are worse families." Kamui set his ship to autopilot and dove out the cockpit. He flicked open his umbrella and drifted toward the surface.

Perry and Emma sat on the sidewalk, contemplating in quiet. He brought the Sacred Treasures out just in case he would wind up on an unforeseen trip. For now, there was silence. Emma's other friends merely watched, sat around the yard. "Emma… is Hyrule's princess." Gilda repeated.

"Yeah…" Don agreed.

"…Ever since we've known her… she's been Hyrule's princess…" Gilda's brows twitched.

"She has…" Don's did the same.

"…We're casual friends… with a princess…" Gilda's mouth cracked into a smirk.

"We…are…" Don's mouth became zigzaggy.

"Hehehehehehehehe…" Gilda's glasses glimmered with greed. "Doesn't it make you feel… entitled…"

"I feel… like a noble bishop…" Don drooled.

Gilda's toes were being painted and pedicured. Don's shoulders were being massaged. Emma's hair was washed to a sunnier glow. They relaxed in the shiniest, whitest spa, with the juiciest fruits and warmest baths. Then Emma took her place on the throne with her two best people on the sub-thrones. "Aaaaaaahhhhh…"

"What's going through your heads right now?!" Ray shouted.

"Well… when we met, you said you had your own secrets." Perry said. "But I guess… being the queen's granddaughter wasn't one."

"No. I was just… trying to find my dad. He's a hunter, so… I joined the Marzipan Pirates to find him. Then I found this map he left me and… here we are. I… got to meet my family. Nezuko… Ray… Unzen… now you…"

"It… feels nice." Perry smiled. "Knowing your one-time racing buddy is actually your cousin."

"Heheheheh…" Emma lightened up a bit.

"Wait, did you say Unzen?! He is, too?!"

"Um, yeah… Weird, right? Actually, I… might've upset him before coming here. I should go and fix that."

"Oh…well, could we come with you?"


"I have other cousins, in Sector V and stuff. Unfortunately, I just sent them to Ohio for a mission. That's part of the reason I was down here. Hopefully, they'll be back soon."

"I'm not even sure. My head's just a mess now. You guys didn't even see it, but the Triforce showed me everything. How the princess met my dad, the regret he was feeling, and… how awful she was when I was born…"

"Emma…" Gilda and Don approached her in comfort.

"She forced Dad to have me… just so I would have strong chi. All to enforce her rule. Why did… What did Dad want me to learn from this?!"

"I wish I knew what to say." Gilda knelt down and hugged her. "But we're here for you. Me, Don, Ayshe, the Zoldycks… No matter who you are, you'll always be our friend."


"Hmm…" Ray glanced upward, his heart feeling fuzzy from their moment. "?" He saw a strange umbrella man floating down. (Play "Moebius Cutscene" from XC3!)

"Also, Emma, I hope this doesn't work," Perry handed her the sheathed Master Sword, "but try to draw this."

She clutched the blue hilt and, "Huuuuurrrrrr…nope. No good."

"Good, I would've been mad if you were worthy of it and not me."


"Hey, Perry, is that guy common around here?" Ray pointed.

"Who?" Perry looked up. "Uh…not at all. Didn't think Mary Poppins was visiting."

Kamui bowed his head down at them. He snapped his umbrella shut and dropped—the kids rolled apart as his fist crashed and cracked a crater in the sidewalk. "Ah! I beg your pardon. I had my eyes closed, you see."

"Sure, buddy…" Perry calmly reached for his Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield. "Can we help you with something?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me find some fugitives." Kamui reached in the collar of his black Chinese martial arts uniform. He whipped out the six posters. "These ones, in fact."

They all gasped. "We're wanted?!" Gilda exclaimed.

"Yes! For harboring a dangerous vampire… and for running away from home." He trained his umbrella on a shock-ridden Emma. "You're… coming… with me… my… dear…"

"The heck we'll LET YOU!" Don jumped the man—Kamui grabbed his ankle, slammed him on the ground, and twisted it. "OOOOOWW!" He swiftly elbowed Don's head and knocked him out cold. Ayshe dashed, latched onto his back, and cut his throat—they didn't cut the skin at all, but he bent and bit both daggers in his teeth. She struggled to pull them out, but they snapped like cookies. Kamui butted her upward before flipping and kicking her across the neighborhood.

"I didn't make myself clear. I don't have to drag you in in one piece." He returned his aim to Emma. "But it would be a shame to defile such youthful beauty. So, be a good girl and-" The umbrella shot two bullets, whizzing through where Emma's left ear used to be and destroying a house. "Oops, my finger slipped. Yahihihihi!"

"…You aren't… one of the demon hunters, are you?" Emma asked, slowly inching forward and left. Perry glanced at her… and the quiver of Light Arrows in her path.

"Now, demons is such an exclusive term. I hunt whatever's in my crosshairs."

"No… you are. But you're not like the others, are you? You're not grieving like Silver… misguidedly righteous like Shinobu… or even romantic like Garcia… you're just… insane, aren't you?"

"No. I only wish to stay fresh on the battlefield. But, to be honest… I don't like killing women." The children watched him intently, ready to step in so Emma could grab the arrows. "Some of them could breed strong children someday." A nerve reacted within Emma, as though he were reading her. "More strong people to fight with. And I think… I see one… right now…"

"HRAH!" Perry charged, already blocking the swing of his umbrella with the Mirror Shield, but he would block Perry's sword with his hand. Emma snatched up the Light Arrows and loaded one on her bow, loosing it at his back. "NNGH!" Kamui froze from a shocking sensation; Perry stabbed him in the gut while Ray ran to kick his leg, but stubbed his toe as the leg barely budged. Emma jumped to kick Kamui down with her hardened boot, leaving Perry to slice him further, but he would intercept the sword with his umbrella and swat the boy away.

"Yahihihihi!" Kamui rose as the clouded sky poured a light rainfall. "You know, I thought the Top Sector would've dropped down by now. Don't tell me they're not home? I wanted to fight them, too."

"Nezuko, it's raining!" Gilda gasped, dragging Don to lay him up on the house wall. "That's not bad for you, right?"

"Rain… don't count." Nezuko answered, growling at the man. "Must… beat him…"

"I'm glad you didn't break down and surrender." Kamui said. "Now I get to break you myself. And what lovely weather we have… Reminds me of back home. If only… Hyrule could look so nice." (Play "Moebius Battle" from XC3!)

The group tried to surround Kamui to confuse him, Perry volunteering to run in first. His swings were matched by Kamui's, though the Yato also had his legs and other arm to use as weapons, able to stomp Perry's sword down. He sensed Emma ready to shoot him, so he flipped evasively from her Light Arrow—except she was aiming at Perry, who aimed his Mirror Shield at Kamui's jump path and redirected it. The Yato was stunned, allowing Perry to go for a sword combo. Furthermore, Ray decided to attempt an advanced technique: he whipped his arms fast as lightning bolts to stir his chi. He then leapt at Kamui and thrusted his leg with lightning speed. "Lightning KICK!" For a brief instant, his leg simulated electricity, zapping Kamui's face. "Yo, it worked!"

"You're electric?!" Perry exclaimed.

"It's a Nature Art. It's hard to pull off, but the water sure helps!"

Since light seemed to hurt Kamui, Nezuko wondered if he was some sort of spirit. She showered him with her pink flames, but they had no effect. She could at least hinder his vision, dodging the Yato's bullets with better ease before kicking her ball at him. Kamui batted it away, but Nezuko used this chance to leap and kick him up the jaw. He grabbed Nezuko's thick leg and slammed her to the street, afterwards loading her with three bullets, which he knew wouldn't kill her. However, his face was smothered by Rain Spirits while Mud Spirits tried to seep in his shoes, courtesy of Gilda's melody. He violently shook his head to shake the water, but Ray still had the chance to jump him from behind and Lightning Kick him. Emma shot a Light Arrow, but Kamui shifted his hip sideways to dodge it, yet Perry was still charging for a Hurricane Spin. His sword sawed the Yato's legs, but ultimately, Kamui grabbed his head, spun with him, then took control of the momentum before hurdling Perry skyward.

Perry flew the level of the treehouse, but he whipped out his sail to fall safely. He only needed to hold his shield in his shoes to block Kamui's gunfire, the bullets bouncing down as two hit his cheek and eyelid. He decided to dash up the side of the treehouse, dodging and slicing the security turrets that activated, then swiftly pounced to Perry. The youth dodged backward, but Kamui flipped open his umbrella and glid as well, pursuing him. Kamui was faster as he swung kicks at Perry, but Perry could bend his legs up to deflect with his shield, each impact helping to push them apart. Kamui saw the glow of Emma's Light Arrow and made ready to avoid it—instead, his umbrella hand was pierced by an arrow from Ayshe, mounted on a roof. Kamui fell, giving Emma the chance to snipe and stun him.

"First comes rock! Rock…Paper…ROCK!" Emma jumped and gave him a hard punch to the jaw, Kamui falling on his back.

"YAAAAAH!" Perry dropped and PIERCED the Gilded Sword straight through his chest. Emma winced and squinted her eyes; even through self-defense, it was sad to have to kill another person. "Don't drop your guard, he's still kicking!"

Emma gasped—Kamui flipped up and flung Perry away with his sword. Blood poured from Kamui's chest, but the cut was steadily healing. Gilda sung for Mud Spirits to bind his legs while Nezuko grab-hugged and chomped his hip. Emma tried to aim her arrow, but Kamui grabbed Nezuko's head, spun to tear his feet free of the mud, and chuck the vampire headfirst at Gilda. The Ghost Whisperer passed out. Perry charged him directly, channeling Willpower Chi, so Kamui ran to meet his challenge. "River of Retribution!" His flying spin attack knocked Kamui's umbrella arm away, Nezuko followed by kicking her ball to his unstable leg and knocking him down, while Ray landed him another Lightning Kick. He was unfortunately fatigued after this third attack, so Kamui shot up and dealt him a swift knock-out punch.

Emma sniped Kamui's back, allowing Perry to strike him in his stunned moment, but Kamui mustered strength and sent him flying with a stomach kick. He dodged Nezuko's bites swiftly, smirking as he felt Ayshe readying an arrow. "AYSHE, WAIT-" Emma tried to yell, but she already fired. Kamui caught the arrow in his teeth and threw it down at Nezuko's foot. The vampire cried out in pain, so Kamui dealt her a clean jaw kick to knock her out, dislodging the arrow. He then shot bullets at the roof Ayshe was standing on, causing her to fall into a bathtub with Cleveland Brown. Cleveland panicked, "No no no NO NO!" and tried to scramble out of the tub, but Kamui already shot up his whole second floor, shattering the tub and wounding Ayshe. "I thought they forgot about me!" Cleveland yelled. Kamui kicked up and KO'ed both him and Ayshe.

Kamui bore the slit eyes of a wild rabbit, leaping about unpredictably. When he was directly above Perry, he raised the shield to block his kick, but Kamui suddenly dropped and slide-kicked Perry off his feet, followed by a dazing head-bash. With that, he could only focus on Emma, unloading waves of bullets that she evaded. She ran away, eyes still on him as she pulled an arrow, but Kamui was on her tail. She had to watch him carefully and get ready to shoot at the exact right—"AAAAH!" A barrage of Fear Spheres bombarded Emma and brought her to her knees. Kamui went for the finishing kick, sending Emma rolling for yards until she was sick on her belly. (End song.)

"Nnnn…ugh…" She had to get up… she had to stand or it was all over… One kick like that shouldn't be enough to keep her down…

Emma heard a pair of heels clack the ground. Light-blue heels rising up into a wide, blue gown. Emma craned her neck up and met the nasal-less, frizzy-haired, scowling visage of Hyrule's princess. "So… that's the name he gave you. Emma…"

"…P…P…Princess Cindy…" Meeting her birth-mother for the first time… Emma already knew what she wanted to say. "You're the one… behind the demon hunts…"

"Puh." Cindy stomped the daylights out of Emma with her heel.