
First Signs (Part 2)

Warning Violence

"Me? I am nightmares in new flesh." The thing replied before lunging at Mia with the Man's body.

Mia raised her hands to block whatever attack was coming at her. She didn't block it. The knife sliced her hands open. Blood spilled everywhere. Mia froze for a few seconds before moving out of the way of the next attack.

Once she was clear, Mia ran as fast as she could. Adrenalin pumped through her veins. Mia didn't know what to do, after all, she can't run forever. This came true when she smacked right into the edge of whatever this was.

Mia checked her surroundings looking desperately for something, anything to fight with. She had nothing. The Man was right behind her. Mia didn't notice the Man until he brought down the knife on her unsuspecting back causing her to cry out in pain. Mia fell forward giving the Man the ability to do whatever he wanted to destroy her body. Which is exactly what he tried to do. The Man stabbed, sliced, and cut whatever he pleased, ignoring her screams of pain and fear. Mia grew faint from the loss of blood and pain. "please stop I don't want to die." She begged to try and get him to stop. He again ignored her.

I'll do anything, please I don't want to die. Mia tearfully thought somehow still conscious. "how about I help you?" A voice replied to the thought in her head.

"what?" Mia faintly whispered.

"I'll help you. I am after the reason you haven't fainted yet."

"How?" Mia couldn't speak much from blood loss and pain.

"How about you agree to be my bond first." Mia didn't know what the voice meant by bond but if it kept her alive she was willing to do anything. The voice must have known her answer because the next moment her wounds healed just enough for her to not die or faint. Energy flowed into her from an unknown source. "I have given you the energy you need. I can't help you physically right now but as my bond, we share minds and energy. So I gave you my energy." Mia understood stood what she had to do.

The Man raised the knife to kill Mia. The Man was unaware of what had happened to Mia. So when the knife came down upon her once more. Mia grabbed the knife's blade and crushed it. The Man had a look of shock on his face. Mia then grabbed the Man by the arm and threw him fifty feet up into the arm so that when he fell he died after all his body is only human.

While the body may have died but the Thing inside was still alive and kicking. Mia didn't know what to do. "Calm down child. Just kill it like you would a human."

"I don't know how to kill a human." Mia backed away from the thing nervously.

"You killed that man, didn't you?"

"So throw it up into the air?"

The voice laughed, "you figure it out. I don't want to tell you. but figure it out fast otherwise, you'll die." The voice seemed nonchalant.

Mia had no time to respond. The Thing had charged her. So she charged right back at it.

When it reached her it's mouth opened wide to devour her small body. Mia was having none of it. After seeing her dead parents and being tortured for hours or what seemed like hours. The traumatic events that had happened in such a short time caused Mia to grow older mentally in those moments.

Mia grabbed the jaw of the Thing and tore it from its head. Mia in the process of ripping off the jaw accidentally ripped the head off as well. After the Thing had died cracks started to appear everywhere until the alleyway returned to normal.

The Man's body had no visible marks of death, but his mind was scrambled beyond repair.

Mia was showing the first signs of an either a powered or a super.

I have absolutely no clue how kids think. So give me feedback, please. I will also try and update every day, no promises tho.

Fisshcreators' thoughts