
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 20 R18

The event stirred a complex mix of emotions—admiration mingled with a hint of apprehension. It served as a catalyst for creativity, prompting the creation of new songs that echoed with the rhythms of celebration and poems that wove tales of valor and triumph, all inspired by the latest chapter in Rowan's illustrious legend.

Among the mortal men who gathered, whispers of aspiration floated through the air like wisps of smoke, dreams kindled by the fire of Rowan's accomplishments. Many yearned to walk the path he had forged, to carve their names alongside his in the annals of history. Yet, for all their longing and fervor, they knew deep down that they lacked the ineffable charm and unparalleled skill that defined Rowan. His charisma was a magnet that drew admiration effortlessly, his prowess an envy that whispered through the halls of their ambitions.

Thus, while the event marked a moment of jubilation and reverence, it also underscored the stark reality that to surpass Rowan was a feat reserved for the rarest of souls, destined to leave an indelible mark upon the world.

Rowan and Isabella found themselves enveloped in a honeymoon phase that spanned an entire year. Their relationship blossomed into a whirlwind of passion and intimacy, with moments of spontaneous desire and prolonged sessions that left them both exhilarated and fulfilled. Isabella, initially taken aback by Rowan's remarkable sexual stamina, soon came to regard it as one of his innate gifts, adding to the allure of their union.

She delighted in the strength he exhibited, often feeling wonderfully overpowered and adored during their lovemaking. Rowan's ability to sustain their physical connection beyond her expectations left her amazed and deeply satisfied. Even when she felt spent and breathless, Rowan's endurance seemed limitless, persisting in his efforts to pleasure her until she reached the pinnacle of ecstasy. Isabella marveled at how he could ignite such intense passion and pleasure, leading her to experience waves of bliss that swept her into moments of euphoria.

Throughout their intimate journey, Isabella discovered a newfound appreciation for the depths of intimacy they shared, where each encounter was not just an expression of desire but a testament to their profound connection. She found herself mesmerized by the way Rowan could navigate between tenderness and raw intensity, each touch and caress leaving an indelible mark on her heart and soul.

As they navigated their honeymoon phase, Isabella found herself drawn deeper into the magnetic pull of Rowan's presence, each moment spent together reinforcing the bond they shared and the passionate love they cultivated. 

The blissful days would have stretched on indefinitely if not for the arrival of a significant interruption.

"Where is my mother?" the voice queried, and it didn't take long for her to grasp what had unfolded in her absence. 

She effortlessly glided away from the opulent confines of her mansion and soon found herself standing amidst a sprawling farm field. It was a picturesque scene, alive with a kaleidoscope of plants, flowers in full bloom, and ripe fruits hanging tantalizingly from the branches. The air was rich with the earthy scent of soil and the sweet fragrance of blossoms, creating a serene contrast to the turmoil brewing within her.

At the center of this bucolic landscape stood a modest, weather-beaten abode, a testament to years of steadfast resilience and nurturing care. Its weathered exterior spoke of a history steeped in hard work and dedication, fostering growth and prosperity on the fertile land.

Suddenly, cutting through the tranquil ambiance, came a piercing cry of anguish and resentment: "Mother!" The voice reverberated with raw emotion, a turbulent mix of anger and frustration. She could no longer suppress the need to confront her mother, to demand answers and confront the painful truth that had shattered her sense of family and security.

With each step towards the humble dwelling, her resolve hardened. Thoughts of the man who had stolen her mother from her father filled her mind, fueling a storm of impassioned words and searing insults. She rehearsed the speech she had longed to deliver, bracing herself for the confrontation that was inevitable.

As she approached the threshold of the ancient abode, her heart pounded with a blend of apprehension and determination. The scene before her, so serene yet charged with emotion, underscored the gravity of the moment. She knew that this confrontation would mark a turning point, potentially reshaping the bonds that had once defined her world.

With a deep breath, she prepared to confront her mother and the man who had disrupted their lives, poised to unravel the tangled web of emotions and secrets that had brought her to this pivotal juncture in her journey. 

Meanwhile, inside the house was Rowan who was in the middle of his thrust. Just one more and Isabella would have had another one of those mind breaking orgasms that she was already quite addicted with. 

"What's the matter Rowan? Continue please! Fuck me more!" Isabella begged as she was positioned in a sexy doggy style. Her lovely wide hips were inviting and the pink folds of her pussy were straining at the huge invader in its depths. Still, it was funny to note that Isabella was so much swimming in pure pleasure that she even did not hear her daughter calling her at the moment. Rowan has to be her one to remind her. 

"Isabella, I think we have a visitor outside," Rowan said, his voice carrying a hint of concern as he stepped down from the bed to gather his discarded clothes from the floor. Isabella hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on him before reluctantly complying with his request. She too reached for her scattered attire, her mind racing with questions about the unexpected interruption.

Hand in hand, they approached the door, uncertain of what awaited them on the other side. As they opened it, their eyes fell upon a woman standing there, her expression a mix of anger and disbelief. She was a striking resemblance to Isabella, with shorter hair styled elegantly and adorned with an array of jewelry that shimmered in the faint light.

The woman in the sect uniform exuded a commanding presence, her posture rigid and her eyes ablaze with intensity. There was an undeniable tension in the air as Isabella and Rowan exchanged uneasy glances, silently bracing themselves for what was about to unfold.