
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 1

In the ancient streets of Azure Dragon City, whispered among the bustling markets and serene temples, there echoed a legend.

It spoke of a young man whose face bore a mesmerizing charm, captivating all who beheld it.

His features, chiseled by the hands of the divine, held an otherworldly allure that drew legions of admirers like moths to a flame.

Each day, as he walked through the cobbled streets, a legion of girls would flock around him, their eyes filled with longing and hearts ablaze with desire.

They would plead for his attention, offering gifts and promises, willing to do anything just to share a moment in his presence.

Yet, despite their fervent appeals and impassioned declarations, he remained elusive, his heart untouched by their affections.

Alas, as the moon rose high above the city, casting its silver glow upon the rooftops, the girls' hopes would wither like petals in the wind.

For each one of them, in their pursuit of love, was met with the same response - a gentle but firm rejection.

A lot of them were even willing to spread their legs wide and willing to be fucked but that had only degraded their values on the young man's eyes.

He spent his days toiling on his farm and enjoyed a simple life on this xianxia world.

But despite his dismissals, a few among them remained undeterred, their determination burning like an unquenchable flame.

"Good morning, Young Master Rowan," greeted a voice, smooth as silk and as captivating as a siren's call. It was Luna, her presence commanding attention amidst the pre-dawn haze. "You truly are the epitome of diligence, tending to your land at such an early hour."

Rowan regarded her with a wary gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of skepticism. "You seem to have ill intentions, Miss Luna," he responded, his tone firm yet measured. "If I were you, I'd return home and reconsider your actions. Pursuing this course will only lead to a final disappointment."

But Luna, undeterred by his cautionary words, merely smiled, a flicker of defiance dancing in her eyes. "Oh, Young Master Rowan, you underestimate me," she purred, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "I'm not one to back down from a challenge."

As Rowan attempted to navigate past the group, Luna motioned to her entourage, a dozen imposing figures who stood at her beck and call.

They were men of strength and intimidation, their loyalty to Luna unwavering. Even a blind man could see that Luna was not prepared to accept rejection, not today, not ever.

"You will be mine to keep and play with," Miss Luna whispered, her sultry voice a seductive melody in the dimly lit alley.

Her eyes gleamed with a primal hunger, fueled by desire that had simmered for far too long. Despite her relentless pursuit of Rowan's affections, she had been met with stubborn resistance at every turn.

She had reveled in the company of countless men, but none could compare to the allure of the most handsome man in all of Azure Dragon City.

For years, she had bided her time with patience, weaving a web of charm and intrigue around Rowan, but patience had its limits, and hers had reached its end.

Today marked a turning point, a decisive moment where she would seize what she desired with unyielding determination.

No longer content to wait in the shadows, Miss Luna's resolve burned like a flame, consuming any remnants of doubt or hesitation.

Today, she would claim Rowan as her own, indulging in every forbidden fantasy that had plagued her dreams.

Today, she would taste the forbidden fruit of passion and desire, savoring every moment of ecstasy as she brought Rowan to his knees and made him hers in body and soul.

"Just give up, boy," the leader of the group sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "We'll chain you to a bed and let Miss Luna ride you until she grows tired of you. You won't regret it, I promise. Miss Luna has one amazing tight pussy." He licked his lips lasciviously, memories of his own encounters with Luna fueling his desires. After all, Luna was among the most coveted beauties in the city.

Rowan sighed, his gaze unwavering as he addressed the group. "Thanks, but I'd rather be elsewhere," he replied calmly, brushing off their threats as he strode forward to meet the men before him.

"Fool!" one of the men bellowed, charging at Rowan with reckless abandon, intent on teaching him a harsh lesson.

"Don't damage his face!" Miss Luna interjected, her voice tinged with anticipation as she envisioned the pleasures that awaited her with Rowan. But reality would soon shatter her fantasies.

Suddenly, the air crackled with tension as Rowan sprang into action, moving with the fluid grace of a seasoned warrior.

With lightning-fast strikes, he dispatched his assailants one by one, leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake.

Blood spilled freely as Rowan's merciless onslaught continued, his blows landing with deadly accuracy.

In just a matter of minutes, the once formidable group lay defeated, their bodies mangled and broken beyond recognition.

Not a single one escaped Rowan's wrath, each meeting a gruesome fate that served as a chilling reminder of his strength and determination.

"Impossible," Miss Luna whispered in shock, her voice barely audible above the chaos. "My men were at the 10th stage of Qi Condensation. How could you have easily slaughter them? You are not what you appear, not a mere untrained mortal at all."

As the reality of Rowan's true power began to sink in, Miss Luna could only watch in stunned silence, realizing that she had underestimated the young man before her.

And with each passing moment, the truth of Rowan's extraordinary abilities became increasingly undeniable.

"This will be our secret, yes?" Rowan's smile was disarming, his features radiating an almost ethereal beauty as he approached Miss Luna with open arms.

His charm seemed to cast a spell, drawing Luna closer in a moment of fleeting trust. At first, Luna felt a surge of happiness, her heart fluttering at the prospect of intimacy with Rowan.

But as his embrace tightened, a sense of unease crept over her, quickly escalating into panic as she realized she couldn't breathe.

She struggled against his grip, her pleas for release lost in the deafening silence.

"CRACK!" Luna's words were cut short as her head was violently wrenched from her body, leaving a gruesome scene in its wake.

Blood sprayed like a macabre fountain, painting the silent land in shades of crimson as Luna's beautiful lifeless body slumped to the ground.

Rowan's expression remained impassive as he surveyed the aftermath of his actions, the weight of his violent tendencies heavy upon his shoulders. "This is why I avoid conflict," he muttered, his voice tinged with resignation. "My violent tendencies are too cruel and too strong to control."

With a heavy heart, Rowan turned away from the carnage, his steps steady as he walked away from the scene.

He felt no remorse for the lives he had taken; after all, in a xianxia world such as this, violence and death were commonplace occurrences.

More than that, Luna and her men were far from saints, having wrought havoc and devastation upon countless lives in the city.

Yet, deep down, he couldn't shake the gnawing feeling of guilt that lingered within him, a reminder of the darkness that resided within his soul.

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