
Chapter 3

Although people believe that Shivangi died in that accident, she is indeed alive and she also lost her memory. The Tharkur family from the city of Mumbai had saved her and took her to their family doctor immediately unknowingly leaving poor Shivay all alone near a burning car. As a result, the Khurana and Roy families believed that Shivangi Roy burned to death, leaving Shivay Khurana behind. The Tharkur family who took Shivangi in and gave her a new identity due to not knowing who her real identity was. Her knew name was now Ania Singh Tharkur.

Riya:(Ania's sister) Mom, do you think that Ania will remember her past?

Aliya:(Riya's mom) Yes, she will indeed remember. Maybe then she will tell us who she really is and what happened that night and if she was really alone in that car.

Mr Tharkur:( Riya's father)Ania wasn't alone in that car I'm sure..

Aliya: why do you always say that?

Mr Tharkur: Because Ania wasn't on the starring when we found her rather the driver's seat was empty.

Riya: which means someone was there, but where did that person go if the driver's seat was empty?

Aliya: could it be that...no no.

Riya: Mom speak up!

Aliya: could it be that someone was trying to kill her?

Mr Tharkur: stop assuming the worst, maybe that person had gone to find help.

Riya: yes, I agree with dad, stop being negative mom.

Mahmoud, the eldest son of the Tharkur family enters the room apon hearing the conversation and gets angry.

Mahmoud: guys stop it Ania will be here soon!

Riya: We were just wondering if..

Mahmoud: No Riya! ( interrupting her) the doctor made it clear that Ania is not emotionally fit to be told of her past as it could be critical for her, she could land in hospital once again.

Aliya: yes, you are right.

Mr Tharkur: this is why I trust you with taking care of the family Mahmoud. You are very responsible and you never forget your responsibilities.

Riya: offcause, he can never make a mistake!

Aliya: I'm proud of you son.

Mahmoud: the credit goes to you guys, who am I without my own people?

Ania enters the room coming back from work.

Ania: Yes, who are we without each other?

They all laugh...