
TheTruthBehindThe Story

A story about the protagonist accidently dead fall from building with no reason and then got reincarnated as the villian in his favorite novel its call 'Hero of Justice' will the mc survive in his favorite novel? and back to his world? or stuck in the novel forever? mc : well.. its too late to turn the time i guess? mc : but dont worry i know all the plot novel hehe... mc : so.. im sure i will survive so easy until the end of the novel! i guess?... (author : ha! you think is easy. ) >:) mc : what do you mean?.. (author : the male lead is yandere) mc : what?! so.. the female lead in trouble? (author : ... ) mc : why do i feeI something is wrong... (author : >:) ) mc : oh shit, dont tell me that the plot is change.. (author : yeah, why not? by the way the male lead is yandere for you... ) mc : whyyyy im so unluckyyy, whyyyy T_T mc : author i hate you.. (author : well i hate you too tho) >;)

NRY_Rah · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1 before reincarnated

in the large mansion we can see in the young master bedroom there is two person in that room..

young master.. its time to wake up..

says the butler who mature looking young handsome face actually an old man in his 60 age try to wake up a looking handsome mature looking teen who is still sleeping on his bedroom


5 more minutes...

says the teen

im sorry young master but you have to get ready to the academy or the duke will angry at you.. young master...

ahh.. okay, okay, give me 10 minutes to get ready and dont forget prepare me a breakfast

i understood young master..

says the old man and he walk away closed the door room of a young master bedroom.

after the butler left the young master bedroom.

the teen sigh after the butler left.

hahhhh damn it why it has to be me the one got reincarnated... even actually is my wish to be reincarnated tho.. oh god why..

says the handsome mature looking teen who looking hopeless in his face.

flashback 5 days ago...

hello im Ray im just a 18 years old normal student who loves to read novel when i have a free time

and by the way im an orphan too tho.

my life is hard but im manage to survive until now without parents and siblings.

justa lonely teen daily life but im handsome too not gonna lie about that part tho.

my life just only boring because education is more important here soo if i wanna survive in this world i have to get good grade and work harder

only the rich kids not doing the hardwork because they have backups and they famliy all famous likes celebrity

the rich kids their job is just to be the successor to the family

for the who the same as me poor, orphan, or whatever who you are.. have to work hard too survive and never annoy the rich kids unless you want to try to kill yourself.

hah.. oh god.. i just wish that my life just like my favorite novel here.....

says the teen who already finish his favorite novel call 'Hero of Justice' top 5 novel

the most favorite novel in the world has 4.9 star rating

and the most best seller in the world

the story about typical hero fight with the villian, having many maidens, royal best freind, many support from all the side character, and the extra character always cherish the hero...

i dont know why i like this novel.. because this world got harder soo i always get stressful? or i just wanna make a new hobby by reading a novel?

says the teen with confused on his mind

after that the teen remember something..

ahh.. its already 5 p.m.

and its saturday today huh?.. its time to get ready for my part time night shift..

says the teen who is already to go

but a starge sounds appeared out of nowhere make the teen curious what the actually happend

the teen run to find the source of the strage sound after 15 minutes he discovered the strangeness in the haunted building

so he decided to go the highest floor until he reach the rooftop of the building

hm.. that strange i hear something in here

hmmm.. or maybe it just my halucination?

well... damn i waste my time just to find that odd sound

i think next day i just need terapist..

says the teen with a sigh on his face

oh well.. time to go to work!

before the teen walk away

accidently slip with no reason and fall in the building has 15 floor to his dead blood loss, many broken bones, and his body crush with painful feeling on his body.

AGKkkk... shit.. im going to die just because of that??

damnit its hurt so badly


soo this the end of my life huh?

how unlucky am...

i hope i got reincarnated in to my favorite novel...

if reincarnated is exist...

ha... goodbye my shitty life...

says the teen last breath before he dead...