
My cousins are visiting.

Aditya started reminiscing his past.

"The Palace of Amora which we were at earlier was once used to be a beautiful place filled with joy and laughter. I couldn't recognise that it was that palace where I had a lot of wonderful memories of my youth. Everything was going fine until the war broke out between the humans and the demons."

Abhinav interrupted him, "Weren't demons something fictional? Do they really exist?"

"I am the living proof of the existing demons." Aditya stared at Shiv with a sad look on his face.

"Didn't you refer to me as the demon lord earlier?" Shiv decided to get all the answers from him as soon as he could so that he would be able to understand himself more clearly.

"You... you have a long way to become one right now. But you used to be one in the past... A very strong and powerful lord of all the demons..."

The demons are the being who were fundamentally different than the humans as they had supernatural strength and healing capacity which most of the humans lacked. The demons formed a blood pact with the humans that they love and care about the most. That was their utmost form of trust and love they express as the person who is connected with a demon through the blood pact, will be given every right to kill that demon.

Shiv and Abhinav couldn't believe what they were hearing. Especially Abhinav, who thought the stories about the demons were nothing but fairy tale, was having a hard time believing him. But he still decided to give it a try and trust him the same way as Shiv does.

Aditya continued, "Even I have not witnessed the coexistence of the demons and humans but I have constantly witnessed the war that was going on between the two races...."


"Hey are you an idiot! If you are like this how will you help our lord?" A guy who was on his mid twenties shouted at Aditya who was lazing around in the corner of the Palace of Amora. He had the same blond hair like Aditya and somewhat resembled him in facial features.

"You are so noisy!" Aditya sneered back at him.

"Have you heard the news that the humans have infiltrated into our border? A huge battle was going on for days now. Even though these humans are weak, they hardly give up once they set their minds on something... I am worried..."

Aditya looked at him in disbelief.

"Brother, I really can't understand you. How can you even pity those feeble humans? They are nothing but selfish beings who wants to make use of our people and resources."

"Yes. But still, not all humans are as bad as you think! There are many who posses good intent. It's just because of a certain few, the mass majority is getting unnecessarily hurt. I hope this war will come to an end so that the humans and we demons could coexist together..." Aditya's brother was someone who loved both the humans and the demons. His only wish was to see them coexist together in harmony.

"You are just too kind hearted towards those humans. Who knows just how vicious and crude they could be... But I too agree with you on one thing. I too wish that this war will come to an end soon and for the peace to prevail..."

His brother just patted Aditya's head as he looked at him warmly..

"Did you know that there are humans who are actually neutral on this war?" His brother's question, pricked his interest.

"Neutral? Is that even possible?" It was a news to Aditya as he never heard about the people who are neutral about this war.

"The Clan of Varma's. The people from that clan, never once joined in the battle that has been going on for generations. They even hid their identities and existence so as to not be bothered by the worldly desires. I happen to find out about their existence when I was researching on a particular medication. I even heard those people have a supernatural power in their blood which allows them to heal the injured or sick persons. But they are simply hard to locate."

Aditya's brother was a renowned doctor during their time. He always kept himself busy in gathering a lot of knowledge on medicine and often went on short trips. Aditya was a someone who was not good with his brains, so he choose to become a warrior and serve his people. He became the General of Amora.

But still being with his brother, he learnt a lot about medicines.

While he was engaged on a serious conversation with his brother, a servant approached Aditya with a message from their lord.

"General Aditya, Lord Shiv wishes to meet with you immediately."

Aditya stood up as he adjusted his clothes, "Brother, I will be going now. I am so curious to hear about that clan which you just mentioned. So don't forget to fill me in on the details later."

His brother waved at him as he nodded his head in agreement.

Aditya was summoned to the courtroom by Shiv, so he was expecting to meet with a lot of other ministers and officials. But to his surprise, when he opened the courtroom Shiv was all alone sitting on his throne with an aloof expression on his face.

Aditya was able to guess there was some kind of trouble that he had encountered with the look on his face.

"My Lord, I, General Aditya have been summoned by your orders."

"What orders? I just asked a servant to call for you... No need to be so polite. Only we are in this room."

"Then... Shiv, what's wrong? Why do you look like you have heard something awful? Did something happen at the border?"

"Can't you ask one question at a time?" Shiv pinched the space between his brows as he stared at him.

Shiv was wearing a beautiful blue coloured clothing made of fine silk. He had his long brown hair tied into a ponytail. His beautiful honey coloured and sapphire blue eyes added a unique charm to him.

With a grumpy voice he answered him.

"My cousins are visiting."

Aditya was dumbstruck. He felt like he wanted to knock some sense into the man before him. There was a huge war going on out there and here he was worrying about his cousins? Unbelievable!!

Hi All,

Here is the chapter for the day. Sorry for not updating for these two days... I was a little busy with my work.

Hope you all like it.

Thanks for reading!

Yuukikocreators' thoughts