
I miss them.

"It is only the second day since I came here. But somehow I feel like, I have gone through a lot. I wonder what mom and the others are doing now?" Ira looks at the bright sky, lost in her thought.

"Sigh... I really miss them... But I have to clarify some things with Shiv.... What should I do?"

"What do you mean Ira? You want something?" Chahna heard Ira's mumble and asked her with concern.

Ira shook her head vigorously, "No, no, I don't need anything... What happened? Why are you here?"

Chahna frowned a bit, "I am supposed to stick with you since I am your personal maid, remember? You want me to be gone?"

"Ahaha... Sorry... I am still not used to having a personal maid." She scratched her head apologetically.

"Well... its ok... I was only kidding... don't feel sorry about it..."

"Okay! If you say so!" Ira showed one of her signature smile.

"I came here to let you know that breakfast is ready. The others have already arrived and are waiting for you."

Ira stood up and then followed Chahna to the dining room. She could not walk properly due to the sprain.

Today, Ira wore a purple color clothing, which complimented her fair skin beautifully. She didn't tie her hair today, just let it flow freely, touching her shoulders, all the way to her small waist. Her fair little face looked as stunning as always.

The dining room creaked open, in the middle, the table was arranged artistically. Shiv and Aditya already arrived and were waiting for her.

Ira hopped like a cute little bunny and sat on the table across Shiv.

"How is your leg? Does it still hurt?" Aditya questioned Ira with concern, seeing her hop her way in.

Ira looked at him and said, "No, not much, unlike yesterday."

"Umm.. If it becomes so painful, do come and find me, I will take another look at it."

"Okay" Ira waved her hand at him. Throughout the entire conversation, Shiv didn't open his mouth, he just stared at Ira.

The food was served at the table and the three began eating.


"I am so full! Chahna accompany me for a walk." Ira called Chahna.

Chahna walked towards Ira, "Yes, yes, I am coming."

They both were walking in the garden, where they bumped into Shiv and Veer, who seemed like they were on some kind of serious discussion.

Chahna grew red the moment she saw Veer, she hid behind Ira and took a peek at him.

Ira's busybody self was itching to do something. She walked to them, "Oh... what a coincidence... are we disturbing you guys?"

'Coincidence! My ass! What coincidence? We are living under the same roof, we are bound to bump into each other. Ira, you dummy! What a sly excuse!'

Ira spoke with a sly grin on her face, while Chahna dared to show herself from behind Ira.

"It was nothing important... We were just discussing some regular stuff..." Shiv was a little taken aback seeing Ira appear before him out of the blue.

Shiv calmly collected himself and asked her, "Where were you guys heading to?"

"I was simply taking a stroll, while Chahna wanted me to follow her to the storeroom. She wanted to take something placed on the higher rack. Thus, she asked me to hold the ladder while she climbs up." Ira just blurted out a big fat lie with a straight face.

Chahna pulled on the hem of Ira's cloth and whispered into her ear, "When did I ask you to help me hold a ladder? Why are you lying?"

"It is for your sake so shut up!" Ira whispered back.

Chahna was shaking with anger behind her.

"Chahna, I have something to speak with Shiv. Why don't you ask Veer to help you with it?" Ira casually threw a question at Chahna.

"How... how could I dare to ask The First General Veer, to help me with something like that." Chahna turned around to leave swiftly.

"No, its alright. I can help you with it." Veer said as he looked at the back of the fleeing girl.

"No, no, its okay... I can take care of it. Sorry for the trouble.." Chahna's heart was at her throat, threatening to jump out any minute, as she started walking.

'Idiot! Why are you wasting such an opportunity? I am here trying to help, you know?' Ira frowned a bit.

"Excuse me... But the storeroom is this way..." Veer pointed out the correct direction of the storeroom.

Chahna froze on the spot. Ira tittered at her reaction, trying her hardest to control her laughter. Shiv noticed what Ira was trying to do, "Why don't you help her out a little?"

"Yes, I shall!" Veer answered Shiv with a stern face.

Chahna turned and look at Ira sharply, while she waved at her.

Hi All :)

I will try my best to write more!

Please feel free to point out the mistakes...

Reviews and comments are much appreciated...

Thanks for reading :)

Yuukikocreators' thoughts