
There Is A Huge Problem With My Achievement System

When you were six, you submerged your hands into the rice storage bin and imagined that you were practicing Iron Sand Palm after you finished watching a martial art film. When you were seven, you felt like you were the diplomat of your class just because you were the first one who greeted a new student at the beginning of the semester. When you were eight, you believed that you possessed clairaudience just because you could recognize that the approaching footsteps belonged to your parents who were coming home. … What would happen if all the fantasies you had during childhood became reality? Ji Ruo put his hands into the rice storage bin and… [Congratulations! You unlocked a martial art-related achievement by putting your palms into the rice bin.] [The skill you acquired: Iron Sand Palm (Entry Level)] [You can upgrade the skill by repeating the activation step and maximizing its familiarity. Fortune favors the diligent. Hang in there! Work hard!] The corner of Ji Ruo’s mouth twitched. He had a feeling that his system was not really normal. After pondering for a moment, he picked up a stick and headed towards the paddy field nearby…

Tianluo Lightning Flash · สมัยใหม่
843 Chs

Life and Death on the Line

นักแปล: 549690339

"You don't know?"

Liang Shixian was puzzled." But Old Ban clearly said that you agreed immediately."

"I, of course I know."

Ji Ruo said guiltily.

He vaguely remembered that it was Li Bindao who sent him home yesterday. He did seem to have said something to him, but he was too tired at that time and was affected by Luo Qian's ability, so he was very sleepy.

He had an impression of Li Bindao talking to him, but he couldn't remember what exactly he said.

However, since Li Bindao had already told Liang Shixian that he had agreed, it was probably not a bad thing to say that he had agreed…

Thinking about it carefully, what would his teacher usually ask him to do in such a situation?

Ji Ruo now knew that none of the students in the class had stayed for too long in this martial arts exam. In the entire Grade 12 Class 4, or even the entire grade, only he and Liang Shixian had persisted until the end.