
There for you always

Love knows no boundaries. It doesn't matter the financial background of someone or skin colour but what the heart wants and the heart knows what it wants. Sena grew up with an abusive single mother and poverty were she is forced to work alongside her mother. They end up working in the house of the Miguels where Sena meets the love of her life. Who looks past her circumstances and loves her regardless.

Maria_Dey · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1

   'Sena get up and get ready. We have a cleaning job this morning!' I heard my mother's voice echo into my ears. The voice that annoys me to the core. My eyes flickered open to the recognizable grey walls of my unpainted bedroom reminding me of my cruel life. I stretched my body to its full length. Even though I was sleeping on a mattress, I could still feel the hard floor pressing against my side. I managed to pull myself up to my feet. It was dawn and the sky is still dark but I still had to go outside and fetch a bucket of water. The air is cool outside,it felt soothing like all my troubles were blown away. I imagine people my age preparing to go to school while I am being forced to help my mother with her cleaning jobs. Sometimes I wonder what I could have done in my past life to deserve the life I was born into.

When the bucket got filled with water, I carried it to the bathroom. A good bath rids the mind of it's torments. After taking my bath, I got out with water dripping off my brown skin. The smell of the Geishia soap still dances around me.

Without wasting any more time, I wore my uniform, brushed my buzz cut hair and made sure I looked good and smelt good.

Today my mother was hired to clean a house at Trasacco Estate. Trasacco is said to be the hood for the rich, influential and important people in Ghana. It's a mini version of Beverly Hills. With that being said, if we manage to impress the clients my mom may get a fat wad of cash as tip. Therefore mistake isn't going to be tolerated from me.

At six we had started our journey from Nima to Trasacco. I was excited to see outside because I am not allowed to step foot out of the house. When we reached East-Legon, I was marveled at the sight of the mansions and luxurious stores lined up along the road.

Soon we got to the Trasacco Estate gate. The gate to the Estate alone looks expensive not to mention the mansions arranged inside. My mother gave the names of our clients to the security men. We were allowed to enter. The house we were looking for was just a curve away from the gate of the Estate. So far, it is much bigger and luxurious than its counterparts around. There are gaps in the gate so I could spot the many cars parked in there. From Range Rovers a Bugatti and different saloon cars. My mother turned to look at me and warned,' This is the house of the Miguels. They are very influential. One bad word from them to the press and we are doomed. Don't mess this up for me'. I nodded, her tone was so intimidating. I knew I had to behave if I wanted to save myself from my mother's deadly slaps and gruesome punishments. She went on to press the bell. In no time a beautiful young woman opened the gate. I guess she awaited our arrival after the people at the gate called to verify if we were allowed to come in.

   Never doubt the power of money. The fair lady has the body of a supermodel. Her straight black hair passed her shoulder a bit. The red dress she wore fit her fair complexion and in terms of body size she is short and smallish with a flat tummy. Not to forget her Michael Kors handbag she was holding in her hand.  She displayed a perfect set of white teeth to us in a smile. 'Welcome. Please come in'.

    'Thank you', my mother responded and we entered. With the way she is dressed I believe she is going to work. She led us into the house. If I doubted that the inside of the house wouldn't be nice; I stand corrected. The living room had a chandelier light hanging on the designed ceiling, the flat screen tv hanged on the wall while brown cushions surrounded a transparent glass center table all facing the television. There were tiny bookshelves stacked with books, a glass shelf with all kinds of framed pictures and art on it. In summary, the place screamed wealth.

   'This is the living room. I have made a list of the rooms that need to be cleaned before I or my husband return from work. My son is on mid-term break. He is in his room. If you need him for anything, you can ask him', she explained with an American accent.

   'Can we please be introduced to your son?' my mother requested.


    'Nathan, come downstairs', she screamed. We waited for him for about two minutes before I saw him running down the stairs. The boy looks so fine. His messy curly hair bounced on his head as he descended each step. He has a cream coloured skin; so smooth like he doesn't know what hustling is. He came towards us dressed in pyjamas.

   'Mother...what!' he used a very rude tone. Sometimes I imagine what would happen if I spoke to my mother like that. My mother would make me stay outside and face the elements of weather. She wouldn't even care to beat me till I die. I am proud to say I hate my mother.

    He looks so tall and he doesn't look older than me too much but looks well taken care of. While my face has so much acne and have so many scars on my skin because of my beloved mother. To think he is tall and his mom is so short and smallish. I am sure his dad is a giant.

     These are the workers I hired to clean the house. I am going to work so make sure they clean every room listed on the paper on the center table. Make sure they work as expected. If they do well they get paid', she explained to him. He looked upset that his mom put such "huge" responsibility on his head. His eyes moved from my mother and landed on me. He has a fine set of brown eyes with long eye lashes. His accent is not the usual Ghanaian accent it's just like his mom's accent. Maybe he was raised abroad and just recently moved to Ghana.


   He stared at me for sometime and it made me nervous and insecure. Maybe my acne and scars digust him or he finds me ugly. I couldn't even stare back at him so I just refused to look back at his soup brown eyes. His thin bubblegum pink lips were all I could stare at. Too bad he is completely out of my league. He would never go for a poor, uneducated and ugly girl like me.

   His eyes moved away from me back to my mother. 'Sure', he said blankly. 'Thank you Nathan. Alright I have to go', his mother said and waved him before exiting the house.

   He went over to the center table and brought a piece of paper. 'This is the list of rooms you are supposed to clean before my parents come back. I don't think I need to explain further', he said with a deep voice laced with coldness. Anytime I tried to take a peek at him he looks away maybe he doesn't want me to catch him staring. I could be imaging things.

    He turned and went back upstairs 'Go and clean the bedrooms while I clean the kitchen and living room'.

    After cleaning the master bedroom, toilet and bathroom', I went to the other rooms and cleaned them all. Some were filthy while others were cleaner than expected. It was just left with one room to clean. I opened one door and there he was sitting on his bed with airpods in his ear while the television was on.

      'I am sorry I didn't mean to barge in like that. I'll leave if my presence bothers you', I apologized. 'Wait!' he said before I could even turn to leave. 'I am fine with it', he took out the airpods from his ears and got up from the bed. His tone this time was friendlier than the one he used before. His facial expression seemed...nicer. Like he isn't the same person from downstairs. 'I am here to clean your room. It's on the list', I smiled and he unexpectedly smiled back. I saw the dimples on his cheeks. I like boys with dimples. Why does he look so good yet I can't have him?

  He went back and sat on his bed and started playing with his phone. I proceeded to sweep the floor and annoyingly his bedroom is so dirty. I wonder how he can comfortably sleep in such a dirty room. The room is undeniably luxurious. Just look at the marshmallow soft bed, the gadgets around, the study table with books, a laptop, a game console maybe PS5 arranged on it. There are large windows connecting outside and a door leading to a balcony which is currently closed. I wished I could go and see the view. I swept beneath his table and by accident the brush pulled out the plug from a socket. The place turned silent and when I checked, realized the tv had gone off. He stared at me with an unreadable expression. I couldn't tell if he was angry or unbothered by it. I didn't want him to yell at me so I apologized again. 'I am sorry, it was an accident. I will put it back on'. After bending down to put it back in the socket. I stood up and turned to see him towering over me. That moment I realized how short I actually am. He bent his head to look down of me. I wonder if he could hear my racing heart. His eyes stared straight into mine and my nerves couldn't take it anymore so I broke eye contact.


  'What's your name?' he asked.

   'Sena', I answered.

  'Nice Sena. I will make an offer. I help you clean up this dirty room and in return you and I talk. Deal? he offered his hand. To be honest, I really needed help to clean this messy room. I doubt he knows how to do house chores but what is the worst that could happen?



He took the sweeping brush from my hand and started sweeping. 'Haven't you swept before? I asked. 'No, my parents always hire workers to clean the house'.

    They pamper their son too much. I know my mother is a bad mother but this is also too much. I tried to take the broom back but he refused to give it to me so I allowed him do what he wants. We picked up the clothes that were left on the floor and they were branded clothes. Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuitton, Fashionnova, Michael Kors, Woodin etc. Does he know hustle at Makola or buy second hand clothes from Katamanto? They are probably bought from stores. I mean high class stores which could charge you for smelling the air in the store.

   He helped me reach spider webs hanging on the ceiling. We stared at the heaped up rubbish before us. 'You need a dustbin to keep your rubbish in and empty regularly because that's easier than sweeping it up'.

     We laughed and completed the work and I went to put the rubbish in the bin outside. Back in his bedroom, he sat down on his bed and smiled again when he realized my presence. 'You now need to fulfill your side of the deal'.

   'Ugh, fine but make it quick. I don't want my mother to catch me', I replied. 'Don't you want to sit down?We have worked a lot today especially you and you must be tired,so sit down', he signaled for me to sit next to him but I hesitated. He chuckled showing those adorable dimples on his fair cheeks.

     'I am not going to touch you. I barely know you, naughty girl'. My cheeks would have been red if I were lighter skinned because I was seriously blushing.

    'I wasn't thinking about that. I was thinking  about if I am clean enough to sit on your bed'. I sat down eventually.

   'How old are you?' he questioned.

   'I am sixteen and you?'

'Seventeen. Which school are you attending?'

'I don't go to school. My mother won't allow me. So I am made to assist her clean houses'.

     'Isn't that illegal?'he further questioned.

'Does my mother care? I have never stepped in school before. I can speak English because of television', I explained.

'Do you have a phone?'he went on to ask.

  I shook my head. 'My mother doesn't want me to have a phone. I never step out of my house except my mother sends me on an errand or has a job to clean houses'.

He reached for his school bag and pulled out a textbook. 'This is a science textbook. See how big it is and yet we must learn everything inside. Honestly,if I was given the opportunity to stay at home and not go to school ever I would be happy. School is very stressful'.

'I would still like to experience it. I feel school opens your eyes to a lot of things Nathan. However I can't imagine learning all this'.

I opened the book to random pages. The word that I saw almost made me not want to go to school anymore. 'What word is Pho...to...synthe..s I won't continue'.

'Photosynthesis. The process by which plants manufacture their own food', he rattled. As we continued talking, the door flung open and my mother came in. 'You stupid girl, this is what you are doing instead of working, you are disturbing the boss' son'.

She grabbed me off the bed causing the book to fall. 'Stop, she wasn't doing anything. I wanted her to stay', Nathan tried to intervene but my mother ignored him. Instead she gave me two hard slaps. Before I could wince in pain she held my ear and dragged me out of the room. The worst part is, it all happened in his presence.