
Chapter 8

Kakashi wasn't having seizures when they arrived but apparently he got a stomachache after eating too much sugar.

'' You don't even like sweets.'' Orochimaru retorted

'' ..i did it for love.'' the small child bundled in blankets said narrowing his eyes at Tsunade. She was using her chakra to get a diagnostic out of him but it was taking a little too long

'' Everything good?'' Jiraiya asked from his corner

'' It's just weird that's all. He has a lot more chakra than he should have, but at the same time it doesn't burn his insides and stays calm in his network.''

'' Sakumo had a high chakra as well.'' Orochimaru said sitting beside Kakashi and petting his head, they are gonna have a talk about sweets later

'' Yeah but chakra grows substantially in teenage hood, not when you are a toddler. And if you aren't an Uzumaki than you aren't born with it either.'' she stops the chakra flow and begin to poke Kakashi arms '' Your bones are sturdier as well, I think I would actually need a drop of chakra in my hand to break it.'' she lets him go, Kakashi drinking the tea Orochimaru brought

'' Did you feel something weird in your chakra recently? Maybe like a tingle, or a slight burn? Do you feel it hard to control?'' she continued asking him question

'' None. It feel the same as always.'' Kakashi said looking at the adults around him. Orochimaru had a strange smell on him but he should address it later

'' When did you began to eat meat? Uncooked one.'' she takes a seat and looks around the child room, he lived here for some time

'' Next day...second...after Tou-san died.'' killed he added in his mind, clenched hands. Tsunade looked like the only one that wasn't bothered by the reminder

'' And how did you feel after?''

'' Like I swallowed a soldier pill but better.'' the silence was answer enough, that or Orochimaru griping his hair

'' Where did you even get a soldier pill?'' Jiraiya asked, the first thing he said since coming in

Soldier pills were carefully motorized, after all no one wanted shinobi addicted or killing themselves with it.

'' It was at home, they were on the kitchen counter, I was hungry so..'' Kakashi shrugged and didn't really understand their panic. After all it was normal to put them there, a single pill can replace a meal and boost your chakra

''OK...ok.. how old where you when you eat a heavily restricted pill that is illegal to feed to anyone under ten?'' Tsunade asked trying to stay calm

'' .. Tou-san said one, but I don't really remember. I do remember when I was two and eat another though.'' he said nonchalantly, putting the empty cup down and getting back under his blanked.

'' HOW TH-mph!'' Orochimaru covered Tsunade mouth before she could yell at them

'' Shut up.'' the longed 's' making Jiraiya shiver '' We leave and let Kakashi rest.'' he stated pushing the two towards the door. He turns to Kakashi to take the cup but stops when his small hand catch his sleeve

'' Why do you smell weird? Like burn sugar.''

'' Ah...it's a...surprise for when you feel better.'' he pushed Kakashi back in his bed and leaves before more question could appear.

Orochimaru finds his two teammates, friends, kind of friends in his kitchen. Tsunade pacing scribbling away on a paper and Jiraiya drinking from a small bottle

'' So!-'' Tsunade slams her hands and the file on the table '' That child eat soldier pills when he could barely walk, I know that Sakumo was insane but not like that. Anyway I have a theory.-'' she takes a seat '' I think that the animal meat is what made his chakra and bones like that.''

'' Wait what? Weren't we talking about soldier pills?'' Jiraiya asked surprised '' How did you go back to raw meat?''

'' Well I don't know about you but I was the one that Sakumo let around when he was injured and the guy eat soldier pills like candies. I'm not sure if it was tolerance from them or his body or chakra rejected the damn things, but at some point the pills didn't work on him anymore.'' Tsunade said a hand under her chin

'' I remember that, it was the period he begin to hunt with me.'' Orochimaru said making Jiraiya wince, it wasn't a pretty sight

'' Exactly. And after that he never used them.'' she fret her hands trying to not search for a bottle of sake '' That, added with the Hatakes Permanent Contract with the Canines made the raw meat act as a supplement that makes both chakra and body become larger and sturdier respectively.''

'' And the fact that his body is already made for this, being a Hatake and all, doesn't affect his chakra network or made him extenuated all the time.'' Jiraiya realized making Tsunade nod

'' I'm the only one that didn't know about the Permanent Dog Contract?'' Orochimaru asked

'' Well if you would have get out of your lab for some time than you would know.'' Jiraiya snarks at him, making Orochimaru sneers

'' Shut up.'' Tsunade orders '' There are no record of this, bot before Konoha, maybe even the Warring States Era, the Hatake healed a pack of wolves, took them in their houses and everything. On short they were given a Permanent Contract, that means that every single Hatake got a pack of Summons and that the Contract can't be given to non-Hatakes.''

'' It not just dogs though.'' Jiraiya added '' Sakumo had wolves, but he told me his father had coyotes and his grandfather jackals. I think it depends of personality...maybe.''

'' I never knew that..'' Orochimaru mutters '' Do you think Kakashi knows that?'' the awkward silence was answer enough

'' Personally I thing he needs therapy, but I also think you are doing a pretty good job so..'' Tsunade shrugs giving up on her hands and begin to search his cabinets '' But, you need to rationed the raw meat.''

'' You just basically said that it makes him healthier.'' Jiraiya said

'' It does, but I know how it reacts for a full grown man, not a toothpick six years old. So I want to draw some blood and hair from him, makes some analyze and see from there.'' she gives up searching and seats back down

'' I already decreased it-''

'' More.''

Shizune knows that Tsunade wants the best for her, she meet her when her uncle Dan took her in and begin to see how they fawn over each other. She also knows Tsunade has a drinking problem, Jiraiya is drowning in guilt and Orochimaru is surprisingly the only normal one in their team.

She doesn't know how she ended up being dragged around by a small three years old who though it was a good idea to cover herself in snakes. Or a equally small six years old that looked like he was having a mental breakdown.

'' ..-and then Kimi-kun told me I was fat and tried to take my food, but of course I have chubby cheek, I'm three. He is ten and doesn't have an excuse. And then I spit on his shoes, it was suppose to be face but I'm not strong enough. I take what I have. And then-'' Shizune interrupts Anko

'' Anko-chan, we really should let Kakashi-kun rest. Orochimaru said he was sick.'' they listened at the door but that's beside the point

'' I was sick all the time at the kids house. And I was still fine to fuck around with those idiots.''

'' My God..'' Shizune puts her hands in her head and looks up

'' Did they hit you?'' Kakashi ask suddenly, his head poking out from the blankets '' If yes then Oro-san has a nice purple snake that can become invisible and his bite makes people fall asleep with bad dreams.''

please no Shizune though

'' Really!'' Anko said excited '' I'm already on it! Kakashi-nii is the best!''

'' Wait!'' Kakashi stops when he feels his stomach churning up '' How about a nap ? We can go together later, and make this a surprise for Oro-san.''

With sparkly eyes Anko climbs the bed and plops herself between his ninkens, Shizune joins them later giving up. It wouldn't be too bad if those kids get their own piece ,after all, Anko-chan looked really upset.