
Chapter 5

Jiraiya knows that he should have come sooner. Should have visited Sakumo place. Check his Pup. He didn't. He drowned himself in woman, writing and missions. Sakumo named him Uncle for his Pup, he named him pack.

Looking at the too frail six years old with a forehead protector that was dangerously close to falling off Jiraiya can't find in himself to regret not coming. Really he is horrible.

He goes to Oro, Tsunade was mourning her dead fiancé. Oro house was close to the Forest of Death, a house that looked more like a tree or a giant plant. Plants growing in and outside the house, snakes of all types hanging off the walls, moving around, scenting and whatever Oro said they do.

It doesn't take long for to step outside, his snakes announced him more likely. He was dressed in a purple kimono,his long feminine black hair falling of his shoulder, he narrowed his eyes at him but after spotting Kakashi, Jiraiya was let in.

" What did you -" Orochimaru interrupts himself by hissing " You fool. The child has a high fever and a mild chakra extenuation. Above all he is too thin to maintain so much chakra."

" Teme! It's not my fault he ended up like this, and I will talk with his sensei." Jiraiya says not revealing who Kakashi sensei was " It's Sakumo Pup." Orochimaru always had a soft spot for Sakumo, in some ways it was the closest thing of romantic love he had.

" I wouldn't have let you in if he wasn't." Orochimaru says his hands glowing with green chakra, his face impassive.

For some time neither spoke while Orochimaru worked.

'' I should see Tsunade.'' Jiraiya said feeling suffocated. He leaves behind a little toad plush.

Orochimaru clicks his tongue ''Drinking herself to death that one.'' He takes Sakumo pup in his arms carrying him to his room,the other rooms were quite dominated by his Clan snakes, putting him under a blanked his fever calmed.

'' Midori '' Orochimaru hiss, a long, thin, green with a black diamond head snake lowers itself from the ceiling on his arm '' Make sure the wolf pup has his chakra stabilized.''

The Hatakes were know for their white chakra not for having an amount similar with an Uzumaki child. The pup body was thin, but looked taken cared of, with pale skin but not grey-ish one, strong bones, maybe too strong with barely there bruises from training. His chakra despise being doubled was not harming him by eating his body away, nor where two sets of chakra or looked like a matured chakra core. But the Hatakes were always a strange bunch having their secrets told not written most of the time.

Orochimaru stops his thoughts before he could do more harm than good. Saying a grimace on the child face he takes his too big headband off, and it's that Sakumo's?!, putting it carefully on the table and with gently long, pale fingers begin to pet Kakashi silver head.

First thing Kakashi feel was the smell of herbs, the same ones that his home has ,then the feeling of something light curled around his torso, fingers on his hair and a subtle scent of jasmine. It was pleasant. The last thing he remembers was Minato-sensei satisfied face and the sudden smell of ink.

So you can image his horror when he opened his eyes finding a pair of yellow eyes staring at him in a daze. It was Orochimaru, because of course he was, with his long dark hair, purple marks, yellow eyes and pale skin. If Kakashi concentrate hard enough he could feel small scales on the fingers that pet him.

Orochimaru. The Snake Sannin. Missing-nin. The one that stole children and left marks on their body's and no he wasn't a pedophile, Tsunade and Inoichi confirmed. That doesn't explain why is he in what Kakashi thinks the Sannin house being petted by him.

Petted. And it felt nice too. He is fucked.

'' I will bring your medicine, try to stay awake, Hatake pup.'' the snake Sannin says getting up and leaving for the suppose medicine.

Looking around Kakashi feels sluggish, the feeling of chakra extenuation a familiar throb and a thin snake around his torso. The snake looks at him ''I want a break..'' Kakashi says like the snake could understand him, and maybe he did if the bobbing was answer enough.

Orochimaru brings him a glass with water and medicine. He drinks it. Orochimaru blinks startled at him and wow he is really expressive when he didn't change body's.

'' I'm not sure if you are stupid or just really tired.''

'' I'm just really done.'' Orochimaru tildes his head, his hair falling to the side. '' Why I'm here?''

'' Jiraiya, that oaf, found you chakra extenuated, running a high fever to boot. You should be better now, though you can't get up.''

'' Why didn't he just brought me to the hospital?'' it would certainly be better or at last less disturbing than waking up in Orochimaru house and if he smelled it right his bed

'' Because he is an idiot.'' The Sannin says not explaining further. He puts a cold hand on Kakashi forehead and push him back in the jasmine scented pillow . He falls asleep with the same scaled hand on his head.

It was like the universe was making fun of him.

Minato-sensei who wasn't really HIS Minato-sensei but still, was throwing him uncomfortable glances or worked him accidentally until his chakra runned out. He never give him food, tried to teach him about sociability or just bothered him how His Sensei did. There were days when they would meditate an entire day or they would fight in Taijutsu or Ninjutsu destroying an entire training ground. Or there were times where Minato-sensei just give him a scroll or more and just stared at him how he worked through them.

Jiraiya, who sincerely Kakashi didn't give a fuck after Naruto. Leaving your godson in a village that will hate him to the bones, a place that he himself know that it will be bad just left him there in Konoha gentle, ignorant care and not even staying at the funeral was nowhere near his good list. Kakashi know, well know that at some point Jiraiya and his father were friends but he now as well that he didn't see him until he was nine Before. Now he appeared spontaneous giving him woman or fuinjutsu advice, both of things didn't interest him. Leaving behind Popsicle or toad plushie's or trying to buy him a meal just to disappear halfway looking all panicked and guilt stricken. If Kakashi would have cared of him in the beginning, like Sensei, it would hurt more.

Orochimaru who after the first week of knowing him just begin to call him Oro was a surprisingly expressive person. Really it was no wonder all the kids he stole or just meet followed him around.

After he tended to him those three days, give him a warm meal before telling him 'If you want to leave do so if not make sure you watch your steps, my snakes think themselves funny'

Maybe it was curiosity or Kakashi just wanted another human being that could understand him at a different level. Or just wanted a change, not Minato fidgeting or Jiraiya guilt. This calmness around Orochimaru made him feel like it will be okay. Like it's okay to not feel really human sometimes to not know how old are you or if this is a hallucination or not, if it was okay to forget bits of his adult mind. Like it is okay to be more Hatake like, to eat raw meat with his dogs and play with them in mud. Orochimaru didn't even look upset when he left behind mud prints, he just rolled his eyes and told him to take a bath.

Even Pakkun liked him.

So it wasn't really a surprise when he packed up his things. Made a storage seal on his arm so he can put all that it means Hatake save, and sealed the compound.

It wasn't a surprise when he arrived at Oro house, a guest room, his room freshly cleaned the smell of herbs and jasmine surrounded him, Falling asleep in his father shirt, his pack around him, long fingers petting his head.