
There's Something Wrong With You, My Lord!

Battered, injured, jaded and marvellously wreaked. Luis Lee was one of the powerful ability users during the chaotic time of the apocalypse but that was until he found himself reincarnated in a magical world full of hunks and gorgeously powerful moon elves.  At that moment he thought, "Let's live a slow slutty life, (b)itches!" These long-eared hotties needed him for something and the new moon elf lord was determined to do nothing. However, an obnoxious system was added into the mix saying that he is reincarnated in a world of a book. System administrator: This world will usher an Apocalypse after a decade. So enjoy your stay (b)itch. Few days old moon elf lord: Will I ever get a proper rest? A story of a perverted soul who just wanted to get laid starts now. Author's Note: Bearers are another gender of the moon elves. They have PP but has the ability to 'bear children'. This concept is practically like an omegaverse- minus the heat. This is my first ever novel. :) The book cover is a commissioned art made by Kanl Art. Paid by the Author using all the love that the beloved readers gave to this book! Hihihi! Do not use without Author's permission. Contact me @ https://discord.gg/M6N3nDkA

Imsuperberbs20 · LGBT+
240 Chs

A Calm Before The Storm

The 'rogues' settlement is located near the foot of a rocky mountain that is a part of the famed Thilbi Mountain ranges.

The longest and the most mysterious mountain range in this supercontinent. It was said that it's peaks runs from the central plains where most human kingdoms are situated, then it stretch past to the territories of the elves, dwarves, orcs, and other beings of flesh and spirits. This mountain range basically splits the Immortal's Glade into two.

The tail of this super-landform is located in southeast of the Amber Forest. It was an unclaimed rocky mountain just like this one that is near the Shane Greenwoods.

However, the mountain nearby the earth houses is far from being rocky or dusty.

For it has cascading waterfalls that came from a complex water network from other peaks of Thilbi Mountains.

Lush greenery all over the place,  water falls that looks like a god's masterpiece and a majestic mountain standing in the back ground. This is a kind of scenery that could make anyone energetic.

At present, Luis, the moon elf lord is walking behind Xagrien. The two of them are on their way to this certain 'someone' who will explain the beast tide.

Some clansmen of Xagrien are out hunting and the others are peeking behind their opened doors. Just like a professional neighborhood gossipers in the the modern time.

And the current target of their conversation is that certain young bearer beside the tall and brooding Xagrien.

Xagrien already informed his clansmen that he brought a bearer with him but he did not disclose the other's identity. He let the moon elf lord do his thing since he observed from the time that they met that this one has his own way.

Thanks to this peculiar behavior of Xagrien, Luis' identity become shrouded with enigma and he piqued the interest of the dwellers of these earth houses.

"Whoa, I never thought that Xagrien would actually bring home a bearer. Will he mate with such a beautiful bearer? Should I go outside and bring one too?"

"You idiot. Do you think it is so easy to find a mate outside? Dream on!"

"Won't that bearer's clan trouble us once they found out that we took him?"

"I talked to Xagrien about it and he said that there will be no problem."

"That bearer strangely makes me feel warm and intimidated." A certain moon elf cannot help but voice out his feelings. It illicited a reaction from another moon elf and it started a window to window discussion among them.

And so the rumor mill is started churning.

While all these things are happening, thesubject, the undercover moon elf lord is clueless.

Luis is stuck in his own perverted world and he is willing to stay there for the longest time possible. For he had unlocked a milestone that is possible for him to achieve in his last life.

"Hihihi," Luis cannot help but giggle. He would be a hypocrite if he played innocent about the 'white stain' .

Because in the first place, he is a male in his past life.

Even if he is a virgin, he is a well-informed virgin. He is more knowledgeable that these moon elves if it is about sex education.

It goes without saying that he knows everything about men's things.

"Hihihi," The moon elf lord's malicious giggle is heard once again. He didn't expect that such a serious-looking moon elf would fall for his sex appeal. Of course, what to do with this beautiful, perfect and salacious 'him' but to be desired?

And to do something unspeakable. Xagrien is so naughty!

Luis covers his mouth to muffle his giggle.

Honestly, he didn't feel disgusted at all.

'Why would he when he is secretly wishing, hoping, and praying for it to happen?'

'Besides, if Xagrien is ugly, then it is dirty and he would feel vilified. But since this one is a male god, shouldn't he be thankful?'

'It's no use to act like an ignorant virgin!'

Luis' perverted thoughts are too severe at this point. If only others could hear his thoughts, they would know how different the moon elf lord is from their expectation.

But Luis' periodic giggles are heard by Xagrien. The male moon elf who was walking in front turned to face the bearer. His face is as red as a ripe tomato and his brows are twitching from agitation.

"You!" Xagrien's voice raised by an octave. What he is feeling right now is a mix of both humiliation and helplessness. All of these are new to him and this is making him crazy. The fact that the bearer is the moon elf lord is forgotten.

"Yes?" Out of impulse, Luis made a v-shape out of his two hands and posed cutely. The kind of 'aegyo' that he learned from dramas in his past life.

He never thought that he could do this pose now without losing other people's appetites. If he were ever caught pulling this stunt back then, then he won't end well. Who would want to see a middle-age man with a thug-like face to act like a female lead in a romantic drama?

Xagrien paused for a few moments, he toned down his voice and spoke in a more respectful tone.

"Please excuse my impertinence, moon elf lord. What happened was an accident. Can we please forget it and move on?"

Luis knows that the male is drawing the line. And based on the intensity of Xagrien's state, it is best to take a step back. He pouted his lips and nod expressing his agreement. He doesn't want to incur Xagrien's animosity by talking about that every single time.

"But how can I forget it when I don't know what happened?" Luis tried to be playful one last time.

"I see," Xagrien's face is a few seconds away from exploding but then he returned his calm after thinking of something. "Maybe you might want me to know what you were touching and reading in the air earlier?" The gorgeous moon elf asked critically.

Luis' devilish smile was put back in place. He was pretty sure he was winning seconds ago.

'Why did an 'uno reverse card' suddenly come up, Xagrien?'

The moon elf lord was stoned in his place. Here he thought that this rascal only heard his cursing, it turns out that the other actually witnessed the whole thing!

He swears to the 'litch' of a system admin that he will never check the system interface when he has just woken up!

Luis doesn't want to sound crazy and go through an out-of-this-world explanation that will confuse Xagrien more, so he dived head first to the oblivious route. Which works wonders most of the time.

"Oh my, what am I thinking, isn't it easier to forget when you are not aware of the specifics?" Luis made a 'Baeksang' worthy performance.

The moon elf lord touched the Xagrien's veiny arms and caressed them, teasingly, "Thank you so much for reminding me of such an important matter, Xagrien." He made sure to whisper that sensual enough to case reaction from the other.

Luis tapped Xagrien's arm twice before he turned and walked past the male. With a breath of hidden vengeance in his stride.

This guy really knows the most obnoxious way to keep Luis' toes glued to the ground.

'Whatever, at least I know now that I have such an impact on this stoic male god!' Luis felt that he had conquered an entire empire.

Well, he will not forget the red flags he initially listed. Luis will take what is due when the time is ripe.

'Now, I will tease you until you suffer, you electrifying moon elf hunk! Don't you dare to fall in love with this lord!' Luis thought while he is concocting his revenge later on.

What he didn't know is that doing so is the same as jumping into his own grave.

"When can I treat the wounded, by the way?" Luis looked back and asked Xagrien, trying to shift the topic.

"You don't have anyone to treat right now, they are out hunting." Xagrien flatly said before overtaking the moon elf lord.

"Hey!" Luis was left to run after the long-legged moon elf with his pathetic short legs.


What Luis imagined meeting was an old sage with an overgrown beard, the typical image of a reliable and credible know-it-all in most fantasy novels.

However, the one that they are looking at right now are the total opposite of his expectation.

He was astonished upon seeing a young and strong-looking male.

But what he cannot believe and made him excited is that this male actually has round-human ears! This male is also good-looking. With a firm and muscled body but not quite close to Xagrien's physique.

"Oh cr*p, are you a human?!" Luis cannot help but blurt out. His eyes are not leaving the brown-haired man.

They are now inside an earthhouse. This one is comparably wide and more furnished than Xagrien's. There is a long wooden settee, a low table, and a few potted plants.

This is like a living room from Earth!

Seriously, if Luis isn't aware that he is in a different world he will think that this is a modern house that uses rustic furniture style.

He thoughtfully looked at the man, is he the same as him?

Xagrien seemed to notice the weird interest that Luis is showing so he butt in with a bit of discontent in his tone, "This is Sibal, he is an orc."

Sibal on the other hand is at a loss. He knows that Xagrien brought home a bearer, his brother Nine, told him that.

Looking at the approachable little bearer, Sibal's senses as an orc are ringing. This one must be not simple at all.

"Brother…" a small milky voice sounded from Sibal's back.

Luis tried to extend his neck to peek. What he saw was a cute little boy with bushy and white wolf ears and a tail. The boy's round eyes are innocently watching him.

He is so cute! The child-loving soul in Luis is immediately won over upon seeing such fluff.

Luis flashed a smile and made a little hand wave. Trying to appeal some goodwill to the child. However, the wolf boy only blinked a few times before shyly retreating to Sibal's back.

"It is nice to meet you, I am Sibal and this is my little brother, Nine."

Luis gladly accepted the greetings and he answered straightforwardly but he did not forget to test the waters, "It's great to finally meet you, I am the moon elf lord."

Luis reached his hands for a handshake. Sibal on the other hand is confused by such a gesture. He shot a questioning look to his friend, Xagrien, only to meet eyes that cut like daggers.

Sibal swallowed his cry for help. He is confused why Xagrien is behaving like that. This friend of his is a man of few words and upright to a fault.

However, his confusion is cleared up after Xagrien boldly touched the bearer's hand and put it down.

This good brother of his finally found a mate!

"I see, he is your-" Xagrien did not let him finish "Moon Elf Lord."

"Moon Elf Lord?" Sibal paused until he remembered the phenomenon that happened days ago and the strong presence of the bearer. Instantly, he came up with the right conclusion. "Ah, that-"

But Xagrien once again interjected. "That is not important. We are here to ask you about something."

Luis raised his right brow, 'What the hell is that?' the moon elf lord just shrugged.

He once again looked at the orc, it seems like his assumption is wrong.

He didn't dwell on the weird actions and asked Sibal, "We want to know more about the beast tide."


The living room was solemn. Luis and Xagrien are sitting side by side on the settee while Sibal is sitting on a three-legged stool. Nine is staying in his bedroom, his brother did not let him stay since the topic is serious.

Luis cannot help but be distracted with all the familiar things popping up.

"Excuse me!" Luis raised his hand like a student. "Before we go straight to the point. Can I ask who made all these furniture?" He then motioned at the chairs and table.

"Me," Sibal answered almost immediately.

Luis is surprised by how straightforward and innocent Sibal responded to him.

No second thoughts.

'Are you reincarnated too?' is what he wanted to ask but he held it in.

"Did you design all of it?" Luis asked instead. He caressed the interwoven structure of the settee. While the tables are simple and crude. This settee is done with a certain level of craftsmanship.

Sibal's hesitation is obvious. "It was a technique handed down from our tribe. We used to trade these pieces to some humans."

Luis has the urge to knock on his head.

Right, why is he overthinking about conspiracies at every twist and turn? He really wanted to smack his head.

The moon elf lord heaved a sigh. "What happened to your tribe by the way?"

"Our home- no our entire tribe was destroyed by a beast tide two years ago."

The orc's voice and face are both clear as if he is just telling a casual story.

However, his eyes say otherwise, it is full of unspoken grievances.

Hi! Here is today's chapter! I know it's kind of late. I had to do other things so please let this pass.

Anyway, I am pleased to inform you that with your support, TSWWYML will be featured on the New Novel block under the New Trope section on May 1. I will try my best to give you a little gift on that day (mass release maybe?)

Please continue supporting my book.

Special thanks to Baru1414 for the inspiration capsule! I hope you enjoy reading my book.

I dedicate this chap to Buttermochi.

Imsuperberbs20creators' thoughts