
there's No "US"

(CTTO artist for the novels cover) A young girl abandoned by her very own family because they liked the eldest and midle child, she was sick and was dying slowly but no one knew no one paid attention, but this one boy took care of her...

Nyxie_Nyx · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


Shane woke up in an unfamiliar room, she opened her eyes and saw she was in a hospital, she wasn't shocked suddenly waking up in an hospital, Shane knew her own Health well enough, she hid it herself without reason.

A doctor suddenly opened the door and came in, 'it seems you've woken up quite early than i anticipated ' said by the doctor with a slight smile, shane sigh'ed* and got up from her bed she walk towards the window and appreciated the view of morning, birds loud chirps, flowers blooming and clear blue sky, with a calm expression, 'did they know?' shane asked* , 'Only the teacher but she did say to never say this to anyone and its your own decision to tell' replied by the doctor,

'and my condition.. how is it?' asked by shane, '3 months only got 3 months' replied by the doctor, '3.. months huh..', Shane frowned and clenched her hand, the room suddenly became quiet but the doctor didn't leave yet, 'aren't you gonna ask me something?'said by shane, 'I do but i shouldn't know too much, and i'm not the right one to hear those,' replied by the doctor.

The doctor took a slight glanced at the door seeing the boy from yesterday came and won't seem to come in, ' well then i shall take my leave if nothing else' said by the doctor, shane called the doctor with a frowned and dark expression of displease 'never tell anyone about this' , don't worry i can tell from your situation that doing it could only make things worst, handle it if not i'll follow the rules and call your parents "Shane" be more respectful to me next time' said by the doctor , before the doctor went out from he looked back and said ' Call me Uncle Jaja next time little niece' he left the room and door opened, "Seriously you never changed!!" shane yelled angrily.

Shane went back to her bed and noticed a fruit basket on top of the table, there was a letter and has a name Bessie, it was from teacher bessie, 'she must have come early said by shane, she was hungry after seeing the apples, she could just peel it herself but she was a little shaky and holding a knife would be dangerous, so she waited for a nurse to come to peel it for her, few minutes later Vanne Came to the room holding lunchboxes, the delicious aroma of fresh foods it smells really good sadly, she couldn't eat any hot food yet but only fruits and drink water.

Vanne sat beside her, and started to peel apples for her, he wasn't even looking her in the eye even when he just entered the room, he never meets her eye's, and it was obviouse for her to notice as such, but she kept quiet about it.

(if it's anything i know best about you, is that you're bad at hiding your feelings and intentions, Vanne)

She smiled as she would always do to vanne

"will you stay beside me more this time?, will you believe me? will you notice it this time?"

Vanne, looked confused with her sudden question, but the last one was first to be understood by what she meant by it.

he lower his head and continued not to look her in the eye, he placed the sliced able by her table next to her bed, and stood up, and then patted her head.

"i'll try..."

she gripped her hands at the quilt, as soon as she understood what he meant, she herself was in disbelief, but that's the best that she could expect from him, even if it's been a long time they've been together..


he prepared some warm water and talked to me for a bit about how many things i'll need to catch up to school, and then after he left like it was nothing.

she left her bed and went near the windows, even though she was warned never to open them, she did anyways, admired such a beautiful sky full of bright stars.

"i.. will one day be one of those shiny light"

*while reaching out in the sky her hand, hoping and wishing for all, to be the brightest one of most beautiful stars.

Vanne saw her at her window reaching out at the sky, he didn't really leave the hospital he was only outside, and didn't tell her he wasn't actually going to school and only spent, the day outside.

Vanne sat down under the tree near her window when suddenly an adult, in senior uniform and with silver hair, suddenly apeared behind him saying.

"boy, what do you think you're doing here?"...