
there's No "US"

(CTTO artist for the novels cover) A young girl abandoned by her very own family because they liked the eldest and midle child, she was sick and was dying slowly but no one knew no one paid attention, but this one boy took care of her...

Nyxie_Nyx · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


Early morning, birds starts chirping, the air was really refreshing, 'a good weather for some good sleep again! '

Shane jump on her on her bed and attempting to sleep again, but Vanne was there to wake her up right before her attempt, 'You really think i'd let you sleep again? '...

Shane got back up and grabbed her towel grumpily and went to the bathroom to wash, 'Shane u really should hurry up a bit since we're going to be really really late any minute now!' Shane took her phone and opened it, ' i really am late!!' shane hurriedly washed herself and changed clothes, 'Lets go!'

Vanne handed shane a piece of bread since she hadn't had any breakfast because of being late, they arrived at school 5 minutes late, and teacher Bessie was already starting her music leasons, they both tried sneaking in but still ended up getting cought, 'its either you go stand at the front of the classroom door or sit there and i wont take your attendance in my class' yelled by teacher bessie angrily.

They both stood outside the classroom, since they were out Vanne sneakily handed Shane some food, for her to eat since the bread was too little to satisfy her hunger, while shane was eating and standing outside, shane felt a sudden painful headache and blacked out, she was carried by Vanne to the nursery office and layed her on the bed, the teacher tried calling Shanes parents, it took teacher bessie a while getting in touch with shanes parents on the phone, shanes mom picked the call up and teacher bessie explained, the mother said 'not to worry too much its not like shane would die just from that' , teacher bessie was mad at the mother she hanged up the phone and left shane to the schools nurse, she went back to her class because she can't leave class no matter what, and after her class she found Vanne with her Vanne stayed with shane the whole time, Teacher bessie didn't asked Vanne and just let Vanne help her carry Shane ti'll they get to the hospital for shanes check up she still hasn't woken up

They arrive at the hospital and when they arrived Shane was a little pale and sweating a lot, they rushed her to the emergency room since it wasn't just normal fainting, hours late the doctor was out of the room he told Teacher bessie that shane had an illness that have been neglegted for long that it has gotten worst, shane only had a few months left to live or to be certain 3 months left to live, the teacher was shocked and was downed on her knees the teacher and doctor continue talking in private leaving Vanne behind, Vanne was stunned hearing that she'll die in a few months he sat down on the chair outside the room where Shane is, he had a crying expession but he held his tears he was shaking and sweating scared of losing shane, he peaked and the small glass window of the door and saw shane still not waking up, Vanne go to a small church room in the hospital hurriedly up stairs, he slowly went inside and went to the left seats and kneeled on the church seats, he was praying for shane's Health to improve and get well from her illness desperately.

The teacher was finished talking to the doctor and called Shanes parents informed them of shane being in the hospital but not her condition, after the call Teacher bessie went back to where she left vanne but didn't saw him anywhere near, she asked for a doctor if they saw a Teen boy about 14 years old in uniform and a bit of a long dark brown hair with bangs, they said they saw vanned ran to the church room in the hospital and escorted teacher bessie there, she saw Vanne praying for Shane, She thanked the nurse and the nurse left them alone since it seemed like they needed some alone time, Teacher bessie slowly walked to his seat and sat down beside him, 'Vanne can you do me a favor?' said by the teacher, Vanne stared and teacher bessie and got up and say down properly, 'what is it' replied with a sad look 'never tell her parents her condition' Vanne was confussed 'wouldn't it be better to tell them?' , ' once she wakes up tomorrow don't tell her pretend you don't know let the doctor tell her himself, let her choose to wether to say it or not' bessie replied with a serious look, 'wouldn't it be better to tell her parents?... well i know the situation but.. wouldn't it be the best way for her to get cured they have a lot of money their her parents they won't ignore her.. i think...' replied by vanne, 'Vanne... there's no cure... its a rare illness' Teacher bessie replied with a frown ' its impossible for them to help shane fron what that woman said i could guess the situation will only be even more worst' said by teacher bessie, Vanne had a dark expression and just obidiently do what The teacher said.

After the talk Teacher bessie took Vanne home, Vanne's mom welcomed him home and invited for dinner since its ready, but he walked straight to his room and threw his bag, he cried all night, his mother heard him crying and got worried, she left food infront of his door incase he gets hungry and informed him, she made sure he gets to calm down leaving him alone for now, morning came he got out of his room and saw his mom cooking lovely breakfast for him to cheer him up, his eyes was swollen and red , he told his mom to take a break from school for a bit to take care of shane, his mother agreed after breakfast Vanne washed himself and wore cassual clothes to visit shane, right before he was about to leave, his mom handed him some luch boxes for him and shane to eat, she patted Vanne's head before he left, 'Thanks mom' Said by Vanne to her mom with a smile so to not make him worry anymore 'alright now go and goodbye have fun with shane' replied with a smile.

Vanne took his bike and rode it to go to the hospital, he arrived at the hospital early since it wasn't really that far, when he arrived he saw shane awak and talking to the doctor, Vanne Clenched his hands, he sat on the chair outsite of the waiting room waiting for them to finish, after they finished talking Vanne waited for a minute to go inside to not be obvious, after waiting he smiled his usual smile and open the door, as he looked closer to her, he seemed to noticed that she got skinny overnight, her lips were pale, and shaking a little bit, 'Would you peel some apples for me?' Shane said to Vanne with her usual smile to like always, Vanne put the lunch box on the table and grabbed an bowl knife and an apple, he peeled the apple for shane patiently, 'who brought these?' Vanne asked, 'it was from teacher bessie' replied by shane, 'Vanne who brought me here?' asked by shane to vanne, 'it was teacher i was gonna come along but teacher didn't allow me to skip classes' replied with a silly expression,

'Vanne you'll be with me with me always right?' asked by Shane with a worried looked and didn't looked him in the eye while asking and only lowerd her head, Vanne flinched hearing shane says something really sad, 'Yes i will be with you Shane, ti'll you get better or even forever i'll be with you' replied with a gentle smile and continued peeling the apples, their surrounding started to get quite, birds chirps became loud the air breeze was really refreshing its such a really lovely weather today.