
Theos Krustallos (God Crystal)

Theos Krustallos is a story about young mortals who possessed the power of gods. They were exposed by the Theos Krustallos (God Crystal), an ancient artifact that stored half of the Old Gods’ power from different pantheons before their death during Ragnarök (Doom of the Gods). They became the new species of humans called Godlings. But you may call them… The New Gods. Join them in their grand, perilous adventures after escaping from a terrorist organization known as the Fatherland. Will they become heroes? Will they become villains? Find out in this brand new original fantasy novel. This story is inspired by Percy Jackson & The Olympians (along with the spin-offs) by Rick Riordan, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, and the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft. THE GREAT PROPHECY: A new beginning of gods is coming The world shall hear the sound of humming Seven rose against all odds Peace or destruction, judge by the new gods ——— Please show support to me and my work. This is my first ever original story after working on fanfic stories in Fanfiction.Net. I never would have thought I'd be able to make an original one. I started with the mythology genre because I fell in love with it after reading Percy Jackson and learning mythology from various YouTube channels. I’ll try my best to provide the best storylines. I have so many ideas in my head that I want to incorporate, so make sure you don’t miss it. If you want to see my other works. Head to Fanfiction.Net and look for my username - KiddoIsTheBest. You’ll probably enjoy those more unless you aren’t a fanfic fan. Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy the story unfold.

KiddoIsTheBest · แฟนตาซี
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Chapter 30: Gaolbreak - God vs. Man (6)

A bunch of soldiers were thrown into the lobby with ease. No matter their advanced technology that was imbued with an energy that can kill a godling, they are still no match for the one with true power, aside from the fact they’re still getting used to the newly issued weapons.

Ezekiel parried one of the guard’s dagger before kicking him into the lobby easily. He was then huffing and puffing while clenching his painful chest for some air. In his fit of rage, he lost composure and didn’t take into account his breathing problems. He never despised having this weakness for five years. He tried his best to endure it for the cause, but now, he absolutely loathes it.

He may have an advantage in terms of superhuman physiology and abnormal gift, but his lack of training and breathing problems gives ordinary humans an edge against him. He was fighting a mental battle against himself in order to avoid fainting from the lack of oxygen.

He then turned his attention back to Captain Sean Cillian who still remained unfazed.

“You’ve gotten good over the course of five years, kid.” Sean complimented the godling.

“Let’s get this over with it.” Ezekiel intends to knock him out unconscious in order to progress. He doesn’t want to kill any of the guards, especially Captain Cillian as they’re only taking orders. The only person he wants to end right now is Alam Etana aka Sir Ancient.

Suddenly, a giant robot-like hand appeared behind the captain out of nowhere, formed a fist before delivering a devastating punch to Ezekiel, hurling him across the lobby and through one of the guards body causing an organ and blood splatter everywhere.

Covered in blood, Ezekiel stood back up immediately while gasping due to the pain. He was disgusted when the guards were cheering for the captain, ignoring the fact that one of their comrades just died showing how ignorant and slave they are to the cause.

He then looked closely at the giant robotic fist. There was pink energy that was imbued with it meaning that the Fatherland had progressed so much with their research about weaponizing the Theos Krustallos. He coughed (thankfully, no blood came out) before standing back up and cleaning all of the blood in his body with wind.

“Now, I give you two choices. This is the final one.” Captain Cillian said, as the second giant robotic hand appeared behind him. “Surrender or die. Which one will it be?”

“And I answered before…” Ezekiel said while looking down on the floor.

His eyes were glowing turquoise-silver while the wind was surrounding him, which made the guards having a hard time to stand except for Captain Cillian who yet again remained unfazed. He then looked straight at the captain with pure determination, which amplified the strength of the wind on the lobby even further.

“…I choose violence!”

Captain Cillian scoffed, “So this is the power of an Awakened, but it is nonetheless inferior to that of the gods from the mythology.”

He then sighed before removing his coat to reveal a dark purple battle armor.

”Very well then, I shall humor you. This will teach you a lesson that humans are capable of fighting the gods.”

After that, he pressed a button on the side of his knee as speakers appeared on the corners of the wall. It was then playing a song called “Warrior Rising” by Ean Grimm. He has had great admiration for the song since he was a child as it brings a warrior spirit within him despite being an elderly.

A mask was formed around his head afterwards. The current appearance of Captain Cillian was intimidating for Ezekiel, especially when two giant fists were floating above him and the glowing pink eyes on the mask. A greatsword then materialized on his left arm. He was wielding it with one hand casually, meaning that the armor provided him superhuman strength.

“Since when did you… start weaponizing Theos Krustallos…?” Ezekiel remained steadfast and determined despite having a low chance of winning. It also doesn’t help that his body hasn’t fully recovered from being tortured by Aster.

“Oh? You knew about the God Crystal? And you want answers.” Captain Cillian then pointed his greatsword at him while his voice filter changed. “If you want to know, then you must defeat me in battle! Show me how dangerous a New God like you is! A god versus human. Who shall prevail!?”

The strength of the wind increased tenfold, risking his oxygen in order to win against a dangerous superhuman. Meanwhile, he doesn’t notice guards were dying slowly due to their oxygen leaving them from the increased wind power. He is too fixated on the captain.

Ezekiel struck first after sending a hurricane at Captain Cillian, but his attack was blocked by the giant robotic hands. He then placed his hands together to create a giant wind blade that is almost the size of the lobby before swinging it at his opponent, but his attack was blocked yet again with a greatsword with ease, which was an absurd moment.

He then spun his arms to create two wind vortexes, but he was struck by the left robotic hand at such a high speed like a bullet before the right robotic hand slammed him into a wall.

Ezekiel spat out blood before falling on the ground, “C-Crap…”

“Was that the only thing an Awakened can do?” Captain Cillian mocked up while his robotic arms flew behind him. “I’m fairly disappointed if it was.”

Ezekiel launched himself in the air before kicking his right foot as a slash of wind was produced. Due to the speed of the unexpected attack, the captain dodged instead of blocking it which made him realize that all he needed to do was move a bit faster. The opponent is still human after all, unlike him.

He launched himself on the corner of the lobby while in midair. He placed his hand at the back to touch the walls. He needed to be faster in order to beat the captain. He also needed to reach the next corner without giving his opponent time to recover.

After that, he launched himself toward the captain at velocious speed which caused a loud sonic boom.

Captain Cillian dodged the human bullet barely. He didn’t expect that Ezekiel would risk himself in order to win against him. When he turned around, he was sent flying unexpectedly by a human bullet.

He landed back on the ground roughly before kneeling in one knee and stopped his friction by piercing his greatsword through the ground.

He then laughed, “That was ve-“

Yet again, he was flung by the same exact human bullet. This made him realize that the godling has discovered the weak spot for his armor - it doesn’t grant him superhuman speed, only strength and durability.

He realized that Ezekiel was flying around like a bullet in order to increase his speed and beat him.

During all of these thoughts, he was sent flying twice. He could tell that the godling is getting faster and faster. The punch he received from making contact with a human bullet doesn’t hurt him, but sooner or later, the suit will be damaged.

The one he is wearing is still in the prototype stages. He doesn’t want it to be destroyed, knowing that he hasn’t tasted the final finished version of it yet.

After getting hit the tenth time, Captain Cillian could tell that Ezekiel has almost become fast as an actual bullet itself. His speed was becoming similar to Klef. He needed to stop this.

As soon as he was hit the thirteenth time, he disrupted the flow by making robotic hands fly around him at rapid speed.

“Let’s see you get past this!”

Ezekiel was caught off guard and immediately stopped flying around by launching himself in the air at the last moment. While in midair, he foot was grabbed by a robotic hand and slammed him on the ground.

He was disappointed in himself because he failed to remember the robotic hands. He was a fool for thinking that his plan would work out in the end.

“Now,” Captain Cillian pulled out the greatsword from the ground, as it began to glow pink. “My turn.”

When he pointed his greatsword at Ezekiel, it fired a highly-concentrated energy beam at him. His opponent managed to dodge the attack albeit barely, but the heat emitting from it made the godling flinch.

He smirked, realizing that the prototype weapons can indeed kill a godling easily. With this technology, he and the Fatherland do not have to rely on these pathetic and weak gods for the cause.

The captain continuously spammed the energy beam from the greatsword while Ezekiel kept on dodging by launching himself everywhere. His movements became a bit sluggish as he was currently having a hard time breathing. He needed air. Yet not all of that stops him from taking this superhuman captain down.

He launches himself towards the captain yet again, dodging the two robotic hands thanks to his battle instincts. He was about to deliver a Rasengan-like attack at him until the captain dodged it swiftly and was hit on the back of the head by the greatsword’s pommel.

His opponent then stepped on his chest, as few of his bones were cracking in a crunching manner.

“This ends now!”

Captain Cillian raised the grip of the sword, intending to pierce the godlings' heart to make him realize that being a god doesn’t mean he is invulnerable to such physical attacks. The godlings or homo immortalis are still an evolved version of homo sapiens after all.

Ezekiel punched Captain Cillian’s foot that was on his chest, which made his opponent slightly stumble on the side. As soon as he stood up, his right hand was covered in wind that was circling around it and attempted to punch the captain.

Unfortunately, his opponent moved his head a bit to avoid the attack and was kicked in the stomach which made him knee on the ground.

“A valiant effort, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re weak.” Captain Cillian wielded his greatsword, preparing to decapitate the godling with it.

Before he could do so, his greatsword flickered away from his hands after a paper ball made contact with it at high speeds. He glared at the one who messed up his plan.

It was a seven-year old godling named “Babu” whose codename is Osiris (due to his pharaoh-like birthmark on his neck), named after the God of Death and Rebirth from Egyptian mythology.

Captain Cillian scoffed before picking up his weapon, “I knew that someone was watching us.”

He then kicked Ezekiel on the face, which made him lay down on the ground with a cracked ground, before turning back his attention to the kid.

”I never thought it would be another brat.”

“Let… him… go…” Babu was shaking in fear.

He has been hiding in the lobby ever since the mysterious black-armored man appeared out of nowhere and slaughtered some of the godlings. He was the only one who managed to escape from the massacre while others fled.

When Captain Cillian was about to kill Ezekiel, he doesn’t know why he moved from his hiding spot and saved him. He is absolutely terrified right now.

“Babu… run…!” Ezekiel ordered him.

He knows Babu personally well. He occasionally plays with him, along with Daria and Fendurr, with board games and stories. He basically acts like a big brother to those that are younger than him, probably because of his brotherly instincts toward his little sister.

He knows that Babu is too terrified to fight anyone, let alone use his superhuman abilities to their full potential.

Like Fendurr (before his gift manifested at the wrong time), Babu doesn’t possess a gift unless it’ll manifest randomly but he wasn’t contained in his cell because he doesn possess any threat compared to someone feral like Fen so he can roam around freely.

And because Babu exposed himself to save him, he doesn’t want him to die like Fen did. He was about to get up to save him, but Captain Cillian punched him back on the ground.

“Stay down.” Captain Cillian ordered him.

“Stop… that!” Babu ordered him with a stutter to make him stop.

“Sure, I’ll stop.” Captain Cillian then threw the greatsword at the little godling, which pierced through his chest.

Ezekiel widened his eyes in fear, “NO! BABU!”

As Babu fell on the ground lifeless, the pure hatred for the Fatherland in his heart increased tenfold. The wind was raging, unstable to the point a bunch of miniature tornadoes appeared as it’s because his current emotion was making it so.

He stood up with the aid of the wind and delivered a punch to Captain Cillian, sending him flying.

Captain Cillian shook his head due to dizziness, “What the he-!”

He was then caught by one of the tornadoes and began to scream. After a few seconds, he was spat out from the tornado and being drubbed by Ezekiel without stopping.

The godling became much stronger than earlier, meaning that his anger intensified his strength which made him realize the error of killing the godling.

Ezekiel tore the armor and the mask off without effort this time, revealing the bloodied face of his opponent. He began to choke the old man without hesitation. He planned to snap his neck as revenge, but he has a plan to make him suffer first before giving him death.

“What are you going… to do… now?” Captain Cillian asked while laughing and coughing. “Snap… my neck? Do it.”

Ezekiel closed his eyes briefly before staring at him with pure hatred, “Worse.”

He placed his other hand close to the old man’s mouth and nose. The air in the old man’s system was beginning to leave his body. Captain Cillian was suffering slowly and painfully as he tried to remove his hand off of him, but his opponent was unable to due to his strength.

The old man was shaking violently as he begged him to stop. After three minutes of suffering, the deceased captain laid on the ground with his eyes open and his body almost resembled a decayed corpse.

“Good riddance.” Ezekiel insulted him before limping toward the deceased godling.

He looked at his face with an apologetic expression before removing the greatsword from the young godling’s body and threw it away. He then closed his eyes, carried him carefully, and placed him on the bench.

The corpses of the godlings around him as well as witnessing Fen’s and Babu’s death made him think on why he used to admire the Fatherland for their cruelty.

His heart was hardened and swore revenge on the Fatherland, particularly Sir Ancient. He has no time to mourn for the losses. He’ll have to accomplish his missions first before doing so.

He bid farewell to Babu before making his way towards the elevator that’ll take him to Sir Ancient.

“Leave me some for him, Dion.” Ezekiel said before punching the elevator buttons as the doors opened.