
Chapter 51

"What are we doing today?" Calla asked, the sleepiness almost gone from her voice.

"Well, I have a doctor's appointment today, but after that we can go to the park or the museum or something?" I suggested.

"Park!" She yelled, throwing her syrup covered hands up in the air. I giggled and glanced at Tanner, expecting him to come up with an excuse as to not come with us, but to my surprise he remained silent and only sent me a brief half smile. Tanner helped me clean up the mess from breakfast before I headed out to my appointment after promising Calla I'd be back in time for the park.

Sitting in the waiting room, I got a splitting headache from the child sitting in the seat next to me screaming his head off. On one hand, I felt bad for him, but on the other I just wanted the little turd to shut up. I nearly cried when the nurse finally called my name to take me back.

"How are you doing today, Miss Nicole?" She asked politely.