
The Zodiacs Power

Scarlet's peaceful life was shattered when her brother, Prince Jacob, made the horrifying decision to annihilate their family. As a witness to the brutal incident, Scarlet chose to remain silent about the true culprit, her tyrannical brother. All of a sudden, Prince Jacob ascended to the throne of the Earth Empire due to the fact that the throne was empty. Oddly enough, no one seemed to suspect him in connection with the gruesome event. Despite having witnessed such a horrific scene, Scarlet's determination remained unbroken. She stayed composed and acted with reason, all for the sake of her own survival. She vowed to herself that she would avenge her family and seize the throne for herself. How would she overcome these daunting challenges? Find out more by reading the story! Note! If you're a fan of slow-burn romance novels that delve into action, revenge, and similar themes, this might be your cup of tea! But if not, then what are you even doing here? Are you Intrigued? Why not give it a try?

Pyuntariii · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

"Waking up in an unfamiliar room"

In the year 2052, amidst the raging war, a girl with long, wavy brown hair and emerald eyes found herself collapsing onto the cold, muddy ground. Her clothing lay in tatters, stained with blood, and her weapons lay shattered.

"Tsk, I knew I shouldn't have held back," she mumbled to herself.

As her consciousness began to fade, she caught a brief glimpse of a guy rushing to her rescue.


Scarlet's eyes fluttered open, stirred by the melodious chorus of chirping birds. She found herself in the midst of an opulent chamber adorned with a plethora of ornate decorations. Slowly, she assessed her condition, noting the multitude of bandages enveloping her body, including her head.

"Great to know I'm still alive and kicking." she remarked to herself, a trace of sarcasm lacing her words.

In that moment, a young man rapped lightly on the door and then gracefully entered the room. Scarlet couldn't help but notice his striking appearance as he beamed at her, and in response, she offered a warm smile.

However, despite his charm, Scarlet harbored doubts that he was the one who had saved her from the battlefield.

"Hi, they saw you were struggling and fell unconscious on the battleground. luckily they saw you, so rest easy and focus on healing your wounds" he said, his smile unwavering.

"Thank you so much for your help out there. I doubt I would've made it without assistance," she replied cheerfully.

In her thoughts, she couldn't help but reflect on her earlier choices. 'That foolish commando of mine insisted I hold back my powers. I wasn't even wearing my armor. Well, part of it was my own fault.' she admitted to herself.

"May I know your name?" he asked.

Scarlet hesitated for a moment, her mind racing to concoct a suitable alias to safeguard her true identity.

"Marshall!" she replied, offering the fabricated name. She was cautious, reluctant to divulge personal information to a stranger.

'The heck? what a lame name for an excuse,' she critiqued silently, cringing at her choice.

"I'm Charles Philip," he introduced himself, his demeanor warm and inviting. "You can simply call me Charles. When you were injured, many of us were in a state of panic, and..."

Scarlet found it hard to concentrate on Charles' words as she gazed upon him. She couldn't help but be charmed by his adorable brown hair and his kind, endearing aura.

"Hey, are you still listening?" Charles asked with a hint of concern, gently clapping his hands in front of her to snap her out of her reverie.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts for a moment," she admitted with an awkward laugh, absentmindedly scratching her head.

He sighed, a touch disappointed. "Well, where do you live?" he inquired.

"Where?" she echoed, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yes," he clarified.

Scarlet furrowed her brow and placed a hand to her neck. "Honestly, I don't know," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I seem to have forgotten the name of the place. I guess you could say I have amnesia," she added with a hint of jest.

His eyes widened in surprise. "You don't remember?" he asked.

"I'm afraid not," she replied.

He let out a sigh and crossed his arms, appearing deep in thought. "Very well, we'll wait until you remember. And, oh, be sure to join us in the dining room before noon, okay? You'll meet the others there." he said before rising from his seat and heading towards the door.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Charles Philip!" Scarlet expressed her gratitude enthusiastically as he made his exit, locking the door behind him.

'I'll never forget your kindness and the refuge you've provided,' she thought, feeling truly grateful.

Alone in the room, she decided to remove her bandages. To her relief, her injuries weren't too severe, and her scars, though slightly visible, were healing well. She considered herself a tough nut to crack.

After that, Scarlet's gaze swept the room, she noticed clothes neatly arranged on a table, accompanied by a charming pink letter. Her curiosity piqued, she promptly reached for the letter.



"Wear this when you come out~" (*^﹏^*)



After perusing the note, Scarlet grabbed the clothes and began to change. she looked at the mirror to see herself wearing a cute purple above the knee sleeveless dress with a lavender clip.

The style proved to be quite cute on her, but although it was neat and adorable, she wasn't pleased by the design since she liked a more cooler and comfortable outfit.

She put on a forced smile and sighed. "Well whatever, this is no time to think of styles, I'm not a fashionista anyway, and I need to call John for me to get out of here." Scarlet mumbled to herself. 

Walking out the room she was in, her eyes widened seeing that the hallway was quite large and had many unknown doors which she doesn't know where it led to.

"Welp, I'll be guessing where to go from here on, take me away feet!" She said excitedly.

Although she had been to many places before, she wasn't familiar with the building she was in.

As she ventured through the unknown corridors, she suddenly stumbled upon a breathtaking garden brimming with an array of flowers. The variety and colors were truly captivating.

While admiring the scenery, she continued to explore and, in the distance, spotted a young man reclining beneath a massive tree. She hastened her steps toward him.

"Finally, someone I can ask for directions! This place is a labyrinth, and he's the only soul around. This is my chance!" she muttered to herself.

As Scarlet sprinted toward him, she suddenly halted in her tracks, wanting to get a better look at the sleeping figure. The guy had a tangle of messy, black, curly hair, she then slowly settled down beside him, her gaze fixated on his tranquil face, waiting to see if he would stir.

As he slumbered undisturbed, not even flinching, Scarlet's concern grew, momentarily fearing that the person next to her might not be breathing. She leaned in closer and scrutinized his chest's steady rise and fall, confirming that he was indeed breathing.

"Good thing he's still breathing. I don't know what I'd do if he were... you know, not breathing," she mused, releasing a relieved sigh.

Scarlet gave him another once-over and realized he was dressed in the uniform of an esteemed elite school. The attire consisted of a black coat bearing the emblem of a lion with a crown, along with a gray uniform complemented by a green pocket and black pants.

Judging by the distinctive design of the uniform, Scarlet discerned that it belonged to the Leones family—a highly esteemed and beloved royal lineage.

When the young man opened his eyes, he found himself facing Scarlet's warm smile as she sat beside him. Startled, he leaped back, clearly perturbed by the unexpected wake-up call.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, clearly agitated to be roused by a stranger.

Scarlet's eyes widened in amazement as she gazed into his deep, ocean-like blue eyes. They were utterly captivating, even when he was glaring at her.

After a moment, she shook her head to regain her composure and beamed a sweet smile. "Hello, my name is Marshall! And you are?" she asked cheerfully, extending her hand for a handshake, although he simply stared at it, hesitant to reciprocate.

"What do you want?" He growled.

Scarlet crossed her arms. "Oh my, why so cranky? I haven't done anything to upset you, have I?" She replied with a touch of sarcasm.

"You disrupted my sleep," he responded abruptly, furrowing his brow.

"Fair point, I apologize. I was a bit lost, and I don't know where the dining room is. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction?" Scarlet asked, maintaining her politeness, even in the face of his rudeness.