
The Zodiac Prince (Gatekeeper Saga)

Blurb: A reluctant farm boy discovers he is the vessel to an immense power capable of tipping the balance in the fight against the Dark King. ___________________________________ Synopsis: The world is in the brink of apocalypse, losing the war against the forces of evil. The last Gatekeeper died a century ago at the hands of the Dark King. What remains of the five great races of Mortals, Mages, Giants, Elves and Dwarves were hiding inside the walled city of Eldoria, the last stronghold of the living. When all hope was lost, the Gatekeeper, a Zodiac Prince vessel to the twelve primordial gods was reborn. The Zodiac Prince could tip the balance in the fight against the Dark King ONLY if he can control the power of the twelve great elemental spirits—a feat none of his previous incarnates were able to accomplish. Unbeknownst to many, the Dark King seeks the power the boy holds for his grand scheme to blanket the whole world in perpetual darkness. Will he succeed where his predecessors have failed? Will he still fight for the great city of Eldoria when he learns that a dark secret hides behind its walls? And that everything he was lead to believe is not necessarily true. ___________________________________ Excerpt: It started with a voice, powerful and resonant, like the roar of a mighty lion. "Weak," it said, the word reverberating through the depths of my mind. "The new Gatekeeper is weak. What a waste." The voice was scornful, dripping with disdain.

Phoenix_Marco · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 27 (The Magi Selection Exams)

The atmosphere within the Sanctum was electric, buzzing with expectations and determination from aspiring applicants to ascend as Astron Mages by the end of the Magi Selection Exams. The annual Magi Selection Exams is a revered event where aspiring mages from across the kingdom gathered, each hoping to earn their place among the elite and bring honor to their respective guilds and families.

The grand hall was filled to capacity, a sea of robed figures in a kaleidoscope of colors representing the ten great magic guilds. The air was thick with tension, an atmosphere of intense competition hovered like a storm cloud over the assembly. Each guild's emblem was proudly displayed on banners that hung from the high ceilings, their colors vibrant and full of life: the scarlet red two-headed dragon of the Dragon Guild, the soaring albatross sapphire blue of the Stormborn Guild, and the black lion in a field of green of the Shadowfen Guild, and so on, each hue telling a story of its guild's power, history and reputation.

The mages themselves stood in tight groups, their faces a mixture of determination, anxiety, and fierce pride. Conversations were hushed, murmurs blending into an indistinguishable whirr, as eyes darted around the room, assessing rivals and allies alike.

With a resonant thud, the Sanctum's doors swung open, and a hush fell over the crowd. The Selection Committee made up of all the leaders from the guilds entered, their presence commanding immediate respect. Leading them were the S Class Mages, guildmasters of the triad; Silas Dracule, Gale Stormbringer and Radagast Vermillion. Their combined magical aura, though concealed and tamed was unmistakably overwhelming.

The air grew heavy and charged suffusing the surroundings with a boundless energy as the three S Class Astron mages stepped forward. A power thrummed beneath their calm surface, like a storm held in check by an unyielding will. Their collective gaze swept over the gathered crowd, Silas Dracule remained stringent while a slight smile was playing on the lips of the other two as they see so many young aspirants this year.

"Welcome," Gale began, her voice carrying effortlessly through the hall. "Today, we gather to witness the culmination of your training during the guilding phase. Each of you represents the finest your guilds have to offer, and we honor your presence here," Gale's voice was calm and sincere.

As you might know," Gale began, her voice echoing through the grand hall, "the life of a mage is one of peril and adventure. It demands boldness, bravery, and unwavering discipline. Today, you stand here not just as individuals, but as representatives of your guilds. The trials ahead will push you to your limits, testing not only your magical prowess but also your resolve."

She paused, letting her words sink in, before continuing, "We have prepared hurdles that will challenge you at every step. The first hurdle must be overcome to proceed further. Failure here means an end to your journey in this selection process. Those who succeed will face the second hurdle, even more daunting than the first. We expect failure because it ensures we select only the finest mages for the Magi Order, it is up to you to decide if you belong to this legendary order. Finally, the third and most arduous test will demand teamwork. Remember, a guild is not just a collection of individuals, but a cohesive unit greater than the sum of its parts. When one applicant on a team fails during the third hurdle then all the others fail as well regardless. But when the team completes the final hurdle all of the members of that lineup will ascend."

A mumble of excitement and anxiety rippled through. Gale gestured towards Radagast standing to her right. "Your examiner for the first hurdle is Radagast Vermillion of the Shadowfen guild."

At the mention of Radagast's name, a cheer erupted from the mages. Radagast Vermillion was not just any mage; he was the youngest S-Class mage loved for his infectious energy and boundless optimism. His reputation preceded him, and many of the aspirants looked up to him with admiration and respect.

Radagast stepped forward, his smile warm and reassuring as he waved like an excited boy to his fans. His laughter was enormous as if he held all the happiness of the world in him. His voice carried a vibrant enthusiasm that filled the hall. "I'm honored to be your examiner for the first hurdle. We'll see what you're made of. Let's make this trial one to remember!"

The mages listened intently, their nerves settling somewhat under Radagast's charismatic presence.

"I will be your examiner for the second hurdle," Gale announced, her tone grave but resolute. The corners of her lips curled upward in a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she wish all the aspirants a good luck. It was a smile that seemed polite on the surface, but there was like a hidden barb waiting to sting. Her gaze remained cool and detached, yet there was a hint of amusement that bordered on mockery. It was the kind of smile that left you uncertain—was it genuine goodwill or a veiled jab? The longer you look at her, the more you felt a slight discomfort, as if there was something left unsaid.

The mages exchanged glances. Gale, the examiner for the second hurdle, was known for her inscrutable reputation. Her passive-aggressive demeanor hid a keen intellect and an uncompromising dedication to excellence. Some mages shifted uneasily, knowing that earning Gale's approval would not come with no trouble.

A sense of solemn determination settled over the hall as the mages braced themselves for the third examiner, then turned to the far end of the hall where a figure stood tall and imposing, his features stoic and unreadable.

"And for the third and final hurdle," Gale continued, "if you pass through Radagast or me, you will face the ultimate test from Silas Dracule."

Silas Dracule's reputation was an ominous shadow. His demeanor was as cold and unyielding as the stone, and many mages speculated the trials he would devise would be trials of the highest difficulty. Just last year, only five out of fifty applicants have passed. Most failed to impress Silas. Yet, there was an undeniable respect for his unparalleled mastery of magic and his unwavering dedication to the Magi Order.

"The first hurdle awaits, and beyond it, the promise of trials that would shape your destinies." As we prepared to face the challenges ahead, the Magi Sanctum of Eldoria resonated with the energy of potential and possibility, echoing with the footsteps of those who dared to walk the path of an Astron Mage.

"So, shall we begin?" Gale concluded, her voice cutting through the anticipation that hung heavy in the air.