
The Zodiac King

After a meteorite crashes into earth causing everything to mutate humans evolved to have powers in the form of animals that shapeshift into weapons. Beasts and plants are common foes They conquer the solar system but physics deny them any further, until… Youd get back in line after riding it once Note: This is my first novel, i dont have a masters in english Not to say i dont have flaws as you might have noticed perhaps some sentence structure or the wrong use of ending sentence structures falter. GIVE ME POWER STONES MORE POWER STONES=MORE VIEWS MORE VIEWS=MORE TRAFFIC MORE TRAFFIC=MORE GREAT IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES

PeachKing · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

The Destination

Phillip was pissed off, how come he wasnt able to get a power like normal kids, whyd his parents leave him. He was lost in thought as he was cleaning up. He usually named the pigs as hed been with them a lot but today he didnt even feel like calling out the names of the pigs that he fed. He was feeling something else at the moment. Anger, and for the first time in his life he didnt try and control it.

And it felt good releasing the pent up angst. After which he cleaned up and was preparing to make dinner. After all he was the one who helped Gertrude the most with the kids when no one else or any of the helpers or the bulter werent around. Most of them were under the age of 6 with a few a couple of years younger than he was. Hed spend the most time hand feeding the babies until he helped the bulter start to cook some kiddie meals for the younger ones. The butler would change week to week as different ones would be hired with various ones doing various amounts of work.The kids that were able to talk numbered no more than 5 .

Their names were Ryan,Kelly, Fred, George, and Bella, then there was him Phillip . They were 9,7,6,6, and 4 repectively. The first thing they asked him was if he had any cool stories to tell as he always told them some after school everyday. To which he replied to them with a somber smile to hide his emotions "No, not today." He then washed his hands and went upstairs without eating himself. To which the kids started to wonder why he was so sad.

Later that night while he was on his cheap phone that he saved up for with miscellaneous yard work money he got from the neighbors Bella came in. Out of all the kids in the orphanage she was the closest to him. Even though Phillip felt that all the kids were like his brothers and sisters, but he felt the closest to Bella because how she felt about him. She was shy in nature and didnt talk to many other people, she was a cute little girl as she had dimples in her cheeks, and she had light brown hair with brown eyes that sparkled everytime light bounced off of them.

She came in with her night gown that was a little bit longer than she was with her stuffed animal that she called teddy. It was a teddy bear. She looked at him and said with a cute voice "I cant sweep theres monsters in my room." Phillips heart melted as he said "what am i gonna do with you theres no such things as monsters, or at least not in your room. Here you can sleep with me again tonight."

Her eyes suddenly brightened up as she said "Yayy" and she giggled. "Ugh" Phillip grunted, she jumped on top of him and she was negligent of where she jumped on to. "What am i going to do with you if you can never sleep by yourself?" He said with a trace of love in his voice. She looked at him silently with big eyes as she giggled again and said "Youre gunna wead me a betime storwy" after which she wrapped her arms around him. He read her one of her favorites about the princess and the ogre that traveled with the donkey to get the deed to his swamp.

After which he soon saw her eyes closed and he closed his eyes too and fell asleep soon thereafter. About in the middle of the night though Bella opened her eyes again with a trace of fear in them. She looked around the room and saw a few monsters that surrounded her some were very big and scary to her so she let out a slight shrill and buried her face into Phillips neck before she could fall alseep again.

The next day Phillip got ready for school as usual. He Gently picked Bella up and brought her back to her room, while he started to make lunch bags for the other kids before he made one of his own and he left to go outside. On his way there he didnt go his usual route where he met up with James and Jordan but instead took the long way as he left a little earlier than he usually did.

He wanted to think about some things. On his way there he left the little piece of countryside and travelled up the beach heading toward the city. At times hed stop and look at the ocean that sparkled with twilight as it was still a little dark outside still. He was reaching toward the outskirts of the city where he went to school at.

The cities name was Beast City due to the fact that beasts lay dormant around the city. It was also rich with resources as a mountain range started above the northern part of the city, the beaches and ocean was towards the southeast of the city, the plains that were way further below southwest of the city, and the river that established the border of the city was to the west. The entirety of the city was almost covered entirely by a canopy of trees, and was built and engineered to perfect human traffic and living accommodations and made clear and seperate boundaries to help ward off any kind of beast horde that the city may ever encounter.

The north part of the city was where the richer folk had lived while the middle class usally lived towards the south and the west of the city as it was easier to get to different provinces than going north to the mountain ranges. Although the southeast had the one of the most beatiful parts of the city with the beaches and where tourism had lied, the east of the city was less taken care of than other parts. And he always had to go past it in order to reach school. He sometimes walked past this homeless man who was funny and always made him laugh. He had just a single prominent tooth on his upper lip but he was still always in a happy smiling mood. Hed usually give him a dollar or so any time he met him, usally taken from Gertrudes purse but it isnt like shed always notice.

Then he walked to the inner part of the city. He couldnt always rely on Gertrude to take him to school everyday for which there was a lot of kids that needed to be paid attention too. He realized that yesterday when hed became late after he overslept but he wouldnt have been oversleeping if Gertrude would just give him a damn ride to school. Itd only take about 20 minutes with the traffic there was but itd always take him 5 times that if he walked there.

The buildings looked new as they were made with solar panels to power the electricity of the buildings. And there were wind turbines placed on top of the buildings to be able to store up more energy. He slowly walked up the the gates of the school in which he took a deep breath. He saw the busses unloading the kids and the parents dropping their kids off. He zipped up his jacket as the fall weather was a little bit chilly and he put the hood over his head and he looked slightly down as to cover up his eyes. He didnt want to be seen as if he remembered what happend yesterday and could only imagine what the kids were talking about him.

There was even older kids who went to the school for there was kids throughout different grades and ages that went to the school. It was a big big school surely not everyone heard what had happened yesterday, right? He went to his locker, this was the first year that they had given him one, used to hed get just a cubby and he really did feel too old for a cubby oftentimes he wouldn't use one.

Suddenly he heard James and Jordan shout from behind him. "Yo bro where'd you go to yesterday we went everywhere and we couldnt find you." "Yeah man we even went to the arcade, did you know that they released the new game galactic warrior 5 out yesterday?" Phillip paused mid way as he grabbed a book out. "Did you say galactic warrior 5?" Jordan knew he got him then and said "MmHmm, there was a long line we had do wait in for like an hour and we were only able to play about for about 15 minutes, but we just grabbed a line stub and played games til they called out our number."

James replied to Jordan and Phillip "Yea it sucked that we had to wait that long in line for a measly 15 minutes, but i heard it was coming out next week to home v.r. Ill probably get my mom to preorder it tomorrow but thatd be my allowance for like, half the year." "Yea ill ask my dad this weekend if i can work with him to see if i can earn a little bit more, i have almost enough saved up."

*Bang* Phillip shut his locker and hugged the book slightly to his chest. "How come i never see your i.d. online when we're home?" James asked, "didnt you say you were going to get a v.r. for christmas last year what happened? Or what about your birthday? Can you get one then? You know if i dont know any better id think youre poor. Dont worry i can let you borrow my brothers v.r.3 we upgraded to the v.r.4s not that too long ago"

Phillip sighed "You talk too much" he really liked playing games but when he went through Gertrudes letters not only did he see the letter about her getting a car thats not what hed been mad about.

The car wasnt even that expensive, he was more pissed off that the government was starting to reduce the amount of money Gertrude received. He was indignant to the fact, and he outwardly projected that to Gertrude. She probably noticed his change yesterday, and when he looked at the beach this morning he thought how it was always nice that she'd listen to him even though shed be mean sometimes.

He also found out through the letters that there was another lean put on the orphanage and that the government might forclose it, what would happen to them all then? CPS? Theyd all get sent to different boarding schools and he himself might have to change schools and he didnt want that at all, for he'd miss his friends, but he could absolutely not part from Bella and the others that would crush him.

He even found out that Gertrude even got a new job working at the local pizza joint as a driver to help with bills. She even asked her sister to take care of the kids in the midday as she had to let the nanny go. The nanny was older anyway and when Gertrude left for work and her sister left for the day Phillip got stuck with the kids and he was mad at that too.

He had to get a job he had a new goal! He was going to find a job to help save the orphanage!