
The Youngest Daughter Ang

Auralise is the spoiled, arrogant, and beautiful daughter of the elite family of Ang. Her life is of the kind of privilege many dream of, but few achieve. As the youngest and only daughter, there were very few things coveted that she did not receive. However, when her eyes land on the dashingly handsome and charismatic Nathaniel Jeong, he becomes the first thing that is not handed to her on a silver platter. Join her on this journey of first love, jealousy, and drama that will eventually lead her to learn more about herself than anything else.

tingting_megs · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

The Shoot

"Nathaniel Jeong, seventeen, Chinese actress mother and Korean businessman father," Aurie muttered the information under her breath, "he loves dogs, polo, the piano, and biking. What on earth is the connection between those? What kind of girl is his type-"

Suddenly, Aurie yelped as shockingly cold water splashed down her face and shoulders.

"What's the meaning of this?!!" Aurie demanded in an angry breath, staring down the culprit.

"I- I'm so sorry Miss Ang!" the maid shook with fright as she clung onto the now empty glass pitcher, "I didn't notice that you were there-"

"Errrrr!" Aurie grunted and tried in vain to shake the cold off, "look what you've done to me!" she grabbed a strand of damp hair.

Tears gathered in the maid's eyes as she pulled a handkerchief from her apron, "Please forgive me, M-Miss Ang," she begged weakly as she tried to dry the Miss off.

Aurie jumped back, "Don't touch me! Clean up this mess," she gestured to the water stains on the polished wood floors and promptly turned on her heels and left.

The nerve of that silly maid! Aurie rubbed her temples where a headache had gathered. Now she'll have to get her hair redone and not to mention a change of clothes. She entered her suite and pulled on the bell cord to call for her personal maids.

Almost two hours later, Aurie emerged from her chambers again. Hair, makeup, and clothes anew, she set off to continue her and Laurie's research quite refreshed.

"Now, where did I leave off?" Aurie said under her breath, "Oh! What sort of girl would Nathaniel Jeong like? What sort of girls even are there?" she pressed her temples and thought really hard.

Suddenly, Aurie's eyes brightened. She made off for Laurie's designated suite for when she stayed over. Laurie had always been fond of love novels and kept quite an impressive collection in the shelving unit that bàba had installed for her. Aurie remembered asking ignorantly once why her big cousin kept all of her prized books away from home. "Because," Laurie explained patronizingly, "I can't have my bàba worry unnecessarily. Your house is a place for dreaming, to me. My house is reality. I have to be focused on my future." "Then stay with me forever!" Aurie resolved. Laurie laughed, but she didn't respond.

Laurie's novels always featured the perfect heroine that at least two, if not three guys fought for. If she just modeled herself after them, she was sure to make Nathaniel Jeong fall for her. Grinning at her own cleverness, Aurie arrived at her cousin's designated suite. Just as she put a hand on the French doors, ready to push through, she heard voices from within.

"Hush, now, and keep cleaning," came a comforting voice.

Sniffles could be heard, "But-but what if I've lost my job? Ugh, how could I be so clumsy?! All I had to do was deliver water and I managed to turn it into a disaster!" a younger voice cried hysterically.

"Camille," the older voice became stern, "calm yourself. Nothing is going to happen to you. It was an honest mistake."

The younger voice, Camille, could be heard taking in a ragged breath, "Oh but Miss Ang was so furious! And I drenched her through-"

"Nevermind that Miss Ang!" the older voice declared, "spoiled and arrogant to a fault, I must say I am disappointed in the way that she turned out-"

Auried stumbled back from the door, unable to keep listening. Blood rushed to her ears and humiliation clouded her eyes. Is that what the servants really thought of her? All her life, she'd been adored and assured that she was flawless. Her mind couldn't fathom the thought that someone found her less than perfect.

"Aurie?" called Māmā, who was coming towards her, "my precious bǎobèi, what's the matter? Why do you stand so still?"

Aurie looked up with a forced smile, "Nothing, Māmā. Just spacing out, what do you need?"

"Did you forget?" Māmā asked with concern, "You have a photo shoot with Avriel Magazine."

Oh. Aurie remembered vaguely that she had agreed to a modeling debut scheduled for after her sixteenth birthday. She was even arranged with her own manager who worked with her brothers' agency.

Her māmā took her hand, "I'm sorry that you have to go alone, Aurie. If I had it my way, I would accompany you through every step of it, but as you know, your nǎinai is expecting me for our weekly tea visit."

"I'll be alright, Māmā," Aurie said reassuringly, "I'll have Manager Li, right?"

Māmā smiled, "Yes, exactly. That's my girl," her eyes watered slightly, "you're growing up so nicely."

Aurie forced another smile and kissed her mother goodbye before heading to the circle drive where her very first manager awaited. As she walked, troubled thoughts creeped their way past her immaculately built self worth. She would have stayed in that rabbit hole for much longer had she not seen the sleek, white Cadillac SUV that marked the beginning of her future. Squaring her shoulders and raising her chin, Aurie chased away the previous dark thoughts. She was Auralise Amelie Ang, beloved daughter of the great family of Ang. So what if some little servants despised her? She didn't need their approval.

The passenger seat opened and a lovely woman in her early thirties stepped out with a big smile.

"Hello, Miss Auralise Ang," the woman extended a hand out, "I am your manager, Delia Li. You can just call me Manager Li."

Aurie shook her hand approvingly. Manager Li dressed professionally in a crisp, yet femline blouse, a sharp pencil skirt, and she wore elegant black heels that gave her an impressive height.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you at last. I understand you are from my brothers' agency?" Aurie said politely.

"Yes," Manager Li smiled (she was not frugal with her smiles), "your brothers are quite a legend at Scarlett Entertainment. I am honored to have worked with them. And now, I have the honor of working with you."

"Thank you," Aurie smiled back, "I hope you will take care of me."

"It would be my privilege to. Your first photoshoot for Aviel Magazine will be at the Diamond Studios. If you please, get comfortable in the vehicle and my driver, Mr. Han will get us there shortly," Manager Li explained.


The Diamond Studios are a popular venue for many agencies to schedule their shoots, Aurie learned quickly. The large building consisted of three floors, each designated to a specific purpose: designer displays on the first floor, photoshoots on the second, and media conferences on the third. Because of its many services, the Studio was not lacking in teams of beauty industry professionals moving from room to room, media setting up to and fro for their next conference, or managers parading their clients about (much like Aurie and Manager Li). In the midst of the chaos, Aurie could have easily gotten lost,but Manager Li marched confidently up to the front desk and wasted no time in getting the room number for the Aviel Magazine shoot.

"If you'll follow me, please," Manager Li guided Aurie to an elevator that took them up to the second floor.

Their designated room, 204, if possible, was even more chaotic than the first floor. Assistants and camera crew shuffled about and voices shouted orders over each other. The whole mess was a headache to look at and Aurie was completely confused.

Unbothered, Manager Li spoke inaudible words into her earpiece and within seconds, three claps rang throughout the large room and everyone fell silent.

A man in his late forties who must have been the director of photography stepped up to Manager Li and Aurie with a warm welcome, "Hello Manager Li! And you must be Miss Auralise Ang! Please pardon this mess," he explained, flustered, "there was a change of male model at the last minute and the staff are working out the details. You see, Miss Ang, your male model partner, Daniel Zhao called in for a last minute cancellation. Sick, so I hear. I apologize for this dreadful inconvenience. The replacement model should arrive shortly. Meanwhile, Manager Li will get you situated in the dressing room?"

Manager Li nodded and led Aurie away. In the dressing room that led off of the main camera room, a team of a hair stylist, makeup artist, and designer awaited her. They were efficient and quick to compliment her. Not half an hour later, Aurie stepped up to the floor length mirror that was set up in the corner of the room. Her hair and makeup were only enhanced a little to match the color palate of the shoot because her own maids had already done a perfect job. She now wore a fluffy, white sweater dress that made her feel beautiful and felt shockingly comfortable. It hugged her curves just right and ended mid thigh. She was given a pair of nude, woolen socks woven in a cute pattern that rose up just past her knees to wear. Even though it was only summer, the magazine would be released in the early winter, so the shoot was cold weather themed. Luckly, the termostat was turned down so that Aurie could breathe. Unfortunately for them, that meant that the staff had to layer up. Manager Li, though, in her breezy blouse and skirt didn't bat an eye at the temperature. Aurie's respect for her grew increasingly.

Manager Li's phone dinged and she scanned the message briefly, "The male model has arrived and sent to the dressing room. They are ready to set up the cameras with you."

Aurie nodded at the information, excitement stirring in her chest. Even though she wasn't introduced into society till her sixteenth birthday, she knew quite a bit about modeling. Madame Ang had insisted on professional photos of their family every year since as long as Aurie could remember. And the Ang family never spared an expense when it came to their family.

As they set up the lighting and angles, Aurie knew just how to stand and where to look. Within minutes, everything was ready. Aurie couldn't contain her smile as she felt the buzz of excitement hum through her veins.

"Wonderful, Miss Ang! You're a natural," Director Wang was full of praise, "if you please, pose in front of the green screen; it will be a beautiful, six paned glass window complete with snowfall when we're done editing," he explained, eyes twinkling.

Aurie did as she was instructed, noting with a small smile that the Director was clearly a man that loved his job. But then again, so did she! Even though it was her first day, Aurie already knew that she enjoyed the thrill of shoots. In fact, it was as if she was made for it!

"I'm here, Director!" a familiar male voice called out and Aurie froze.

"Ahhh! Nathaniel Jeong," the Director clapped him on his back, "come to my rescue, my boy?"

"Of course, my schedule was free today anyways!" Nathaniel Jeong answered good naturedly.

"Hello," Aurie said shyly, finally remembering her voice.

"Oh!" Nathaniel Jeong noticed her, "so we meet again, Miss Ang," he said warmly.

He went over and settled down next to her just as an assistant handed them each an empty mug. Suddenly, Aurie felt her confidence melt away and her mind go blank. How on earth was she supposed to act? She hadn't done adequate research yet! Oh, what if she made a fool of herself? Aurie felt the worry cloud over her judgement and it must have shown on her face because Nathaniel Jeong smiled reassuringly.

"I'm no Daniel Zhao," he teased, "but I model a little here and there."

"It's my first time," Aurie whispered. She could hardly recognize herself. What is it about this boy that makes her a completely different girl?

"It's okay, I'll talk to you through it. It'll just be like a conversation," he whispered back.

Blood rushed to Aurie's ears so fast that she was sure everyone could see. Luckily, the Director called everyone's attention right then.

"I want three cameras. You with the lighting, move closer. Change out that flower vase, for goodness' sake! This is not a spring shoot! The theme is snowy cuddles. I know, very original, right? Listen, I think candid will be best, so no stiffness. Shake it out," the Director talked to everyone at once.

All at once, everyone's attention was on them. Aurie smiled worriedly, fluffing out her loose waves. Why did everything suddenly seem so awkward?

"I need you to be in love," the Director said bluntly.

"Umm… what?" Aurie questioned. Wait, did she just say that out loud?

"No problem, Director" Nathaniel Jeong winked. He scooted closer until their mugs were touching and leaned his forehead on hers.

With a sweet smile and dreamy eyes, he whispered through his teeth, "So my dog knocked you off your feet the other day, huh?"

It was so random and unexpected and sweet of him that Aurie smiled for real. The cameras flashed. Taking advantage of the moment, Nathaniel Jeong raised his chin until his lips rested lightly on her hairline. Aurie's eyes widened and she could feel a blush creeping across her cheeks and nose.

"Beautiful! It looks just like you're in love," the Director praised.

She might just be.