
The Young Warlock and The Dragon

A young warlock who was a late bloomer met a mythical dragon by chance or perhaps destiny? After sensing that the warlock had no bad intentions, the colossal dragon decided to help the boy harness his Magic under a condition that the boy becomes his companion and help in safeguarding the Enchanted forest and its secrets. After being under the tutelage of the dragon for a while, Lucian was told by the dragon that inorder to become more formidable he had to venture into the kingdom of Sibiah to retrieve a powerful and coveted book that contains arcane spells and magic. Unbeknownst to Lucian he had unintentionally offended a warlock that used to ridicule and mock him, that particular warlock being Lucian's childhood friend had ventured into something dark and malevolent. He had been so blinded by revenge that he sought to make Lucian pay in spite of the grave consequences, repercussions and his own sanity. Lucian's journey will be fraught with many dangers and obstacles but those are part of what will make him a stronger and more formidable warlock. He'll encounter series of people both bad and good. He'll safeguard the realm from dangers that lurk in the shadows with the help of the mighty dragon and the people he shares similar goals with. will he become a stronger and more formidable warlock in order to protect his loved ones and safeguard the realm or will he be overpowered by dark and malevolent entities? There's only one way to find out. in this novel so many factors like hate, love, darkness and malevolence, kindness and many more things are at a cross roads so be prepared to be taken on a slow paced (not too slow but you have to be a little patient) adventure. If this piqued your interest, just give it a read and tell me what you think about the book in the review/comments section below, you can also ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Arigatou. If you're not so sure about the book you can read till chapter 25 and then decide if this is your cup of tea or not. I don't have a discord server yet but I'm hoping to create one soon. Enjoy, Ciao.

iam_dapromise · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Velvetwind Vale,The secluded dreamworld

Ser Alanis's desperate cries echoed through the bustling streets of Sibiah as he frantically searched for the missing princess.

With every shout, his voice grew rougher and harsher, but fear and determination fueled his relentless pursuit. "Felissa, Felissa, Felissa, Feeliiisssaaa," he bellowed.

Ser Alanis's sense of panic grew with each passing moment. His search led him down winding streets, through crowded marketplaces, and past curious onlookers who could only watch as he continued his madness or that was how it looked to them.

Exhaustion began to gnaw at him, and he knew he could not keep up the pace much longer. He paused for a brief breather, bending at the waist, hands on his thighs, gasping for breath.

The city's clamours surrounded him—the chatter of merchants, the clattering of hooves on cobblestone streets, and the distant murmurs.

He knew he could not give up, not when the safety of the princess was at stake.

Gathering his last reserves of strength, he resumed his search, determined to find her.

As he continued shouting her name again, "Felissa, Felissa, Felissa," he suddenly heard a response, a faint voice carried by the wind, "Alanis, Alanis, Alanis, Alanis, I am here".

Hope sparked within him, and he recognized her voice instantly.The hearing if her voice rejuvenated his spirit

As her voice drew closer, he continued his desperate call, "Felissa, Felissa, Felissa." Soon, he turned right to a corner and saw her, a running silhouette in the dimming light.

Uncertainty disappeared in an instant as he recognized her figure. Ser Alanis's eyes filled with tears that threatened to roll down his face, relieved that he had found the princess he swore to protect at last.

He stood still ,watching her draw nearer,he made a deep sigh ,a sigh of relief, the long and arduous search had finally come to an end.

Forgotten for a moment that she was a princess, Felissa rushed to hug Alanis, her embrace conveying a mix of gratitude and relief.

Amidst his lingering anxiety, he struggled to immediately process the hug. They stood there for a little while.

However, the urgency of their situation soon pulled Alanis back to reality. Gently, he lowered Felissa's hands, his voice calm, "Princess, we must return to the palace before the Queen becomes aware of your absence."

The Lost but Found Princess nodded in agreement and wiped her face, composed once more.

Together, they made their way back to the palace, where Alanis safely accompanied Felissa to her hidden chambers.

As soon soon as they got in,he instructed the princess' maid, "Prepare her bath." The maid responded with a respectful "Yes, Ser,".

As for Alanis, he sought the comfort of rest, the day's search having shaken him deeply.

Hanging his black cloak and settling into a well crafted wooden chair, he then drifted back to the hug he and Felissa had shared earlier.

He could feel his heart racing, a relentless "lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub" that echoed in his chest. Placing his hand on his heart, he pondered the curious rhythm of his own heartbeat, a puzzle he was not yet prepared to solve.

•Velvetwind Vale•

Hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, Velvetwind Vale is a realm of ethereal beauty and enchantment. As you step into this secluded haven, the world transforms into a dreamscape of wonder and tranquility.

*Flourishing Flora:* The vale is covered completely in a intricate arrangements of vibrant wildflowers that seem to sway in harmony with the soft gentle breeze.Crimson amaryllis, sapphire bluebells, Whitish-silver Yarrows and golden marigolds intermingle, forming a mesmerizing mosaic of colors.

Among the blooms, elusive fireblossoms emit a soft, otherworldly glow and brilliance, illuminating the vale during the twilight hours.

*Majestic Waterfalls:* Crystal clear streams meander through the vale, cascading gracefully over ancient moss-covered rocks.

The heart of Velvetwind Vale features a majestic waterfall, its silver curtain of water falling rapidly from the heights above.

Rainbow-like display in the mist, creating a constantly changing array of sparkling colours in the sunlight.

*Enchanted Grove:* At the vale's center lies an enchanted grove, where ancient trees with silver bark and emerald leaves stand watch.

The whispering leaves in this mystical woodland seem to hold ancient secrets, and their shade is a breather from the world's worries.

A peaceful pond mirrors the green canopy above, inhabited by graceful white swans that glide upon its surface.

*Harmonious Creatures:* Velvetwind Vale is home to a composition of enchanting creatures.

Moonlit gentle dears that graze on grassy fields, and colorful butterflies of every colour flutter in harmonious dance.

Ethereal songbirds,Rainbowflower parrots—Parrots with vibrant Feather arrangements, patterns and hues that mirrors the colors of blooming flowers, capable of mimicking a wide range of sounds and songs.

Twilight owlets—Owls with feathers that change colors with the setting sun, resembling the colour of twilight.

Glowing fox fairies—Tiny creatures that look like foxes with wings. They emit a soft, enchanting glow at night.

Shimmering water snakes—snake-like being that shines like silver.

Enchanted Forest cats – Large emerald-eyed cats with fur that shifts through all the shades of the forest, making them nearly invisible among the trees.

Mystical Nectar-drinking bats—Bats that sip magic from special flowers,

and many more unreal and magical sentient beings.

*Starlit Nights:* As day transitions into night, the vale undergoes a transformation. The velvety sky comes alive with stars, forming constellations that tell tales of ancient heroes.

Fireflies, like living stars, create a soft, intermittent glow that illuminates the paths and clearings, turning Velvetwind Vale into a celestial dreamworld.

*Guardian Stones:* At the heart of the vale, beneath the protective arms of the ancient grove, stand the Guardian Stones.

These age-old Massive Stones, adorned with mysterious runes, are said to watch over the vale and its inhabitants, safeguarding the peace and enchantment of this secluded realm.

Velvetwind Vale is a place where time seems to slow, and the soul finds comfort in the embrace of nature's wonders.

It is a realm where the boundary between the earthly and the magical blurs, inviting all who enter to experience the beauty and serenity of a world untouched by the clamour and hustle and bustle of the outside realm.


**Velvetwind Vale: A Haven of Unique Powers and Warm Welcomes**

Velvetwind Vale is not just a realm of natural beauty; it is also home to villagers who possess an extraordinary aura and also a connection to the mystical forces that flow through the land.

Each villager, young and old, carries within them a unique and potent special power essence, gifted by the very heart of the vale itself . They also bear the same last names which shows their oneness and unity.

*Gifted Powers:* The essence of Velvetwind Vale infuses the villagers with remarkable abilities.

Some can communicate with the animals, forming deep bonds with the creatures that call the vale home.

Others have the power to heal wounds and ailments with just a touch, harnessing the rejuvenating energy of the land.

A few have the gift of telekinesis, effortlessly moving objects with the power of their thoughts and others possess the gift of Telepathy and many more Unique Powers,These powers are a reflection of the deep connection between the villagers and the vale's enchanting magic.

*Harmony with Nature:* The villagers of Velvetwind Vale live in perfect harmony with their natural surroundings.

They understand the language of the trees, the songs of the birds, and the whispers of the winds.

They draw their strength from the land and its creatures, and this harmony is a testament to the deep respect and love they hold for their home.

*Warm Welcomes for Strangers:* Despite their extraordinary abilities, the villagers of Velvetwind Vale are very warm and welcoming .

They welcome strangers with open arms, inviting them to share in the beauty and wonders of the vale.

Visitors are treated not as outsiders but as honored guests, and the villagers are eager to share their knowledge, stories, and special power essence with those who approach with goodwill.

*Guided Discovery:* Strangers who enter Velvetwind Vale are often taken under the wing of a villager who acts as a guide.

These mentors help newcomers understand the mystical energies of the vale, teaching them to commune with nature.

*Community Bonds:* The villagers of Velvetwind Vale share a deep sense of community and unity.

They gather in the moonlit grove for communal feasts and celebrations, where songs, dances, and stories are shared.

This sense of belonging extends to newcomers, who are quickly embraced as part of the extended Velvetwind family, They are very kind and It is in their culture not to harm people at all ,good or bad.

In Velvetwind Vale, the combination of extraordinary special powers and an open-hearted, welcoming spirit makes a beautiful,unique and harmonious society.

It is a place where strangers become friends, where the extraordinary is the ordinary, and where the essence of the vale itself flows through the hearts of its inhabitants, boosting a deep and lasting connection to both the land and one another.

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