
The Young Master's Accidental Bride

Meet Sun Yi a talented orphan raised by the Lin Family in order to protect their Young Master Lin Feng, the future CEO of LC Corps, a well known retail giant. Growing up, she stayed by Lin Feng's side making sure he's safe and away from trouble. While Lin Feng grew up hating her, treating Sun Yi as a competition for his grandfather's affection. She NEVER wanted to be his bride, but due to an unexpected event, she ended up being the Young Master's accidental bride.

sbyryo94 · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

The Cleaner

Sun Yi frowned after she was greeted by the smell of alcohol inside the VIP room of a famous bar in S City. A woman was sitting on top of Lin Feng, trying to unbuckle his belt while he was unconscious. The other woman was holding her phone, trying to record everything. "Miss"Sun Yi's body guard called. "You know what to do."Sun Yi said. "You"the woman yelled. "Do you know who I am?"she said as the body guard tried to dragged her away. "Yeah, I know who you are."Sun Yi replied looking at the woman with disgust. "Give me your phone"Sun Yi said looking at the other woman. "Why would I?"she chuckled. "You won't?"Sun Yi asked, but before the woman could talk again Sun Yi pulled her hair, putting so much force the woman screamed.

"Now, will you give your phone or not."Sun Yi threatened. "Trust me, you don't know what I'm capable of."Sun Yi murmured into her ear. Sun Yi didn't wait for the woman's reply and forcefully grabbed her phone. "Good."she said then proceed to the other girl restrain by the body guard. "Phone"Sun Yi said. "Such a loyal dog for the Lin family, you make me sick."the woman said. "Liu Ying, being loyal is better than drugging someone so I can get married."Sun Yi said as she searched the woman until she found her phone.

"Try releasing what happen here tonight, and I'll make sure you won't have any reputation left to protect. I heard your ex boyfriend is trying to sell those clips, I can get a hold of those anytime I want."Sun Yi threatened. "Send them out, don't forget to used the backdoor."Sun Yi ordered. "Yes Miss" the two body guards replied.

Looking at Lin Feng who's sleeping peacefully, Sun Yi sighed. Soon, as Sun Yi expected she heard an older woman's voice behind the door. "Where is my daughter?"the woman cried, as if she's not aware of her daughter's plan. Sun Yi unbutton her white blouse, exposing her bra, and purposely messed around her clothes. Before the door of the VIP room open, she sat on top of Lin Feng and without any hesitation kiss him.

"uhm...No that doesn't look like my daughter."the woman said suspiciously as she hurriedly closed the door. Just in time for the drug to lose it's effect, Lin Feng felt the soft lips landing on his, slowly opening his eyes he saw a familiar face. Sun Yi stepped away from Lin Feng coldly. "I told you, make sure you know who your hanging out with."she warned. Fixing her hair, she left the room without even waiting for Lin Feng's reply. The body guard soon arrived few seconds later to escort him out. "Sir, you can come with us."the body guard said.

Sun Yi sat inside her Maserati outside of the club, she dialed Master Lin's number. "Grandpa, I already handled it. I also made sure no one spotted Lin Feng at G club today. Lin Feng didn't go to any club today, and was working overtime at the company."Sun Yi assured. "Thank you, I'll make sure to talk to him tomorrow morning."Master Lin said. "Goodnight grandpa."Sun Yi said. "Have a good rest as well."Master Lin replied.

Sun Yi head straight to the villa after. Helpers do come every morning, and leave by night after all the chores are done. Tonight like the usual, it's just Sun Yi and Lin Feng at home. Master Lin who retired three years ago mostly spent his time in the countryside. Opening the door, Lin Feng was sitting on the table with a glass of cold water. He looks like he already showered.

"What took you so long?"he asked "Here"Sun Yi said handing a small package from the pharmacy. "I have to stopped and meet Dr. Song, I told him about what happen. Make sure to mixed this medicine with your drink. It will help to removed whatever medicine they gave you."Sun Yi said coldly. "Also, grandpa will give you a call tomorrow morning. Keep that phone on. I have a meeting and I can't accept your call again."Sun Yi said turning her back away from him.

"Sun Yi!"he called, but she didn't respond back.