

MAN OF THE PEOPLE is a realistic story written by Madhol A Bol know as Jeremiah Madhol Ater. The book describes how different communities have been having bitter rivalry for years due to land ownership and livestock issues. The author details how these two communities have been engaging in wars over the years as the generations come and go but never have they managed to come together to find a long-lasting peace until the time a young man was born. A man was born by two parents who came from these two different rival communities who happened to have married each other when the two communities had a short peace that was cut short again due to some reasons related to their unending rivalry. Despite the challenges from both sides who never wanted to come together, the young man managed to bring the two communities together. He sacrificed and dedicated himself although his life was almost being terminated by the people who never wanted peace to come over the land, as a dedicated man, he managed to achieve his goal. The book is based on non-fiction and it clearly conveys the true image of most of the South Sudanese communities and other African communities who undergo the same experience as explained in the MAN OF THE PEOPLE. The theme of the book is how societies put their interests over the common values that bring them together as a society. Moreover, we also see how one person who cares more about the peaceful co-existence of the society sacrifices to ensure that the differences do not burn the society. There is also a clear indication of how people focus on the past, find ways to ensure that they avenge what was done to them in the past few and not think about what the future has for them. They do go ahead to oppose people who want the best for the community to satisfy their interests. These are what we see in the society we see today and people; like Luong are always there to ensure that things happen the way we want them to be but we never support them, instead, we turn against them.

Madhol_A_Bol · สมจริง
11 Chs


After a few years, when a new generation arrived, the rivalry became more severe, and death became the norm.

One nightfall, Uluhu, the commander of the Geer warriors' group, assembled his men and led them away from the hamlet.

They converse and plan for days in that place.

The village's old men and women understood they were plotting how to strike and defeat Ucholo.

The other community's happiness and joy came from defeating other communities.

When their warriors return from the war with success, the entire village holds a massive celebration. The number of persons murdered on the opposite side, the number of cows, raided, and the number of others looted was all used as indicators of victory.

Uluhu, on the other hand, was planning ways to bring the two groups together in peace.

He emphasized to his group why bringing peace was so vital.

Many people disagreed with him, but he was the commander and a most revered man among his troops, and they obeyed him.

The older guys, however, who are the grounds for this waning rivalry, were the source of concern for these young men.

They returned later that evening and convened a conference of the land's elder ladies, men, and leaders. Uluhu informed the community of his plan and the reasons for it.

Surprisingly, those who had been clever enough to support the plan turned around and began disparaging young men, calling them cowards incapable of defending the land and exacting vengeance for what had been done to their town.

The encounter ended in failure, but the man remained unfazed.

He went to speak with chiefs and other leaders to persuade them.

Finally, people paid attention to him, and he received unwavering support.

Uluhu and the chiefs dispatched a delegate to Ucholo to ask about the peace treaty.

The delegations were welcomed by the leaders of that country, who were informed of the message. The people of Ucholo agreed to hold a peace meeting.

The delegates cheerfully returned to Geer land after deciding on a venue and a date.

The factions convened at the location for the peace talk and signing the following moon, but there were some rules in place before they arrived.

No weapons should be brought to the peace talks, the two parties agreed.

Ucholo warriors, on the other hand, surreptitiously took their weapons and hid them near the location.

Everyone gathered that morning, old men, women, and children, and there were festivities all around as everyone was overjoyed.

The conference began in the afternoon, and the chiefs discussed the disagreements and how to resolve them. The Ucholo warriors vanished and reappeared with their weapons while everyone was focusing and listening.

Over 700 people were killed in the attack on Geer, including women and children.

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