
The Young Hokage

The life of Naruto and his sister as they go on missions and face powerful foes. Strong Naruto. Hokage Naruto.

SpaceOrbisStories · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

The Wave Mission

Ino looked herself over in the mirror for what must've been the 10th time in the past ten minutes alone. She just couldn't help herself but to go over every last-minute detail with a fine-tooth comb or in this case a hyper-focused eye. She was about to go on her first true date. Sure she had taken her life-long best friends Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara out to eat on numerous occasions over the past few years but this time would be different. This was going to be her first date with one Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Son of the Yondaime Hokage and without question one of the best the village had ever had the honor of producing in her generation. Even seven years after his departure many still talked highly of his time at the ninja academy. Namely, because both he and his sister still held claim to most of the newest records.


Naruto for his part was busy drying himself off from his shower. His hair still felt moist but he was sure by the time he made his way to Ino's house it would be dry. As he walked down to the kitchen he eyed Ashina trying to cook a meal. Keyword being tried seeing as all he ended up doing was flooding the whole house with copious amounts of black smoke and the smell of a meal now ruined.

"Sorry. I'm used to a campfire". Ashina said backing away from the stove. His arms were held up over his head as if he was surrendering to an overwhelming force of enemy shinobi.

"I'll cook the food in this house from now on uncle Ashina". Naruko said in a no-nonsense tone.

"Fine by me. Just don't kill me with your cooking". Ashina joked only to see Naruko eye the man with a deadpan expression.

"Try not to get yourself killed uncle. Naruko is just as bad as mother when she is upset". Naruto said before making his exit. The sound of a pan hitting the other side of the wooden door told him he made it out just in time.


It only took him about ten minutes to make the trip to the other side of the village. Jumping down to street level he rang the doorbell and waited patiently. No sooner had he rang the bell the sound of footsteps quickly making their way to the door could be heard.

The door soon opened and out walked Ino. Her hair was done up in her traditional ponytail however her kimono was nothing short of stunning. Naruto just couldn't help but eye the girl up and down.

"Like what you see Naruto-kun". Ino asked with a hint of a light blush.

"How could I not Ino-chan your quite a sight to behold". Naruto replied with his own blush. The two soon were off walking the somewhat busy streets of Konohagakure. As the pair walked a fair number of villagers waved at them and cooed at how cute the two looked. Ino while used to having the attention and admiration of the people of her village this was a wee bit too much even for her. Seeing this the pair soon took to the rooftops where the only eyes on them would be their fellow ninja. It wasn't long after they took to the rooftops that the pair dropped back down to stand in front of a small ramen shop around 15 minutes later.

"Ichiraku Ramen. Why haven't I ever heard of this place"? Naruto asked Ino with a sideways glance. He absolutely loved all things ramen. The fact this place existed and that he didn't know about it despite being back in the village for over a day upset him somewhat.

"It's new Naruto-kun. It's only been around for the past three years. It was one of the new shops that opened after the Rokudaime Hokage signed off on the commercial expansion bill around a year after you left". Ino answered before pulling the door to the small ramen shop open. Naruto nodded in understanding and walked in.


The shop was kind of on the smaller side but it had a homely kind of feel to it. Best of all the place was empty aside from the two of them at such an early hour. Finding a seat near the back the two picked up the menus eyeing the list of available dishes. It wasn't long before a teenage girl walked up to their table.

"Hello, my name is Ayame Ichiraku how may I help you two today"? Ayame asked with a kind smile. The two once more looked over the menu before ordering some tea and a medium and a small-sized bowl of miso ramen. It was only a few minutes before their order came to them.

"So how was it? Your training I mean". Ino asked before she ate some of her ramen. Ramen wasn't exactly what she would normally eat but a few bites of the stuff was unlikely to make her fat though she doubted Naruto would've cared at all how she looked. He was more about the person themselves and not how big the person looked. It was why he was one of the most beloved boys in the academy and why even after seven years many a girl hoped he would return and date them.

"Hisao-sensei worked us both hard. We ran a few miles with chakra-enhanced weights. 1000 repetitions each of push-ups, set-ups, punches, and kicks. He even had us do some chakra control exercises that are much more advanced than what is found inside the academy. Naruto replied. He could tell she was interested in finding out what he did over the past seven years. He wasn't sure why but knowing this made him feel funny. It wasn't a bad feeling just new.

" I saw the dragon the day you came back to the village. Do you also have a dragon"? Ino asked no longer caring for the half-eaten meal that was already cold.

"Yes I do but he's at home. His name is Miko". Naruto answered before he two pushed aside his bowl and called Ayame over.

Yes, how can I help you two". She asked.

"We're done can we get the bill please". Naruto asked as he and Ino place the bowls and cups upon the tray.

"Ok, let's see your cost comes to 15.75 yen". Ayame replied before being given the money. But just as the two were about to exit a middle-aged man walked up.

"Hi, my name is Teuchi Ichiraku. I'm the owner of this place. May I ask you for your name son". Teuchi asked. Naruto looked unsure but in the end, he saw no harm in humoring the man.

"Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze". Naruto replied.

So you're the fourth Hokage's boy I see. I must say I was imagining somebody much older than you. You should be proud. Feel free to come again soon I would love to tell you about my ninja days". Teuchi said before turning around and re-entering the kitchen. Naruto eyed the door until he felt Ino lightly shake his shoulder.

"You ok Naruto-kun"? Ino asked looking concerned for her date.

"Yeah, Ino I'm fine. He just caught me off-guard is all. I would never have guessed he was ever a ninja". Naruto said before the two walked out of the shop and into the now busy streets. The village was now properly awake and the sights and sounds of children at play filled their eyes and ears.


It wasn't long before they were back at Ino's place.

"I had a good time Naruto-kun. Hopefully, our ninja duties will allow us to do this again soon". Ino said before quickly placing a light kiss on his cheek before running back inside.

"Me too Ino-chan. Me too". Naruto said before he turned and walked up the street. What he failed to notice was the masked ninja atop a nearby rooftop.

"Lord Danzo would want to know this". The masked ninja said to himself before disappearing Into the night.


Naruto jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. For today was the day of his genin exam and while it was true he hadn't attended the ninja academy he was allowed by the Hokage due to his unusual circumstances. Naruko's own exam was scheduled for tomorrow. Just as he entered the kitchen Naruko placed his plate of three strips of bacon and eggs with a cup of orange juice down upon the table

"Naruko have you seen uncle? I was hoping he could give me a few more kunai and ninja wire". Naruto said as he ate the basic meal.

"No. He left before I came down. He did leave a note, however". Naruko said before placing the red post-It note on the table.

"He's playing cards again". Naruto said after reading the note with an annoyed look forming on his face. He loved his uncle to bits, but at times the man could be a bit of a financial black hole. He would send Miko to his mother to inform her of this after he had taken his Genin Exam. Maybe with her telling him to stop being so irresponsible with their money, he may stop though he doubted that very much. The man simply loved playing cards too much to stop for any real amount of time. If her telling him off stopped him for two or three days he would take that as a win.

"You should go. By the way, Tsunade is coming over if you like I could ask her to help you with some chakra control exercises". Naruko said as she busied herself with cleaning up the cups and plates.

"No. I'm sure Kakashi-sensei will have us do that anyway". Naruto replied as he gave Naruko a kiss on the cheek before exiting the house and making his way to training ground seven.


Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke all waited for Naruto to enter the training ground. Kakashi was busy reading a small green-colored book away from the two Genin hopefuls. As for Sasuke, he was busy looking at a small locket in his hand. Inside it was a photograph of both he and his girlfriend of three years Karin Uchiha. Sakura was busy skipping stones failing to get much more than three skips before the stones would fall to the watery depths below. Just as she was about to fire off her fourth set of stones (eight in each set so she fired 24 stones) Naruto entered the training ground.


Upon seeing this Kakashi closed his book and jumped down from the tree as the others soon stood side-by-side ramrod straight.

"As you all know today is your Genin exam. The test you all took three days ago was to see if you had the potential. Today we shall see if that potential can be realized. Who wants to go first"? Kakashi asked eyeing all three but he had a feeling who would go first.

"I will Kakashi-sensei". Naruto replied as he took a few steps forward. Kakashi simply nodded his head as the two other Genin hopefuls backed away. Naruto unsealed his sword and got ready for the fight.

"No holding back Kakashi-sensei". Naruto said before he fired himself at Kakashi. Kakashi temporarily caught off guard barely managed to raise his own sword in defense. Sparks flew before the two jumped away.

"I must say that's some speed Naruto-kun. A few more years and your father may be beaten in the speed department". Kakashi said with clear pride in his voice.

"I must thank you Kakashi-sensei for the kind words but I must confess I have been holding back". Naruto announced before removing what looked to be leg warmers.

"Kai". Naruto said softly before dropping them onto the soft grass below. The sound they made upon hitting the ground made even Kakashi's eyes widen in disbelief.

"How...how much weight is that Naruto-kun"? Kakashi asked.

"500 pounds each". Naruto said as he busied himself with a few stretches.

"That's half a ton of weight. How can you even move with that much weight"? Kakashi asked now even more blown away. Was he even human? He wasn't even sure anymore.

"With chakra of course". Naruto replied before once more retaking his stance. Upon seeing this so did he. Kakashi wasn't yet ready to use his Sharingan but if he was that fast before he may need to.


Meanwhile, both Sasuke and Sakura couldn't believe their eyes. A mere Genin was holding his own against a highly skilled Jonin. Sure Naruto had been hit a fair few times in the last few minutes but still, he was on a whole other level. Sasuke's eyes darkened with jealousy. He wanted that kind of power for his own. As for Sakura, all she could see were brief flashes of yellow and white as the two of them fought. Was she expected to have such skill and mastery of her ninja skills? She was far better at the theory than its application but she would push herself even more. She refused to be the weak link on the team. She refused to be dead weight.


Kakashi was amazed at the skill Naruto was showing off. Naruto was really pushing him in this little spar of theirs. Sure he hadn't yet activated his Sharingan but even so the skill and mastery he was showing would easily place him at high Genin to low Chunin if his other skills were just as good. Just as he was about to resume the battle he noticed that Naruto had stopped.

"What's the matter Naruto-kun"? Kakashi asked.

"Nothing Kakashi-sensei. I just won is all". Naruto replied before pulling on nearly invisible ninja wire. Being unable to move Kakashi called the match. No sooner had he done that did the wire fall away.

"I must say that's some skill Naruto-kun". Kakashi said.

"You held back Kakashi-sensei. I asked you to go all out". Naruto said annoyed at the man's reluctance.

"I didn't want to hurt you". Kakashi replied.

"We are to be ninja Kakashi. You holding back in our training does your team a disservice". Naruto fired back hotly before turning around and walking out of the training ground. Kakashi could only stand eyeing the boy's back. He did have a point but could his team make the cut with his standards raised? That he didn't know but for now he had to test the others though he doubted very much that they would be of the same caliber. Nevertheless, he would no longer hold back at least for Naruto.


Meanwhile many miles away a masked ninja dropped from the treetops.

"Do you have anything for me"? Danzo asked outstretching his hand.

"That I do my lord. Naruto looks to be in a budding relationship with Ino Yamanaka". The masked ninja replied in a monotone voice.

"Anything else"? Danzo asked.

"Yes. The updated Invasion protocols and bunker locations my lord". The masked ninja replied and when he said no more Danzo dismissed him and in seconds all that was left was a small pile of leaves that blew away in the wind.

"How much longer Orochimaru"? Danzo asked without turning.

"Two to three months. My toys should be ready by then. Orochimaru replied his robes covered in blood.

"So near the end of the Chunin exams. Works for me". Danzo said with a smile forming on his new younger face.


Over the past few weeks, team seven had done everything from pulling up weeds in the many parks in the village to walking the dogs from not only the Inuzuka clan but also the more wealthy villagers to even the painting of fences. All in all a total waste of their time as far as they were concerned. But with each successful :mission: hope grew that the next one would be something more worthwhile. It was why they were now standing in front of the Hokage. His hat hid most of his face from their view.

"Team seven, good your just the team I need". Shikaku said before digging into his desk and handing Kakashi a small green scroll. Upon quickly reading it Kakashi gave the man a respectful bow and he and his team soon departed for gate three.


Tazuna had been waiting patiently for nearly an hour and still, his team had yet to arrive. Just as he was about to turn and complain to the poor Chunin that happened to be stationed at gate three team seven finally came into view. Kakashi as always had his trusty green book nearly touching his face. His lone eye was moving to and fro over the page before he turned it. Naruto stood to his right, Sasuke to his left, and Sakura from behind.

"What the hell is this. I asked for a team of skilled ninja, not a bunch of snot-nosed kids". Tazuna said before the cold sensation of metal touching skin forced his eyes to move from Kakashi's lone one to Naruto's own cold cerulean eyes.

"We are still in the village. Should we turn back now and cancel this mission". Naruto said with an edge before removing the knife from the man's throat. But he made sure to nick the man. Just a little before he did so.

"Naruto that wasn't very nice". Kakashi said in a disappointed tone. But he saw no real need to do much more than a simple warning to the boy. The cut itself wasn't much more than a simple cut. A day or two and it would be gone on its own.

"Sorry Kakashi-sensei". Naruto replied as he and his teammates walked past the gates. Tazuna wasn't too far behind. A bit more fearful of the boy than he was only seconds before.

"Kakashi-sensei what's the mission"? Sakura asked seeing as none of her two male teammates looked to care. They were just happy to be going out of the Land Of Fire for a mission.

"Oh right let's see". Kakashi said before pulling the mission scroll back out and reading the mission details aloud to the three Genin.

Land Of Waves rank: C.

Payment: 125,000 Yen.

Escort client Tazuna back to his village. Protect from highway bandits and other such threats. The mission ends with the completion of his bridge.

Estimated time of completion: Two to three weeks.

"Sounds to me like a standard C-rank mission". Kakashi said as he rolled up the scroll and placed it back inside one of his many pockets. At his words, Tazuna flinched though none of them had noticed thanks to the fact that he stood beside Sakura who was more focused on looking around the area.


Four days later team seven had officially entered The Land Of Waves. The smell of the sea told them as much.

"We are only a few miles out from the village but keep an eye out just in case". Kakashi said not once moving his eye from the page he was now on. The three Genin only nodded their heads in acknowledgment of the order. Naruto was the first to see the misplaced puddle on the side of the dirt road. Whoever was hiding inside was but a novice in camouflaging themselves seeing as it hadn't rained in many days. With but a nearly imperceptible nod of his head Sasuke fired off a weak fireball jutsu at it. Soon after two masked ninja jumped out but before they could do much more than that their chain was shattered by Naruto's own sword.

"Sakura...keep Tazuna safe. We will deal with them". Naruto said before he and Sasuke jumped away from the two enemy ninja. The demon brothers soon recovered from their momentary shock and surprise before beginning to fight the two boys before them. However, they soon discovered the two were anything but your run-of-the-mill Genin just out of their village's academy. Still, they were Chunin level. They both had the needed skills to deal with even the most advanced of Genin. Naruto fired off a set of kunai and ninja stars but none of them had landed.

"Shit they're too fast. Sasuke have you unlocked your Sharingan yet"? Naruto asked hoping he had. But his hope was forever dashed when Sasuke shook his head in the universal sign for no. At that Naruto's mind raced with backup plans and back-ups to his back-ups. He had a fairly good idea on their speed based on what he had read in his bingo book and his attempts to hit them only a few seconds before. Naruto telepathically sent his plan to Sasuke. A useful ninja skill Hisao had taught him over his many years of training.

"Plan seven-B are you sure"? Sasuke asked telepathically. His voice was laced with no small bit of uncertainty at the plan. He had good reason to worry seeing as they hadn't had time to properly work on that and it was more suited for all three of them, not just the two of them. Gaps would exist without Sakura and that meant he would need to be a fair bit faster than he really wanted to be to compensate for the gaps that would form in their formation.

"I'm sure unless you have a better idea". Naruto sent back over the mental link. Soon Sasuke nodded his head and the two jumped into the treetops to set the plan in motion.

The demon brothers eyed the pair carefully looking for any openings to exploit. Finding none the two got ready for whatever the boys were about to do. The two didn't need to wait all that long as a thin wire soon shot out. That was easily avoided. Soon another shot out then another on and on for nearly a full minute. With no clear pattern, the two hadn't realized that they were slowly being trapped until it was already too late.

"Now"! Sasuke yelled over the link and with that the ninja wire encircled them cutting into them like barbed wire. It was at this time Kakashi jumped down from one of the many trees overlooking the dirt road before walking slowly over to the downed pair. Taking them both he walked deeper into the woods. Seconds later the two yelled out in absolute agony. This lasted for nearly an hour.

"Naruto, Sasuke good job with dealing with them". Kakashi said before his eye turned to the older man.

"Now care to tell me why you have Chunin-level ninja after you Tazuna"? Kakashi asked with an edge that told the older man not to even try to lie.

"We didn't have the money for a higher-ranked mission. We barely had enough as it is". Tazuna said with a mix of fear and sadness in his voice.

"Why is that? Naruto asked overhearing the conversation before he too walked over to the two men.

"Gato. He taxes everything. He showed up nearly ten years ago and started buying up everything. At first, everything was great but after he had gained a monopoly he started his reign of terror.

"Gato you say. I know of him". Naruto said surprising everybody around him. None more so than Tazuna himself.

"You do...how"? Tazuna asked.

"Believe it or not Uzushiogakure is only a hundred or so miles north of the Land Of Waves. So people talk about this place quite often when they dock in one of our ports. So I looked him up once I got the chance. Konohagakure has a civilian branch in its library so it wasn't all that hard to do". Naruto replied before turning to Kakashi.

"We should help him. I can send Miko to request reinforcements. He'll be a fair bit faster than your dogs". Naruto said before Kakashi could even say a word. Kakashi eyed his team. Sasuke looked ready to fight if need be as did Sakura.

"This is now a B-rank mission you understand that right. You may not have the skills needed for this mission". Kakashi said worried for his teams safety.

"We're ninja we understand the risks but he needs our help. We're nearly at the village anyway we may as well try". Sasuke said finally joining in on the conversation. Sakura also voiced her opinion with a slight nod. Seeing he was now hopelessly outvoted he agreed to continue the mission.


It wasn't long before team seven saw Tazuna's home village. The sight of both its people as well as the overall appearance told them everything that they needed to know. Gato had to go. Kakashi being an ANBU would likely be the one to do that task should their backup not arrive in time.

"My home is just a few minutes out". Tazuna said pointing to a house on top of a nearby hill. By contrast his home was in far better condition. But that wasn't really saying much. At any rate, it wouldn't fall down in a strong wind. Once he and his team of ninja entered the modest home the smell of food guided them to the kitchen. Upon entering team seven could see a woman with long black hair busy cooking as she hummed a tune known only to her.

"Dear I'm back and this is our newest guests". Tazuna said getting the woman's attention. Upon hearing his voice the woman turned and quickly hugged him tightly.

"Mother I'm...". Was as far as the boy got before his eyes landed upon his grandfather. He like his mother before him made a beeline to the older man burying his face into the man's chest.

"I missed you so much". The boy said as he continued to cry.

"I'm fine Inari and look we have ninja to help us save our village". Tazuna said before the boy eyed the four ninja before turning on his heel and running back to his room.

"I'm sorry about him. He's been really upset ever since his father was killed last year by Gato". Tazuna explained to them. Looks of understanding could be seen on their faces soon after. Still, they were helping to save his village. He could at the very least be a bit more grateful Naruto thought to himself as he and his teammates soon took a seat at the table


Meanwhile, Gato was busy dealing with his own masked ninja by the name of Zabuza Momochi. He just so happened to have the man's sizeable sword at his throat.

"Now I'm sure we can come up with something to your liking". Gato said as the bodies of his men lay motionless mere feet away.

"Don't take me for a fool you midget I know your game and I will not fall for it. Payment now or I walk". Zabuza said as his sword moved ever closer to his throat.

"Deal...deal just kill him". Gato said as a small puddle soon formed on the innately decorated tiled floor.

"Haku...take the money from the safe. All the money". Zabuza said as the girl left the room. Gato for his part said nothing. He was a greedy man but one thing he wasn't was stupid. He could always make more money. But just as Haku reentered the room Gato soon fell upon the floor. Two puddles now existed on the floor.

It wouldn't be long before Zabuza would make himself known to team seven. The fate of the Land Of Waves now rested on how that battle would unfold.


In the past few days, team seven had been hard at work training just in case something far worse was coming their way. Their backup had finally arrived around mid-day of the third day of being in Wave country. That backup came in the form of two ANBU known only as Deer and Bear. The two masked ninja had made camp just outside of Tazuna's house on the outskirts of the forest.

"Again". Kakashi yelled out as Naruto failed to get to the top of his tree. Admittedly his tree was a fairly sizeable one. Being a good twenty or so feet taller than Sasuke or Sakura's own.

"The boy shows promise Kakashi. He would...". Was as far as Deer got before Kakashi raised his hand cutting the man off mid-sentence.

"That is neither up to you nor me to make. It is up to Lord sixth to decide. But yes that he does". Kakashi replied as he continued to watch his genin team train. Just then Tazuna walked up to the three highly skilled ninja. In his hand lay a green-colored book. As soon as Kakashi saw the book in the older man's hand he quickly took it and jumped into the nearest tree and began to read it happily. Tazuna for his part said nothing. He had grown used to the man's odd obsession with the erotic novels over the past few days.

"So your Kakashi's client"? Deer asked as his teammate and lifelong friend Bear was busy eyeing Naruto. He could see his untapped potential. He was way above a Genin and even a fair few Chunin. It was only due to his relative inexperience that kept him from wearing the green vest of Chunin and above.

"Naruto-kun can you please come down I want a word with you". Bear said as he watched the yellow-haired boy jump down from the tree with but the lightest of thuds.

"What is it, Bear"? Naruto asked somewhat winded from his training.

"I wish to spar with you. I'll set myself at mid-Chunin-level and rise it as I see fit". Bear said as he entered his stance. Naruto, in turn, entered his own. Both eyed the other waiting for some kind of signal to begin. It came in the form of a leaf landing softly onto the cool grass. At once both of them jumped back and began to run through hand signs. Bear unsurprisingly was the first to finish his set and fire off his attack.

"Earth Style: Thousand Spikes". Bear said as the ground around Naruto became a mess of spikes jutting out of the ground in all possible directions. Naruto, in turn, was forced to jump into the relative safety of the trees before he too let loose his own attack. Soon Bear saw no fewer than ten copies of Naruto in the treetops but it was clear to him that he was using a far less useful variant. One that was poorly suited to the situation.

"Stop". Bear said before the boy could do anything. Naruto, in turn, jumped down from his tree still ready should this be some kind of trap. A fact that made the oversize man happy. To anybody else, Naruto looked relaxed but to his trained eyes he was anything but. He was ready to attack should the need arise.

"I wish to show you a far better variant. One far better for your skillset". Bear said as he showed Naruto the more advanced hand signs.

"Now you try". Bear said as Naruto did just that. Soon four copies appeared in the temporary training field.

"Man, that's hard". Naruto said once he was done performing the jutsu. It made him feel weaker but he quickly noticed the clear improvements.

"It has a shadow". Naruto said in awe.

"It's a physical entity with your skillset. It can be hit once before it ceases to exist unlike your last set of clones". Bear said as he walked over to the boy. In his hand lay a small green pill.

"What's this"? Naruto asked taking the pill from Bears outstretched hand before eyeing it questioningly.

"It's a chakra pill. It'll replenish your chakra reserves". Bear said as he watched as Naruto downed it in less than a second. At once he felt refreshed.

"Shall we continue"? Bear asked the boy upon which he received a nod. It wasn't long before the<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight"> sounds of fighting filled the area. As it would for nearly a <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">week</msreadoutspan>.</msreadoutspan>


Today was the day he would make his attack. Haku had done her work scouting the area. Kakashi was going to be a handful as it was but now he had two other ANBU with him. However, he felt they were only in the area for Gato and his men. Who thanks to Haku and himself no longer existed in the realm of the living. They would likely only help his genin team guard the old man. Still, he would be mindful of the two just in case.


Tazuna, Deer, Bear, and team seven walked into the construction area. Workers could be seen moving to and fro. Pouring concrete or moving the heavy machinery to place the next segment to the bridge. All was well until around mid-day as an unusual mist began to roll in covering the south end of the bridge. Soon after all sounds of work ceased.

"Hiraku, Kouki are you guys ok? What the hell is going on over there"? Tazuna asked but he only received silence as his reply. Kakashi, in turn, moved forward as too did Deer and Bear. Their hands already opening their pouches. It wasn't long before the sound of slow, deliberate steps could be heard. Then the outline of a man came into view.

"Zabuza Momochi". Kakashi said his eyes now wide in disbelief. This was no longer a B-rank mission. At best it was now a low A-rank mission. His team wasn't at all ready for this kind of foe. Hell, he doubted even an advanced chunin could survive a confrontation with the man on a good day. By now Deer and Bear had moved alongside Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, and Naruto.

"Kakashi the copycat ninja what a pleasant surprise". Zabuza said as his oversized sword dug into the surface of the bridge forming deep grooves in its surface. It wasn't long before Haku also made her appearance known to them all.

"Kill them all". Zabuza said before he launched himself at Kakashi. Soon Haku, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto were busy fighting the masked ninja. But Haku was simply too fast for them easily side-stepping their attacks with relative ease. It wasn't long before Haku took Sakura out of the fight.

Deer and Bear meanwhile had taken Tazuna to the safety of the far end of the bridge. Now all they could do was wait. Now it was up to Sasuke and Naruto to face the masked ninja. Haku eyed the two genin before her carefully. Based on her observations over the past few days the yellow-haired boy was by far the most dangerous. The raven-haired boy was just an above average genin.

Sasuke was the first of the two to make a move firing off a handful of kunai at the masked ninja. All missed their target. For his efforts, he was rewarded with a hard knee to the gut forcing him to the ground or in this case the hard surface of the bridge.

"Grr...you're paying for that". Sasuke said as he spat out a mouthful of blood before trying and failing to stand.

"You're nothing to me boy. You will die this day". Haku said in a cold voice before pulling out her own kunai and plunging it into his leg.

"GRRRRR". Sasuke yelled out in absolute agony before, thankfully being knocked unconscious. With that now done she moved onto Naruto who looked ready to rip her apart. For his part, Naruto only bent down and removed his leg warmers.

"What's that going to do boy? You're still going to die". Haku said in an arrogant tone.

"He'll die if I don't end this fight soon and take care of that. So I'm going all out. You would be wise to do the same". Naruto said before dropping them forming a one-meter-sized crater in the bridge.

"Well...shit". Was the only thought she was able to form before she was sent flying backward at a high rate of speed. Haku quickly recovered from the blow before she started firing ice spears back at the yellow-haired boy. However, with his weights now removed he was simply too fast for her to hit. It wasn't long before Naruto had her in his grip. Haku for her part tried desperately to get away and for that, he tightened his grip upon her throat even more.


Kakashi eyed the man before him. A few small cuts ran up and down his body. He wasn't going to lie he wasn't having a good day. Zabuza had dislocated his shoulder. He was now left with only his left hand. This, in turn, made fighting the man even more of a pain in the ass. It was around this time that the sound of something heavy hitting the ground was heard making the two look towards the south end of the bridge. What they saw made Kakashi's eyes widen in disbelief. Haku had lost to Naruto. Zabuza immediately made a beeline for the boy. His sword was already raised for the killing blow. Kakashi knew he didn't have the speed to stop him nor the ability. Seconds later the sound of sword meeting flesh was heard. As was the blood-curdling scream.


Naruto could do nothing but stare dumbly at the stump that had only seconds before been his left arm. He didn't even try to resist the tight grip that was now on his throat nor did he even bother to try to escape for he knew in his mind it would be a total waste of time. Zabuza for his part slowly made his way over to the edge and casually launched the boy into the cold uncaring waters more than a hundred or so feet below.

"NARUTO"! Kakashi yelled out as he watched in abject horror as Naruto fell head first into the water with a splash.

"One down three to go". Zabuza said as he casually turned and faced the white-haired ninja. Kakashi's mind raced. He had failed to protect the last tangible thing he still had to his team. He was now truly alone. Sure he still had Sasuke and Sakura but they would be fine without him. A new sensei was all that they needed. He didn't even bother to move as the sword touched his skin nor would he try to. He was ready to die. He had nothing keeping him in this world anymore.


Naruto knew something was amiss. He felt almost weightless. The area around him was so dark he couldn't see more than two or three feet ahead of him. For hours Naruto walked until he saw a small campfire some distance away. Next to it sat a man with the same sun-kissed hair and a white and red robe of his father.

"F...father"? Naruto said softly. The man didn't move. "Father is that you"? Naruto asked again. Still, the man didn't seem to acknowledge his presence. By now he was right next to the man. It was only when he stood face to face with him that he looked up.

"This is all wrong you shouldn't be in this place. Not yet anyway it's far too soon". The man said before once more moving his eyes from Naruto's form and back to the small fire before them both. "How's your mother"? The man asked out of the blue.

"Fine...she is fine. By the way, what's your name"? Naruto asked knowing this man wasn't his father. His father had the same cerulean blue eyes he did. This man's eyes however were more a ruby red.

"My deepest apologies Naruto-kun. My name is, Assetto Namikaze and before you asked yes this is limbo. Soon the gods will take notice of you so I have precious little time so please remain still". Assetto said before placing his hand on Naruto and at once his mind was flooded with what he could only guess was the man's past memories. All of them showing robed figures in a circle. Just then another man appeared. For a time this unknown man eyed them both. His eyes had a purplish/violet color with what looked like two or three rings. His white hair and demon-like protrusions made him look otherworldly.

"Hello, Naruto-kun I'm sure you can guess who I am". The man asked with a kind grandfatherly-like smile on his face. Naruto, however, could say nothing. His mind was at a loss. He was dead or just about to be and now he was face-to-face with a god.

"I...I do...sir". Naruto said before bowing as far as he could. The man, in turn, could only laugh. The sound seemed to carry for miles.

"As much as I enjoy the kind gesture it's time for you to return home". The man said before he placed his hand upon Naruto's head and sent him back to the world of the living.


Meanwhile, the fox had also taken note of Naruto's time in limbo and for once the aged fox felt the chakra signature of his father. The only human he had ever truly loved and cared for. The seal had started to weaken as a result of his temporary death. It wasn't yet enough to allow him to escape but it was just enough for him to start tweaking a few things in the boy's psyche.

"Oh yes, I can work with this". The demon fox said as he toyed around with a few things. Soon a boy with blood-red hair and fox-like eyes appeared before him.

"Father". The boy said. At this, the fox could only smile.


The first thing Naruto knew was he was drowning. His left arm, what was left of it anyway was slowly bleeding out. As soon as he had resurfaced he began to apply a basic medical jutsu. Naruko was far better at this than he ever was but sadly she was more than 500 miles away in the village. He wasn't looking forward to that particular meeting at all. Just then he saw Kakashi and Zabuza.

"Why is he not doing anything"? Naruto asked himself before he enhanced his leg muscles. Soon after the sound of air being displaced made Zabuza turn around before he could behead Kakashi.

"How the hell are you even alive"? Zabuza asked in utter amazement. Kakashi was also taken aback. Naruto was alive. How he didn't know and didn't much care. All that mattered to him was he was alive.

"No matter I'll kill you myself". Zabuza said as he once again raised his sword for the killing blow only this time his sword was met with Naruto's own. Attack after attack was sent and with each Naruto was forced back. With only a few feet left Naruto channeled everything he had left for one last attack. In a massive cloud of smoke, the outline of a truly massive creature could be seen. In the distance Deer and Bear could only stare dumbly at what was only 1,000 yards away.

"Bear that's a dragon'. Deer said for once in his life sounding like a total idiot. Bear in turn could only nod his head. Algone stood protectively over Naruto. His eyes locked on Zabuza with an overwhelming dose of killer intent. Zabuza, in turn, made a rapid retreat. Haku still unable to do much was soon tied up. In the coming days, the bridge was completed and named the Great Naruto Bridge in honor of his deeds. Naruto, however, didn't much care he just wanted to go home and be with his family. As Deer, Bear, and team seven left they could hear the sounds of thousands yell out their names. That was payment enough in their minds.