
Chapter 5

(Sarah's POV)

Sophie and I went our separate ways to go home so we can get ready for tonight. I was beyond excited. I couldn't help but pray and hope that she agreed. I got to my house and went inside. It was unusually quiet.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled.

I went to the kitchen and saw a note on the table. It said "Hey sweetie we went out to eat for family night there is a meal already prepared for you in the fridge. Hope you have fun at Sophie's tonight. Love you, Mom and Dad."

I looked into the fridge and saw an egg salad sandwich. I grabbed it from the fridge and went to the cupboards to get some chips. Then I headed upstairs to my room to pack up my clothes. I got my backpack and started getting things that I needed.

My phone made a ding as soon as I got done packing. I looked at my phone to see who texted and it was from Sophie saying to call her.

*ring ring ring*

"Hey!" Sophie said with excitement.

"Hey I'm so ready for tonight." I said.

"Do you think Rachel is gonna accept?" she asked.

"I hope so but we will find out in an hour which reminds me let's go get some coffee while we are waiting." I said.

"Sounds good to me." She said and hung up on me.

I laughed as I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. I left a note that says thank you for the food, that I love them and that they have fun with family time. Then I headed out the door to meet up with Sophie.

I stood outside of Savannah's Best Coffee and Cakes waiting. I pulled out my phone to call her when she came around the corner with a big smile on her face.

We both went in and ordered our coffee and went to our favorite booth by the window.

"We have fifteen minutes until we gotta go meet them." I said.

"Should we just start heading there? I really hope she says yes." She says with a hopeful look on her face.

"I really hope so too.. but it's really up to her you know after what my brother did, I wouldn't be surprised if she turns down our offer." I said.

She nods her head in agreement and we grab our stuff and head out towards the school. Both of us are hoping and praying that she says yes.