


Blurry and colours. Screaming and crying. Tears bitterness, regret, sorrow and..... empty. That's how I am feeling. Like i'm forgetting something. My chest aches as i tried remembering whatever it was that i'm supposed to remember.

I snapped my eyes open, breathing heavily. The place was stuffed with no air that i feel like suffocating to death. I was drenched in my own sweat, gasping for air.

"Seth? Seth! Oh gracious! He's awake. He's awake" the thick Italian accent voice spoke.

Italian? Am i back to that god forsaken mansion? No no no. I screamed inside of me. Soon many voices could be heard as i kept gasping for air.


I Am Seth Orion. A teenager and still in highschool or so i thought.

From the day i was given birth to i hated myself. I was like a bad omen, a curse no one wants to associate themselves with. Who will even want to be friends with someone that brings bad luck everywhere he goes?

I was told, my dad died the day i was born, in joy of seeing his child, he got into an accident. When my mom got the news she had a seizure and died. And i was made an orphan the very first day i came to earth.

When i was six, the people taking care of me died in a tragic accident. I was made to go to an orphanage. My time there was worst. Then i had foster parents, who all die. At first i thought it was normal. But when i started school, grade 4.

I was bullied by some group of kids, and the next day i heard they died including their families. Houses burnt down. People started staying away from me. Even the orphanage didn't take me back. No foster parents wants me.

My life has being a mess, the first girl i had ever love died a day after we shared our first kiss. And i decided to end it all. To kill myself.

And i thought i did, until i woke up gasping for air. I have no idea what happened. I remember me leaving lady monica, telling her I'm going into town and i went to the tallest tower we have here in Denmark. Greenland.

I remember standing on top, starring at the people and vehicles running around. From up here they look like ants. A tear slipped my eyes as i remember her face, her smile, her laughs. Jade.

The first and only girl i will love. I remembered the sky shone bright as if someone was watching me from up there.

I gave out a hysterical laughs. I don't need anyone to watch over me, certainly not now. I took a step forward as i fell from the tower

I saw her face, palest and white. Her hair was white, not grey silver... pure white. Her eyes were soft and inviting

I hit the ground and heard the sickening sound of bone breaking. That was all i remembered before waking up in my room, on my bed. Like any of that didn't happen

Lady monica, was the only one who took me in, she runs a coffee shop at the outskirts of the town. For some reasons i can't fathom, my curse hasn't harm her yet, seeing how everyone around me died. But she..... she's just different in some ways.

She said i was found, unconscious after the heavy downpour that happened. All the pieces are missing and i need to put it together. Something happened yesterday. Something that has changed fate.

I stood in front of my window, starring at the disaster the storm last night made.

Then something caught my attention, near the pear tree, the only tree the wind didn't destroy. I walked out of my room. Downstairs, lady monica was ordering some of the maids to prepare dinner. Sometimes i don't understand her.

She lives like a royal. Her ways are too clean. She's more like a queen.

"Where to Seth?" She asked as i turned to look at her.

"Outside" i replied as she smiled

'"Please, don't go far without your phone or telling me, the town is still in chaos with the strange downpour that happened" she said. Her voice laced with concern

I smiled back, though it doesn't reach my eyes

"Won't lady monica, I'm just outside" i replied as i opened the front door and walked towards the big oak tree

In front, laid something extraordinary that i haven't seen before, this object was radiating some much energy. I frowned as i touched it.

It buzzed. I picked it up, starring at it. How did this end up here? I might still be young but not stupid. I don't need anyone to tell me that this object has alluring power.

I turned and saw lady monica standing at the front door, starring at me then to the object in my hand and frowned.

A sword, with different ancient drawing around it.

After starring at it for what seems like hours, i turned and walked back inside the house with the same question running through my mind.

What is this doing here? And who does it belongs to? Too many misery and puzzles for me in one day. Misery.


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