

" Aahh" ( me)

I wake up and find myself suspended in a fish tank with a strange liquid. I hold my breath so that I don't drown but eventually I reach my limit and I exhale. Surprisingly, I don't start choking, it's almost like I'm breathing normally, I couldn't tell the difference.

"You're finally awake" ( girl)

"....." (me)

I try to talk to her but despite the liquid being breathable it doesn't allow me to talk.

" I'm sorry, I kinda forgot that organic matter from your universe gets destabilized once it enters ours. So sad, you ended up going < kaploot > like a smashed tomato. I had to go to the dry cleaners cuz my lab coat was soiled very badly. So how..." (girl)

I start waving around and banging the fish tank walls so she can let me out.

" Oh, you want to get out of the tank, sorry" ( girl)

She goes to the side of the tank and pulls a lever. The liquid drains out and a door opens on the side of the tank. I walk to meet the girl and give her a piece of my mind.

"Mmnh, not a pony but not a stallion, I'd say somewhere in between " ( girl)

" What the hell happened to me, I just blew up, why did that happen, WHY!!!" (me)

" Calm down, I already explained it to you. Your body went < kaploot > when you got here cuz your organic matter and our universe don't mesh well. Now that that's out of the way let's do our introductions properly. My name is Seras Markle, inventor extraordinaire, builder of ...." ( Seras)

" I don't care about who you are, tell me how I'm still alive" ( me)

" Fine then mr grouchy. I simply made a copy of your memories the moment you went through the portal. So when your body got blown up I just made a clone and uploaded your memories. See, now tell me your name" ( Seras)

" Didn't you read it from the paper in the bottle? It's Seiji Maki... wait that means I died and right now I'm just a copy" (me)

" Yeah" ( Seras)

[ I feel weird. I actually died but right now I'm a copy. I don't know how to feel, I should be sad that the original died but I'm happy that I'm alive]

" Don't worry, I made sure that your body was just as good as the original, I even cloned all the diseases present in the original and put them in your current body" (Seras)

" Why would you do that" (me)

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

" I had to, I was making a clone and so I must always strive for perfection in the similarities with the original" ( Seras)

" Why you..." ( me)

" Before you continue attacking me could you put on some clothes, I'm not really into BDSM" ( Seras)

I look down and see that I'm naked. I've been so hung up with my anger and confusion that I failed to notice. I start blushing as I use my hands to cover my privates [ Wait so that was what she was referring to when she was going on about horses]

" Follow me, I have some clothes for you" (Seras)

I follow her into another room with a large assortment of clothes. She gives me a yellow shirt and a pair of jeans to wear. [Isn't this too modern to be in a medieval world]

" Hey, are we in some kind of medieval world, with knights, cat girls, fairies and demons and stuff" ( me)

" I'm sorry what did you say, I was to busy watching this funny internet video " (Seras)

[ My dreams are dashed]

" So it's modern day in this world, at least tell me there are cat girls " ( me)

" If you watch cosplay" ( Seras)

My heart sinks. There has to at least be some of the isekai tropes.

" So what's special about this world, also what is this world's name" ( me)

" This world's name is aerth, well compared to your world, we have discovered aliens and they live among us. They come in different shapes and sizes and they also have different abilities" ( Seras)

[ I personally prefer the medieval isekai but I'm open to a sci fi one]

" So what power did you give me. Can I fly and shoot lazers from my eyes, or do I have an ability to unlock transformations and shoot ki blasts, or ..." ( me)

" Don't worry, I gave you the strongest ability. You can see it in full force in my yard." ( Seras)

I am so hyped to see my ability. [It has to be a strong one to make up for the disappointments I've suffered since coming here]

When we walk out the front doors, I see a huge overgrown lawn. I turn back and see a huge dilapidated mansion.

" Do you own this place became it seems run down " ( me)

" I do, it's just that I spend so much time in my lab that I don't have time to get it it cleaned" ( Seras)

She leads me across the lawn to a tank.

" Why do you have a tank on your front lawn" ( me)

" Why not, I like to use it to mow the lawn" ( Seras)

I look and see a land mower fan attached to back of the tank. Seras goes to the tank and pulls out a remote from her lab coat pocket.

" There's an alien race called the Popuri, that have a special chemical in their blood that when mixed with human blood gives the human asuper power comparable to that of other races. I made sure to give you the strongest " ( Seras)

" Okay, what is it?" ( me)

I am getting really hyped. I will become op in this world.

"The ability is called: False Prophet" ( Seras)

" Sounds cool, what can I do with it?" (me)

" Why don't I show you instead of telling you" (Seras)

I nod to agree with her.

"Say that you can punch through a tank shell fired at you" (Seras)

" Um, okay. I can punch through a tank shell fired at me" ( me)

" Why are you lying, you can't do that. Its impossible for a regular human" ( Seras)

" You were the one who said I should say it. Why are you now..." ( me)

Seras pushes a button on her remote and the tank canon spins around and becomes aimed at me.

" Is this safe?" ( me)

" Fire" ( Seras)

She pushes another button and the tank fires a shell at me. I reflexively flail my arms as I am in to much shock to move my feet.

One of my arms connects with the shell in the form of an uppercut.

< BOOM >

I completely blew it away. The sheer force from my fist created a shockwave that not only knocked the shell of course but also pushed away its explosive force and shrapnel when it exploded.

" That was completely amazing!!! I think I get it. I can do whatever I say I can" ( me)

" Almost there. Wanna do it again " ( Seras)

" Sure, give me your best shot. I can punch through a tank shell fired at me" ( me)

" I believe you now" ( Seras)

She once again pushes a button on her remote and the tank fires another shell at me.

I begin to throw a punch. [ Hey, why does it feel like my arms are moving much slower than last time. Is something wrong with my powers.]

"Oh shit" ( me)

The tank shell hits me and explodes spraying my flesh and insides like manure over the already overgrown lawn.