
Worthy Death

The next day came and I don't think I ever waited the November 9th the way I did this time. I was bored as fuck in the cell and it seemed everybody was put under strict order now to not respond to my shit talk. So after an hour or so of unsuccessfully trying to provoke them, I just sat silently twiddling my thumbs in boredom. 

They didn't bother to come inside my cell to put those uncomfortable cuffs on me again either. It was like the status quo of inaction. It was understandable considering they'd seen how useless those measures were and also knew it would have been super risky to get inside my melee range. Their jaws were surely not as hard as concrete. 

Sometime in the afternoon, something interesting happened. Something that hadn't happened before and brought a sense of excitement. 

At first, there was a lot of noise from outside, and not so long after, I heard heavy footsteps heading my way, and soon the space outside my cell was filled with…