
The World the Goddess Only Knows

(Main Story) Uzumaki Haruto is a 15-year-old high school student who lives in Chiba, Japan. He has a distant relationship with his younger-twin-sister Naruko, who always treats him rudely. One day in spring, he encounters a girl playing piano on one of his travels to a junkyard and helps her in many ways as he discovers that her name is Lucy Heartfilia. At the same time, he also found his sister is actually an otaku with an extensive collection of moe anime and younger sister-themed eroge she has been collecting in secret. Noticing his sister has no one to share her secret hobbies with, he accompanies her to join the online community Otaku Girls United! tea party at a maid café in Akihabara, where he meets a 'vampire' girl named Ruby Rose. (Special Story: In The World of Midgar) Long ago, there was a woman who once reigned supreme and had reached the very brink of subduing the world under her rule. Her name was Ouzelia Lucifen, a very powerful woman dreaded as the Black Emperor. However, she was defeated by the heroes who opposed her ferocity, and her ambition was brought to an end. Years later, a girl suddenly wakes up in the body of her MMO character — 'Ouzelia Lucifen' — in a game-like fantasy world called Midgar. She soon discovers that 'Lucifen' is both feared and worshiped by those around her. She struggles to come to terms with her new identity, and with the fact that she is now living Lucifen's life. She must navigate the world of Midgar that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar, as she attempts to uncover the truth behind her strange predicament. All the while, she must also contend with the weight of Lucifen's legacy, and the lingering question of whether she will follow in Lucifen's footsteps or forge a new path. *** A reimagine of Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, Sayonara Piano Sonata, and Yasei No Last Boss Ga Arawareta stories with Naruto, Fairy Tail, and RWBY characters.

Orange_Naru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
311 Chs

In the World of Midgar 25 — Grave of the Black Emperor (6)

꒰ঌ Grave of the Black Emperor 6



I easily parried the golem's punch and quietly ordered the golem to standby. Then, I flashily threw the golem back, making it seem like it was destroyed, though that was just for show.

It wasn't a problem to destroy the low-AI-level golems down below. After all, they couldn't even tell it was me anymore and wouldn't follow my orders. They were just automated attack machines that hit at anything in front of them… It was the right move to destroy anything like that.

However, the golems from the middle floors and up were high level and understood simple orders. More than anything, they saw Fiona and I as friends, so I didn't want to destroy anything that wouldn't attack us.

That was why we only pretended to destroy any golems from the middle floors and up, instead leaving them all unharmed.

" Whistles. That's amazing, Lucy. You blew away another one."

"Are you really a Ranger…?"

It seemed like Cardin and Dove were finally becoming suspicious, but there shouldn't be a problem as long as they didn't see my wings.

A long while after we first entered this grave, we'd finally come to the 998th floor. I was told this place had 1000 floors, so we were two away from the top.

The last investigation corps was able to reach here, it seemed, even though it took them an entire month. Hearing that, I felt both respect for how far they'd come as well as a sense of sadness, since they came so close.

Based on their levels, each and every golem should have been a real threat to them. Even so, the fact that they still made it this far despite their disadvantage showed how skilled they were. That was why it was such a waste. It was probably really painful for humanity to lose people like that now.

Seeing what was stationed in front of the stairs leading to the 999th floor, I spoke.

"… Everyone, step back."

Oh wow, so that was still around.

There stood a steel guardian over 10 meters tall, a size larger than the other golems. It was the strongest golem I was able to make by myself without paying real money for it — a golem at level 600 thanks to using the rare material 'mithril silver'.

Before the final battle, I used the best materials I had on hand and made several golems to guard my base. They weren't as strong as Penny, whom I got Jenny to make. But even so, their level was 600, which was the highest I was able to achieve.

It would probably lose against Levia, who was made up of a lake's worth of water. But it was still the strongest class of golem back then, enough that it wasn't strange for them to be used to defend one's borders.

The investigation corps did really well to have been able to pass this one.

… They probably had to use some people as bait to get through, didn't they?

[ Zodiac's Gatekeeper ]

[Level]: 600

[Race]: Artificial Life Form

[Attribute]: Metal

[HP]: 105/45000

[SP]: 0

[STR (Strength)]: ?

[DEX (Dexterity)]: ?

[VIT (Vitality)]: ?

[INT (Intelligence)]: ?

[AGI (Agility)]: ?

[MIND (Mind)]: ?

[LUK (Luck)]: ?

… tch! I can't see its stats.

That meant it wasn't under my control.

When the target's level was over half of mine, anyone not a friendly only had their name, level, HP/SP, and attribute displayed.

I should have made the gatekeeper with AI level 3 or 4… Is it unable to tell it's me?… Let's test it out. It made no sense that the other golems could tell, but this one couldn't.

"… Do you recognize us, gatekeeper?" First, I approached the gatekeeper openly.

Cardin shouted, "Watch out!" But I ignored him. Now, how about it? Can you recognize me?

"… approaching… intruder — detecte— … de-de-detec— … Eli-Eli… e-e-e… Eliminat..ing… ing-ing-ing-ing… ing…"

I avoided the gatekeeper's punch, and at the same time, I was convinced. I'd had a bad feeling when I saw how low its HP was, and apparently, that feeling had been proven true.

This one was already broken. It couldn't even recognize me. But it just hadn't stopped moving yet. It was unfortunate, but there was probably no choice but to break this one now.

Judging from the fact that the other golems were still okay, this wasn't just because of wear and tear over the years.

As for something that could reduce this one's HP this far… Well, only grimmfolk fit the bill. Of course, given how weak the Seven Grimms of Purgatory were, just one or two attacks probably wouldn't affect it much. But ten or twenty definitely would.

In fact, I was actually impressed that it was still moving.


"Do not worry. We are not weak enough to be killed by something like this," I replied to Cardin, who sounded worried, and moved forward.

I slipped past the gatekeeper's tirelessly repeating attacks and into its bosom.

… One strike! My hand pierced through the gatekeeper, taking away its little remaining HP.

The golem emitted a flash of electricity, and pieces of metal flew through the air. The mono-eye that served as its source of sight flickered, and the rest of it fell to the floor.

"A-aah… gh… Intruders… extermi— … ex…"

The way it kept repeating its words like a broken record was at once both hilarious and pitiful.

I shook off the bits of metal that were stuck to my hand and stepped past the fallen gatekeeper.

Now there were no more obstacles. All that was left was stopping Penny.

I was just about to go up the stairs to the next floor, but I heard something talking, although the voice was mixed with static.

"… Wel— … o… back… Luci— … Wel— … c…"

The voice was feeble, and I almost couldn't catch it. But I did. I did catch it.

I stopped on the spot and glanced over at the fallen gatekeeper.

Even fallen, its arm was stretched out, as if celebrating my return. To me, who'd just broken it.

"… Your loyalty through this long journey of yours must have been arduous. Well done, working for us for this long.… Just rest now…"

"… aahh…" In its very last moments, the gatekeeper let out a small, relieved-sounding noise that was barely even speech.

… This is a little too much. I know that there was no other way but to break it, but this is too much.

Weird. My heart won't calm down. I can't shake this feeling that I just made a huge mistake.

I had never seen this golem before. Or that was how it should've been. This is my first time seeing it, right? And it's just a golem. They just moved as they were ordered, like tools.

Why am I feeling like this?

"… Now all that's left is the 999th and then the top floor. You all wait here."

There was no doubt Penny was next. So now it was time for the party to temporarily disband. I needed to go alone.

But Cardin shouted out to oppose me.

"W-wait a second! Are you planning to go alone?! That's crazy!"

"No, that is the best choice. There is no one else here who can withstand Penny's first blow. Her Brachium can turn all of you into ashes thirty times over and still have more damage to deal."

"… !" Cardin gulped and gave me a doubtful look.

He didn't doubt my words. His look told me that he doubted my identity.

"You… Just who are you?"


"I'm an idiot, but I'm not stupid enough to miss how ridiculously strong you all are after coming with you this far. Ever since the middle floors, you've been taking care of the golems so we don't fight them… You didn't even bat an eye at that tough-looking golem's punch… And you're talking like you know Penny… You… Just what…?"

"… We have no obligation to respond to that." I declined to reply and turned my back on him.

What I said extended to both Minako and Fiona as well, but Minako would probably be way better than me at tricking them.

How should I put it? I'm no good at this.

I'm getting far too shaken over a single golem. I'm so lacking in composure, even I don't understand it. I really don't… Leaving how the real Lucifen would feel aside, I shouldn't feel this way, right? I don't have any reason to feel sad, right…? Agghh, what the hell. I'm going crazy.

I climbed the stairs to the 999th floor.

I immediately noticed that I was in a cold, sterile space that was just huge. The walls were crumbling and cracked in places.

In the middle stood a girl — no, a golem that looked like a girl — in maid clothes.

I could see traces of repair work on the clothes I gave her long ago. Even then, it wasn't enough; they were torn in places. Her exposed arms revealed joints that outed her as clearly nonhuman, and if I looked closely, there were small cracks running through her body.

She was the artificial life-form that I gathered the materials for one thousand years ago and had Jenny make.

She turned to face me, making an audible creaking sound as she did so. "—Intruder confirmed… Warning… It is recommended that you leave within ten seconds. If you do not comply, or if you take hostile action, I am authorized to remove you with deadly force."

It was a standard warning that she'd probably repeated many, many times. Without replying or approaching her, I undid my hair.

"10… 9… 8…"

I took off my glasses and reached behind me. I removed the bandages that Juvia had gifted me, slowly putting my wings out in the open.

"7… 6… 5…" Her countdown stopped.

Not minding that, I continued to undo my bandages, fully releasing my wings.

Although Penny was still expressionless, it seemed to me that she was frozen in deep shock, her countdown left unfinished. Somehow, that struck me as funny, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I spoke.

"It's been a while, Penny. What's wrong? You look like a bird that got shot. Did you forget what We look like?"

"… Lady… Luci… fen…?"

I quietly watched Penny, who was still frozen. I was waiting for her to reach a conclusion first.

If she decided it was me and stopped attacking, that'd be great. If she still decided to shoot her Brachium, then I'd have to endure that first before restraining her.

It didn't seem like she was nearly as damaged as the gatekeeper just now was, so I should've been able to repair her.

"Comparing… Biological data, matched.… Probability of being the real Ouzelia Lucifen: 99.99989965%… From conjecture of situation… probability of surviving that fight: less than 1%… Total probability… Impossible to calculate… impossible… D-decision… dec-de-dec— … sion… impossible… impossible…"

"It's fine. There is no need to think so hard."

This was bad. She was getting confused because she thought she was seeing a dead person, which was unprecedented.

It probably wouldn't get this bad normally, but she must've been almost as broken as the gatekeeper was. Even if that wasn't the case, she'd been left here for nine hundred years, guarding this place without rest. Of course she wouldn't be able to make proper decisions on her own.

"Now, We will come and repair you. You need rest."

"—! Warning! If you take one step closer, you will fulfill the conditions required for extermination!"

"We don't care."

I ignored Penny's warning and boldly stepped closer.

One step, two steps! It seemed like Penny was having trouble deciding whether it was okay to attack or not. In the time she was deciding, I continued to close the distance between us.

"Now, then. We have moved. Are you not going to stop us?"

"… Program Selection!"

Penny's eyes shone, and her entire body started to emit light.

The first thing she did was create a film of light that covered the entire area. It was an isolated space made to ensure the enemy couldn't escape at the same time as making sure there were no unnecessary casualties.

In the middle of that space, a white radiance converged upon Penny, glittering like stars. That vivid radiance expanded and pulsated.

Now, then. This'll be the first significant amount of damage I'll take in this world. Honestly, I have no confidence I'll be able to avoid crying in pain, but… I wonder why? Right now, I really just want to get hit by her. I really don't understand it myself.

"Brachium, activate!" And the star exploded.

The space was filled with a white aurora, and an impact stronger than anything I'd ever felt before assaulted my entire body.

The light raged like a storm, and colorful particles danced around the inside of the closed space.

Everything within the space was twisted, trampled, and destroyed. The attack didn't care about defenses, resistances, skills, or even arts as it pierced through everything to deliver damage up to the extreme limit of the system.

Crap. It hurts. And it burns.

Pain stabbed through me as if my body was being assaulted with heat that would char me all over… Well, it actually was, though. I knew that my HP was getting reduced at an alarming rate.

"Mnrr… !" I clenched my teeth, but I still grunted in pain. But even so, I kept moving forward through the light.

Frankly, I wanted to immediately fall back down the stairs to where it was safe. But I couldn't afford to do that. More importantly, that'd be way too lame. Well, actually, it probably wasn't possible anyway.

It was probably correct to assume that it was impossible to escape from Brachium once it started.

One step. Two steps. Three steps.

I advanced through the radiance, closing the distance on Penny. Meanwhile, the light mercilessly buffeted me, shaving away at my HP.

This is pretty harsh… But, it's not impossible for me to withstand.


"Oh my. Looks like We are finally here."

As soon as I reached Penny, she started moving.

Her left hand sunk into her wrist, and instead, a blade made of blue-white light appeared.

I dodged her thrust by a hair's breadth, grabbing hold of her left arm and stopping her in her tracks. Then, I activated my Alchemist skill— "All Repair."

It was a single-target healing skill limited to use on golems that would fully heal the targeted golem. This skill was incredibly inefficient and wouldn't actually repair every golem. It would only work on golems the user owned.

And unlike the gatekeeper, Penny was the one golem that I'd kept on me even after I was beaten. I figured that my ownership might still hold. When I tested it, I was proven right.

All the cracks on Penny's body disappeared, and I could tell that her HP was fully restored.

"Sorry for making you wait for so long. We have come for you, Penny."

"… Assessing situation… Probability of this being the real Ouzelia Lucifen: 100%… Confirmed as Ouzelia Lucifen herself.… Canceling mission: guard the Black Emperor's grave," Penny said, closing her eyes as if she was finally at ease.

Seeing her finally able to rest after completing her mission, I gently picked her up.

