
Mikado City Library

After school Ryu headed to Mikado city library to check if the memories were related. After looking through past news paper he could conform that some of the information he had were indeed correct. He found out that the monsters that attacked them were called Neighbor, and they come through dimensional space called gate. Apart from that he found an organisation was indeed formed in order to combat the Neighbor. It was also stated that They fight the Neighbors by the means of Triggers, the technology used by Neighbors.

After finding out these information Ryu headed to uncle Ren's place for evening work. After he was done with his wok he bid goodbye and headed back to the abandoned area and turned in for the night.

Next day Ryu got up and after his morning routine he headed to Uncle Ren's place. Since today was saturday uncle Ren decided to close the shop. after having Dinner with Uncle Ren, Ryu decided to come clean.

"I am going to join border" said Ren.

Since he knew he would not be able to stop Ryu, uncle Ren told him to be careful and not get in trouble.

After talking some more with uncle Ren, Ryu decided to head to the Rof and formulate his plan on joining border.

From the memories Ryu knew that the border was divided into 3 fractions. the one who hate neighbor- kido fraction. the one who were neutral and did not care about anything except civilian's safety- Shinoda fraction and the final one who had did not hate neighbor- Rindo fraction.

After looking through his memories he Ruled our kido fraction as they were bunch of mad mens who hated neighbour and did mind doing unethical and illegal stuff to take neighbour down. since he had huge trion level he did not want to used as a lab rat or some sort of abnormal weapon.

Although shinoda fractioned looked good, they were kind of lax. So after a lot of concendration he decided to join The rindo fraction.

From his memory he knew where they were located but, the questoion that was in his hed was "why would they let me join them?" and "how do i make they accept me into their fraction.

With these things in mind he started formulating plans and seeing if they were viable.