
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · แฟนตาซี
620 Chs

Source of food

"Three or four thousand?"

After hearing this figure, the tone of the border army was so unexpected.

He glanced around.

The defense works are very simple, not even rudimentary compared to the major bases.

In the freezing weather, the Snowworshippers, though many in number, did not have the strength to build strong fortifications.

Can only rely on the existing environment to fight zombies.

The group, which was once as high as tens of thousands of people, experienced a long battle with the body swarm and only died three or four thousand people, I have to say that it is very surprising to him.

"So, how do you solve the food problem?"

"Feeding thousands of people in the last days requires an enormous amount of food. I'm curious how you do it?"

Border army Wu this sentence let worship snow teach some vigilance up.

The source of food is a central issue for any power.

If the border army is not from the Jiangnan region, asking this question will definitely be regarded as finding fault.

After a moment's hesitation, Ms. Cheng replied: "We will search the surrounding area for buried supermarkets and shopping malls to get food or other survival supplies."

"Oh, is that all?

The border guards looked at Zheng and couldn't see them under the mirror, but everyone could see that he didn't believe what he was saying.

Because in this environment, searching for food also takes a lot of energy.

How can snowworshippers dig food from a depth of ten meters under snowdrifts and then continue to feed a congregation of thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, of people?

The expressions on the faces of Zheng Yixian and a group of priests and priests were somewhat different.

Anyone could see that they were keeping a big secret about their food.

The atmosphere at the scene became stiff.

Hundred Li Changqing and other investigation team members looked at Cheng Yixian and others playfully, their hearts have a vague guess.

Such speculation is not uncommon in the end times.

Wu Di began, "With nearly half of the congregation dead, you can really feed the rest, can't you?"

As soon as this word came out, the people of the worship of snow exploded on the spot!

Han Chang shouted with a look of disgust: "Don't talk nonsense! We never do that kind of thing!"

"Don't compare us with those beasts," Deme retorted, frowning.

Wu Di shrugged his shoulders and said with a little teasing in his eyes, "Then you can't have survived drinking the northwest wind, right?" Omega omega w.. net


"That's enough. Don't talk yet."

When the two sides want to quarrel, Zheng Yixian and the border army to stop them.

Cheng Yixian took a deep breath, bowed to the border army and said:

"There are some secrets, but they are vital to the survival of our snow religion, so we don't mention them to the outside world."

"Oh, really?

The voice of the border army is still cold, but it seems to question Zheng Yixian.

Can't even we know?

At a time like this, any skeletons in the closet could have something to do with the tide of corpses.

Border army Wu suspected that the body tide was actually caused by local forces in Tianhai City.

Cheng Yixian raised her head and looked deeply at the border army, "If you must want to know, I can give you an answer."

Border Jun Wu said: "Good."

Cheng Yat-sen straightened up. "Please follow me!"

Behind him, Han Chang and Dai Mei were a little anxious.

"High Priest, can you tell outsiders about this?"

Cheng Yixian waved at them: "No matter, the investigation team from the Jiangnan area, also look up to us this thing."

The priests and priests were anxious not to reveal the secret of snow worship.

Because they know that once this secret is known by other forces in Tianhai City, it is equivalent to a huge weakness of their own being pinched by the other side.

Even these people from the Jiangnan region may covet the treasure.

That thing is the foundation of snow worship to this day!

But Cheng Yixian, as the high priest, had a position second only to the original leader, Kongnight, and he made a decision that no one else could disobey.

Zheng Yixian with the border army and others, toward the abandoned building next to St. John's Cathedral.

When he came to the front of the building, the footsteps of the border army suddenly stopped.

He frowned.

Because the building ahead gave him a very bad feeling.

The grey concrete and steel building plunges into the snow like a French coffin.

The keen intuition of the border troops warned him that it was best not to approach this place.

Hundred Li Changqing also leaned over and whispered, "Captain, what a big smell of blood!"

At this time, Zheng Yixian in front looked back at them, with a strange smile on her lips.

"This, gentlemen, is the secret of snow worship. Do you want to come and see?"

Wu Di folded his arms and laughed: "Pretend to be a ghost!"

Border army Wu helped his glasses, silently followed him to go in.

There was one thing he didn't tell his team.

After losing his sight, his senses became more acute.

Just now, he "saw" something very strange outside the building.

Before his eyes, this was not an abandoned commercial building.

It was a monstrous, monstrous monster!

Hundreds of meters high, countless hands and feet crazy dancing, there are tangled roots in the ground.

A group of people entered the building through the entrance, and the smell of blood intensified.

But there was something unusual about the blood, not like the breath of the dead, but like it had just flowed out of the living.

So fresh, so rich, not pungent, even a little psychedelic sweet.

As they went deeper and deeper, they finally saw the face of the monster.

The whole building, deep inside, is taken over by a monstrous plant.

Its vines and leaves spread all over the building, and the bright red branches and leaves on the walls gave off an eerie dark red glow.

And on the branches, you can see a bright red fruit.

Border army Wu and others see such a scene, is also understood something.

"Is this the food you need to survive?"

Zheng Yixian reached out to pick a red fruit from the branch and handed it to the border army.

"Yes, this is a mutant plant that we found, and we call it the blood vine."

"It has a very strong life force, it can absorb the nutrients that exist around it, and then transform it into its own life force and bear fruit."

"This red fruit is an important food source for us."

The border army took a look at the red fruit passed by Zheng Yixian and slowly grabbed it in his hands.

He did not eat it, but looked at it carefully.

Cheng smiled and said, "Rest assured, the fruit is not toxic, we have been eating it for more than a few months, and no one has been found abnormal because of it."

Border army Wu said faintly: "This kind of words make sense." But will it produce enough fruit for thousands of you?"

Ms. Cheng walked on.

"Normal fruit is not enough. But there are ways to speed up its fruit production. For example, this."

With that, he pointed his hand ahead to the ceiling.

Border Jun Wu and others looked up, and suddenly saw an ellipsoidal thing hanging on the ceiling.

The red branches and leaves firmly wrapped it up, faintly emitting a light red light.

When you look closely, the shape of a human body is almost invisible.

"This is... Human?"

Meng Siyu could not help staring wide eyes.

"Do you use humans as nourishment and make it bear fruit?"

"To be exact, they are human remains," Cheng said, deadpan.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts