
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · แฟนตาซี
620 Chs


We have 31 hours until the missile attack tomorrow at 12 p.m.

Yang Xinxin has modified the coordinates sent by the Xishan base, replacing the location coordinates of the Xishan base with those of the shelter.

So if nothing else, the missile will land at the West Hill base.

In order to deal with the strong shelter, the Jiangnan area must use high-yield ground-penetrating bombs.

According to Lu Combustible's calculations, such a missile would be impossible to destroy the Xishan base, which is buried hundreds of meters underground, but it would still be able to cause strong tremors, causing an 8-magnitude earthquake.

Zhang Yi said to Yang Xinxin: "When the time comes, Xinxin you will control the network of Xishan Base and cut off their power!"

"The main energy source of the Xishan base is electricity. Once the power supply is cut off, the whole Xishan base will be temporarily paralyzed, which is bound to cause huge panic."

At this time, Yang Xinxin reminded Zhang Yi: "Although I can control the power failure through the network." But there are manual solutions inside the West Hill base that can be used to restore the power system."

Zhang Yi smiled faintly.

"It doesn't matter, just a short period of disruption is enough."

"When the time comes, Liang Yue will take her students and escape from the fourth Life Warehouse."

When Zhang Yi said here, his eyes flashed a sly arc.

"With Liang Yue taking the lead, the whole fourth life warehouse will be driven."

"Those who have been oppressed for a long time will surely try to seize control of the West Hill base, and the thousands of people inside will cause more chaos."

"Then, our chance will come!"

Relying on Zhang Yi's strength alone, it is very difficult to destroy the huge Xishan base.

However, the problem is that the internal contradictions of the Xishan base are already huge.

Zhang Yi only needs to provide a fuse, and they will detonate themselves.

There is another important point.

That is, the residents of the fourth life Warehouse are not all ordinary people.

In fact, at the beginning of the end times, the people who entered the Xishan Base for refuge were all prominent figures in Tianhai City.

These people are ambitious and ruthless enough to be willing to pedal their bikes all the time.

So Zhang Yi concluded that these people will take the opportunity to resist.

Lu Keiran folded his arms and said with concern, "But in that case, Teacher Liang, won't they face great danger?"

"Usually the people who started the unrest face the soldiers who repressed it."

Zhang Yi disapprovingly said, "If you want to be free, you must sacrifice." They should know that in their own hearts."

"And with Liang Yue protecting them, there shouldn't be too many deaths."

In fact, Zhang Yi does not care about the lives of those students.

As long as Liang Yue can help him trigger the unrest of the West Mountain base, he does not care whether others die or not.

"Then we'll take advantage of the chaos to get in and... And then what?"

Fat Xu scratched his head, a little confused about the purpose of the trip.

"Although we say that we will destroy the Xishan Base, how can we completely destroy it?"

"Kill their leader Chen Xinian? It doesn't seem to have much effect. Because if you kill one Chen Xinian, there will surely be a second one."

"Are we going to kill everyone at the West Hill base?"

Fatty Xu said "haha" and smiled, he thought he had made a funny joke.

But on Zhang Yi's face, the smile was more serious.

Xu Fatty's laughter suddenly stopped, he looked at Zhang Yi stunned.

"Boss, you don't really want to kill them all, do you?"

Not only Fat Xu, others also looked at Zhang Yi with surprise, feeling that the plan was too crazy and difficult to achieve.

Zhang Yi also did not hide his hand, and directly showed his hand: "At least the vast majority of their leadership should be killed, and more than 80% of the Xishan base should be reduced." Better to kill them all, of course."

"It is not impossible. I have a lot of explosives in my hands, some of which I seized when they were used to destroy the shelter, and some of which I own."

"Do you understand what happens when you detonate such a large explosive in a dense space underground?"

Others also do not understand this knowledge, have looked to Lu Combustible and Yang Xinxin.

After thinking for a moment, Lu explained: "Big brother has about 1,000 kilograms of explosives in his hand." If an explosive of this magnitude had detonated, it would have caused massive damage to the building, destroyed part of the West Hill base, and killed some of the nearby population."

"But the biggest damage is much bigger than that."

"First of all, it will destroy the entire West Mountain base's various life support systems, such as the electricity system, the water circulation system, the air circulation system, and even the escape routes."

"If any of these systems were destroyed, it would make it difficult for the underground space of the West Mountain base to survive."

"Coupled with the large amount of oxygen consumed by the explosion, it is likely that the vast majority of people who were not affected by the explosion would have died from asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen."

Lu combustible explanation, let everyone understand, Zhang Yi this plan in the end how terrible.

It can be said that one link after another, even if one link went wrong, failed to cause an effective kill, there are other ways to die waiting for the people of West Mountain base.

Fat Xu asked him again in time, "Boss, your plan is very good." But how do we infiltrate the West Mountain base? It is easy to get lost and not to say that it is so fair to break in, and it will be easily recognized!"

"Of course I have taken that into consideration. First of all, we must keep the structure of the Xishan base in mind, there is a 3d structure on the computer, give me a careful look! This is a matter of life and death. We cannot afford to be careless."

"As for how to get in there and plant explosives, it's all about camouflage."

Zhang Yi said, reaching out from the different space to take out two sets of white combat uniforms.

He's used other-space to devour a few Special Forces before.

He ripped both of these uniforms off special Ops.

"With the suit and the chaos, it was easy for us to infiltrate."

Zhang Yi reached up and pointed at the computer screen.

"The explosives were placed in the Second Life Bunker, the entire West Hill base, where all the vital life support systems are located. Don't pick a place, just choose a private place."

"After all, 1,000 kilograms of explosives will have the same effect wherever they are placed."

As for inhumans who will meet each other down below, they won't have to worry about a head-on collision.

Zhang Yi's dimensional door, the more narrow the place, the more powerful.

It would form a defense that would be absolutely impenetrable, unless the adversary possessed a power so terrifying as to break through its critical point - a power not yet found in humans.

Zhang Yi's plan is very detailed, even the fat Xu this coward, after listening to it is also a long sigh of relief, think it is feasible.

Next, Zhang Yi reiterated the battle plan for everyone and equipped them with weapons.

Although the power of ordinary firearms is already very weak for inhumans, it is always possible to use them with us.

Clean up the mess, too.

Especially fat Xu, after he entered the base, the power is difficult to play, you have to rely on the gun to fight.

We're all in a room, checking our equipment, figuring out how we're gonna work together.

And how to deal with emergencies.

Fat Xu is obviously a little nervous, big forehead began to sweat.

Uncle You, on the other hand, seemed much more relaxed.

After all, he had a military career for many years, and had experienced many life-and-death fights with Zhang Yi in the Yuelu community, and was not so nervous.

Just from his eyes, you can still see a trace of excitement and excitement, obviously his heart is not so calm.

And Zhang Yi?

Kind of like Uncle You.

First time against an opponent of this calibre, it would be a lie not to be nervous.

But having decided to do it, he would not hesitate.

However, Zhang Yi also thought about the escape route.

If he sees anything wrong, he's the first person to run.

As a beast, Flower moves much faster than ordinary inhumans.

Then it can transform into a chariot to take Zhang Yi out of the underground.

If he's out there, his snowmobile can easily beat him by a few blocks.

After all, the West Mountain base has only one snowmobile and a few dozen negligible sleds.

"Remember, getting the job done is secondary. The most important thing is to stay alive!"

Zhang Yi seriously remind uncle you and Xu fatty.

Uncle You smiled and nodded, and Fat Xu nodded like a pound garlic.


West Mountain base.

Liang Yue and Zhang Yi after the chat, immediately take out the phone card, and shut down.

In order to avoid being found her contact the outside world, Liang Yue is an interval of time to boot once, to see whether Zhang Yi contact her.

Know Zhang Yi tomorrow night will come to take over, Liang Yue's heart can not stop some excitement.

Finally, she can take her students and escape from this hellhole!

That night, Liang Yue came to the fourth life warehouse, find the students.

She did not tell the students that they would escape tomorrow.

After everything she's been through, she's also learned that such an important operation can never be leaked.

Otherwise, everyone's life is in danger.

She just told everyone to stay awake at 12 o 'clock tomorrow night because she had something very important to tell everyone.

After hearing this, the crowd naturally did not have any objection and nodded their heads in agreement.

In recent days, more and more people have disappeared around me.

Especially in the recent period, the frequency of such disappearances is higher than before, and no one is not afraid.

And Liang Yue became their only backbone, they will naturally follow Liang Yue's instructions.

Liang Yue informed the students of the fourth life warehouse, and returned to the second life warehouse, to find Ye Xiaotian and Chen Xinian mistress silence Ling, Meng Zixuan.

As long as her students are alive, she hopes to take away, and no one can give up!

"Tomorrow night at 12 o 'clock, come to the fourth life barn. I have something very important to tell you."

Liang Yue said to the three.

Ye Xiaotian nodded and agreed without hesitation, "OK, teacher Liang!"

As for silent Ling and Meng Zixuan, after listening to Liang Yue's words, they thought about it in their hearts.

"Teacher Liang, are you planning to escape?"

Silent Ling leaned against the wall and glanced coldly at Liang Yue.

"In the West Mountain base, escape without permission can be equivalent to betraying the organization, which is a capital crime!"

Meng Zixuan sat in front of the dressing table, carefully applying lipstick.

"Teacher Liang shouldn't be that stupid! Now she is the leader of the special forces, the status of honor, food and clothing. There's no need to do that."

Liang Yue looked at their current state, can not help but some heartache.

However, in a few short months, the youthful and tender atmosphere of their body has disappeared, and they have become like two dusty women.

Obviously not yet twenty years old, but the clothes and makeup are extremely mature, trying to show their female charm.

Liang Yue took a deep breath and said to them, "Xishan Base is not as paradise as you think." There's a lot of dirty stuff going on here that you don't know about!"

"Take my advice, this is not the place for you."

Who would have thought that after listening to Liang Yue's words, Silent Ling and Meng Zixuan looked at each other, and even "splop" laughed.

"Ha ha ha! Did you hear that? Teacher Liang said we don't know anything?"

"That's ridiculous. Hey, Miss Liang, do you really treat us like three-year-old children?"

Two girls laugh stomachache.

Liang Yue looked at them with astonishment, "You..."

Silent Ling suddenly raised her head, coldly looked at Liang Yue and said, "Don't be silly, Teacher Liang." We know better than you what's going on here!"

With that, she walked step by step to Liang Yue, looked her in the eyes and said, "But what about that?" This is hell, isn't it outside?"

"At least we can live here and enjoy a privileged life." As for the lives of others, we are not in the mood to care!"

Meng Zixuan put on the lipstick, looked in the mirror and appreciated it for a while, then turned to Liang Yue and said, "Teacher Liang, don't hold the naive fantasy before."

"We are grateful to you for keeping us alive. But the world is very cruel, if you have been a good person, one day it will be bad!"

Liang Yue looked at her students, feeling very strange.

Clearly a few months ago, they were the kind of delicate little princess, in front of her to show enough innocence and kindness.

But how to describe them now?

Although Liang Yue did not want to use the term, the word "whore" did come out of her mind.

Liang Yue lost hope for them.

She sighed and said, "Actually, I just want us to have a good reunion."

With that, she turned and left the room they were in.

Meng Zixuan and silent Ling smell speech some stunned, two people looked at each other.

"Do you believe what Mr. Liang said?"

"I don't believe you, do you?"

"Neither do I."

Silent Ling's eyes suddenly flashed a ferocious look.

"It looks like she's really going to defect! I'm going to report this to the Leader!"

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