
The World in Fantasy

When the world realize that they have been transported to another planet many things started to change. What if other fantasy races exist? What if there is a great disparity of technology level? What if the world is not only operated based on science? This story is about how the world would operate under such extreme condition and disparity while also finding new things that are beyond comprehension. Find out more as the world unite to defend from hostile medieval countries until the countries that even have the same technology level as them. From internal conflicts to external ones. This story is inspired by novels like "GATE: Thus the Japanese Self-Defense Force Fought in Their Land" and "Summoning Japan". IMPORTANT Feel free to comment to criticize, advice, review, or feedback so I can improve the book and write better chapters The cover is not an art by me so if the author want to take it down please contact me.

Wixatic · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

- Prologue - The World and The Never Expected

Sunday, 2 October 2022, 9:00 A.M.

The Planet Earth.

On a hill, there stood a man looking confused,

"Huh, where am I?"

He then started to walk toward the edge of the hill. When he arrived, he sees a city bustling with activity from people walking, cars, and traffic,

"What a busy city, but where is this?"

It is then he noticed one place that is much busier than others,

"Wait isn't that The United Nations Headquarter in New York?"

"There isn't supposed to be any meeting there according to the schedule, why is it so crowded?"

The man keeps mumbling to himself when it all suddenly goes dark. It was so dark and empty that the man started to worry then he speculated,

"Is this a dream? It makes no sense."

"Yeah this must be a dream. I'm sure of it."

....When suddenly. Two suns appear in front of him,

"My God, what kind of dream is this!".

Even though in front of him there are two massive suns. It strangely doesn't feel hot. It was then that he sees a massive planet revolving around the two suns.


In the Oval Office. President John of the United States of America.

"Now that I remember about it, the dream was so vivid."

"Well I guess it's just one of those dreams." John thinking about it in his mind while also working on the documents.

Darkness engulfs the surroundings then light comes back in a second.

"What just happened?" John asked with confusion.

"I didn't know, sir. It seemed there was a power outage." his attendant answered.

"Oh, it does seem so." John replied.

"Sir, I think you need to see our sky." said his other attendant.

"Is there any problem?" John asked, curios about it.

"There are two Suns." his attendant informed.

"What! Don't joke about it I'm busy" John thinking about his dream while also walks toward the window to see the sky.

Then he arrived at the window and proceed to see the sky "My God! There are two Suns!" John shocked by the event unfolding in front of his eyes.

It's something that humans could never expect and imagine to happen.

Only The God All-Knowing knows what really happenned and what will happen.

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