
The World Beyond The Lens

Who would have ever thought that Angga, a corporate content creator, found another world filled with more intelligent species besides humans. The world was totally different from what he knew about the fantasy world, referred to popular fiction movies he was familiar with since no one can kill each other and compete in video making instead. Since it’s his expertise back in his world, Angga ventures to another world while exploiting his skills well with Clara, a fierce lioness warrior, by his side, and Tafnekha, a bewitching sorcerer, vying for his affection. He will use this chance to gather as many materials as possible to make amazing content back in his world. If you have access to another world, what kind of content are you going to make? A dragon race? A magical battle? Or just a plain relaxing adventuring video? The possibilities are endless. It's also featured in Royal Road and Scribble Hub. [cover by: @TheProjectAR on Twitter, you can check all his other works there.] =0= Any donation will be much appreciated on this link: https://ko-fi.com/lumi0283

lazylumi · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 16 - Clara Project: Clara's Attempt

"I need to do a deep research of the videos here so I can find the ones which generate the most Support from the Watcher."

Aleid and Clara nodded upon his claim, so they gave Angga a room inside the Resource Guild that was comfy enough for his research. The room had a wooden table, wooden chair, mineral water, and lovely windows to glance at the inspiration outside. When Angga sat there, he felt that the table was kind of empty compared to his workstation.

"Do you need something else?" asked Clara.

"I kinda need more screens to use. Hmm, Aleid, do you have any schedule to do a recording or live stream today?"

The sheep guy shook his head. "I have no such a schedule. Just with the documents, just usual."

"Do you mind if I borrow your Recording Orb so I can watch videos on more screens?"

He readjusts his glasses' position. "An odd request, but I can comply. You can use my orb."

"Thanks, Aleid! With this, I can use you, Clara's, and mine to review the videos out there faster."

In short, Angga borrowed Aleid and Clara's orb to have more screens so he could compare one video with another. Thanks to his camera's ability, he can check any video statistic that he thought was interesting–his hunch is not that far from the mark. Most of the videos Angga chose have high views and a lot of Support.

"When I think about it, to be able to access every detail, such as the amount of Support a video gets, aside from its view, is surely useful. They don't have data similar to likes or dislikes numbers, so let's stick to the views and Support amounts. If I have this power on my original world, I can peek into those viral videos' deep statistics and find a copyable pattern…"

Clara approached Angga since she heard him mumbling. "Hmm? Something that you need to say to me?"

But when she was around him, Angga was still focused on the video samples with his utmost attention, subconsciously ignoring the tall lion girl. He was looking for a surefire plan, so he had to analyze the videos out there thoroughly.

Everything went on until one of the Recording Orb suddenly vanished.

"Hah?! What happened?!"

Angga rechecked his surroundings and found nothing except that Clara's Recording Orb had vanished. His tummy made weird noises when he circled around to find the lost orb.

"Ah, I need something to eat. Now that I think about it, I've lost track of time."

He realized there was some cold bread and a glass of water prepared for him on the other table in this room. Angga glanced around him and found him alone in this place. While he ate the bread prepared, he wondered where Clara or Aleid could have been.

To relax his legs and back after hours of sitting in his place, Angga went out to see the situation and met Aleid, busy reviewing the documents on the long table near the building's main door.

"Ah, you're finished with your research?" asked the sheep guy.

"Not really, but I made some progress, I think. Anyway, do you know that orb can suddenly vanish?"

"Yeah, if the owner of the orb summoned it to appear by their side. I guess it's Clara's orb that has disappeared?"

"Yeah! How could you know–ah."

"That's right. She called hers since she headed somewhere outside. She said she will do some live stream now that she has to accumulate Support for the contest."

Angga can't comprehend Aleid's information. "Where? I thought we were going to do this together. Ah, well, I'm going to get her."

"Wait, Angga. I think you should let her do as she wants tonight. She told me she's concerned about dragging you and watching you into this to the point that she feels bad. So, let her do her thing. Furthermore, I don't know where she's headed."

Angga didn't know that Clara thought about him like that, even though Angga was totally alright with all of this. But, since no one knew where she was right now and he didn't want to do the fool's errand, he scratched his head and lay down on one of the long chairs there for a little break.

"Alright then. I think I'll stop here and continue the research tomorrow. It's pretty late, and I still have work tomorrow," said Angga while massaging his eye-socked bones.

"Nice work there, Angga. See you again."

A few moments back, when Clara was still at the Resources Guild.

Even though Clara was standing beside him to put some food and water, Angga didn't notice at all. Basically, he was in a trance, which made him entirely unaware of his situation. That made the lion girl wonder whether this contest involving Angga was a good idea or not.

She sat on the chair across from Angga for a few meters, watching him still glued to the screens that showed the videos non-stop while checking its engagement statistics. Her little mind said that it was her problem with her father in the end, while Angga is indeed an outsider, just like Tafnekha said. Was it wise to drag him so she could win and make a viral video on her stead?

She thought she was getting selfish and putting a sudden burden on Angga, who was not a member of the Resources Guild. Angga totally has no business of helping Clara.

Therefore, she must do something by herself. If it was possible, she'd win this contest and achieve a viral video with only small help from Angga. He didn't have to do everything he did now for her. So, while waiting for Angga to finish, she went outside to make a video of her vision.

She recalled what she did with Angga to make an interesting one. Last time she checked, the latest news from Town Hall said that her videos before the contest's announcement had accumulated around 450 gold, which she obtained around 300 gold after the contribution deduction. Since she experienced becoming a live stream host, she planned to do the same when she arrived at the town's night market.

Put a smile with bright confidence. Activate the live stream feature in his Recording Orb, and she'd be good to go.

"Hey there, everyone! How are you today? Tonight, we'll walk around the night market there! Did you know that the night market is also one of the hotspots for the townspeople to gather? Let's goo!"

Since Angga taught her how to become a host, Clara spoke in front of the orb leisurely since it came naturally to her. Her experience helped her perform better before the orb, and her view count slowly rose. She noticed that and started to conduct small interviews with the people around her.

"I'm looking for half-priced groceries here. Since they usually stocked at dusk, they have to sell it quickly, or the stuff will be bad," said the Sharp Teeth woman.

"You see, my children adore those lights at the night market. We're here just for a quick stroll and then going home," chimed the Satwa mother who brought her three children. 

"To open my night eatery. It's open until dawn. Please bring your friends and family, I assure you it's a comfy place to enjoy your night," replied the Cuce guy while promoting his place.

Seems like everyone has a good time.

Not only that, Clara also tried a few of the night market's snacks along the way as long as she had a budget. They sell meats and sweet drinks mostly made from honey, fish snacks, or other food or beverages that require a short preparation time. Sometimes, the Watchers were also curious about the cuisine of this world, so it was an excellent way to keep them entertained.

So the lion girl keeps going and doing her best to hike those view counts and the Support amount until the rest of the night.

At another place, a few hours back before Angga arrived at the town of Canau,

The muscular lion man watched his steps and surroundings, ensuring that every movement wouldn't move the leaves or vegetation around since his prey was in this dense forest a couple of meters before him. With his sharp eyes and calculated movement, Alc assessed his situation since he still must prepare.

"I can see its presence. Maya, bestow us your spells to counter our prey," asked Alc.


The poisonous kirin was still enjoying its food, some type of grasses and flowers deep inside the forest to maintain its toxic attribute. Its physical attributes were dominated by green and dark purple furs and two branch-like horns on its head. Its size was around three times bigger than the biggest race in the Union Kingdom. There was a faint miasma surrounding it, which can kill anyone without preparation in one minute after their skin came into contact with it.

When his first wife was casting an anti-poison spell, Alc's second wife, Aslana, landed gracefully beside him without causing any notable noises.

"There's no other monsters which can disrupt our hunt, only low-level ones that are unworthy to mention," his second wife reported.

"Thank you, Aslana. We'll be good to go once we apply this spell to all of us."

As Maya cast the spells needed for Aslana, Alc warmed up to prepare his body, such as jumping in place and shadowboxing. All his muscles were working as they should, which made him confident about the outcome of this hunt. If Alc were placed in the world Angga was originally from, he could easily wreck one city even though its security authorities confronted him.

"Dear our husband. We are ready," notified Maya.

"Alright. I'm also ready. Since our prey is still feasting its last meal, we will honor it by delivering an instant blow."

The two wives nodded. Alc stretched his muscles and stared at the poisonous kirin a couple of meters ahead with his hunting eyes. He and his wives activated their hunting skills to improve their physical attributes.


Aslana dashed straight ahead while Alc disappeared without a trace at the same time. When the kirin noticed the grasses moved unnaturally from a specific direction, it roared with hostility. The lion woman prepared a strike with all of her strength, which could blow a low-level medium sized monster in an instant. It knew it was attacked, so the kirin responded by dashing toward Aslana with its horn pointed at her.

If the horns hit her, things would go nasty. That's why Maya was ready at the kirin's right side and launched a surprise attack towards its rear joints with her sharp gloves resembling a lion's paw with matted fur, shaking the kirin dash and making it miss its attack towards Aslana.

Since she was near enough to the kirin's body and came in contact with its miasma, Aslana threw a strong punch toward its chest until it made a cracked, suppressed sound.

The kirin roared in pain and quickly shoved Aslana away with its horn, which successfully parried with the said lion woman as she landed safely somewhere while maintaining her distance towards her prey. Its miasma caused no effect, thanks to the anti-poison spell from Maya. It kneeled down to withstand the damage it suffered caused by Aslana's single punch. 

As for Maya, she noticed that the kirin's tails were also going to swap her away, so she prepared to parry it away with her gloves–

–yet Alc suddenly was there to deflect its tails while protecting Maya. The kirin suddenly noticed something else was present, which was dangerous for its survivability. So, it was using its legs to shove away Alc, which was too close to comfort frantically.

Yet, Alc managed to evade its struggles and reached its neck. When the kirin wanted to roar again to release more powerful miasma, its neck was already cut wide open and bleeding out badly. It whimpered and tried to run while crashing into the trees to cling to its weak life until its body slowly lost energy and fell to the ground, and its miasma dissipated.

The hunters approached the corpse while looking at it to assess its condition.

"Our hunt finished not more than one minute, just as planned. Any second longer, and our spells wore off," commented Maya.

"Worry not. Everything is under control. I know you're not a spellcaster, so I expect your spell will disappear in no time, Maya. Should our hunt go in the bad direction, we can retreat quickly without difficulty," Alc added confidently. His claw gloves were still dirty, with the claw part dripping with the kirin's blood, and then he swayed it away to clean it.

"Alright, let's appraise our hunt," stated Aslana while preparing a magic mail.

Maya sent a magic letter to the Town Hall to report their hunt and helped Aslana while Alc watched while keeping on guard. The female lion was somewhat excited since the poisonous kirin's glands were at a high price on the market, so it probably would give them a high score for the contest. And then, a reply from the Town Hall arrived, followed by a blue light that appeared out of nowhere, encircled the kirin's corpse, and slowly teleported it away to the town.

They said taking down a single poisonous kirin would require around five experienced adventurers just because of its size and poison attributes. A standard, coordinated fight will take around three hours to subdue it. On the other hand, Alc and his wives finished their hunt in no more than one minute.

When the teleport process was finished, and the appraisal report from the Town Hall came, which gave Alc a nice amount appraised value–the Town Hall will obtain the said poisonous glands and other materials harvested, all were sent instantly to the town thanks to magic–Alc stretched his neck while reading the said report. The kirin's hunt was worth more than Clara's night market vlog, but of course, he didn't know that.

"Our hunts will start more and more to compete against you, my daughter. Even your mom is a great hunter herself. Therefore, I'm certain that your way of life is to hunt, Clara. Not to waste your time making silly videos," said the lion guy to himself.

At the same time, in another place. Clara suddenly sneezed while she was hanging around at the Resources Guild.

"Hmm, are you feeling unwell, Clara?" asked Aleid while he peeked from the pile of documents.

"Nope. But, I got this weird bad feeling out of nowhere."