
the world between realities

Atel woke up and met a being that sent him to a new world. Follow Atel as he wanders the world and discovers that the world isn't what he thought it was,Nothing is what it seems to be. There is No Harem( the mc is overpowered, compared to others because he has way more abilities and potential, but He doesn't know exactly how to use them well, so that's why I have bother the overpowered and weak to strong tag) also I will try to upload 1 chapter every week at least.

Gavyn_Mack · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Awakening

As The man woke up, he felt an immense amount of information overwhelming him at once, it took him a few minutes to analyze the information and understand it. As The man got up he felt something to the side of him, when he looked to see what it was, it was a bag with a note on it.

he looked at the note which had some weird writings on it,which he understood as the language of this world. It read "this bag can hold anything as it has infinite space. To get the items out, all you need to do is think of the item you want when holding the bag, when you do this, it should appear. Good luck"

As the man whose name is Ateleiotos or in short Atel finished reading the note, he decided to look around.He was in a Clearing that was surrounded by a forest, but before he decided where to go, he thought it would be best to see what was in his bag.

When Atel picked up the bag, he immediately knew what was inside. It had his armor and weapon with some rations. He decided to take out the weapon first to protect himself just in case. When he thought of taking the weapon, a sword appeared, it looked like it was made out of something that looked similar to iron but it looked more white, it also had some engravings that he couldn't understand.

When he was done looking at his weapon, he decided to look at his armor. as he summoned his armor out of the bag, he noticed that unlike his weapon that looked a bit white, his armor was darker than normal iron. His helmet looked more like a mask and was covered by a cloak, he also had armor protecting his torso, shoulders,hands,knees and some armor protecting his arms, he also had boots that were also made out of the same material.

After he was done looking at his equipment, he decided to get moving, but he didn't know where to go, so he decided to just head a random direction. While walking, he decided to try to get used to used to his weapon. Atel knew how to use it because of the knowledge he gained when he woke up,but he still never used it before, so he wanted to at least get a feel for it.

After swinging his weapon a few times and stopping to do some moves with it, Atel finally felt like he could use his weapon more efficiently, he even decided to put on his armor, but without the helmet. As Atel continued to walk he finally decided to pay attention to his surroundings. When Atel looked around, he noticed that there was no noise being made, as if the forest was dead. This made him feel a bit uncomfortable, so he decided to be cautious.

As Atel continued to walk, he could finally hear noises from ahead. Following the sound finally led him to a Clearing, in the clearing he saw two people fighting each other, one to the left and one to the right, as he looked on, Atel saw the man on the left switch to a spear which he used to push the person to the right away, as the person fell on the ground there helmet fell off.

When the helmet fell off he could finally see the person's gender, the person was female, and looked to be around 30 years of age.As Atel looked on he could see the man charge the woman who just got up,seeing this the woman jumped in the air, dodging the charge by a huge distance,seeing the distance she got from dodging, the woman took advantage to push her hand out towards the man.

Around the woman's hand appeared a circle, this circle was translucent with engravings on it, and it seemed to get bigger,as Atel looked back towards the man, he could see that the man looked tense as if he was getting ready to face something dangerous.When Atel looked back at the woman,the circle was already covering the whole entire clearing, when he looked closer he could see the woman smirk, than close her fist.

before Atel could even think, a huge fire came out of the circle. As Atel saw this, he decided to get away before the fire could land.As atel was getting away from the the huge flame coming down towards the man, he decided to put on his helmet for safety,when Atel looked back he saw the huge flame getting blocked by the man, but when the fire was getting blocked, it was pushed towards the areas where it was able to go, meaning the surrounding forest would get burned, realizing he wouldn't get away, Atel stopped.

He would have to face the problem head on!