
The world after the end

On a rainy day a blue hair boy name Zack was sitting down in class then a voice rang in his head. Its the day of revelation and the gods decided to give all you human a chance of survival just answer these few questions and everything will be okay. Save your mother and father or the rest of the world. Save the world Zack said then all of a sudden another blue screen appeared in front of him save the world are your self save the world Zack said before another blue screen appeared in front of him with hundreds buttons before it started spinning before standing and shine the glowing light on one of them Title Angel.

7r7r_8r7rut · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Episode 3

Zack was walking for several minutes and haven't seen any monster so he began wandering if he was in a dream.

Suddenly Zack saw a woman standing in the middle of the road and she was wearing a track suit then suddenly the woman body boosted of with speed toward Zack.

All Zack could do was raise his fist and punch infront of him and the woman that swiftly appeared infront of Zack swiftly push her body backwards avoiding Zack punched.

Zack went in a battle position and wait for the woman to rush toward him and when she finally did Zack grabbed her thoart and kick off her foot causing her to drop on her back.

Then Zack power up his fist and ended the zombie life.

[You have absorbed the soul power of Level 1 Swift Zombie Agility +1]

[Player Agility is max and cannot grow further until player reach level 2]

Suddenly Zack heard the roar of the engine and when he look closer he saw a jeep wagon in the distance and he started flagging it down.

The jeep wagon pulled up at Zack feet and he saw that it was a red hair and purple eye man in the driver seat seeing that Zack pulled open the car door and passenger seat that is beside the driver seat.

Zack look at the man that face could have been a model and ask what race did he got.

I got Chimera and my name is Alex the man said as he raise one of his hand in the air and it instantly got caught on fire I got the angel race and my name is Zack and i hope we can be friends in the future Zack replied.

Zack and the man look at the city in disbelief as they saw that part of the city is on fire.