
The World's Game: The Legendary Dual Class Adventurer

The normal world was no longer the same after the incident known as the New Big Bang. The real world has become an MMORPG game. The people were the characters. The world was their adventure. Follow Liu Yang's adventures around the world and his search for the event that resulted in the New Big Bang.

_chomps · แฟนตาซี
183 Chs


The next day…

"Are you ready to go back?" Lin Hai stretched his little fat body before asking excitedly. He was already homesick.

Sleeping in trees and eating the same fish for the last few years was very tiring and boring for him.

"Yea. Now we just need to level up to level 5 and increase the chances of passing the test" Sun Bai commented confidently. She already had the items needed to pass the test, even though she wasn't the one who took it.

"Liu Yang, are you still sleepy?" Zi Long asked the sleepy young man.

"A little" Liu Yang only slept a few hours before being woken up by the trio. He stayed up until dawn trying to level the Elite Devouring Mushroom, but he only managed to level up to level 3.

Unlike leveling a person, the creatures were easier. But the evolution of stars needed some special things to happen.

The group walked slowly back to the village.

On the bracelet was a return map, in case they didn't know how to get home.

But it didn't take long for something to happen.

"Surround them!!" An arrogant voice echoed and several youths came out of the bushes surrounding Liu Yang's group.

"Liu Yang, looks like the idiots found you" Lin Hai jokes. He understood that the other side was the group that was looking for the seeds.

"Who are you?!!!" Zi Long yelled, sword in hand.

It wasn't just him, the other three also drew their weapons and were ready to attack.

"We're just here to get something from those two." Two young men walked forward and pointed at Liu Yang and Lin Hai.

"What did you two do?" Sun Bai realized that the two of them must have done something at the Trade Camp.

"We just buy something they want. They arrived late and other people bought it" Liu Yang joked.

"Sun Bai, Liu Yang is lying. We didn't buy it. It was he who bought it. He bought it himself with the resources he acquired in the forest." Lin Hai didn't want to look like he did anything wrong. So he put all the blame on Liu Yang.

"..." Liu Yang just looked at him with ridiculous looks.

"Liu Yang, why are you looking at me like that? That's the truth. I didn't buy anything and I just watched you buy those things"

"Liu Yang, what did you buy? These things must be quite valuable for a group of this size to surround us." Zi Long looked around and saw about ten people.

That was the equivalent of two groups and two villages.

"So you're the one who bought those seeds. I order you to hand over all the seeds and items you have to make up for the expense we went to look for you." One of them commented with an arrogant tone.

"That's right. Because you've wasted our time, you'll all have to deliver your stuff to us" The other young man on the side commented shortly afterward.

Almost a full day of searching for people was exhausting and cost them a lot of resources.

"Liu Yang, what are you going to do now? We only have four people, but there are ten" Zi Long asked.

The group was in a much worse situation than before.

Neither he nor Sun Bai wanted to lose the items because there would be no time to get more and pass the test.

"Well… I guess we can only defeat them and steal each one's items" Liu Yang commented in a casual tone.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Are you serious?? Who do you think you are?? You are only level 3 or level 4 at most. We are twelve people, do you really think you can handle all of us?"

"The four of us might not be able to handle all of you. But with him, it can be of great help. Mushroom, now!!!!!! Use the HEADBUTT!!!" Liu Yang shouted.


An unexpected scene happened.

A giant mushroom suddenly appeared and jumped towards the duo, who appeared to be the leaders of the group.



bang!!!!!!!!!!! bang!!!!!!!!!!

crack!!!! crack!!!!

The Elite Devouring Mushroom headbutted the two youths at once with all its might.

The two are sent flying and crash into a nearby tree, at the same time, sounds of bones being broken can be heard.


The scene scared everyone. Nobody believed that something like this could have happened.

"Mushroom, hit them all!!!" Liu Yang ordered again.

stomp!!! stomp!!!!

The giant mushroom jumped with all its might and attacked the other youths in the group with its two powerful arms. Fortunately, the attacks weren't for the kill.

Just hurting them was enough.

"RUN!!!!!" Without the leaders' orders, the group was just a bunch of random people walking around.

None of them wanted to be robbed, so they ran away as fast as possible to keep their items.

Only a few were defeated by the Elite Devouring Mushroom, they bitterly regretted joining the group and trying to steal Liu Yang.

Liu Yang took advantage and stole the items from the two fallen youths because they had the rarest and most valuable things.

"You three can have one of those things." He threw a few items from the list to the defeated youths and took the rest away.

"Thank you" They just said thanks and left without caring about the two of them.

"Let's go back to the village" Liu Yang pretended that nothing happened and walked, being followed by Lin Hai and the Elite Devouring Mushroom.

Zi Long and Sun Bai didn't know how to react to this scene and could only follow them towards the village.

During the walk, nothing was asked or said because it wasn't necessary.

The two understood what the mushroom that followed Liu Yang was, the proof that strengthened their thinking was when he kept the mushroom in some kind of stick, and in the middle, it was shaped like a seed.

Sun Bai finally understood what the seed she had given him was.