
The Wondering Dragon | A Game of Thrones fic

Aegon VI Targaryen never died in the Red Keep, he’s given safely to Arthur Dayne by and was told to take him to Essos to be safe and that Elia and Rhaenys would not be far behind. Though now it turns out that they both died in kings landing. Or at least so they thought, Aegon discovers rumours his sister may be alive. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any of its respective works, any OCs in this are not worth owning.

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

True Tongue

The sun began its rise on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the vast plains as the small group continued their journey northward. Aegon's melodic voice carried through the air, his song soothing and comforting, wrapping Daenerys in a sense of peace. She leaned back into his chest, finding solace in the closeness and the soft vibrations of his singing.

Arthur rode stoically beside them, his eyes scanning the horizon, ever vigilant for any potential dangers that may lurk in the wilderness. Viserys, still unconscious and bound, was secured on the back of Arthur's horse, a stark reminder of the tumultuous past they were leaving behind.

The gentle rhythm of the horse's hooves against the earth harmonized with Aegon's singing, creating a calming melody that contrasted the turbulent events they had recently faced in the Dothraki camp. The wind carried away the dust and the scent of the wild, surrounding them with the essence of freedom as they rode onwards.

Daenerys occasionally glanced back at her brother, who appeared small and vulnerable in his unconscious state. Despite his prideful and demanding nature, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for him. She knew that Viserys had always been driven by the desire to reclaim the Iron Throne, yet now, his dreams seemed more like a distant mirage than a tangible reality.

*The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,

And her kisses were warmer than spring.

But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,

And its kiss was a terrible thing.

The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,

In a voice that was sweet as a peach,

But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,

And a bite sharp and cold as a leech.

As he lay on the ground with the darkness around him,

And the taste of his blood on his tongue,

His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,

And he smiled and he laughed and he sang,

"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,

The Dornishman's taken my life,

But what does it matter, for all men must die,

And I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"*

Daenerys found herself clapping as she very much enjoyed his song. Aegon had very much inherited his father's talent for music though not that Arthur would ever admit it but he believed Aegon to be better.

Aegon sighs wistfully "I miss Dorne, the women there were wild and fiery. I'm almost tempted to turn this horse around and take a boat straight to Sunspear"

Arthur shakes his head "I refuse to allow you to give up on your quest just to spend your days in a Dornish whore house, you'd probably run into your uncle"

Aegon chuckles "Then I suppose we have to make do with what we have... and I only see one Dornish person here"

Arthur rolls his eyes at Aegon's jibes "Don't forget you're half Dornish yourself"

"Very true my friend, unfortunately, I find myself a rather poor partner in the carnal arts, though not for lack of trying mind you" he replies getting a snort from Arthur.

Daenerys smiles at the two friends bantering with each other, it was nice travelling with them. She didn't think Aegon would be able to keep his promise but he did, at first she felt horrified at what he had done, the streets ran red with blood people burnt in their homes it was an awful sight.

But then she realised... he did it for her, he butchered a city because she wished to be free. Daenerys looked up at Aegon from his chest her eyes filled with utter devotion.

'Blood runs thicker than mud, and yet Targaryen blood runs deeper still' she thinks to herself as she stares at his beautiful face.

It was after realising this that she knew she would do anything for Aegon—her saviour. If he wished to take her Maidenhead she'd let him mount her right in the grass, if he wished to be king she would marry any man he chose for an alliance, and if he wanted a city to submit to him then she'd make them... or burn it to the ground.

Aegon was unaware of Daenerys dark thoughts as she snuggled into his chest happily like a cat. They are all distracted when they hear the girlish scream of Viserys as he had woken up and started thrashing around.

Aegon smirked at him as he looked at the back of Arthur's horse and directed his own to go behind him "Calm yourself, uncle, I know it's quite terrifying but it's just Arthur, his face is always that miserable"

Viserys looked at his nephew scowling "WHERE ARE WE!!! WHERE IS MY ARMY!!!"

Not phased in the slightest Aegon replies "Ah a terrible story uncle, you see the Khal decided that my sweet aunt here was a bit too short and thin for him, so he decided that he wanted the other sibling..." Aegon says with a wink making Viserys go pale.

"Luckily for you uncle, I managed to convince him not to mount you from behind and we all went our separate ways" Aegon continued.

Viserys still has a scowl on his face "And where is my sworn sword!?!" He shouts.

Honestly, Aegon had forgotten about Jorah, he had planned on killing him and he's pretty sure he died in the fire but he didn't care either way "Ah yes Jorah found himself rather taken with one of the Dothraki girls a bit younger than Daenerys, he found her so beautiful that he swore his sword to her"

Viserys eyes burned with anger "Those traitors, that savage khal and fucking northmen, I'll kill them all when I get my throne"

Viserys then looks around seeing they're in the middle of nowhere "Where are we? Why are we not heading back to Pentos, Illyrio needs to be punished for nearly losing me my sisters Maidenhead"

"We are heading to Vaes Leisi, dear uncle or in common tongue the City of Ghosts" Aegon explained.

Viserys scrunched his brow "Well turn us around and take us to Pentos! AND GET ME OFF THE BACK OF THIS DAMN HORSE!!!"

Aegon smiled "Unless you wish Arthur to cuddle you from behind as I'm doing to Daenerys then mayhaps you should stay on the back of the horse"

"And I'm afraid we can't turn back, this is one of the first steps we need to take if we wish to see the Targaryens back on the throne" he explains catching Viserys attention.

"Don't worry uncle it is not a king's job to worry about how things get done is if not? Just relax and enjoy the journey" Aegon states finally pacifying Viserys.


In his chambers alone King Robert Baratheon was sitting with his breeches down and his cock in his hand that he was pumping up and down. In his hand he had the padded section of the armour Lyarra wore during the melee, she left in a rush so it was all sprawled across the floor.

The king inhaled her sweet scent of sweat as his cock throbbed "Gods! Lyarra, you're going to be mine Gods!" He shouts as he sprays his seed on himself taking a deep inhale of the armour.

Robert had done everything to try and find Lyarra, even going so far as to interrogate Ned, but his friend said she wasn't supposed to be here in the first place so it's anyone's guess where she went after.

In some ways he resented Ned for keeping Lyarra hidden away from him, he would've legitimised her instantly and married her to his son. His son wouldn't do anything with that useless cock of his so he'd had to pump a few babies into her and continue the bloodline.

His cock wouldn't go down, not even after fucking several whores, every time his thoughts went back to Lyarra it would stand up again as if he hadn't released himself at all.

He heard a knock at the door, he pulled his breeches up tucking his cock away "Enter!" He said and a man entered his chambers, it was the person that Robert was waiting for, his Master of Whisperers, Varys.

Robert looks at him expectantly "I hope you have good news for me spider!" Robert booms out in his usual loud voice.

Varys sporting his usual slimy smile nods "Of a sort your grace, The girl was seen boarding a ship, and after interrogating the dock master I discovered it was heading for Pentos"

Robert cursed silently, he had no authority in Essos, at least if he was in Westeros he could command his lords to send her to him, it seems he had to take a different approach. He'd have to send someone to her, but she was a wild fighter, so he'd need someone just as good.

He dismissed the Kingslayer as he wouldn't hear the end of it from Cersei. It would have to be Barristan. Yes, he would send him to go and fetch his new mistress for him.

Robert chuckled to himself as he felt himself go erect at the things he'd do to Lyarra.


Lyarra's eyes sparkled with wonder as she wandered through the bustling streets of Pentos. The city's vibrant atmosphere and diverse culture intrigued her at every turn. She smiled at the various merchants and locals going about their daily routines, absorbing the sights and sounds of this foreign land.

She stopped at a colourful food stall, the tantalizing aroma of exotic spices drawing her in. With a curious grin, she ordered a few dishes, eager to taste the unique flavours of Pentoshi cuisine. As she savoured the unfamiliar dishes, she couldn't help but marvel at how different they were from the meals back in Winterfell.

Continuing her exploration, Lyarra came across a weaponsmith's shop. Her eyes lit up as she gazed at the array of swords and daggers on display. With a glimmer of determination, she picked up a finely crafted Bravoosi sword, feeling its balance in her hand. It felt right, and she knew this blade would be a worthy companion on her journey.

Lyarra paid for the sword, her heart swelling with a mix of excitement and homesickness. The city was vast and filled with mysteries, yet she couldn't help but think of her family and the familiar faces she left behind. But she knew that she didn't have a choice. And right now she was resolved to find her other family. Excitement mixed with nervousness as she began her search for Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen, her long-lost family members.

With no clear direction, Lyarra approached shop vendors, hoping they might have some information. She asked about the Targaryens, describing their features as best she could, but most just shook their heads or ignored her inquiries. As the sun started to dip on the horizon, she took a seat on a nearby crate, feeling disheartened by the lack of leads.

Suddenly, a man in ragged clothing approached her, his face weathered and missing several teeth. He seemed to have noticed her earlier attempts to find the Targaryens. With a crooked smile, he whispered, "You've been asking about the Targaryens, haven't you? I can tell you where to find them, for a price."

Lyarra hesitated for a moment, wary of this stranger's intentions, but her desire to find her family outweighed her suspicions. She agreed to pay him five gold coins for the information he possessed. The man leaned closer, sharing the name she sought – the manse of Illyrio Mopatis.

With a mixture of relief and anticipation, Lyarra thanked the man and watched him disappear into the crowded streets. As the sunset bathed Pentos in a warm glow, she set out on her journey to find the manse of Illyrio Mopatis and, hopefully, reunite with her aunt and uncle, Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen.

Lyarra Snow, finally arrived at Illyrio's grand manse, her heart pounding with anticipation. The massive wooden doors creaked open, and she was ushered inside by well-dressed servants. However, she was made to wait for what felt like an eternity before the arrival of a large, red-faced man with a wide grin that revealed his yellow teeth.

"Ah, how may this humble cheese monger help you today?" Illyrio inquired with feigned humility.

Lyarra stood up gracefully, offering a polite bow, "Greetings. I heard that Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen were staying here. Is that true?"

Illyrio's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained composure, "Indeed, they were guests in my humble abode. However, they have already departed. May I ask why you seek them?"

Lyarra hesitated for a moment, unsure how much she could reveal to this man. She chose her words carefully, "I have long been searching for them. I wish to ensure their safety."

Illyrio chuckled, "The Targaryens have many enemies. How can I be certain you mean them no harm?"

Taking a deep breath, Lyarra decided to take a risk, "Because I am Visenya Targaryen, daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen."

Illyrio's eyes widened in surprise, and he leaned back in his chair, studying her carefully. The silence that followed was tense, and Lyarra feared she may have made a grave mistake.

Finally, a knowing smile spread across Illyrio's face, "A Targaryen, indeed. Your blood is strong, and I believe your claim. Very well, I shall share what I know."

He informed her of the unfortunate events that had transpired, revealing that Viserys had sold Daenerys to Khal Drogo, the Dothraki horse lord, in a desperate bid to gain an army and reclaim the Iron Throne.

Lyarra's heart sank, her worry growing for her sister. "Where have they gone? Where is Khal Drogo taking them?"

Illyrio leaned in, a glimmer of concern in his eyes, "They are likely headed to Vaes Dothrak, the Dothraki capital. It is a dangerous place for a woman, especially one like Daenerys. But be cautious, for the Dothraki are not known for their hospitality."

Thanking Illyrio for the information, Lyarra hurriedly left the manse, her mind racing with plans to find Daenerys and Viserys. She knew the journey ahead would be treacherous, but she was determined to reunite her family, no matter the cost.

Lyarra quickly rushed out of the manse, the urgency clear in her every step as she made her way to nearby stores before they closed. In an hour, she managed to secure a sturdy knapsack and travel gear, ensuring she had everything she needed for her journey. The supplies were vital for the long road ahead, and she spared no time in obtaining them.

As the sun began to set, Lyarra saddled up her horse and rode out of Pentos, her determination and concern evident on her face. The map she had acquired was clutched tightly in her hand, guiding her way toward Vaes Dothrak, where she believed Daenerys and Viserys were headed.


Aegon and company had finally crossed the plains of the Dothraki Sea after a few weeks and entered a thickly forested region known as the Kingdom of the Ifequevron.

As they journeyed through the Kingdom of the Ifequevron, the dense forest surrounded them like an enigmatic cloak. Arthur couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but he decided to keep his unease to himself. He glanced at Aegon, hoping for some reassurance, but his friend's expression remained inscrutable.

Arthur finally couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked Aegon, "Do you sense it too? Something's not right about this place."

Aegon's eyes flickered, and for a moment, Arthur thought he saw a glimmer of knowing in his friend's gaze. But just as quickly, Aegon's face became a mask of indifference. "It's nothing to concern yourself with, Arthur," he replied cryptically. "Sometimes the woods play tricks on one's mind. We need to stay focused on our task."

Arthur felt a pang of frustration at Aegon's evasive response, but he calmed himself. If Aegon knew something unsettling about this place, he must have had his reasons for keeping it to himself. So, they continued their journey, the air thick with unspoken tension.

Daenerys, nestled into Aegon on the horse, could sense the undercurrent of secrecy between the two men. She leaned forward, whispering softly to Aegon, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

Aegon's lips curved into a half-smile, and he glanced back at her with a twinkle in his eye. "Sometimes, Daenerys, it's best to let certain mysteries remain unsolved," he replied enigmatically.

Her curiosity piqued, Daenerys leaned back, her mind filled with questions. She knew Aegon well enough to understand that he kept his reasons close to his chest, but the tantalizing allure of the unknown still intrigued her.

As they pressed forward, the forest seemed to grow darker, and the eerie silence enveloped them like a heavy fog. The trees with their carved faces appeared to watch their every move, amplifying the feeling of being scrutinized. Yet, despite the unsettling atmosphere, Aegon remained calm and composed, as if he had faced such enigmas before.

"N-Nephew I-I b-believe we should leave this place," his uncle said as he trembled with fear, the eery atmosphere and the feeling of being watched played with his already damaged mind.

Aegon faces them "Arthur.." he simply states and Arthur elbows him in the face knocking him out, he quickly reaches behind him to make sure he doesn't fall off the horse.

Aegon chuckles at the sigh of it, though he looks down and sees that his aunt is looking at him with a raised eyebrow "Was that necessary?" She asked in a stern voice.

Aegon smiled at her "This place has a way of playing with your mind, if Viserys is to heal he mustn't stretch his mind to breaking point" he explains getting a nod from Daenerys as she leans back into him.

For several days they travelled through the forest, Viserys had to be knocked out a few more times as the stress of being inside the forest almost pushed him to breaking point. They finally reached the outside of what looked like an entrance to a grove, trees were tightly packed together as if it formed a natural palisade.

Aegon stopped his horse and got off "Arthur you and the rest make camp here, I'll be going onwards alone" he commanded getting a grunt of acknowledgement from Arthur who starts to unpack all the horses and set up camp while Daenerys stood there worried as Aegon walked through the entrance to what he knew as Vaes Leisi.

"Will he be okay?" Daenerys asked Arthur who gave a small laugh.

"I think you're asking for the wrong person" he started as he started to light a fire.


Aegon walked through the city of ghosts, and it lived up to its namesake. He could see the trees sway in the wind and yet they made no sound, the only sound he could hear was his footsteps and his own heart beating in his chest.

The place was filled with strange grottos and large trees that had stairs carved into them and bridges connecting them from above, it was quite remarkable, Aegon felt the weight of what he had to do here but like his father, he would do what was necessary.

"For the night is dark and full of terrors," Aegon said to himself

"But only in the dark can flames burn their brightest," a feminine voice said from behind him causing Aegon to smile.

He turned around and saw a beautiful woman dressed in a long dress of blood-red fabric underneath a silk gown the colour of bright fire. Her skin was almost as pale as snow in contrast to her long hair the colour of copper. Her red eyes looked at Aegon with what some might consider an unsettling devotion which could borderline on obsession. Her lips were red and full and her body was slender while also having large assets.

Aegon smiles at the woman as she approaches him "I'm glad you could come Melisandre, I did not think you'd be able to"

Melisandre walks closely to Aegon before going on one knee "I'll always come if you call my prince"

Aegon goes to one knee as well putting his arms around her and pulling her close, her large breasts squish into his chest almost pushing them out of her dress "Didn't I tell you to call me Aegon, I am no more a prince than you are"

"You are a Prince, you have been from when you are born and will be till you die, for a Prince is what we need when Kings are crowned as the tide goes out and buried when it comes in" Meslisandre says to him in her deep sultry voice.

"You've looked in the flames again?" Aegon asked her which caused her to nod her head.

"Ignore it... Westeros isn't a concern for now" Aegon commanded her which she obeyed.

He grabbed her face lifting it by the chin before kissing her, his tongue entered her mouth playing her own. Her mouth was incredibly hot something that was common with Melisandre.

She moaned a bit grabbing onto his tunic as he deepened the kiss, she could feel the power inside Aegon stirring, his life flame was like all the stars in the night sky combining into one roaring inferno. She thanked R'hllor every night that her Prince had come for her and needed her.

Disconnecting from the kiss he stood up helping the woman to her feet. With their hands still entwined he lead her to the largest tree in the centre of the city, it was large and the bark was black almost making it look like a void.

Aegon turns to Melisandre "Draw the circle" he commands to which she obeys pulling out a dagger and stabbing it into the ground drawing numerous runes.

Aegon himself walks to the tree with a frown, he looks at the face carved into the tree, what he's about to do makes him feel sick but he tells himself he has to do it. On some level he was excited to do it, tonight would make him more powerful than before and take him one step closer to the Heart of Winter.

"It is done my Prince" he hears Melisandre say as she walks to him pressing herself into his back her head on his shoulder.

"Good... let's begin" he states before walking forward and carving a flaming heart onto the tree, this was the symbol of R'hllor and carving it on a holy place such as this was akin to desecration as if the faith of the seven went north and cut down all the weirwoods and heart trees.

Carving the symbol into the tree he cuts his hand before smearing his blood on the tree "āeksiō ōños" he states igniting his blood and setting the tree alight.

This tree was special, it starts its life out as a blue tree but as the years go on and it grows its bark grows darker and darker. You can usually tell the age of one of these trees by how dark it is, the fact that this tree is almost like the sky on a moonless night shows how old it is. However, it is also one of the main ingredients used in the shade of the evening, a potion of sorts that warlocks use to give themselves visions of the future.

Aegon had the theory that they'd be able to enhance their visions by burning this tree and was curious to see if he was right, though that was not the main reason he was here.

Aegon stared into the flames as they burned the holy tree, the wood crackling and the fires dancing. After a minute he could finally start to see something in the flames and moved closer. He saw a dense jungle, with trees that reached high, he saw men in golden armour that no longer shined, they were ragged and old living in simple castles made of stone. They rode on centaurs that had been branded and had a rod of iron in their mouths. They rode against other humans with animalistic features cutting them down as they burned a village to the ground.

However they were set upon by a giant, though this giant was far larger than what Aegon had heard of in Westerosi tales, the giant crushed the golden warriors being careful to avoid the centaurs. However the giant was attacked in the air by a griffin, a man was riding the griffin he wore a crown with a large sunstone placed in its centre.

The griffin seemed to be relentlessly attacking the giant until it is struck in its wing by an arrow coming from a beautiful woman, she wore s short dress that went to her knees and had long dark hair and tanned skin with violet eyes.

Aegon falls to the floor, feeling the effects of staring into the flames for so long "It's her, it has to be her" Aegon breathes out heavily as he rubs the blood pouring from his eyes.

Aegon stands again as he needs to find where she is "My Prince you must rest, you can't stare into the flames for so long" Melisandre implores but it falls on deaf ears as Aegon once again looks into the flames.

He concentrates again fighting through the pain and that's when he sees it. Asshai, but that's not where she is as his vision takes him over the sea onto the unknown continent of Ulthos, a place where no adventurer or maester has ever been or has ever returned from.

Aegon stops looking into the flames his head pounding now, he looks at Melisandre who seems to be focusing on something behind them. Aegon looks away from the burning tree and smiles. Small childlike creatures have surrounded them, they have brown skin like tree bark and cat-like eyes, and they have wooden spears and bows. Their faces are similar enough to see that they are beyond angry.

"I see that Vaes Leisi is an exaggeration, or mayhaps I'm looking at ghosts right now," Aegon says with a smirk.

They don't reply to him but he sees their mouths open, a vibration permeates the air as the sounds of what Aegon would describe as nature can be heard. Every time they talk it sounds as if the river is crashing against rocks or a bird is singing or a mountain is crumbling.

"You burn tree" One of them who looks to be the leader states as they step forward. Aegon was surprised they spoke the common tongue, as he was unsure where they would have learnt it.

"I did, I apologise but it had to be done," Aegon said with genuine sorrow on his face.

"Why come? Just to burn tree and see tomorrow?" He asks pointing his spear at us, there are a dozen of the wood walkers in front of them and they all seem to be in despair at the loss of their sacred tree.

"No... I came for you" he said coldly as he gestures to Melissandre who starts to chant the runes she drew into the ground lit up an icy blue colour and all the wood walkers fell to the ground unable to move. All they could do was twitch and flinch as they tried to escape.

Aegon walks to the leader and kneels next to him "I'm sorry this has to happen, I hope these aren't the last of your people, I don't wish to be responsible for killing the last of your kind"

"Why!?" The wood walker stutters out as he tries to move.

"Does it matter? You're all going to die and it won't be pleasant, take some comfort in knowing that you are helping prevent the darkness from spreading across the world" Aegon says as he strokes the leader's hair.

Melisandre meanwhile had grabbed one of the carved wooden tubs that were placed by the tree, it was round and shaped like a cauldron large enough to fit a person if he knelt. The wood walkers all groaned as they struggled to move. Aegon had found this certain spell in the libraries of the Night Fort, he believed that there was more to that castle than met the eye and he was right, it contained some of the runic spells that were intertwined with the wall. Specifically the part that kept out magical creatures, however when used in a circle seemed to have the effect Aegon expected which was to paralyse them.

Now Aegon had to do the part that hurt him the most, he grabbed the leader's face using his superior strength to force his jaw open, he took a pair of metal tongs that he had in his pouch out and grabbed the leader's tongue, no longer needed to hold his mouth he lets go, before grabbing his dagger and slicing his tongue off.

He screams in pain as blood sprays across his face, though all he can do is make noise as he has lost his ability to speak which to some wood walkers is a fate worse than death. Aegon repeats this process ripping and cutting out the tongues of all the wood walkers before placing them in the wooden cauldron.

"I'm sorry, your suffering is almost over," he says to the groaning childlike people.

He grabs the leader before cutting his neck almost straight to the bone allowing his blood to pour into the cauldron, after repeating this process a dozen times the cauldron is almost full of blood. Aegon disrobes throwing his clothes to the floor, the flames of the burning tree illuminate his naked form. Melisandre looks at him with love, lust, devotion and obsession all jumbled into one emotion.

Aegon steps into the cauldron of blood submerging himself into it until he can no longer be seen, Melisandre grabs a stick and holds it in the flames of the burning tree setting it alight, she then holds it to the cauldron while chanting. The cauldron sets a light as the blood begins to bubble get Aegon does not resurface.

The fire burns for an hour before it extinguishes itself the top layer of the blood in the cauldron has blackened and hardened and yet with a crack Aegon emerges his skin and hair red with blood. He takes a deep breath as he looks at the world with new eyes.

"I can hear it... the song speaks to me" he turns to the tree that was on fire.

"Even now it screams... unreal this is the true tongue, the language of the world" Aegon states in awe as he steps out of the cauldron.

Melisandre's eyes are full of lust as she looks at her Prince, her promised one. She slips off her dress allowing it to pool at her feet showing her pale milky breasts with large pinkish nipples that stand erect, her slender hips, large waist and the forest of red pubic hair nestled between her legs.

She breaths heavily as she approaches Aegon "My prince..." she says and she needn't say anymore as Aegon already understand what she wants.

Aegon pushes her against his bloody body pressing his lips to hers as she rubs herself against him, her perfectly pale skin is marred with the blood as their bodies press together, Aegon's lips go down to her neck biting her making her moan out in her sultry voice. Aegon's hands press into her large behind sinking into the pale flesh her hole can be seen twitching as Aegon squeezes and pulls at it roughly.

He goes back to kiss her lips his other hand entwining in her hair as he pulls it getting a deep moan that makes her bite his lip. Aegon allows his hand to go from her hair and trace down her spine towards her arse joining his other hand in his attentions. He lifts her and she entwines her legs around him as her arms go around his neck. He lowers them both to the floor and looks at her body his cock throbbing at the sight of it. She spreads her legs widely accepting her Prince as he leans over her.

He takes his cock in his hand pushing it against the unbearably hot and tight sex of Melisandre, he thought had he not been a Targaryen his cock would've burned at the pleasurable heat that emanated from it. The tip of his cock pushes into her tight sex "Mmmm my Prince, fill me with your light" she groans out as she feels her sex get stretched out by Aegon's cock nearly filling her completely.

Aegon feels nothing but pure pleasure as his cock is engulfed in the wet furnace-like sensation of her cunt. He pushed in as far as he could go his balls resting on her soft cheeks, he grabs Melisandre's legs kissing her soft foot before moving down to her calf, he then holds them to either side of his head as he withdraws his cock, and thrusts back inside making Melisandre moan in pleasure as her sex clenches around his cock.

With every stroke he watches as her large pale breasts marred with blood sway, he feels the soft jiggling of her thighs as his waist bumps against them but most of all he feels Melisandre finish again and again, her fluids sometimes spurting onto Aegon's cock and soaking into her pubic hair making the air permeated with the smell of sex.

Aegon feels himself come close as he can no longer bear the feeling of her cunt contracting around his cock as if it was trying to milk him. He grabs Melisandre's legs as he pushes them down beside her head and pushes his cock in as deep as it will go "AHHHHHH" she screams as he goes deeply inside her while thrusting into her a lot harder, his balls heavy with seed smack against her arse, that and Melisandre's moaning are the only things that can be heard in the night air.

Eventually, the moment comes and Aegon grunts as he releases shot after shot of his seed straight into Melisandre who looks positively euphoric as if Aegon's seed was an aphrodisiac. Aegon was in turn addicted to Melisandre as with no other could he spill his seed for almost a minute straight.

Aegon allows her legs down and she tightens them around his waist not allowing him to remove his cock from her, she lets his head rest on her large chest, her breasts serving as a pillow. They both drift off to sleep this way and will soon wake up to a new world.


Lyarra had spent a month of hard riding before she had managed to get to Vaes Dothrak, she passed under the horse gates as she entered the city however while she expected to find a large city full of horse lords what she found was a burnt city with streets of dark red. Lyarra couldn't contain her shock at the massive piles of bodies that were at the sides of the roads, slaves and Dothraki alike all worked to remove the bodies from the streets and houses.

Lyarra looked for someone to talk to, she didn't bother with the Dothraki as she didn't speak their language, she saw what looked like a merchant as the man was sitting on a cart full of goods with a sombre look on his face. Lyarra rides her horse up to him and he looks up at her but looks down again not caring for her presence.

"Excuse me Ser, can you tell me what has happened here?" She asked him politely, he looks up at her with a tired look.

"A month ago they were attacked, he killed thousands of people dyeing the streets red with blood, even now they cannot get the colour out of the ground. Some say it's a sign of blood magic" The man says in a thick Essos accent.

Lyarra furrows her brow "Who attacked them?"

The man shrugs his shoulders "I was not here at the time, but the survivors call him 'Qoy Zhavorsa'"

The man can see Lyarra is confused at the words so elaborates "In Dothraki, it means 'Blood Dragon', they say he came and stole away the Khals bride before killing the Dosh Khaleen and breathing fire on the city"

Lyarra can't help but doubt the story "Where did he go now?"

The man shrugs "They say he returned north to the land of the spirits and wood walkers Vaes Leisi"

Lyarra thanks the man before riding off, she suspected that it must've been a man who had come and attacked them, perhaps he came with an army and attacked at night making them believe it was ghosts or spirits, but the Khals wife was kidnapped she had a feeling who it was. And that feeling only got stronger as she rode around the ruined city not finding anyone matching her description.

After hours of searching Lyarra steels herself to head north and go to find this man and rescue her aunt and uncle, she hoped they were still alive and unharmed by this warlord.


In a lavish tent a man with a large red beard was currently thrusting into a woman from behind, the woman was moaning and moving her body with all the grace a trained courtesan would have, though obviously it was enough to convince the man he was doing a good job.

"Mero! This can't wait any longer hurry up and shoot your seed" a man shouts from outside of his tent.

"Patience Ben! Can't you hear this woman is experiencing something she has never felt before" he said as he grunted and rutted into her with all the grace of a boar

Ben started laughing "The girl in there doesn't enjoy your skills any more than I would" he says mockingly getting under Mero's skin.

Mero takes himself out of the woman before throwing her off the bed "Get out!" He shouts at her as she picks up her clothes and quickly runs out of the tent.

Ben or Brown Ben as he was known entered the tent his face creasing at the smell. He had white hair and a black peppered beard with brown skin he walked to a table in his tent before pouring himself some wine.

"What is it that you have to distract me from-"

"Making another bastard? This is more important, a job offer from the King of Westeros himself" Ben states mockingly as he holds up a letter.

Mero scrunches his eyes as he gets out of bed walking over to him and grabbing the letter out of his hand. Reading it his eyes widen and he can't help but laugh.

"Really? 100,000 gold dragons to find some girl and rerun her to Kings Landing, this king must be desperate or perhaps her cunt is worth that much. I guess we'll find out" Mero said with a manic look on his face.

"Pack up camp we are heading to Pentos" Mero commands

(AN: Another chapter done, I just want to make it clear none of what I'm writing is OC I'm just taking content from he world book and putting my own spin and storylines based on it. I say this in case some people misinterpret the visions in the flames. Also I've been thinking about adding one more girl to the harem though it'll be a bit controversial I think. We will see.

Anyway I'm putting this here as well Incase this is the only fic of mine you read. I'm pushing up my posting dates to weekly for Lost in Sothoryos and bi weekly for the others, doing this because summer holidays is a busy time a work. I basically write when I'm not at work like it's literally all I do which isn't too bad I do enjoy it but it's hard keeping on top of it all.

Anyway if you like my stuff consider supporting me I'm building up my backlog on my supporter page so if you wanna read stuff earlier head on there.
