
The Wondering Dragon | A Game of Thrones fic

Aegon VI Targaryen never died in the Red Keep, he’s given safely to Arthur Dayne by and was told to take him to Essos to be safe and that Elia and Rhaenys would not be far behind. Though now it turns out that they both died in kings landing. Or at least so they thought, Aegon discovers rumours his sister may be alive. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any of its respective works, any OCs in this are not worth owning.

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

The Battle

Aegon sat down in his camp with a hundred men as he preparations for battle; his men made preparation's, he just sat there and strummed on his lute as he sung various songs trying to encourage the men. But it seemed that despite his amazing singing abilities, the suicide mission they had been placed on did not allow them to feel any joy. In fact, Aegon believed that if it were not for his own presence with them they would have already deserted and tried to find a new master.

But since Aegon was here with them it meant the plan wasn't one that was doomed, as the Captain wouldn't kill himself in such a way 'They are going to feel foolish in a few hours,' Aegon thought to himself as he started chuckling which made the men more nervous. Just because he wasn't killing himself in this plan that didn't mean there wasn't a future plan that called for it —even he isn't sure if he'd do it.

"Captain we are doing the preparations as you requested but should we not be setting up any barricades, an enemy charge could break us," one of his Officers asked.

Aegon kept strumming on his lute before sighing "No barricades just keep digging, Qohor will already know we are here which means we will have to deal with an advanced party of unsullied before they send out their main unit, are the horses safe?" He asked.

"Yes Captain, they've been tied up deep in the forest and are being watched over," he replied.

Aegon nodded "Good." 

It was almost time for his plan to get underway, the main force being commanded by the others was still a safe distance away; they had to be, if they were caught then this whole plan would fail. If he were honest there were so many ways in which this plan could fail, but Aegon had faith 'It is not my fate to die in these woods,' he thought to himself. Aegon then stood up and placed his lute back on the ground before getting to work.

He looked out into the forest where his men were camped. They were all following his orders and carving faces into the trees of the woods, they had been doing this for the few days that they had been camped here and already thousands of trees now had faces similar to the ones you'd see on the Weirwoods of the north. Some of the men especially those who kept faith with the seven found this to be concerning and blasphemous.

Aegon didn't much care about faith or gods, he knew that they likely existed but he also knew that they wouldn't descent from the skies in order to help him. Numerous holes in the ground had been dug in the forest as well, this would nerve as a trap that would buy them enough time or Arthur and the others to take the city over from the inside. Aegon walked over to one of the already complete holes and kneeled down reaching into his pouch he dropped a crimson seed into the hole; he then cut his hand with his dagger and placed his hand at the side of the hole.


Whispering in the True Tongue Aegon encouraged the grass around the hole to grow, he'd been doing this for every single hole, but he had to admit the loss of blood was starting to affect him negatively even if it was only a small amount "I'm nearly finished," he said to himself before he stood up and went on to the next one.


"Captain, they've sent a messenger," one of the men said as he interrupted Aegon covering the last hole 'This should be enough,' he thought to himself.

"How many men are with him," Aegon asked.

"There are two nobles and ten unsullied in the party," he replied.

Aegon nodded as he stood up "You know what to do, make the preparations," Aegon instructed before walking through the camp to receive the message and then send one of his own, he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face as the excitement of the oncoming battle.

"You two with me," Aegon commanded two second sons who were sitting down by the campfire; they snapped to attention at their commanders words and fell into step with him —needless to say all of the second sons were still terrified of him, so much so that they believed that if they tried to kill him during the night he'd rise as a spectre and kill them all.

Aegon emerged from the tree line hand on the pommel of his sword as he approached the nobles firm Qohor who had come to deliver him a message "To send two nobles for a nobody such as myself, Qohor truly does honour me," Aegon said with a wide grin on his face as he bowed to the men in front of him.

Both nobles grit their teeth as it was clear they were being disrespected by this boy. "You have brought many men to the gates of Qohor yet you do not wish to trade, you will leave with your men and not return," The first Noble said.

Aegon's grin widened "And if I decide that I like my men exactly where they are what will you do?" he asked.

"Don't get cocky boy! We have 3,000 unsullied in our walls, we could destroy your army and be home in time for supper," the second Noble threatened.

Aegon stroked his chin "I have terms of my own, would you care to listen?" He asked.

The second noble was about to lose his temper once again but the first one held up his hand to silence him "Speak," he said bluntly.

"I want the Bloodfire Sceptor, I know you have it, it is mine by birthright," Aegon said his smile disappearing and a dark look appearing on his face.

"Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, I will pay you 100 gold to take your men and leave, we don't have time to waste on you and I would not wish to risk the life of an unsullied on you cretins, they are expensive as you know," the First Noble said laughing deeply.

However Aegon didn't laugh "I shall tell you how everything is going to plan out, first I will beat your army, then I will sack your city and claim what is mine, then who knows what will happen, mayhaps I will sell the rest of your people to Volantis, I know they're eager to get revenge," he stated, all with an emotionless look on his face.

"But you will not be there to witness it, because both of you are going to die in the next ten seconds..." Aegon said shocking the nobles as they attempted to turn their horses but it was too late.


Both horses whined as Aegon's sword passed through both of their necks. They reared up on their back legs before falling down and crushing their riders underneath them; the unsullied sprang into action but Aegon was one step ahead of them as he sliced his hand with his sword and swung it in their direction covering half of them with droplets of his blood.

"Mazilībagon perzys."

His blood was set alight, the unsullied with his blood on their body were all set aflame with an unnatural fire that was able to burn through their leather armour and reach their skin. Aegon turned and faced the others who had managed to avoid his blood and quickly avoided a thrust with one of their spears; he then grabbed she shaft and hacked down on it cutting it in half, the unsullied drew his sword out before trying to engage him in close quarters combat.






Arrows being shot from the forest cut down the rest of the unsullied, a little while after that the men he had arranged before hand came out "A little slow on the arrival there, you weren't hoping I'd die were you?" Aegon asked as he turned around to his current second in command.

"O-Of c-course not Captain I'd never do such a thing," he said, his voice trembling with fear as Aegon gave him a bloodthirsty smile.

"Alright, just making sure," he said as he pat the man on the back.

"Start the siege," he said before approaching the unsullied her were still burning and ending all of their lives with a swift thrust through their eye sockets.

"Drag them into the forest I need their bodies," he commanded the men. As they were dragging the bodies inside, catapults that they had spent the last few days building were rolled out of the tree line; they would have to make every shot count as they didn't have much in the way of ammunition. The levers were pulled and the catapults started launching stones at the city; the first barrage smashed into the top of the wall —with some not even making it into the city.

"Adjust!" The Second in command shouted to the catapult crews who adjusted the angle and then once again started launching stones into the city. Those inside the city were panicking as a majority of them did not know how many men were sieging them, and while Unsullied were unmatched in close quarters combat they lacked skill in any ranged weapons —with the exception of the throwing spear.

The richest nobles who had come to watch the negotiations on the wall were outraged at the audacity of this boy before them, while they had scouts confirm the number of men they had; they were not told of the siege equipment. It made them doubt whether the number of men they had was the true number or if they had more "This bastard! We shall make him pay!" One of the merchant lords shouted as he watched a catapult launch a stone right into the roof of one of his businesses.

the richest among them, an exotic spice seller remained calm, his name was Elgo Naarht. Instead of giving into his anger he turned to one of the leaders of the sister; The Priest of Black, he was the head of the Dark temple that worshiped the Black Goat of Qohor. "How should we deal with this transgressor," he asked.

"We celebrate, a great festival in honour of our god, blood shall rain for him and he will reward us greatly, I have seen this," The Priest of Black stated. This morning he offered the blood of a newborn babe to the Black Goat, and in the babies entrails he saw the impending battle and he saw their victory. This boy would be bathed in blood, he would make a worthy sacrifice.

Elgo nodded "Then we have nothing to fear the Black Goat fights with us!"he shouted to the rest of the nobles.

"Send the unsullied, keep a hundred in the city to keep the peace, I want them all slaughtered!!!" He said to the Unsullied commander who stood next to him. He wordlessly followed his orders as all the unsullied gathered into formation and started making their way to the front gates.

Aegon who was just behind the tree line looked out at the gates and smiled as he saw them start to open. He looked back down at the twelve bodies below him; it was time to show the city of sorcerers what real power was. He was going to use his first spell using the True Tongue, up until now he had been using mere words of power, but now he would attempt to use one of his own making.

"When the gates close behind the unsullied retreat into the forest and take hour positions, if any of you fail I'll bring your body back from the dead and let my bear tear it apart," he said in a cold tone that made the men shiver. As the men rushed passed him abandoning the catapults Aegon knelt down and took a deep breath. 

#Water, Rain, Spray#

#Thunder, Lightning, Sky#

#Cloud, Cover, Darkness#

The world seemed to tremble at Aegon's words as they echoed throughout the forest and even Qohor —though none understood what was being said. In front of Aegon the twelve bodies all seemed to shrivel up and turn to dust; abruptly Aegon began to cough up blood as his throat felt like sand had been rubbed along the inside of it 'Price of power,' he thought to himself as he grabbed his throat. Though a smile came to his face as above him the sky began to darken; unnatural clouds of the blackest black formed above the city and the forest. No light seemed to pierce through the clouds making a once bright day akin to a moonless night.

The only light was from the momentary flashes of lightning that danced within the clouds; what followed was the heavy patting of rain that begun to fall down on the city and the forest. Aegon who felt a big weak from using such a powerful spell looked on to see that the unsullied were still marching towards the forest; that was their problem, the unsullied were fearless, a normal army would not go into such a dark forest and yet the unsullied didn't hesitate as they had been given orders —and the only people to rescind those orders were behind the city walls.

Aegon stood up and ran back into the forest. One of the side effects of the blood ritual he had performed in the wood walkers city was that his vision had improved greatly; he could run through this dark forest as easily as he could when it was light. But he knew his men could not which was why he had sent them ahead of himself; once the unsullied started entering the forest the plan would begin.

The Unsullied feared nothing and so they marched straight through the tree line in pursuit of the enemy; though they still maintained formation and were cautious for any enemy ambush. Unsullied started to light torches though this wasn't effective as the rain was heavy and most of the torches were put out; they eventually had to start putting their shields over the torches to stop them from going out. The ground had already started getting wet and muddy; the unsullied struggled to move their feet the further into the forest they went.


The Unsullied commander turned his head in the direction of the whispering and gestures for light to be shone in that direction; they were greeted with nothing except a tree with a weeping face on it.


Again from another direction, but when they looked they were greeted with the same thing —a weeping face. The whispering started to get louder and louder though none of the unsullied were unnerved by it, had this been a regular army they would've fled from the forest, but these men did not know fear.

Then in the distance specs of light started to ignite in the forest; they were getting closer and closer until they could hear a war cry being carried on the wind. Then they saw it, the Second Sons with their torches as they came charging in. They clashed with the unsullied who had dropped into formation as soon as the men came within visual distance. The first wave of second sons were utterly decimated by the Unsullied as they skewered them on their spears, but the second wave managed to break through their shield wall and inadvertently extinguish the light source. Both armies were now entirely in the dark as they tried to fight each other.

A small distance away Aegon stood with his second in command as he laughed at what he was seeing; the second in command had a torch and could see the look of glee Aegon had on his face "Captain our men are being slaughtered! They can't even see the enemy!" He shouted.

"I know, but it was the easiest way," Aegon said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Easiest way for what!" He shouted back.

"To kill you all obviously."