
The Wondering Dragon | A Game of Thrones fic

Aegon VI Targaryen never died in the Red Keep, he’s given safely to Arthur Dayne by and was told to take him to Essos to be safe and that Elia and Rhaenys would not be far behind. Though now it turns out that they both died in kings landing. Or at least so they thought, Aegon discovers rumours his sister may be alive. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any of its respective works, any OCs in this are not worth owning.

TheManUnderTheBed · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

I’m the Captain Now


"Hey, Arthur"


"Leave me... I do not wish to speak to you..." Arthur replied not facing Aegon who tried calling over to him.

"I apologise Arthur but I am unable to leave, as I'm a bit tied up at the moment" Aegon says as he flails his hands that were tied to a pole above him. Both he and Arthur were tied up in the middle of the Second Sons camp, they had been easily captured once the horsemen rode them down. While Arthur wanted to fight he did see the futility in fighting over 100 mounted enemies.

"Arthur stop pouting it's not my fault you lost your sword again," Aegon said with barely concealed amusement.

Arthur however continued to pout as he looked at Mero the leader of the company as he used Dawn to carve a large chicken that had been roasting on a spit, Aegon was currently thinking of a plan to get them out of this, he was just thankful that a lot of the second sons were superstitious, they feared Melisandre, most having seen what some of those who worship R'hllor are capable of. However, that same courtesy did not extend very much to his sister or his aunt. While they had been left alone for now he knew the courage a man could gain from drinking and knew there was a time limit to how long they'd be safe for. Though the spell would keep them unmolested it would raise more questions and perhaps lead to irrational choices.

However, before he did that he was enjoying the show that was being performed by two mummers and their animals near where they were confined "Quite a fine show don't you think so Arthur? Must've taken a while to train those animals to behave like horses" he said with a grin.

Arthur still in a sour mood looked at him "Don't you think instead of enjoying the festivities you should be focusing on a way to free us"

Aegon still with a cheeky grin on his face looked at him "Ahh Arthur, I am a mummer myself so I would be remiss not to inspect my rivals"

"You're not a mummer, you're a prince though not a very active one, mayhaps you are a mummer, I can imagine us dying in a bar fight more clearly than I do fighting for the Iron Throne" Arthur says much to Aegon's amusement as he starts chuckling.

"Enjoy the show, the celebrations seem to have just started so why not join them" Aegon states lightly.

Arthur squints at him as if he's an idiot then looks at their wrists "I mean join them more in spirit than anything else obviously" Aegon said with a sheepish laugh. Arthur just sighed and went back to pouting about his sword being used in such a manner.

Aegon however closed his eyes and slowed his breathing and like a whisper on the wind a word that would sound like earth being moved passed his lips.



"AHHH! You cunts you better let me go" Lyarra shouted as she tried to rip her cuffs from the metal pole that had been staked into the ground. She and Daenerys had been chained to the ground in a large tent, two guards were stationed outside of the tent however as the celebrations seemed to get wilder they left not content with being on guard duty the whole night.

"You should save your strength, it'll be easier to run away if you don't tire yourself," Daenerys says as she sits on her heels with a small smile on her face.

Lyarra practically growls at Daenerys "We can't run! If we can't escape these chains!" She shouts as she bashed her fist against the ground.

Daenerys smiles sweetly at her "We just need to wait for Aegon, once he comes to free us we will need our strength to run"

Lyarra huffs in amusement "You place much faith in him, mayhaps he already lays in a ditch unable to rescue us" she states hoping to get a reaction out of her

Daenerys however maintains her smile and shakes her head "Aegon won't fail, he'll always come for family"

Lyarra starts to think that perhaps her aunt was simpleminded "Foolish girl, there are hundreds of men out there he would never even make it to the tent"

"It's surprising you'd believe so did you not pass Vaes Dothrak on your way to find us?" Daenerys asks still smiling though Lyarra feels a slight coldness emanating from it.

Lyarra who had given up trying to escape sits down, remembering all the horror that was committed in Vaes Dothrak "Surely you jest? The whole city was ruined and thousands were dead and you expect me to believe it to be one person who caused it?" She asks incredulously.

Daenerys eyes go wide and slightly manic "He did, how? I know not but he did it all to save me, we stood together in the flames as he kissed me and those who wished to harm burned around us," she says with excitement and love in her voice.

Lyarra felt that her aunt may be touched by a bit of the Targaryen madness so chose not to engage with her on those matters any further "Mayhaps you are right, however, I will place my fate in my own hands" she says as she stands and looks around for anything she can use. She wished they hadn't used chains, she had trained herself when she was younger to escape from bindings but not when they were made from metal.

Lyarra's frustration grew as she struggled to escape from the cuffs, her determination evident in her face. The tent where she was held captive, along with Daenerys, felt stifling and claustrophobic. She looked around, searching for a way out, her mind racing with thoughts of freedom.

Her eyes fixated on the metal spike that held one of the cuffs in place. Without hesitation, she decided to try something unconventional. With a deep breath, she took hold of her thumb, summoning all her strength, and dislocated it with a muffled grunt of pain. The manoeuvre allowed her to slide her hand out of the cuff, finally gaining her freedom from one of the restraints.

Although her hand was now free, her situation was still precarious. She knew she had to act quickly before anyone noticed her escape attempt.

"I'll come back for you" Lyarra promised as she got up pushing her thumb back into place with a grunt, Daenerys just nodded her head still believing Aegon to be the one to come and save her.

Lyarra grabs a cloth and wraps her head in it to give herself a meagre amount of anonymity as she walked through the camp, she then exits the tent.

Lyarra moved swiftly through the camp, keeping her head down and her face covered to avoid drawing attention to herself. Her heart pounded in her chest as she searched for the commanders' tent, hoping to find the keys and reunite with her companions.

As she navigated the camp, she noticed the festivities in full swing, with soldiers and revellers celebrating around bonfires and makeshift tents. The low light and chaos worked to her advantage, providing enough cover for her to blend in and avoid detection.

As Lyarra walked through the camp, she felt a soldier's grip on her shoulder and it managed to catch her off guard, and her scarf slipped off, revealing her identity. Her heart raced, but there was no turning back now. She swiftly reacted, channelling instincts into quick, decisive movements.

With a fierce determination, she drove her clenched fist into the soldier's throat, causing him to gag and struggle for breath. As he stumbled backwards, trying to regain his composure, Lyarra didn't hesitate for a moment. She seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful kick to his groin, causing him to double over in pain.

While he was incapacitated, she seized the chains from her cuffs, using them as improvised weapons. Her adrenaline surged as she grabbed the man's shoulder and cartwheeled over the soldier, avoiding his grasp and gaining an advantageous position behind him.

With a swift and skilled manoeuvre, she looped the chains around his neck, exerting steady pressure to cut off his air supply. The soldier's struggles grew weaker, and his attempts to call for help were silenced by the tightening grip of the chains.

Lyarra's heart pounded in her chest as she maintained her hold, her mind focused solely on subduing her attacker. The sounds of the camp celebrations became distant as she entered a state of intense concentration. Finally, the soldier went still, and Lyarra knew he posed no further threat. She released her grip, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat from the adrenaline-fueled struggle.

Lyarra's ears twitch as she hears the sound of metal scrapping against a sheath and quickly removes the sword from the guard she had just knocked unconscious and turns just in time to block a sword from another guard. The clash of metal echoed through the air as Lyarra swiftly turned to face the new threat behind her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her body moved on instinct as she shifted into a defensive stance, gripping the sword she had taken from her previous opponent.

Her eyes narrowed, and her focus sharpened as the guard lunged at her with a fierce attack. With a combination of skill and determination, Lyarra expertly manoeuvred her sword, blocking the strike just in time. The force of the impact reverberated through her arms, but she stood her ground, pushing against the man's blade with all her strength.

With a low growl, she summoned all her power, twisting the sword to the sides and using the momentum to execute a swift counterattack. The blade arched around in a deadly semi-circle, slicing through the air and finding its mark with chilling precision. The guard's neck was exposed, and before he could react, the razor-sharp edge of Lyarra's sword cut through his flesh.

The man's eyes widened in shock and pain as blood spurted from the wound, and he collapsed to the ground, clutching at his neck in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. Lyarra took a step back, her breaths coming fast and heavy as the reality of what she had just done sank in.

Though she had trained for battles, she had never taken a life before. The weight of the moment settled on her shoulders, and she knew that she had no choice but to keep going. She couldn't afford to be hesitant or unsure now; her family's lives were at stake. Though she still ended up throwing up as she saw the blood pouring out of the man's throat, his eyes dead and lifeless.

She breathes heavily 'Not the time' she thinks to herself as she moves onwards putting what she had done to the back of her mind. It was most likely he wouldn't be the first of the night.


Aegon watched as his uncle was sat by the leader of the Second sons, they had thought him a simpleton as he didn't reply to them and mostly stared at the ground he took great pleasure in humiliating him by throwing food at him she even getting some of the wenches to put their breasts into his face. Aegon couldn't help but frown at the actions of the man, something which Arthur saw and raised his eyebrow at.

"Why is your face so marred with anger? He is not that different from you" Arthur states, which was true. Aegon took great pleasure in teasing his uncle and pulling small pranks on him.

Aegon turns to Arthur anger in his eyes "No matter how I may treat him, he is family Arthur, he is the Blood of the Dragon and I will not stand to see him be humiliated by those beneath him"

Arthur looked surprised at the declaration, even after all this time he was still learning new things about Aegon, the boy he had raised. He sighs and goes back to aimlessly staring at the ground, his legs hurt standing for so long while his arms also ached 'Must be getting old' he thought to himself.

The mummers that were putting on a jousting display seemed to be exhausted and the animals were not fairing any better, Aegon watched as the small woman fell off the dog she was riding as the animal seemed to no longer be able to bare its weight. The crowd jeered and booed the mummers as the show had stopped the other dwarf dismounted his pig and quickly went to check on his companion who looked to be breathing heavily.

It was at this point Mero the Titans bastard stood up "And why has the show stopped?" He asked as he walked into the circle where the show took place, it also happened to be where they were tied up.

The male dwarf stands and bows down deeply "I apologise my lord but she needs rest, she is too tired to continue the show" he states much to the anger of the crowd.

Mero stands there for a moment not saying anything before he kicks the dwarf to the floor, the size difference between the two makes it so he launches nearly a dozen feet away "My men work hard and you tell me there is to be no entertainment for them!" He shouts as he turns around raising his arms as he looks to his men who all shout in support.

The Oppo struggles up wiping the blood from his face "I'm sorry my lord if we can have but a moment's rest we can continue the show" he reasons though Mero slaps him across the face.

"You will rest when I allow it dwarf!" Mero says menacingly.

"Now I can think of two ways you can be forgiven for your transgressions," he says as he sits back in his seat with a cold smile on his face, though Oppo doesn't recognise the malice behind his smile and believes he's found a way out of his situation.

"Your sister is a pretty thing, not possessing the same ugly gestures you dwarves so commonly have," he says with desire in his voice, Oppo looks to his sister who is sitting up shaking in fear.

"I believe I could impale her upon my cock and walk around the camp with her astride!!!" He says with a laugh getting one back from all the men present.

He then looks back at Oppo "Your sister will entertain us for tonight and in the morning she'll be filled with any man who wishes to spill his seed within her... or there is another choice"

Oppo has a look of hope again on his face "Yes my lord please I'll do anything if you but spare my sister such a fate"

Mero smiles again with all the charm of a lion that has happened upon an injured doe. He gestures to the men and several dozen quickly put together a wooden square of hastily constructed plants that reach a man and a half high, though there are large windows within the wood to allow them to view within. The dwarf can't help but feel nervous as if he knows his very life is about to be extinguished.

Seven men push a cart that had a metal cage upon it, Aegon and Arthur couldn't help but widen their eyes as a large bear was contained within. As they placed the cage within the makeshift arena Mero put his hand on the terrified dwarf "That is your opponent if you face him and can survive for... let's say 10 minutes then we will leave your sister be, however, should you fail then know I will take great pleasure in seeding a bastard within her"

Penny looks at what was happening in horror, tears fell from her eyes she cursed herself for falling off her dog and not being able to stand, she cursed Mero for being such a cunt and she cursed everyone else for not doing anything. She knew that by the end of the night, her brother would be dead and she would be used by everyone in the camp, the only solace being that she would probably follow her brother shortly after.

Oppo was terrified as Mero brought him towards the arena, everyone could see the wet patch that stained his breeches and the tear marks that wet his cheeks. He was going to die, everyone there knew it but the manner of his death was going to be bloody, he was about to be ripped apart by a bear all on the whim of some mad sellsword, he felt himself dragging his feet as they got closer but it didn't matter as Mero easily overpowered him.

"You know I am surprised that The Titans Bastard is so boring" someone's voice rings out silencing the talking of all the men present, Mero and Oppo stop approaching the ring as the man's blood boils at the name. They all turn to see Aegon with a smirk on his face and Arthur with an exasperated look.

Mero turns and walks to him "What did you say to me, boy?" He growls out as he glares at Aegon who still has an insufferable smirk on his face.

"You. Are. Boring... getting someone such as him to fight is like getting a child to, do you only enjoy fighting children Bastard?" Aegon says with a chuckle, the men surrounding them all freeze and look horrified, they knew that their captain had a temper on him, and whatever happened next would be awful and bloody.

Mero smiles coldly at Aegon "Then I suppose you believe you could do better... what's your name anyway, I'm afraid as you were not our target I didn't bother to learn it"

Aegon smiles back though his one is friendly and full of humour "I am called Mushroom"

"And why is that," Mero asked his face never changing.

"Because my cock is thrice the size of any man that I have met" He states with utter sincerity getting chuckles from the men, though Mero still looks at him with bloodlust evident in his eyes.

"Well we shall see how your famous cock shall help you against the bear," he says with an evil smile as he orders the men to untie him, as he and Arthur were in full view of all the men they didn't bother using metal cuffs and just used rope to tie them to the posts. His bindings were undone and the men slowly pushed him into the square, Aegon sees Penny looking up at him with tears in her eyes and he gives her a quick wink and walks into the ring.

Arthur sighed, he knew this wasn't part of the plan but Aegon had a good heart and he couldn't sit while someone who didn't deserve it got hurt, it had led to them getting into trouble more than once. Arthur nearly screamed when he felt something crawl along his leg, he looked down and saw a couple of rats climbing up him, he tried to shake them off but without the use of his hands it was difficult and he ended up failing.

He couldn't help but wince as they climbed onto his neck and head, he couldn't help but feel puzzled when they climbed onto his bindings and started to nibble at the rope that bound him. He finally understood what the plan was... kind of. He knew he would have to wait for the right moment to slip away and most likely try to find the girls, though he didn't know what Aegon planned to do now as it seems his plan to quietly slip away once everyone was drunk was out the window.


Lyarra had gotten lucky and hadn't run into any more guards and the ones she had walked passed were too drunk to notice that anything was amiss, she finally approached the biggest tent that she could find hoping that it was the captain. She saw a guard in front of it and silently cursed to herself, the sword she held felt a lot heavier than it usually did, she knew she wouldn't hesitate in a situation such as this but even so, she felt conflicted.

She loved to fight but killing wasn't something she had a taste for, she felt angry that she couldn't honour her enemies by giving them a chance to die with a sword in their hand. She grit her teeth and clenched her fist sword in hand, she then started quietly running, keeping to the shadows as she went. By the time the guard saw her, it was too late and she was already slashing at his throat, she then pivoted behind him dragging the man into the tent.

She set him down as gently as she could but it was difficult as he was heavy. She then turned around in the tent only to see Melisandre the woman that travelled with Aegon and the others, she sat at a table dressed in her red robes palming a cup of wine but not drinking from it.

Lyarra couldn't help but frown, in cases such as this when a person was given such special treatment it meant they had turned traitor and sold their friends out, she held up her sword to Melisandre which just seemed to amuse her  "Stay your blade young dragon, I am not your enemy" she said calmly.

It unnerves her that Melisandre called her young dragon, it would be impossible to know as only two people should "You seem to be quite comfortable compared to the others, is there a reason for that? Perhaps one that won't make me give you a taste of my blade" Lyarra growled at her as she narrowed her violet eyes.

"Men fear the dark and know that the Lord of Light is the only one to guide them through it" Melisandre states ominously.

Lyarra stops pointing her sword at her and holds it down to her side "You are a Red Priestess? And that's why they fear you?"

Melisandre shakes her head "No young dragon, men simply know the Lord of Lights power"

Lyarra growls again "Why do you keep calling me that, I am a Stark, if anything I'd be a wolf"

"Indeed you are, but you're a lot more dragon than you are wolf" Mesliandre states with a smile.

Lyarra has to accept that she knows... but how it didn't make any sense "How do you know... No one should know" she says lowly.

"Your life flame is potent, like a dragon contained inside a mortal body, just like your older brother," She said.

Lyarra cursed, she wanted to keep this a secret for a while longer "Please do not tell anyone as of yet, I'm not ready"

"I don't need to tell anyone," she says mysteriously.

"What do you-"However before she can finish a man comes into the tent, he is tall and broad-shoulder with brown skin and white hair. He immediately draws his sword and sets upon Lyarra who quickly blocks the blow.

She counters with a slash of her own which he parries and launches into an overhand swing which Lyarra deftly sidesteps. He is tall and strong so he keeps using long powerful swings that keep Lyarra from getting close, coming up with a counter she swings her blade upwards when he slashed at her sideways, this exposes his whole upper and lower body and so she spins around gaining momentum and slicing his belly though not deep enough to disembowel him.

He screams in pain and holds his hand up "I yield! I yield! Please" he says desperately, this was where Lyarra makes an almost fatal mistake. She believes that when a man yields they are defeated and perhaps when in a tournament or a spar this is true, but this wasn't such a place and the man before her, Brown Ben Plumb was not an honourable man. As soon as her sword went down he struck slashing at her, it was only her quick reflexes that saved her however she ended up falling onto the ground.

Ben stands over her with his sword held high in the air ready to drop it down onto her "Honourable fool" he said with a dark smile as he went to end her. However he wouldn't get the chance as he looks down to see a sword sticking out of his chest, he can't speak as he is in shock but he manages to look behind him. An old man with Grey hair and a grey beard is the one who ended his life. He falls to the floor sliding off the blade, while Lyarra watches in shock. She narrows her eyes at the man in front of her, he's cloaked himself but beneath the rags, she can see a silver armour.

"Lyarra Snow, please do not fear me, my name is Barristan Selmy, I've come to assist you in any way I can" He stated respectfully.


Aegon had just been pushed into the ring with the cage that contained the bear, he could see that its eyes were slightly manic, they had most likely been starving it for the past few days to prepare it for just such an occasion. He couldn't help but sigh, he'd made an impulsive decision again even though he had a well-thought-out plan before, but he just couldn't help himself when he saw the fear in their eyes, especially the woman's. Rape was a weakness of his considering how his mother met her end, any mention of it as the potential to switch him from his usual joyful self to the person that walked the streets of Vaes Dothrak. 

But if he was to speak humbly about himself, he was a genius and he'd just need to come up with a new plan, hopefully one that involved not fighting the bear at all. He looked at the creature that looked crazed from being starved by its captors.

#Bear# The gravelly earthy sound of strong tree roots growing through the ground echoed through the air leaving some of the men perplexed while others cared not. For it's a sound that would be familiar but you'd come across maybe once in a lifetime. The animals of the world could all understand the True Tongue however speaking it was beyond them just as it was for humans.

#Serve# It was this word that scared the man as the round of thunder roaring in the sky sounded out, however when they all looked up they were only met with the clear sky and not a dark cloud in sight. The bear had a different reaction to this however, at first it remained silent and then it stood up on its hind legs and roared.

Aegon huffed "Fine... if that's the way you want to be" he said to himself. Using the True Tongue did not give one mastery over animals, unlike a warg you didn't connect your mind with theirs. With the True Tongue, you speak to it as a brother or companion, as a person who is also connected to the earth, however, it is the animal's choice whether they obey. The children in the forest knew this so lived closely with the animals of the forest, they were willing to charge into the hordes of the first men to protect their friends.

However the bear was hungry and it did not know Aegon, all he saw before himself was a meal and one that he would be dining upon very soon. Aegon couldn't help but chuckle nervously as the bear was released from the cage 'He looks hungry' he thinks to himself as he sees the bear drawing as its large paws pound the ground.

The makeshift arena was filled with tension and excitement as Aegon faced the ferocious bear. His heart pounded in his chest, and his palms were sweaty as he sized up his opponent. The massive creature growled menacingly, its eyes locked onto Aegon as if it were ready to pounce and tear him apart.

Aegon's smile was nervous, but he couldn't let fear overcome him now. As the bear charged at him, its massive form closing the distance with alarming speed, Aegon's instincts kicked in. With a quick roll to the side, he narrowly evaded the bear's deadly lunge, the ground trembling beneath him.

Thinking fast, he made a split-second decision. The cage that held the bear was his only means of escape, and he knew he had to reach it if he wanted to survive this deadly encounter. Running towards the cage, he glanced over his shoulder to see the bear already turning around, ready to charge once more.

His heart pounding in his ears, Aegon pushed himself to his limits, his breaths coming in rapid bursts as he sprinted towards the cage. He reached it just in time, his hands grabbing hold of the top latch. But there wasn't enough time to climb on top of the cage to safety.

In a daring move, Aegon swung himself backwards at the highest point of his grip, letting go of the latch. His body arched through the air, and he landed with surprising agility on the bear's back. His heart pounded even louder now, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he clung to the bear's fur.

The bear roared in fury and frustration, trying to shake off its unexpected rider. But Aegon held on, his instincts and training kicking in as he balanced himself on the massive creature. He knew he had to act fast to gain control and avoid being thrown off.

With a swift tug, Aegon grasped the scruff of the bear's neck, asserting his dominance and establishing himself as the one in charge. The bear's movements became more erratic, but Aegon maintained his grip, his mind racing with thoughts on how to subdue the beast 'First, Second and Third plans have failed and now I'm close to being thrown off and eaten' he thought to himself with a manic laugh, not to say he wasn't happy, it was truly moments like this that made him feel alive.

Aegon's heart raced as he found himself in a precarious position atop the bear's back. With a quick, calculated move, he hit the back of his heel against the bear's side, activating the hidden blade. The blade sprung forth from the tip of his boot, and Aegon knew he had to act quickly. With all the strength he could muster, he delivered a powerful kick into the bear's side. The bear roared in agony, shaking even more erratically in an attempt to dislodge its uninvited rider.

Aegon's heart pounded in his chest as he held on for dear life, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew that he couldn't let go now; his life depended on his ability to control the beast beneath him. With every movement of the bear, Aegon's body shifted and adjusted, his muscles strained and tense as he tried to maintain his balance.

The crowd watched in awe as they cheered for the spectacle taking place. Aegon's mind was singularly focused on survival and conquering the fierce creature beneath him. He had to find a way to subdue the bear before it got the upper hand once more.

With another kick of his heel, Aegon activated the hidden blade once more, this time plunging it into the bear's back. The bear howled in pain, its movements becoming more frenzied as it tried to shake Aegon off. But he held on with an iron grip, determined not to be thrown from his perilous position.

#Serve# Aegon commanded, the sound of his voice like lightning striking the ground but it only serves to anger the bear further and he keeps struggling almost throwing Aegon off a few times. He's at a loss of what to do he doesn't have the close relationship with animals that the children have he doesn't know how to tame them. But he does get an idea, something that may speak to the primal part of the animal's brain as it was ingrained in all of them.

The words uttered by Aegon in the True Tongue reverberated through the air, carrying a weight that transcended language itself. #Death# he spoke in the ancient tongue, and though no audible sound escaped his lips, the impact was palpable. The crowd, ignorant of the words' meaning, couldn't help but feel a surge of primal fear and dread washing over them. For death did not have a sound it was the end of all things, it was the absence of everything and all beings of life were able to recognise the word for what it was.

A hushed silence fell over the arena as the people bore witness to the mysterious power Aegon wielded. Some spectators wept openly, their hearts heavy with an inexplicable sorrow, while others trembled in terror, unable to comprehend the true significance of what they had just heard.

The bear, once fierce and uncontrollable, now seemed to feel the weight of that single word, #Death# Its massive form quivered with uncertainty, and it obediently bent down on its legs, submitting to the unknown force that held dominion over its existence.

Even Arthur, a seasoned and stoic warrior, felt a chill crawl down his spine as if an unseen hand had grasped him around the throat. He recognized the potency of the True Tongue, a language of ancient magic that few could comprehend or wield. At that moment, he understood that Aegon was no ordinary man and possessed powers that extended beyond the realm of conventional combat.

For the briefest of moments, the world seemed suspended in an ethereal trance, a surreal interlude between reality and the mystical. Aegon's enigmatic display had left an indelible mark on the minds and souls of those present, forever etching itself into their memories.

#Serve# he whispered again the sound of thunder striking emanating from his mouth, this snapped everyone out of the daze that Aegon's words had placed them in. The bear beaten into submission acknowledged Aegon leaned closer to the bear, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. In a hushed voice, he spoke the words that would send the bear into a furious frenzy. "Rampage," he whispered in the True Tongue, ensuring only the bear could understand.

As if triggered by some invisible force, the bear's eyes glowed with a newfound intensity, and its massive muscles tensed with pent-up energy. It let out a mighty roar, shaking the very ground beneath them, before charging back towards the makeshift walls completely breaking through the flimsy walls with a ferocity that struck fear into the hearts of all who witnessed it.

The camp erupted into chaos once more as the bear wreaked havoc, knocking over tents, scattering supplies but mostly ripping man limb from limb scattering blood and body parts everywhere, the men had not brought their weapons as this was meant to be a celebration and not a bloodbath, the bear had frightened soldiers running in all directions. The men who had once held Aegon and his friends captive now found themselves fleeing from the same beast they had intended to use against them.

Aegon seized this opportunity to slip away into the commotion, carefully avoiding the paths of the rampaging bear. He walked to his uncle clapping him on the shoulder "Come on your grace we need to leave" he said in respectful words, this was how he communicated with Viserys in his broken state, a small part of his mind still clings to the thought that he is a King and so he can be directed or spoken to properly. Viserys stood up and followed Aegon, who had been looking towards Arthur's post only to find it empty 'At least he understood the plan' Aegon thought to himself as he attempted to slip away from the wild commotion.

Before he makes it out however he sees the two dwarves still on the floor huddling together not sure what to do, Aegon sighs as he walks up to the two of them lifting the woman into his arms in a bridal carry, the male one tried to fight back punching and kicking at Aegon's legs "Peace, I only wish to help" he says trying to placate the man.

Oppo looks up at Aegon with a fierce expression, it was in this situation he remembered his father's words to both of them 'Do not trust the big people' he lived by those words as every time he didn't he or his sister would get hurt.

"Let her go! I won't let you take her!" He says beating his hands on his legs and chest. Aegon sighs and hits him on the back of his head knocking him out but catching him before he falls "Oppo!" The girl shouted trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Calm yourself, girl, he's fine but this isn't the place to argue so he's taking a nap" he says before giving him to Viserys to carry who takes him without issue.

Aegon continues walking away from the carnage with the dwarf woman in his arms "What do you think My Lady, am I worthy of being your knight" he says teasingly making her blush. Aegon was aware of how attractive he was to women and used it to his advantage in many different situations. However here he just wanted to calm the girl down as she was still trembling, he found that a person can't be scared and embarrassed at the same time, which proved to be true in this case as the girl had stopped shivering and attempted to look away from her.

Aegon kept running until he made it to the biggest tent in the camp, he assumed his priestess would be there as they'd give her the highest respect when treating her. As he walked into the tent he saw most of the people that were missing and some people he didn't know.

Lyarra and Barristan had managed to sneak past the camp again and free Daenerys they brought her back here and started packing away all the supplies they could "Greetings Lyarra, Melisandre and Old Man" Aegon said as he walked through the tent getting the attention of those within.

When Barristan saw Aegon he thought he was dreaming, he thought that it was Rhaegar himself that had walked into the tent, he felt his whole body tremble as he felt tears pour from his face. It felt worse than when he had set eyes upon Daenerys cuffed to the floor like an animal, he had vowed to protect the royal family and look how far they had fallen "Aegon!" Daenerys says happily as she hugs the man she was in love with.

"My beautiful aunt, I'm glad you're okay, now that we are all here I take it we should escape," Aegon says to the agreement of those present.

'Aegon!' Barristan thinks to himself as he hears the name uttered, 'he is dead just like the rest of his children' Barristan thought, he was most likely just a namesake or dragon seed.

However, those notions were shattered when a man from his past walked into the tent. Arthur Dayne the Sword of the Morning, though he looked older and now sported some facial hair Barristan would never forget the man who stood with him at the top of swordsmanship.

"Arthur..." he says in awe looking at the man who was supposed to be dead.

Arthur is just as surprised as Barristan is as he should be in Kings Landing "Barristan, what are you doing here" he asked.

"What am I doing here? How are you walking amongst us right now? You died years ago!" He said complete shock in his voice.

However before Arthur could respond he was interrupted "I do not wish to interrupt such a touching reunion however we are in the middle of an enemy camp so I suggest that we leave before we get captured again" Aegon says with a smirk, they reluctantly agree and they exit the tent to find it already surrounded by men with Mero standing in front of them.

"You thought you could get the better of me! I am one of the greatest commanders in Essos!" Mero said half-crazed, while Aegon just raised his eyebrow. He then put down Penny and whispered to the girls to head back into the tent, they did so taking Viserys with them.

He looked to Arthur who had managed to secure his sword again and chuckled, he then drew his sword with Barristan and Lyarra doing the same, there were about 40 people who had managed to get themselves armed and armoured and weren't dealing with the bear that they could still hear rampaging.

"Mero I think you should surrender, before you is the greatest swordsman in Westeros, if you attempt to attack us you'll be cut down" Aegon states in a serious voice.

"Thank you" Arthur/Barristan/Lyarra all said at once pissing Aegon off.

"I meant myself, I am the best clearly" he huffed getting a snort from Lyarra and a chuckle from Arthur.

In the dimly lit courtyard, Mero and his 40 soldiers closed in on Arthur, Aegon, Lyarra, and Barristan. The tension in the air was palpable as they sized up their opponents. Without a word, they spread out, forming a defensive circle, each member of the group taking on several foes.

Arthur faced two soldiers at once, his greatsword Dawn gleaming in the dim light. He parried a swift strike from one, the clash of steel ringing through the air, before swiftly dodging the other's attack. With a precise swing of his massive blade, he disarmed one of the soldiers, sending his sword flying across the courtyard. Arthur's movements were fluid and graceful, a testament to his reputation as the Sword of the Morning.

Aegon's single sword danced in his hand as he gracefully evaded the attacks of two soldiers. His strikes were quick and precise, striking the first soldier's sword with the flat of his blade before spinning around and slashing at the second soldier's legs. They stumbled backwards, trying to regain their footing as Aegon's sword blurred in the air.

Lyarra's Bravoosi water dance style allowed her to move like a graceful dancer, her slender blade whirling with deadly speed. She engaged in a deadly dance with three soldiers, each move flowing into the next as she parried their strikes with skilful precision. With a swift spin, she disarmed one of the soldiers, sending his sword clattering to the ground.

Barristan fought with unmatched skill and experience, his longsword gleaming with every strike. He stood his ground against four soldiers, parrying their strikes with ease and countering with powerful slashes. He moved with the grace and precision of a true knight, leaving his adversaries no chance to strike back.

As the fight raged on, Aegon noticed Mero eyeing Arthur, clearly aiming to take down the Sword of the Morning. He knew he had to act fast. With a powerful jump, he leapt over the fray and landed behind Mero, catching him off guard. Mero swung around, but Aegon's sword met his blow with perfect timing, locking their weapons in a fierce clash.

Amid the chaos, Barristan spotted an opening and swiftly moved to shield Lyarra from an incoming arrow. His Kingsguard training served him well as he deflected the projectile with a swift parry, sparing Lyarra from harm. She nodded gratefully, her trust in the seasoned knight evident in her eyes.

Arthur continued to face multiple opponents, parrying their strikes with unwavering skill. He spun and slashed, leaving his attackers in disarray. Aegon took advantage of the distraction and landed a precise strike, disarming Mero and knocking him to the ground.

But their victory was short-lived, as more soldiers closed in on them. Lyarra twirled and weaved, her agile movements evading their attacks. Barristan's longsword sliced through the air, striking down any foe who dared come near.

Aegon stood back-to-back with Arthur, their swords working in tandem as they fought off the remaining soldiers. The two fought in perfect unison as if connected by an invisible bond that transcended words.

Suddenly, Mero rose to his feet with a maniacal grin. His anger fueled his strength, and he charged at Arthur with renewed fury. But before he could reach the Sword of the Morning, Lyarra leapt into action, her blade meeting Mero's with unyielding force. The two clashed in a fierce duel, their swords sparking as they clashed with unmatched intensity.

As the clash between Lyarra and Mero erupted, the air crackled with tension. Their swords met with a resounding clang, each striking a display of skill and determination. Lyarra's water dance style allowed her to move gracefully, evading Mero's powerful strikes with agility. She deftly parried his attacks, her blade flashing in the sunlight as she countered with precise and calculated strikes.

Mero, fueled by rage and arrogance, swung his sword with reckless abandon. But Lyarra's finesse and speed proved to be more than a match for his brute force. With each clash, she pushed him back, forcing him to defend himself from her relentless assault.

As Aegon ran to her aid, Lyarra took advantage of the momentary distraction. Pushing Mero's sword back, she swiftly knelt, providing Aegon with the perfect opportunity. He leapt off her back and delivered a powerful knee strike to Mero's face, sending him staggering backwards.

While Mero reeled from Aegon's attack, Lyarra pressed her advantage. Her blade cut through the air like a dancer's ribbon, striking at Mero's exposed areas. His armour offered little protection against her precise strikes, and blood began to trickle from his wounds. He kicked at her and with luck, on his side, he managed to force her to the ground however Aegon was there to stop his sword from ending her.

He punched Mero in the face, breaking his nose as he slashed at his arms, Mero attempted to swing his sword but Aegon was already inside his guard pummelling him again and again with the butt of his sword, when he attempted to slash again he pivoted and struck downward with his sword cutting off his hand. Nearly the whole fighting stopped as Mero considered one of the cruellest leaders of the Second Sons screamed in pain. Aegon wasn't finished there as he arched his blade cutting his leg off by the knee and forcing him to the ground. He then went behind Thin and grabbed the man's hair.

He looked at all the men "Look at me!" He shouted as they stopped fighting.

He then sliced Mero's Neck so deeply that his head hung off his neck not fully falling off "I am the captain now!" He shouted announcing to everyone and whether it be the power of his voice or the skill of himself and his companions or the fact that behind him treaded a 9ft bear with blood splattered across its face they all knelt and addressed him as their captain.

(AN: So another chapter done, have a new leader of the second sons, and introduced the new love interest Penny. I thought why not? It isn't used often or at all. I mean when have you ever seen an Aegon/Penny fic. Anyway usualky after this I'd get started on writing Power is Everything, but I basically finished rereading Fire and blood, so my new fic will be set during the dance as Jacaerys Velaryon. If you got any pairings you'd like to see let me know I haven't really set any in stone yet)

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