
The wolfs mate

Max locks the door behind them and crouches down next to Marcy they are both shaking. Max lifts her phone and notices that Dexter hung up. The girls are locked inside with no way of knowing what is happening outside of the bathroom door. They know the wolves have arrived, they are there to try and protect them because they can hear howling and screaming coming from right outside the door. Marcy held Max as she cries quietly into her shoulder and they both slide down the bathroom wall to crouch on the floor. The screams and banging continue from outside the door and it sounds like the whole house is going to cave in at any moment. After the girls huddle there for what feels like hours the house suddenly goes quiet. Marcy looks at Max and asks "where is Ian, do you think he knows?" Max hugs her tight and looks around the bathroom as if she is trying to figure out their next move. "Max" Dexter yells from downstairs. Max slides herself across the bathroom floor and places her hand on the door. "It's gonna be okay" max says and lifts herself off the bathroom floor and then swings the door open ready to Sprint down the stairs to Dexter, but Max is met with Ian's gaze instead. His eyes no longer an emerald green they are now a dark mossy color filled with hear and rage only enhanced by the hunters blood on his cruel twisted face. "I'm gonna go see who needs my help" max stammers as she ducks around Ian who was looking through her and right at Marcy any ways. "Marcy" Ian says as he moves twords the woman who is still curled up shaking involuntarily in the corner of the bathroom floor. He reaches out his hand to help her up "are you okay?" Marcy looks up to meet his gaze and nods her head reaching up to his extended hand. Ian pulls Marcy out of the floor and can read the shock on her face. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

Taylor_Cornish · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

New life

Aunt Lisa stops the car engine some time later in front of her house, the same house Marcy had visited every summer for most of her childhood. Marcy always enjoyed the summers at the beach with her aunt, she could recall all the good memories and yet felt no joy after the heart ache and loss she had just gone through. Marcy notices that her aunt is already outside of the car with the bags from the backseat just looking at her patiently giving her the time she needs to process. Marcy opens the door and steps out of the car looking at her aunt she says with a plaster smile "I'm fine" Lisa mimicks her smile and says "okay" as she turn twords the house. Marcy pulls the last box and duffle bag out of the back seat of the car and head inside behind her aunt.

The house is much smaller than she remembered but then again it had been years since she had been here since she was now 22 and had started collage she hadn't had time for summer vacations since she was no longer a child. But her aunt's home was basically as she remembered it with the pictures from her summer vacations hanging in the entry way. Aunt Lisa never had children of her own so Marcy was the closest thing she had to child of her own. She had been married and devorced twice since her aunt was devoted to her business aside from her summers here Marcy couldn't recall a time that her aunt had taken time off for holidays or vacations. Marcy fallowed her aunt into her old room with the box and bag still in hand. This room was different however aunt Lisa had clearly updated her room for her, knowing that she was going to be starting over here with her. The walls were now a fresh painted powder blue and the bed was new, no longer a small twin sized bed it was now a double with a blue and yellow quilt that looked hand made. Marcy ran her fingers across the bed as she took in the rest of the room. " I hope you like it, I had some help updating it for you" said her aunt. Marcy smiles at the fact that her aunt found the time to make sure she was comfortable with everything that was going on. "I also have the papers you need to transfer schools, they are over there on the desk whenever you are ready. I just wanted the change to be as easy as possible on you" said Lisa. Marcy put her box down and hugged her aunt, it was a silent thank you much like the ones they had shared over the last week. Lisa kissed Marcy on the forehead and placed her hands on Marcy's shoulders. " I'm sorry Marcy, for all of this but let's make the best of it let us get you unpacked and then we can get some food" said Lisa. Marcy again smiled at her aunt as they both sat on the bed and started to go through her things. Marcy decided in that moment even if she couldn't be happy she would put a brave face on for her aunt who was trying so hard, this was her life now.