
The Wolf With Red Eyes

Just a normal kid in high school, middle of the pack in just about everything he does, but after an encounter in the woods with something he can’t explain, everything seems to start getting better for Jacob, until the night of the full moon, where he realizes how it may just be too good to be true, and realizing maybe being middle of the pack, might’ve been better then then the pack he will be thrust into.

KB_DMV · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


"Beep beep beep" went the alarm clock signaling it was time for what some would consider to be an uneventful day, while to others maybe the most nerve racking day of their lives, but for Jacob, one of the many students who were waking up about now to attend their first school day of the year, he was less then excited, and more than anything just wanted to go back too bed after summer workouts had been kicking his ass lately.

Rolling over in bed and turning off his alarm clock he groggily stared at the ceiling and debated whether it was even worth getting out of bed for school today, Jacob was one of those people who seemed to be in the bottom of his class for everything, a 2 sport athlete who played football and wrestled, mind you not starting in either sport even though he was going to be a junior this year, which meant he would be forced to be on varsity no matter his skill level, as well as not being the best looking, or the best in keeping up in his studies in the 2 years prior hardly putting him in the middle of the pack, if anything slightly under it.

But although while he was all for staying in bed today he felt that maybe missing the first day of school wouldn't be the best idea, especially since he knew his parents wouldn't let him hear the end of it unless he made a pretty convincing argument he was sick and not just wanting to miss his first day.

So he got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror for a second and took a good look at the person who was looking back at him, Jacob was about as close as you could get to an average looking high schooler, around 5'10, a typical fade haircut to go with his brown hair, and a somewhat athletic build solely based on his participation in sports, but his build was not something to be in awe over, as it was not as if he had a 6 pack or anything, he just felt he was more in shape then most of the kids his age who went out to eat multiple times a week and ate whatever was thrown in front of them.

Jacob took a quick shower and brushed his teeth somewhat quickly as he didn't want to be late on his first day even though he had woken up on time, but he had a tendency to find a reason to be late even if it was not intentional, as he seemed to be finding one right now considering how long he was spending trying to figure out what to wear.

"Damn, what the hell should I even wear… I really should've went shopping before the first day" Jacob said out loud, aware nobody could hear him in his room, but eventually after looking over his clothes he just decided on a black hoodie and some jeans considering he wasn't exactly trying to stand out on his first day back since the summer vacation.

But now that he had finished getting ready he made his way downstairs and to no surprise his parents had already left for work, as they both had early bird jobs that required them to leave before Jacob ever even had a thought of waking up, for his dad was an electrician who worked in the capital which was around an hour from where they lived, and his mom was a doctor who would take the early shift allowing her to be home around the same time as his father so they could be home when their son got home from practice.

Seeing that nobody was here Jacob ran over to the kitchen and made himself a quick breakfast as to make sure he could stock up on energy before heading to school as well as the first day of tryouts for the football team, but he wasn't nearly as excited for the latter considering he knew it would probably just be another season of him riding the bench.

In his head he thought to himself "why do I even want to tryout again this year, it's just gonna be the same thing as the last 2 years" but in the back of his mind he knew the answer to that question, and it was because if he didn't his best friend would come and drag his ass to the field because no matter what he wasn't going to be sitting on the bench with a bunch of people he didn't care to get too know, so ultimately he knew that it was useless to put the thought of not going to tryouts in his head.

After eating his meal and looking at the clock he realized the time, it was currently 6:55 and with him needing to be in class by 7:30 he knew he had to pick up the pace, so he quickly finished his meal and made haste to head outside and start driving to school, because since he was a junior he was also old enough to get his license, which he was beyond thankful for, because the bus was never really his thing, especially considering the treatment he would get on there, so him having his license and being able to drive the car his parents had provided to him, a 2005 Honda Civic, was a blessing.

As he started it up he heard the car backfired a few times but he didn't even care, as it was better then the alternative, checking the time it was 7:00 am at this point, and with that he headed off to school, not even realizing everything in his life would change real soon.