
A big prologue

Ah...what a fine day. Not a thing out of place. Well... except maybe for Napoleon, his bag of oats and few carrots that lay far from his reach. To get his master's attention he stomped his hooves and gave a snort.

"Hungry old boy?", asked Philip.

He was. He had better get that bag of oats and carrots he's fixed his gaze on soon. This Cleveland Bay sure was hungry.

Chuckling at the unchanged habit of his old friend, Philip put away the grooming kit to deal with his friend's hunger.

Napoleon happily munched away on his oats. Yes...that was just right. Nothing like a bag of oats and some carrots for an evening snack.

"Have you seen jane?", asked Vivien.

Jane and Vivien are Philip's younger sisters. Both sisters were twins, Jane was the eldest of the two. Philip shrugged, he didn't know where Jane was hiding. Napoleon continued his focus on his bag of oats. Nothing would distract him, well almost nothing. For the few sugar cubes Jane sometimes brings to treat Napoleon would always grab his attention.

"I can't find her anywhere! I'm tired and my legs feel like they're about to collapse!", whined Vivien.

"What's this I hear about legs collapsing?"

An exhausted Vivien sprung up, squealing from joy, and lunged into the arms of a big burly man twice her size.

He gave out a warm and hearty chuckle.

"Father, you're back!"

"Well, there was not much to get done today, so I just decided I'd head home early."

" Well, since you're back now, can we go to the fair?"

"That is tempting. Have you asked your mummy about this?"

"Ask me what?", interrupted Esmeralda.

"Oh, hello darling, I couldn't find you in the house. I assumed you would have been busy in the garden.", said Patrick before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Yes, dear. I just finished gathering the herbs I needed to create my new soap. It's going to smell divine. I think we'll both find the aroma to be quite pleasant."

"Mummy, since daddy is back so early, can we go to the fair. Please?", pleaded Vivien.

"I'm sure your father is tired from work and wants to rest."

Vivien gave her father an innocent puppy-eyed gaze.

It always worked on her father, but mummy was not so easy. Esmeralda thought it over with great thought. She hadn't prepared anything for dinner. And going out to eat for a change sounded nice. Relaxing with the family was long overdue. The idea didn't seem so bad afterall. It would be nice to have a simple day today.

"Alright. I've decided we'll go to the fair. Once we are all done with our chores we'll meet in the car. We'll take Charlotte along with us as well. I'll have Scarlet fetch her."

"Yes, mother.", replied Philip.

Charlotte was Philip's best friend since they were babies. She fit in naturally as a part of the family.

Esmeralda briefly petted Napoleon, then went on her way. Napoleon liked Esmeralda. She always spoiled him and he'd receive many treats from her daily.

"What about Jane? She's still hiding and won't come out! I can't find her anywhere!"

"Well, if she wants to come to the fair with us she needs to come out. Otherwise, we might have to leave her behind. Isn't that right, father?" said Philip slyly.

Both father and son exchanged a glance. Father was sure of it. And he played along.

"Well yes...since she doesn't want to come out of hiding, guess we'll just have to leave her behind..."

"I'll go!" squealed a voice. A gasp followed after.

Vivien and Patrick grinned. Jane regretfully left her hiding spot, opening the lid of a big old trunk. Her regret would not last long, soon she would be at the fair having fun.

Napoleon, enjoying the last of his oats, watched them leave.


Hmmm, then how about we have a look over here?


Lia, Liam, and Terry were back home after a nice jog.

"We're back mum!", Terry said as he stormed into the kitchen.

"We're back, Aunt Jane!", Liam and Lia said in unison.

And as always, Aunt Jane greeted the kids with a smile. She was just as happy to see them as they were to get their hands on some of Aunt Jane's yummy chocolate cake.

"Well dears, you're all back earlier than usual...was it perhaps a certain cake?" laughed Aunt Jane, displaying a freshly baked chocolate cake. Its perfectly circular shape and cream cheese layered frosting almost made it look too attractive to eat… almost. Yum!

The kids exchanged glances while chuckling. After thoroughly washing their face and hands, each took a generous slice of cake and sat at their favorite area in the house. After they settled in their spots they began to eat and chat away while the tv played, but everyone was too focused on their slice of cake to know what was going on around them.

"Aunt Jane, have you reported the man following you around to the police yet?", asked Liam with a mouthful of cake.

"Not yet, I'm glad you reminded me. I'll drop by the station on my way back from work." jane dismissed with a smile.

"What man?" asked lia

"some guy is creeping around looking at aunt Jane" said liam

"You can take us with you,mum! just to be safe. Me and Liam can take him on!", said Terry. He showed off his biceps by planting a kiss.

"Aww my little heroes. Well, it can't be helped. Children aren't allowed at work. But maybe when you guys are older. You're thirteen now, right? Then when you're 15 you can tag along. Ah, poor Lia will have to wait a bit longer."

Terry wipes a non-existent tear and Lia swats at him playfully making Terry feign immense pain, crying out for help and clutching his shoulder in the act.

Aunt Jane's phone was ringing, she motioned the kids to be quiet. The kids put away their plates while Jane attended to her phone call.

"You need to get out of there now!" ringed the voice from the other end. The call seemed to abruptly cut off. Jane's face turned sour.

"Everybody get to car, now!", yelled Jane.

The kids just stared at each other confused. Frozen by Aunt Jane's sudden change in tone. She sounded very worried.

"Move! Now!", roared Jane.

Aunt Jane, herself, moved quickly, grabbing her keys and a gun. Just as she heads for the front door, it flies open. Aunt Jane gets into a defensive stance aiming her gun at the entrance. Three mysterious tall men walked through the doorway. One of the men wore a double vented gray suit while the other two were in classic black suits . They looked to be over 6 ft in height from how they struggled through the entrance.

"Miss me, Jane?", said Stuart. He seemed to be the leader. The other men slowly moved towards Jane and the kids.

Jane felt her blood run cold. She gave them a warning shot, shooting at the floor in front of Stuart.

"Don't take another step further!" she warned.

The men just snickered at each other.

"Get em boys.", said Stuart.

"Gotcha boss.", replied Bob and Jose.

Aunt Jane fired her gun again multiple times, but this time she shot at them. Stuart took cover behind Bob and Jose. One of the bullets hit Bob on the knee. Bob fell to the floor clutching at his knee while howling in pain. Jose moved swiftly and quickly towards Jane, grabbing the gun out of her hands. Stuart got a hold of Jane. His grip was too strong for her to free herself no matter how hard she struggled.

With Bob clutching his knee writhing in pain, Liam and Terry grabbed what they could find and with all their strength hit Jose from both sides. He barely flinched. The strength of two kids bashing objects upon him felt much like a gentle poke from a friend playfully greeting you. Jose chuckled and flung them to the side.

Liam and Terry crashed onto the kitchen cabinet and fell to the floor. The impact dropped various plates and other utensils. Glass and ceramic pieces began to shatter, making a loud crash. Clutching their sides in pain they struggled to get back up only to fall immediately. Their bodies were in immense pain, their knees continuously buckling. They struggled to stay on all fours.

Lia on the other end was frozen stiff and confused. She couldn't get herself to move. On one side, her aunt was struggling and screaming to be let free. On the other side her cousin and her brother were injured. She could hear them panting heavily as if they had just run a race for their lives. What could she do to help? She frantically looked around the room for something of use. Beside her was a poker used to attend the fire.

Jose checked Bob's condition.

" He seems to be fine, boss, just whining like usual."

Suddenly, Jose froze before giving a serious glance at Aunt Jane. He sniffed into the air and listened to the distant howling. He got down on all fours, his bones and joints producing snapping and cracking sounds as his body began to take the form of a large wolf. (Woof) (large big floof. Looks like a cinnamon bun, could kill you)

Lia was scared but mustering up the courage she grabbed the poker and lunged at the wolf. Her attempt however, was futile. It looked at her menacingly and mockingly. It caught her by her chest between its jaws and flung her to the other side of the room. Lia crashed into the bookshelf hitting her head before falling to the floor. She was now buried and trapped underneath the pile of books and the shelf itself.

The last thing she heard was the piercing howl of a wolf as she blacked out.

(i'm sorry if it's kinda bad, ok not kinda but really bad and very lacking. but do give me some feedbacks on how i could improve myself. thanks for taking you time to read my amateur writing :D)