
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

The Residence

'what? Who was it?' asked voices from the group of teens that were all now seated.

They all looked tired and had looks of confusion on their faces.

'It was golden death?'

'but how can it be?'

'he isn't an ordinary werewolf, according to reports he can teleport.'

'wait seriously, don't say such dark jokes man you're scaring me'

'everyone calm down, no it wasn't the Golden death this time.

It was worse.' said Johnathon with an unsightly horror seeped into his eyes.

'it was a platoon of them, roughly 23.

The Wolfers were all unguarded,

All 3 teams were on standby at the time.'

'wait so you mean everyone of them have been...' asked Seras with a heaviness in her voice.

'Afraid so...'

'But how did they get inside the barrier?'


The only way to find out is to go there...'

Everyone looked tensed.

'It can't be, next they might attack us' said a voice with a shaken voice.

'Oh no, 1st the Golden Death and now this'

'We are all done for'

All the voices were speaking different things but fundamentally they were all in the clutches of fear.

'If they come here then let it be! We all swore it the day we all registered as Wolfers, that we will kill every last one of those rabid dogs, or die trying. We will avenge our loved ones!!!'

They all looked at Johnathan with surprise, Johnathan wasn't one to talk in such a manner.

Sure he would breathe hope in everyone but he would never do it with words.

Sarah had an expression of awe on her face as she looked at Johnathan when he finished reigniting the will that everyone had just lost.

'I have decided, I'll be going to the Residence, let's call it Residence dead.' A young woman said with a look of seriousness in her tone.

Her hair were a mixture of pink dye and natural black.

She had changed into a regular black t-shirt and a mini jeans.

' let's form a party of 3', she added,

'Seras have you gone insane?' said the voice of a younger girl from behind.

She had an arm missing and she looked as if she had seen a monster straight out of hell.

'Melissa is right Sera she, a party of 3 will be just plain suicide we can't allow you to do that.' said Johnathan as calmly as he could.

'No, I think she might be right.

If we judge using the records, then Residence dead is far different in terms of structure than our own. Unlike ours it was also a barrack for the trainees'

Interrupted Sarah.

'holdup Sarah it was a Barrack and had instructors and yet it fell, how does that make it any safer for just 3 people.

Doesn't it mean just 3 people going in would be suicide' said Blake from the crowd.

No, it precisely means what I wanted to say, if you take an entire army their then there's a strong possibility that they will all be killed, those wolves took down an entire hideout on their own.

Not just that, the residence they wiped out also had experienced instructors.

'shouldnt we just wait for other Wolfer forces to arrive and do a joint operation.'

'why didn't they try to make any contacts when they got breached'

'shouldn't these doors be able to withstand a nuclear explosion?'

'the higher-ups haven't taken any steps either'

'what of its a sham? '

A sea of questions just emerged out of the mouths of some very peculiar teens who had fried away their brains overthinking about what was happening.

'then it's settled I will go with you 2 as well' said a man with blue eyes and hairs with a masculine build.

'ooff to the Residence dead then!!!'