
Chapter 71:Back to Kaer Morhen

August once again hit the road, when icy winds rub his back, snowflakes made their way from the sky towards the ground and trees lost their last leaves, making nature blunt and boring.

August travelled back to the east, going to the place where all of that began, to Kaer Morhen. There he hoped to see others are well and nobody being dead.

Through the forest, fields and swamps, Moon and August made their way towards their destination. Neither strong wind nor wild beast was able to stop them when they slowly approached the destination: Kaer Morhen.

Travelling through Hengfors league and Kingdom of Kaedwen August reached woods that are only a day away from the keep.

Moon was getting tired of travelling in the cold temperatures for long distances and August made a stop on the edge of the forest next to the fields.

Still having some food with him, August made a fire and set a small sleeping place for himself.

It was December 1994, during this time the majority of the animals either slept or left this area. It is hard to get anything to feed off, in the slow areas of Kaedwen, 100 years back in the time, those areas were much warmer and you could find a lot of human settlements in this area, which are long abandoned.

The reason is coldness since the area got freezing during the winter and in the summer it never got too warm for most of the agriculture. It became impossible to live there.

Laying against the tree, August closed his eyes to get some sleep. Before long, his eyes shut and he drifted to sleep.

A few hours passed as suddenly August woke up getting a firm grip on his sword that was next to him.

He heard a scream that came from the nearby area. Scream of the woman that he could remember at any time, in any given situation. This was the first monster that he ever encountered when he was still young.

Scream of Night Wraith.

Looking around, August found Moon in a distressed mood, and that only confirmed his doubts. Horses were very sensible towards magical things and could not stay calm nearby unnatural creatures.

Almost immediately, his medallion vibrated alarmingly about the close presence of the magical creature.

Coming close to Moon, August used Axii's sign to calm her down "Shhhh buddy, calm down everything is alright". He stroked her silky hair and slowly whispered.

Following the sounds, he quickly reached an open area where a small village was located. Slowly approaching, August noticed that all the houses were destroyed almost to the ground, leaving only barely standing walls and hollow roofs.

The wind created howling sounds from the between almost destroyed houses. Unleashing his silver sword that emitted a beautiful shine under the faint light of the moon. Making small and silent steps, he moved closer and closer to the village, while staying alarmed. As soon as his foot touched the grounds of the village, he felt a faint danger coming from the direction of his back.

Without thinking twice he rolled forwards barely avoiding the slash that came from behind him. Behind him stood a creature that he knew well. Pale skin, bones that slightly stick out from the skin. Teeth that are black as nobles' souls and eyes full of violence and craziness.

Dashing at the creature, August dodged her attack, sliding under her hand, while also sliding his sword across her hand, making the creature scream in a loud and savage scream.

Night Wraith disappeared, leaving only echoes of her scream in the area.

August closed his eyes and concentrated, waiting for the next attack from the creature.

Standing unmoved for a few minutes, his eyes snapped open and his hand formed a sign towards his left side, a sign on Yrden.

Looking to his left, he saw how nails of the creature were flying in the direction of his eyes, standing on the same spot, not even moving August saw how Wraith's sharp and long nails were getting closer and close to his eyes, before stopping a few centimetres away from piercing them.

Without giving the creature a chance, August assaulted the creature with his sword, making cuts all over its body. Making it drop to the ground from all the injuries, making a wide and powerful swing, August beheaded the creature, making it fall apart like it was never there in the first place.

Looking at the disintegration of the creature, August released a long breath and went back to his small camp to get some sleep.

As the sun of the next day was hiding away behind the horizon and the moon making its appearance in the night sky, August walked out of the forest, seeing the keep, destroyed and snowy, but still, it felt like home.

Walking through the open gates, August made his way right inside the stable where he found 6 more horses, which meant that all of his brothers were still alive and kicking.

A small momentary smile appeared on his face as he let Moon get a drink and eat some food before making his way inside of the keep.

Walking inside the big hall, where a lot of loud noises were coming from, he saw 7 people drinking and eating behind the table while talking.

"You won't believe it. I was in this small village and they hired me to get rid of the woman that slew some people. Shit, why do they have to be so stupid? They never saw her and said it is a woman. I thought it would be a straightforward job, but damn this was a hell of a ride. This was freaking Kikimora that, of course, spoke in this sweet maiden voice luring those stupid people.

Well anyway, it took a while, but I was able to kill it with great effort, but she was a pain in the ass. Those 8 limbs like of the spider, thousands of red eyes that look at you like on the food and this creepy sound." explained Lambert, downing another glass of beer.

With his eyebrows almost on his forehead, Eskel that was listening to him inquired, "How does this relate to your sex story you mentioned at the start"

Lambert punched a table and complained, "Maybe if you listen to all the story before interrupting me I could have told you. Anyway," he shouted, "Geralt you went to get some more wine and beer" he turned his head in August's direction, as his eyes went wide.

With a smile on his face "Oh you damn late bastard!"

Without giving August a chance to answer, he went ahead and hugged him. "How have you been August"

The smell of alcohol was powerful around Lambert, almost like he had already drunk an entire barrel of alcohol.

"Nothing much, you?" inquired August, looking around and shaking hands with others.

Lambert went back to the seat and gestured for August to join them. "Well, since August is here, let me start this from the start. So I was travelling through Temeria when I encountered this village with a lot of posters of missing people. I went ahead….


Well, this is the last chapter for the next 7 days or so. I don't have time at all to write next week and there will be no releases for the next week, So I'm sorry, But can't help that :(

Enjoy your day and support the story if you like it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TacetIraecreators' thoughts